HomeMy WebLinkAboutRains Reduce Mosquitos 102204Local Heavy Rains Help'
duce Big Mosquito C. Re Torrents of rain which have riers of encephalitis and yellow) Walter Parsons, A&M Physi-
. deluged Bryan and College Sta- fever." cal Plant director, said his de-
tion for the past several days Dodson said each family can partment has four employes'
are reducing the bumper mos- help curb the mosquito on- spraying campus areas every
quito crop, a health official de- slaught by draining their prem- day. -
clared Wednesday. ises. "It"s being effective in many
"Contrary to popular belief," "Mosquito control starts at areas," he observed. "We
said Dr. Martin McBride, Col- home," he emphasized. "People checked with people at the
lege Staion Health Committee should empty all containers of Grove Theater and in other
chairman , "heavy rains here water which provide breeding areas of the campus. They say
help rather than hinder mosquito places for mosquitos. Then they the mosquito problem is In-
control." should spray. Keeping grass cut proving."
"Rain washes mosquito lar- helps, too." The men use napsack spray
` vae and wigglers further down- "Next step is to spray with ers and cover virtually every 1
stream where they are happily an insecticide," he added. area of the campus and its
received as a picnic for fish "Then, they should urge neigh- fringes, Parsons said.
and minnows," he pointed out. bors to do the same. That old "Until now, the mosquitos
"`'"`Rain makes things worse for saying about cleaning up around have been breeding faster than 1
some gardeners, but it's great your own back door first holds we could spray," he noted
for getting rid of the basic mos- true here." "Those things have to be coin g
quito problem." bated from every angle. A fog
A plan instigated by College ging machine would help."
TWO Ran Boswell, College Station's
Station Mayor D. A. (Andy) An- city manager, also spoke of of
~derson to trap mosquitoes for city machine for the city
research was delayed briefly, Admissions to St. Joseph Hos- fogging
but is being put to use this pital include medical - Charles "We've got one in the budget
week. Traps were placed in var- for next year," he said. "Our
Marshall, Jens K. Brolin, Anton- next ' begins July 1. The
ious areas of the community by iette Martinez and Mrs. Wallace City year'
hass approved the
John Dodson of the Brazos Coun. Chamblee. purchase. We have to write up
ty Health Unit. Admissions to Bryan include: s ecifications and ask for bids,,..'
"Some people think we are medical -'Thelma Warner; sur- en go from there. A fogging"
trying to get rid of the mosquito
devices," gical -John Jeffrey, Leroy then
machine - a good one - costs
populace with these Franklin and D. R. Curtis. about $1,900 or so"
chuckled Dodson. "That's not Boswell said the unit can beds-;,
so, e although any reduction would mounted on a truck or a pickup
be appreciated t most of us." WIDTHS Another authority said the en
"Mosquitoes will be packed in
dry ice and sent to Houston for A boy was born in St. Joseph's tire fogging unit costs about $1
tests to learn if they are car- I Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Fiden- an hour to operate.
priers of encephalitis virus," he cio Ybarra. Hundreds of College Station
continued. "Culex mosquitos, A girl was born in Bryan Hos- residents, particularly parents,
similar to those buzzing around pital to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney feel the money will be well
`College Station, are known car- Greer. !spent.