HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Returns Zoning Change to Commission; newspaper article (Feb. 1968) ,~b~ ~:Ilcil J!.:,t"rns:,Zoniflg Change To CfJmmission , " By SUSAN"PAT'l'ON Eagle City EditOr ' Strol!g. opposJtion al a' public h~aring on' 'rezoning of approxi- mat~IY 1~0 am:es of land in Col- lege . St,ation resulted' in a City CounctI ,decision 'Monday night to r~tl1rn the proposed mnin'g , 'change to the 'city'oS Planning ! ~nd 'ZoIJ,ing, Commission. . The Hind in que~ti9n is own~d ,by Vlctor anc;l Albert ,Dominik , ~ti(;J' is;bounded by Highway 30, - ,a~v~xte!tsion of Munson Avenue ','ap~''C6I1ege Hill's. " ;' 'S~vehil '. developers, including ,'Cpl'tn>p'i:Fr, Realty, had asked , 'tity Council rezone the ' 1J;omiJ)istrict 1, First :"';~ ..'jHqi!~~l1Pi!ltFict, to Dis-. ~i!lr~f.~!'APar~e~ Houseo'DistI'ict. ~" ,",'gf:p.:resen, tin, g, t, h" e de, velopers.. ~~iY~~ ~!'Jl~~d to ,the group of about-50 property own. ers the plan for developing the area.. He said that the apart- mentS wouldJ>e, "garden apart- ,menl's" anllf){hah eventually the ~ developers 'planned to construct an area of li6mesnext to the zone' of apai~llIei1ts. ; ':i". . ',~~.: , ~;ti~~. -' " Copies of a petition circula~ed among area residents objeCting,' ~ to the con s t ruction of apart- ments were 'presented for the ccmmission's consideration. Fol- lowing discussion and questions from the floor directed at Cul- pepper, the Council voted unani- ~ .mously to ask the Planning and Zoning Commission to study the area again and to make recom- men d a t ions resolving differ- ences between developers and homeowners. . The commission meets on the {jrst Monday of each month an~ the 'meetings are open to the (See COUNCIL, P e / I - ~ r I I June 14 was set as/the date or a bUdget meeting to which de. partment heads Will be inVited as guest~. The meeting Will be 'held 'at 6 P.m. in the Ramada Inn. , A reportJrom C. D. Wells on "the, city'S s e W.~ g e treatment ...plant was"~c~tVed"by~the ,COUll'- ,ci!, 'Whi~- ,qtect" ~Q 'b!tilg addi. .. al 's' ,; "r eds. The '\v .,' 'ed . "a ~i' c,~ .:)' ,) .1"" ap'" meas , 'Ul(f; '"be ~ulf~C(~~t~f.~~;[~ou , ,,_. e more .ye:;a,r-r$' at the, pr.esent growth -rate, he r~POtted. , The council also considered ,name changes for. -several" '~treets lh' COllege ''Siltion and' dbci4~d to".put tqe q,qe,s,tion to tile pepple ofthe city ih~th(! form of a news release. ". ..... , \4: request by the Jaycee's for ~aJocati~'_in which to hbld a'car- nival was turned down by the ,coUncil. The group expressed ap- preCiation ~or ,the. actiVities of the Jaycees, but stilted that no suitable are,a was located P1 the city limits. Two 10"cati'orrs, one near RedmOnd Terrace and one near the Circle Drive-In, were eliminated because of distur- bances that Would occur to the I' residents of the area. j