HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnderson for Mayor; newspaper article (1960s) . . / ~ , A 'n del' son hsts fivecpOints which :need to be taken to im- , proie' city- 'parks: further imple- ' .",~ ~ " Ii of what was~b~gUn the , s,.namely . park hf.~~di.j~dditional "pment-;: +addition dtll"si.d~(i.( County' -,riVide additional W..~Jle :rom a. cifi- 1:~iW Council ; i . he,public'wants and as" the c 0 un 'c.i 1 can, fiscally, should acquire other'piwk, ar~as; and outplanting in a nurserY r seed to be used for street plantings. '~O.ontinuation of the plan 41- ,a!!~rated the pa~ two ye.ats, namelY. quart~rly meetings wb.ere, we can' sit d,own. a119.,dis- cusS matual' pro~lem.s': would help to.impr9ve the ,Qgan, Col- lege Station;ilnd "Te.xas A.&M 'University_ relationships. 'CoQtin. lJjDg, he said, "Such has b~en, sll~ces_sful. Relaltons)1ips are gciPd and gettingfb'e~ter." . Anderson feels;ino cl}anges ,\\11--11 ~e necessary in th~~~x stru<i~e In'the,next two ~~~s.;;I.'T~elsales tax,- in my QpffilQri, with our gr()wing ecpnorm.c'base, will pro- vide essential' ;'monies for all purpo,ses. " {'Most 'qf what has transpired during my, tenure as 'mayor were mY~6tJginal propesals: in-' aUgUrati~n of an annual report to the ciozens on.' the steward- ship, of tlie.'Co,JiilcU; improved water situa,tiQJl; 'achieved ' im- , provements ~ the 'pcilice.,depart- ' ment; dev.~loPl!leJlt. oJ ,.~:sub.'post office to better serve<l,the neMs of our community. , ' '. "1, have been here since 1939. I liave roots intfie COInmuni1y. ' We've raised' tWo children"who were educated at A&M Consoli- dated," Anderson rema.rked;, . Continuing, he said, ~:My leM- .et~ljli9 is illustrated ili'~Civic, fEa- It~jfjlai, ana chljrcn, .~ctiviUes:. . ,~ rid vice 'president of &hriJ)e; Of dea~on ,in' the C1wrQh",two ye~:?as'chai,rnif)n ~(J~e' ''F;EA Cpp:tmlttee ~9n Co>>~elW~tion Ed- uclillop/;['ve"~n.JJMl,;,t~oiPi.~n1; of m~nxsta.. te 'a.war/ts,.. 'li.S one're- ceiv~d;pot 'frairie vr~w for my cq, ,. Jioris to, Negr~'youth" of' I th te, and from, ;ihe'1'exas :. ,\Clues a,'..NeSidMtial~ ; J~prely;':the~~;~~tt~~t';IQ. i i .' < ':..~~.~> ;c..~~.<-~:-. ~ /