HomeMy WebLinkAboutYear-End Roundup 102204 .- ~ Yearend Roundup I: By PAT LESTER Eagle Staff' Writer January Elections were big news all year, even last -January. The new year was only 'four days old when the College Station , City Council set the date for a bond elec- tion for $840,000 in city Improvements. , The date set, Feb. 3, was the same as the oqe per cent sales tax election. StageCenter, Inc" found a new home in January when the Bryan City Com- mission approved the group's request for one year's use of the Recreation Building owned by the city. The first election of the year was held Jan. 13 in College Station, where voters approved seven Home Rule Charter amendments including one ,which changed the method of selecting council- men from the ward system to the place system, On Jan. 16, a new method of organiz- ing the Bryan Independent School System was adopted unanimously by the School Boro::d of Trustees, making Bryan the first system in Texas and one of about 20 in the nation to adopt the method of di- vision, Ca,lled the ~-2-2-2 system, the plan will be implemented when the need for an ex- panded' school system arises, The plan calls for elementary schools to contain gralfe~l one'through six, and junior highs or~~qIe schools to, cO,ntain grades seven, ! and 'eight, ' The last two tw01s .in, the system would comprise the' ;hj.ghnschool, which would ' be compQ~ o,~!tw,,:p c"a, mpuses,under the I same nafire~'aifdi,\aaJ!1jjiistration, one be- ing a 940;~~n~t~~d: olJe,'.~in~ an 11-12 school ,or gi'ilduit;U1g w.U:t. ' ,;.:"';- \ \. / II ~~~ ,...- r". ,';."f '{", ,lIege Station vot- f 'efs eO largest bond, issue in the':c,ity's,history and a one per cent city sales tax. The $840,000 bond issue t;, was marked to bui!d a city hall, po1i<;~ .and fire statio ". ,of-way . - : et C;- ,:f;i'a . > 1 ~ 1. .); L t. . .,; r r l\larch I I 1'- \\ ' ~ ) ~~ ~ .J k oi--l.i.. ........-- \ \, , April l News in April was dominated by area school districts. On April 18, a proposal r for a $6,996,000 building program, to include a new high school, two new k elementary schools and additions to exist- t \ ing schools, was approved by the Board ! \. of Trustees of the Bryan Public Schools. W, D. Bunting, county superintendent of schools, 'announced April 18 that 400 voters had signed a petition requesting annexation of the Brazos County Indepen- dent School District by the Bryan Public I,' School District. I The, Bryan City Commission accepted in a report April 23 by the Board of Trustees of the Bryan Public Schools calling for an election on a $6,996,000 bond issue and on April 28, the ,City Commission called the election for May 28. ~ ~ , May '~ ,t' I f' May was ushered in by a wave of con. troversy when Jerome (Jack) Zubik reo signed from the aryan City~ Commission Mav 2 as a result of what he called the hurrted manner in which the commission called the school bond election," (See-YEAREND ROUNDUP, Page 14) ~ ---....-r ...,....,,~--- ._'---.......~~~,-.."... .; ). Pa,e -14 fryan. Coli~e ,Shitlon, Texas, Weclnesday, Jan. " 1969 ff.tt f~ , _~';:1 < y eareBdc,:-~ijundup' (CQiltftt~:~ (Continue~ from Page 1) 1969 Gfeater.Bryan United Fund probl~U1s of disclpline- ,Whicb .~ ~. . ' In the May' 4: :n.emocratic Driv.e,' , ' were'(..created by integrat,ion, ec - prim.ary, the follow.ing' <':can- BryanyOWrs ,elected the first The comtnjttee, appointedJ'Sept. Ii didates were ~lected.lo" ~l!ynty< Negro, City"Commissioner ~uly 16, ,iUj:fUae., Clyde M.,.(~$~!le,~n,:p.;,. offices: W. T. (Tom) McDOnald 9,~1Ifm.on, (Son) Be,1!-,re~e],:ed Tolly~,'Thompson, Jaipes:W::J.o~~p Jr., Brazos COURty. Attorney; 673 votes In the 'election, \VhlCh Bassett,.Mrs. JoM E, P~atson, au.tl!~ Clyde J, Porterfield,.- Caunty filled' the. unexpired term .of Buddy."":~nton, Mrs, D....W, ,iriijli9 . Commissioner, Pre C i;n~c t 3; Jerome (Jack) Zubik, 'to' defeat FIe m i,pg, Delores WilbUfIl,Developme, ~j Alton P.<l3oy~tt, Jr" Justice of seven other 'candidates. ,Steve Watkins a~d Dr. Alan: (~pM' ';!to ";~~~'~"", ,"" ..,',9JI the Peace, Pre,~l!1ct. ,'1;) Place 1; On July ~6, County Ju4ge W. Pprter, , .'" Health.,rl!idU.(.t'ttipj1~nEll(.wen~ ' and E, W. Sayers; Constable, R. (Bill) Vance was elected The Bpard of Ti'jJst~e$.of 'the (HEW):H'~~:.' """""',"'.~,.,. -"'.' Precinct 7. president'of.the,newly Qrgan~d Bryan Public:':S.eboolS :~ap- C.,..\H;.,,~R The following c~ndi9ates B.r a Z 0 s County COmplunity'propriated $160 Sept."J7 fofrari Joseph"' j.~"Me running unopposed were ,;, re- Council., Tbe purpose .,of. ,'the historical marker'on t~ isit~ i)hlectia.nfpr.,th elected: W, C, Davjs.,. <li~trict council ds,to, "assist, existing the first school in 'Bryan, of' ,the. latei." judge, ,85th Judicial DiS!rict 'orgahizations' and agencies 'Fan~Schoo!~ 'c,.:; (Nikkie) ,.JI? ," (Unexplfed Term); D, Brooks w~ich are .,concerned for tbe "On' SeJit: 20, grotp1dbrealij~g GpUege":Station', QI V,:,;eQ Cofer Jr., district attorney, '85th quality of"hqnian life in the cerem,onies' for 'St:'- JOseph 'According,f.Q' th~'~J}~~?"7;'re: Judicial District; William R, fu1f~ent oHb~ir goals." H6spi~1' "were he~d .6.at;,~the Ransdell "]Q,ll~d '.~:r'''VoJ (Bill) Vance, county jUdge Also in July, tbe' City of hospitars'new sitey",-E. 29th' St. McGtaw's'~39, ' ".' '~-. (Une~ired , ,Term);, J, :W. Bryan propose~ a $6,173;968 and Vill~'~l1!'ia Roa<1,. . R.i d?! e i B,i.:-i~ . H 'a m II t () n, County 'sheriff; budget for' tbe fIscal y~ar 1968- The,,; College 'Station CIty unanimously, ,elEiCte, 1-'i'J Raymond'B, Buchanan', county 1969, 'This represents a '1'4 per Council .approved the franchise of'tbe'BoaJJd of " ~ tax assessor-collectol,'; Glynn A. cent increase, or a $.769.224 for ,the, Community Cablevision- t,b-e . BFY.an"C6 (B u d-d y)' Williams,' Coimty increase, over the 1967-1968 Corp., ;a 'community television C1iamber.of;C~k chairman; B. H. Dewey Jr" budget. ,antenna ~ystem" .,~t.h the Courity ,lJlid' justice of the peace, Precinct ,The Bry~n City Commission stipulation 'that 'the 'corporat~on Vance.,was'!el 4, Place 1; Raymond H, Day, approved the 'annexation of the submit a certified financial the"Greiifer~ constable, Precinct 1; Tommy Brazos 'Comity Independent statement for the council's Dee, i8: . Hensarling, . constable, Precinct School District by the Bryan consider~tion, " - I 2: Joe Holler, constable, Public School District July 23. The - Brazos County Cllm-I Prec,inct 5; A, 'R. LeighlPan, And Robert Schleider Jr. was missioners adopted its 1969 constable, Precinct 6; ,.and Sam elected president of the College budget .Sept, 30, calling for a N, Fachom, constable, Precinct Station United Chest. total outlay of $993,654. Included 8. . - ,In financial news, Eord.. D. in the budge,t were sullstantial 'I Tbe followi!:lg offices "were- Albritton Jr., president of raises for' Several t:~unty of- decided in"a ~-off,electipn- in Albritton Engineering Corp., ficials\ es~entiany ;cotp1ty judge, I June..:,',. 'State Representative; 'and, Lee Posey, president of I county' commissioners, ' county I District' 18, Bill Presita.l- and J, Redman Industries, " Jointly clerk, ~co,unty, attorn~y and I T (Jim) Closs;,,;'C;,qusta,J)le, announced a merger between s h e,r.i'f r.:.. and $122,551, Jor ' Precinct 4; Jes,se;L, StanfJel!;l the ,two companies, Acc:ording retirement ::of road ,bonds. The and ,P~ R., (,pic,lt-) ,14unda):; to tbe agr,eement, ~dmaJl.~udg~t represented a, $79,054, q>nstable," pr~Ci~1!t::"-3,>~~t.t acquired Albritton~ in excbange mcrea~ over;the 1~68 budget. I Schram and 'AIDert. Newcombi' for, Redman common,stock .OCTOBER ,. and Coqp'ty',' "CQmm~~~~Ori~.r, v.alued'in excess of $12 J!lillicn., Franchise for a se~~nd! Pi'ecU).ct ,l,{;~Y.n,l~Ii~>1orNdlan iOn ~uly 3f. John M, ,Lawrence comm,~ty "antenna ~1~yISI?? I and',Jpn f)1Bmem,."...:.c.v': .',' ","." HI,'Clty att~mey .f~r H,'years, system aorm,na~d Qcoo~~. ,A:t J On May l4' .th r" aQ"Clty; announced"his reslgnafi. the 'Bryan ,CIty COml1lls!ll(}n J CoD(;m~f'.s"; ',',8 "O'an AlJGUST ,meeting; 'Don A, Adam officially election to " '~e.un .., Pierce Paschal (Pat) Stacy w i t'h d r "e w the' Co!rifflfinity ( term of Jerome' fJae}(:) :'; , ,'HI was -named City,'Attomey Cablevisi()I),'.j Co~rati.on ap- i who ,:r~sign~,~ in '""Al!~" ;Tbe' by Mayor J.D,. (Jack) ~o,!leeplicapon' for 'a'franc~ise and th.e 1 election ,4l!te'Wa~'s~\ ,(or',,,rttly and the ~ryan' CIty, GQIU-mlssIon. College S~ation GIty "Councll;li 9, _~, .' , :, A five-year building program follow~d,sWte and t~bl~~' pre t DaD" R,:lQav~ ~to\was appro~ed in August by tbe application after heated ~and ! fill.,a 1vllcaheyt '. Bra z'o s Electricr Power le.n g'tht'y debates l)etwee1!' Station Cit ~^ pei1ltive, ,inclu,ding' Ii new n:P\(!,~~~t.!~iyes lot ~IdW~st' de ,o.oo'''kilowatt:generaior unit. VlCi~a'Corp.. and CommUnIW 3 '. , .:'.' sident;J..yndon:B.;, Johnson CableJdsi,bn'CorP, ....~ -' '.' . ':siglte(Lthe ajIijtorization- for tbe The-.,Board 'of, Tr!l.s,teJIS::of, tbe :,g;',MiiIiclillIDam projec't.'whicb is Brya}l.ifub!~~_S~h~l~ .a.~p.rov~ tlf:X part Of a $1.7 billion water a requ~t-'OCt J5'>y 'the",:&!).'l!n. , '!ty' project ~utborization bill Day'e~e-'eel!!-er "f9~: ;tlt~: USE: R6n,di provid!t!g. for the,. c~)Ost~ct~on of Faify:iew:Se)tQ9l' ,~~'a day ~'" ,,~()te {If. Qf 7(1 flood control, ',navIg/:ltion care cen,ter. " "- . !;I!4!te: ~.P1a}n- l(ndo ~ beach erosion projects '. \: '-NOyEIQIER, '" d 'qy' 'a ta'cross tbe, nation. '\ ~ ' Tl!~ i~I~Jier~,,pf :,St., ~r~pl.s ,~~ .', '. ."., On Aug, 19, the J3Jlard of St. '~o~l?.b'J JiQS~Ital. r't~,eIv~<l<0'~" l ,T:J!Q~t-ees' of the J):~M Con!. $1 '.l~on.,,~'~Jn ',' ,~,e ,sollalitedf Indep$~~JJt'.' Sc~ool E~O!l:q~I~~, .' ", ,m~J1t:>. 4<101 rict ~~{lQl>ted'a $1,t57,462 ~~ti'.!lt~on"~~~~.r~l: ~tPi,,/;~~!p for4<!l68-1969, The budget cottstru,' ct. . a.',;,g, ~,!le,It;J!,~1I.0!1P.lt.aJ" Il~ a,,'$76,21l increase a<;c.l!r<J!Jl~ ; oo,,Jf. . ~ ~'ll:P~ , Sl' ov :':19J17-J.968 budget. n09Dce1Jlel1t;~~'~ r"~~ph , . _, "<,Another high pOint of tlJe Y~l'!h'Qrou.'g~~';~Jf sSlm1;l{i I ri12ntb~o~curr~d',~ug,'i26 when Ollni,~'T,if ' . '''.1Bra.zos,.,... ,County Com. On' , , s.!JJJ!.~' '€om establisbed :x , :ting' ',pF(!cincts and , ' six' j;usti,ces of'th ' e .....arid ,si~ ;\..(Q!i~~a~les'~' or!l\ wit~, the~Tex.:as ~~' e' anil' , e coun '~entr', . 'polle , va s Ie ,"""li,;>;l ~.", "~'" ~t~~~!Vote~~::,;,' :.p.;,t4~:,' ,,' ", t, ',; ilre~inC~~ ~: ".' :!.J!;mmelt 'S~Jira~l:was.,e) , ..e1iininated' , . ~le;"" ,.. ...~ , I I " , . are' allows: . , , 'cer~1!l9m~," 1. MUlican, 2, Wellborn, 3, Tbe cdntroversial'zb~mgi;i$f~ fO,:r the new Bryan .. PublIc Fllir-view School '4, Steele Store dOnUpated the, last'IJ19hUt "i)~: J.Ibrary ~re also fl,eJd J.~ne .1 \~. '. 'Fellowsnfp~"nalJ '(TabOr) ,.'~;l!J68,,,Qn 'Dec.l;-:ffie..,t\~~i;,C!~~, In the CIty p~k across from, 'Edge, 7, 1ile~ll.I, ' . ""S'Q~ ,Cpmm,ssiQn: ,~t::rto :on . I I the City H~" ',' ~ntll1'. Sell; '':G'Qn; 'to 'postpone ~>r~ote,()I!-''' ~~ 19687.19~~ cjty" bu~get .solidated ; \, 00 ~ 10. the issue at, )of th~. I to~ng '$1,180,975 was ap- -ColIegei:!1 . ' ~hQ.ot. 11. pI,an!iliIg ..i.eOm~i pr,ov.ed J~~e 24 b~, the College Croekett>ScIio61; 12, ,SW"Ross nlISSIon.. 'F ~ally StatIon City Council, The record School, IS, HendersQn: SchoQl,- ;oo,'be held':, ' , budg~t exceeded the ex- 14, ,Ben i:.Milam Schopl, ',lSr'~,Later dev(! 0 ments, ~r.e.vealed penditures under the 1967-1968 Fannin School, 16. BOwie, }~I 'at"the,,:s' ~(F_",'iequest by ''JUd2et b~ $110,455.58 an~ a~ . TeiVis School, 18, Central F~' tlie Plann q/and Zoning - -. . . ... ,- - -. ~--- ......... ,,!, c06Y! ]t:;-, ~~, I Yo' QM;~l-2( SuitRos~ nus l! ' btidget';"lek~e& "School, 1, ,Itehdeisonr Scbb~l, to, bi.held penditUf!!s 'unaer the,' 14. ~en t.Milam Sch90~, 1~;, Later' dev~ ~n.~-i~,Ye;ued budget. by' '110,455,58 an ~ ,Fann.m School, 16, BOWIe, ~7., "that the, $9.J~.! ,;~','r.e.9Y~~ by included a five per cent rai Tra~s ~chool, 18. ~entral FlI'e the Planning' "land," "2oning for all city emp'loyes.",~tatI,on, 19. AmerIcan Legion CommissiQn" !lad, ~~i'SUb- B17.an induStriali&t Ford D, \~Iall, mitt~d to the City fath~rs , Albntton Jt, was, appOinted a . SEP~MBER" ,without a full q\lorum vote' on member of the Texas 'A&M 'The Board 'of TrusteeS' ~f the the req\Jest"at'a'public meeting, u~versity System 'BQ~rd of A&M Con~oli~ated'Independent 'l'hgs;: the City Comniission Drrectos by Gov. ,Jolin Con- Sthool DIstrIct app{!intea a agreed to,re,schedule the' straw' 'nally, according to a ~une 28 _ ." ,m i 1't e e ", ~ the vote'fOF Jan.:2~; , . ,\ announcement. ' . JULY The on~per '~t c;ity:;s _ "- tax;:beca ' eLeffe " ,t. "