HomeMy WebLinkAboutTexas Literacy Council 102204 Literacy (Continued from Page 1) on Adult Basic Education spon- TLC To Holdsored by TEA, Richard Gartner, director of the S p e c i a l Adult 10th Annual Programs, Texas Education Agency, Austin; 10:10 a.m., { question and a n s w e r le period; Conference m a.m., the Literacy Prob- lem in D r i v e r Education, In- spectors N. W. Jackson and W., E. Hale, Texas Department of By JOYCE PALUMBO Public Safety, Austin. Eagle Staff Writer The afternoon schedule in- The Texas Literacy Council cludes the following: 1:30 p.m. will hold its loth Armual Confer- local council reports, Mrs. Mar- ence Friday through Saturday garita Huantes presiding, San at the Ramada Inn. Antonio Literacy Council; 2:10 T h e Brazos Valley Literacy p.m., Programmed Instruction Council is host council for the Used in the ABE Program, Ce- conference this year. Dr. I. P. sar Arroyo, Lackland School of Trotter of Bryan is president of Languages, Lackland AFB, San the local council. Antonio; 2:40 p.m., question and The Council is a non-profit, answer period; 3:10 p.m. Lau- non-sectarian, c o m pletely vol- bath Literacy in the Southwest, unteer organization devoted to Murray W. Meador, regional di- helping local literacy councils rector, West Central U. S., Lau- more effectively achieve their b a c h Literacy Inc., Houston; g o a I of finding and teaching 3:20 p.m., Special Interest Activ- adult illiterates and semi-illiter- ities, demonstration of Creative ates to read, write, and speak Application Technology to Edu- English, so that they may take c a t i o n Center (CATE), Texas their rightful places as adult cit- A&M, Department of Education izens of Texas. and Psychology, construction of T h i s year's program brings Visual A i d s material, Stephen together people who are wholly D. Pearce, elementary coordi- involved in adult literacy and nator, Bryan Public Schools; 7 are experienced in many facets p,m., annual banquet, Dr. Trot- of the work. ter presiding; invocation, t h e Currently there are eight vol- Rev. Obbie Taylor of the Jeru- unteer teachers and A students salem Missionary C h u r c h of in the Bryan-College Station ar- Cambrom; Doc Sprague, Bryan ea. The students will be taught recording artist, presentation of in their homes or business plat- folk and western songs; address, es. Steele Store has listed six "Laubach Literacy in the South- students. The program is one of west," Meador, regional direc- . a c t i c a l teaching, such as tor. teaching an individual read Sunday's schedule includes a food labels. breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Dr. Hill The program schedule is — will conduct a business meeting follows: F r i d a y, 7:30 d — at 8:30 a.m.A meeting of new of- coming ngp. s registration and welt ficers will be held at 10 a.m. coming social hour in Banquet The nominating committee, Lobby; Saturday, 8 a.m. — 12 r Mrs. C. M. Lloyd,chairman, will noon, registration in Banquet submit the following names for Lobby, Dr. Kate Adele Hill, state offices of TLC: Mrs. San- T e x a s Literacy Council Inc., tos Huantes, president, San An- president, presiding; 8:45 a.m., tonio; C. W. Crawford, treasur- C o 11 e g e Station Mayor D. A. er, Bryan; Mrs. F. C. Canter, (Andy) Anderson to welcome Long- guests; 9 a.m., NAPSAE Adult editor, TLC Newsletter, Long- B a s i c Education Publications view. Clearing House, Dr. Richard W. ted Trotter invites any inter- ' Cartright, director of Adult Edu- sions person to attend the div- cation Clearing House of the Na- idons. He also encourages in help t i o n a I Association for Public teach to volunteer to help' School Adult Education, Wash- teach the students. ington, D. C.; 9:30 a.m. — 9:40 People stress the importance rr a.m., question and answer peri- of training individuals for jobs, od; 9:40 a.m., progress report but the Council notes that su (See LITERACY,Page 12) persons cannot be trained if th c a n n o t read and write. The C o u n c i l attempts to keep the adult education p r o g r a m (. years and older) from being public stigma.