HomeMy WebLinkAbout191219 -- Appointment of Campaign Treasurer - David FujimotoAPPOINTMENT OF A CAMPAIGN TREASURER FORM CTA BY A CANDIDATE PG 1 See CTA Ins truction Guide for detailed instructions. 1 Total pages filed : 1.. 2 CAND I DATE MS/MRS ~ FIRST Ml OFFICE US E ONLY NAME Da.~1~ w. ff\r. Fil er ID # ... NICKNAME LAST SUFF IX 11 Dater eceived " Fu:~ i (ti D ~ -:-~E· "ED f'u.~·, 3 CANDIDATE ADDRESS I PO BOX ; APT I SU ITE #; CIT Y: STATE ; ZIP CODE IJCC 1 9 .. . . MA I LING l'3Dt C~\-h.t_,.-e VT: .J: •;pf.?.~ .. 4?.. ADDRESS La.ne... ( o 11 ej e Stet ti()"' TX --. J Date Hand-delivered or Pos tmarked 71~14'5" 4 CAND IDATE AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION Receipt# I Amount$ PHONE ( 703 ) 4-34-~o91 Date Processed 5 OFF I CE Date Im aged HELD (if a n y) 6 OFFICE c 0 lll'5e_ St-a.-\-il) n c ;-\"( Lol-lr' c i \ P\a!'.e_ -& Lt SOUGHT (if known) 7 CAMPAIGN MS/MRS/MR FIRST Ml NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX TREASURER NAME Mr. c_ "°''"' i s-1-~\ie(" D. Lr or. 8 CAMPA I GN STREET ADDRESS (NO PO BOX PLEASE); APT I SU ITE #; CITY; STATE ; ZIP CODE TREAS U RER 27oi ? i ne ~u. rs-\-c r: STREET ADDRESS 8'(10..'0 ) \X ) 11 <&00> (residence o r business) 9 C AMPA IGN AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EX TENS ION TREASURER PHONE ( i7i ) ~20 -3bl0 10 CANDI DATE SIGNATURE I am aware of the Nepotism Law, Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code . I am aware of m y responsibi l ity to fi le time ly reports as requ i red b y t it le 15 of the Election Code. I am aware of the restrictions in title 15 of the E lection Code on contributions from ~j and labor organizati ons . ~) ~ /z /;'3 h1 .. ~~ ~ - • I\ ......-""-' S ignature of Ca ~idate D a te Signed GO TO PAGE 2 Forms provided by Texas Ethics Co mmi ssio n www.ethics.state .tx.u s Rev ised 12/7/2017