HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-2747 - Ordinance - 09/09/2004ORDINANCE NO. 2747 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE 2004-05 FISCAL YEAR AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES AS THEREIN PROVIDED. WHEREAS, a proposed budget for the fiscal year October 1, 2004, to September 30, 2005, was prepared and presented to the Ctty Council and a pubhc hearing held thereon as prescribed by law and the Charter of the C~ty of College Stauon, Texas, nonce of said heanng hax mg f'trst been duh gl~ eh; and WHEREAS, the Crt3' Courted has reviewed and amended the proposed budget and changes as approved by the Cra' Conned have been ldenufied and thetr effect included tn the budget, now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That the proposed budget as amended by the Cm Councff of the Ch3,, of College Stanon, w}uch is rm'~de a part hereof to the same extent as if set forth at length hereto, Is hereby adopted and apptmed, a cop~ of w}uch is on fde m the Office of the Ca) Secretan.' m College Stauon, Texas PART 2: That authonzaUon is hereby gt-anted for the expenchture of the same under the respecuve items contatned ax said budget with the approved fiscal procedures of the Clt3 PART 3: That the Cra- Manager and hts authorized and designated employees, at }us chscrenon, be, and are hereb) authorized to sign or release uUhty easements; to negouate and stgn documents related to the settlement of chsputed assessments for pavtng, weed mowtng, demohnon, and other ,t,sputes based on legal quesnons of whether the assessments are enforceable or other extenuating ctrcumstances, to mgn contracts and documents authorizing the payment of funds and to expend pubhc funds for expenchtures that are $50,000 or less, to sign change orders authortztng the expenchture of funds pursuant to SECTION 252 048 of the TEXAS LOC ~L GOVERNMENT Ct }DE or as provided tn the ongtnal contract document The intent of flus secuon is to prox ide the abthtv to conduct daffy affaus of the C,tx w}uch tnvolve manerous dectsions of a routine nature PART 4: That the City Manager and }us authorized and designated employees, at }us thscrenon, be, and are hereb), authorized to provtde for transfers of an) unexpended or unencumbered appropnanon balance wlflun each of the various departments tn flae General Fund and wtthm any other fund of the City and to authorize transfers of Contingent Appropnauons within a fund up to an amount equal to expenditures that are $15,000 or less. PART 5: That the Clt3 Council hereb) app,o~es the funding for the outside agencies and orgamzanons tn flus budget and authorizes the C,t3, Manager and }us authorized and designated emplox ees, at }us chscrenon, to stgn contracts and documents authortzmg the pavmeut of funds, and to expend pubhc expen&tures that ha~e been expressly approved and appropmted tn flus budget, as set out tn Appendix G of the 2004-05 Fiscal Year Budget Ordinance No 2747 Page 2 PART 6: That the C~n Council hereb5 approves the funding and the purchases that are made pursuant to mteflocal agreements as provMed by CHAPTER 271, SUBCHAPTER25 CD) '~ND (F) of the TE.xL% LOC-XL GOVERNMENT Ct)DE, m tills budget and authorizes the Clt3' Manager and authorized and designated employees, at lus chscreUon, to sign contracts and documents authorizing the payment of funds, and to expend pubhc funds that have been expressly designated, approved, and appropriated in tfus budget, as set out m the 2004-05 Fiscal Year Equipment Replacement Fund, and Attachment "A" to flus Ordinance PART 7: That flus ot&nance shall become effecnve mamechately after passage and appro~ al PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 9th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2004. APPROVED: RON ) or ATTEST: CONNIE HOOKS, Ct~ Secretary APPROVED: - ' } ,E-Slgfl~d by Hiaw~y Cargill / -~ C~tv Attorney Ordinance No. 2747 Page 3 ATTACHMENT "A" Potential FY05 Technology Purchases through CISV, HGAC or Texas Department of Infom~ation Resources Purchases ITEM Quanbty Estimate d Unit Cost ProJected Total Scheduled Replacement/Repair Replacement PCs Replacement Momtors Replacement Pnnters Replacement Laptops Pnnter replacement Parts PC Replacement Parts Network Support Sew~ces (hours) Replace 3 servers Replace 2 servers Server replacement parts MDT Replacement for F~re & Pohce (includes GPS umts & Mounts) MDT Replacement for Pohce Motomycles F~ber Optic Connecbwty Pohce Department Renovabon (network & phones) Dowhng Road Pump Stabon Improvements Convenbonal 2 4GHz Wireless network Mobde 5 8GHz Wireless Network Infrastructure ATM Network Switching Equipment Replacement F~re Stabon 5 F~berrrelephone/Network/Rad~o/^lert~ng F~re Tone out System Upgrade Motorola Radio RepmrlReplacement Telephone Repmr/Replacement 83 1.200 00 57 154 00 15 2.200 00 15 2.100 00 100 110 00 3 15,500 0 0 2 6.000 00 37 7.000 00 6 4.800 00 99,600 00 8.778 00 33.000 00 31,500 00 20,000 00 20.000 00 11.000 00 46.500 00 12.000 00 20.000 00 259.000 00 28.800 00 107.000 00 50.000 00 25.000 00 27,900 00 57.5OO 00 500,000 00 60.000 00 50.000 00 50.000 00 20.000 00 Subtotal - Scheduled Replacement 1,$37,578.00 Service Level Adjustments SLA - desktop computer setups ~ncludes desktop pc, extended warranty, network card, added memory, momfor, standard software 17 1,707 00 29.019 00 SLA - desktop special software AutoCAD 3 4.400 00 13,200 00 USMAP 2 6.500 00 13.000 00 JEMS (court software) 1 2.500 00 2.500 00 SLA - Toughbook Laptops 15 5.965 00 89.475 00 Ordinance No 2747 Page 4 SLA - pnnters SLA - Development Services Webs~te Software SLA - Novell Network backup Hardware SLA - Radios (Car and Handheld umts) SLA - Phones/Network connecbon 1 500 00 1 15.710 0 0 1 53.100 0 0 500 00 15.710 00 53.100 00 20.40O 00 36.700 00 Subtotal - Service Level Adjustments Unscheduled Replacements/Additions Estimated Additional PC setups not identified specifically in budget mcludesbut not limited to Momor, network card, extended warranty, added memory Esbmated Standard Desktop Software not ~dentlfied specifically m budget Includes but not limited to Microsoft Office 2003, Norton Antivirus, Microsoft Windows client access license Eshmated Additional Desktop Software Includes but not hm~ted to New & Upgrade versions of Adobe Acrobat. PageMaker. Photoshop Illustrator. Prem;er. Audubon M~crosoff Pubhsher. Windows XP Frontpage, Project. V~s~o, Vstud~o net AutoCAD. ESRI ArcGIS. Crystal Corel Draw. Cognos Estimated Add~bonal Pnnters/Plotters Esbmated Memory upgrades ~ncludes desktop pcs. pnnters laptops Esbmated PC m~sc parts ~ncludes CD Burners, harddnves modems, network cards. DVD Burner m~ca. network cables Esbmated Momtor upgrades ~ncludes Flat Panel and larger than 17" momtor Esbmated Add~bonal Scanners Estimated Add~bonal Laptops/Toughbooks Estimated Storage Area Network Addition 50 2.100 00 273,604.00 105,000 00 50 350 00 17.500 00 100 100 00 3O 400 00 22 4.000 00 165.000 00 40.000 00 10.000 00 15,000 00 30.000 00 12.000 00 88.000 00 50.000 00 Sub-Totsl Unacheduled Replacemen'dAdditione 532,500.00 Ordinance No 2747 Page 5 Network Software on Master License Agreement (MIA) Border Manager 500 5 21 2,605 O0 Groupw~ 875 17 19 15.041 25 se ManageWlselZEN works 550 17 19 9.454 50 Netware 5 and above 890 20 83 18.538 70 Subtotal - Network Software on MIA 46,639.46 Network Software Maintenance Parad~g 2,300 00 m PCSS 20,655 00 Compu~r Associates 1,987 20 Subtotal - Network Software and Hardware Maintenance 24,942.20 5.200 00 14.060 00 3,000 00 1.000 00 1.600 00 895 00 PC Hardware and Software Maintenance Symantec Norton Anbwrus HP Pnnter Mmntenance Cartegra ph Hart Interc~wc Data Collecbons Amgraf Subt,~a,l - PC Software Maintenance 25,755.00 IBM Hardware and Software Maintenance Hardware Maintenance 23.397 35 AS400 Software Support 1 3.375 00 3.375 00 OS400 S-b=~qpt~on 1 8.750 00 8.750 00 Subtotal - IBM Hardware and Software 35,622.35 Maintenance GIS Software Maintenance Arclnfo 8 1 or 8 2 Concurrent Use L~cense Annual Mmntenance (Pnmary 1) Amlnfo 8 1 or 8 2 Concurrent Use L~cense Annual Mmntenance (Secondary 7) Primary Mmntenance for ArcV~ew 8 x Concurrent Use L~cense (2) Secondary Maintenance for AmVlew 8 x Concurrent Use L~cense (13) Primary Maintenance for ArcV~ew 8 x Single Use L~cense (3) Secondary Mmntenance for AmV~ew 8 x S~ngle Use License (27) Primary Mmntenance for ArcGIS Spatial Analyst Concurrent Use L~cense (1) Secondary Mmntenance for ArcGIS Spatial Analyst Concurrent Use Hcense (3) Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS 3D Analyst Concurrent Use License (1) Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS 3D Analyst Concurrent Use L~cense (3) Primary Mmntenance for ArcGIS Tracking Analyst Concurrent Use L~cense (1) ArclMS Standard Ed~bon Server/CPU Annual Maintenance Fee Maintenance for ArcSDE 8 or SDE 3 Server L~cense w~th 2 CPUs 3,519 00 9.853 20 1.642 2O 7,624 50 1.407 6O 6.334 20 586 50 703 80 586 50 703 80 586 50 2.932 50 3.519 00 Su~o~! - GIS Software Maintenance 39,999.30 Ordinance No 2747 Page 6 H T E Sottwara Maintenance Apphcant Tracking Document Management Service Asset Management Fleet Management GMBA Accounts Receivable Pumhamngllnventory PayrolllPersonell Customer Info Services Cash Receipts Land Management Contact Management Contract Billing Continuing Property PlanmnglZomng Building Permits Code Enforcement GUI (HGE chent 50 hcenses) Cognos Impromptu (Qrep) 15 Qrap Adm~n (1) Looking Glass V~ewer - 11 I~censes HR/AT Escrow software mmntenance Human Resources Apphcabon Tracking - new web HTEMOD retrofit Chck2Gov (Cora Module) Chck2Gov (BP Wireless) Qrep Web Intranet 1 2385 2.385 00 3 983 2.949 00 I 3659 3.659 00 1 7153 7,153 00 1 16324 3 16.324 35 5 1 2402 2.402 00 1 9609 9.609 00 1 7207 7,207 00 1 18375 18.375 00 1 5168 5.168 00 1 3234 3,23400 1 5615 5.615 00 1 2553 2.553 00 1 19113 19,113 00 1 9702 9.702 00 1 5615 5.615 00 1 3234 3,234O0 50 0 0 00 15 286 4.290 00 1 286 28600 11 268 48 2,953 29 1 750 750 00 1 2.860 2,860 00 1 1081 1.081 00 14 100 1.400 00 1 676 676 00 I 978 978 00 1 936 936 00 Subtotal - H T E Software Maintenance 140,507.64 Public SafebJ Software Maintenance SCA Motorola I 25.256 0 25.256 00 0 Telestaff 1 3,705 00 3.705 00 Webstaff 1 2.400 00 2.400 00 Subtotal - Public Safety Software Maintenance 31,361.00 Grand 2,687,408.94 Total