HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-2709 - Ordinance - 03/25/2004ORDINANCE NO. 2709 AN ORDINANCE (BUDGET AMENDMENT t) AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 2658 WHICH WILL AMEND THE BUDGET FOR THE 2003-2004 FISCAL YEAR AND AUTHORIZING AMENDED EXPENDITURES AS THEREIN PROVIDED. WHEREAS, the City Coun~l of the Cn'y of Collage Station, Texas, approved tta Budget Ordinance for the 2003-2004 F~scal Year on August 28, 2003; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the C~ty of Collage Stabon. Texas, desires to amend the approved Budget Ordinance, and WHEREAS, th~s amendment was prepared and presented to the C~ty Councal and a pubhc heanng held thereon as prescribed by law and the Charter of The C~ty of College Stabon, Texas, after notice of smd heanng hawng been first duly given, now, themfure, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Part 1: That Part 1 of the Budget Ordinance for the 2003-2004 F~scal Year ~s amended to read as follows "PART 1: That the proposed budget as amended by the C~ty Council of the C~ty of College Station, which ~s made a part hereof to the same extent as ~f set forth at length hem~n. ~s hereby adopted and approved, a copy of which is on file ~n the Office of the C~ty Secretary ~n Collage Station Texas Amended appmpnabons for fiscal year 2003-2004 for the General Fund are $36,648,501, and for the Electric Fund are $45.058,031, and for the Water Fund are $18,809,782, and for the Wastewater Fund are $9.139,624, and for the Sanitation Fund am $4,853,355, and for the BVSWMA Fund am $12,206,949, and for the Parking Enterpnse Fund are $918.823, and for the Utd~y Customer Service Fund are $2,331,704, and for the Fleet Services Fund are $1,269.259, and for the Print/Mad Fund am $368,354, and for the Cornmunicabons Fund am $680,910, and for the Equipment Replacement Fund are $3,533,756, and for the General Government Capital Projects Fund am $5.642,720, and for the Parks Capital Projects Fund am $1,100,294. and for the Street Capital Projects Fund am $4,038,000 Amended regular full and part t~me positions ~s 817 25 All other appropnations as originally adopted and amended by the C~ty Councd remain ~n full force and effect.' Part 2: That thts ordinance shall become effective ~mmedmtely after passage and approval. PASSED and APPROVED th~s 2.Sth day of Hazcb 2004 A ~T'rEST: C-on're Hooks, C~ty Secretary APPROVED: APPROVED: City Attomey