HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-2693 - Ordinance - 02/12/2004ORDINANCE NO 2693 AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS OF FACT AND VACATING AND ABANDONING A 20 FOOT WIDE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT. THAT CROSSES AND LIES WITHIN LOT 2. HOLLEMAN PLACE SUBDIVISION. IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS WHEREAS. the C,ty of College Stat,on has rece~,,ed an apphcauon for the vacauon and abandonment of a 20 foot w~de ut,My easement, thai crosses arid hes w,thm Lot 2. Holleman Place Subd,v~s,on. m the Ctty of College Stat,on, sa,d samtarv sewer easement being more pamcularly described on Exfub,t "A" auached hereto; and ' WHEREAS on January 22. 2004. the City Councd of the C,ty of College Stat,on. Texas. heard the apphcatmn of tile Economic Development Director upon approval by the City Engineer of the rerouted sewer infrastructure ,n a separate easement for the vats, mn and abaadonment of tile aforement,oned of the 20 foot w,de samtary sewer easement that crosses and hes wnbm Lot 2. Holleman Place Subd,vlsmn. according to the plat recorded ,n Volume 1040. Page 785. of tile Of'fie,al Records of Brazos County. Texas: and WHEREAS. ~,l order for an easement to be x acated and abandoned by the C~ty Council of the C,ty of College Stat,on. the Councd must make cerlam findings of facts, and WHEREAS. after hearing the apphcat~on of the Economic Development D,rector to vacate and abandon a 20 wMe samtary sewer easement, the C,ty Council of the C,ty of College Station. finds the fullowmg facts 1 The Iocauon of a 20 xwde samtary sewe, ease,hen, crosses tile property and rahab,ts ,ts development by the owner The samtary sewer easement has been used by tile C,ty but the ex,sting sewer hne will be rerouted as pm't of an econom,c development agreement and there will be no need for the mfiastructure m the current easement That tile land use m the nezghborhood appears to be stable and the use to wMch thJs property ,s being put ,s not hkely to change within the foreseeable future and ,s sml,lar to the use to tbat of the neighborhood, and WHEREAS. tile C,ty Councd after hea, mg the apphcauon and finding tile spec,ftc facts as stated above now concludes and finds that The fact that tile location of the 20 foot w,de samtary sewer easement that crosses the apphcant's p, operty would deprive the owner of the reasonable use of the property for econom,c development purposes The fact that the land use is not hkely to change ~,thm the foreseeable future provMes a basra I'br granung tile apphcant's request to vacate and abandon the samtary sewe, easement necessary for the preservat,on and enjoymem of the subs,an,mi property ngbt of the owner. Ordinance No 2693 Page 2 The fact that the abandonment of the easement ~s will not detrimental to the pubhc health, safety or welfare or injurious to the property m the area once the rerouted sewer hne ~n a separate substitute easement ~s accepted by the C~ty Engineer, now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, that a 20 foot w~de strip of land premously platted as a santtaD~ sewer easement, which crosses and lies within Lot 2. Holleman Place Subdivision in the C~ty of College Station. as described on Exhibit "A" at/ached hereto, be abandoned and vacated at the tm~e of approval by the C~ty Engineer of the rel outed sewer infrastructure in a separate easement PASSED. ADOPTED and APPROVED tMs t2th day of February .2004 APPROVED RON glLV'[4, Mayor - ATTEST CONNIE HOOKS, C~ty Secretary APPROVED' E-Signed by Roxanne Nemclk (~ VERIFY authenticity with Approvelt City Attorney Joe Orr, Inc. 2167 Post Oak Circle College Station, TX 77845 (979) 690-3378 Proposed Abandonment of Easement Lot 3R Hollemen Place Morgan Rector Longuc College Station, Texas December 30, 2003 All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being grunted in thc Morgan Rector League (Abstract No 46) in College Stat,on, Brazes County, Texas, being thc same 20' Sanitary Sewer Ensem~nt shown across Let 3R of Holleman Place Rapier which ~ not yet be~n filed end also being the same 20' Sanitary Sewer ~ent shown across Lot 2 of Holleman Place described by plat of record in Volume 10~0, Page 485 ofthe Official Records of Brazes County, Texas, and being an easement twenty feet (20') m width lying ten feet (10') each side of th~ following described e. enterlm¢: Be~nmg m ~hc northwest line of Richards Steer $ 41~ 30' 23" W - 29.26 feet from the most easterly comer of the said Lot 3R of Holleman Place Replat Thence N 80° 19' 19" W - 440.16 feet through the seJd Lot 3R to thc end of this easement in the proposed new southeast tight-of-way line of Holleman Dr~ve at a point located S 59° 29' ! 9" W - 276.08 feet from the most northerly comer of the said Lot 3R. Bearings ere Texas State Plenc, Cen~'al Zone, NAD-83 datum, as deterrmned by GP$ observations and City of College Station 1994 GPS monuments. 9 ~ O09t, lo.r2osrl JOlO3 d]-I 'PtY ~.0/.s' I Z [00~./0[~! '~/6p' UlmqyOS3dmUlOl. f~A~lAmld uoqEtS oS~l[o~[ i~ot'azd pim-A 0