HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/21/2019 - Regular Minutes - Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 (2)ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS May 21, 2019 The Board of Directors (the "Board") of Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 (the "District") met in special session, open to the public on May 21, 2019, at 4121 State Highway 6 South, College Station, Brazos County, Texas 77845, in accordance with the duly posted notice of meeting, and the roll was called of the duly constituted members of said Board of Directors, as follows: Uri Geva-President Hays Glover -Vice President Kamal Ariss -Assistant Vice President Jonathan Stark -Secretary Randall G. Rother-Assistant Secretary and all of said persons were present, except Directors Glover and Ariss, thus constituting a quorum. Also present were James Murr of College Station Town Center, Inc. ("CSTC"); Cynthia Colondres of Municipal Accounts & Consulting, L.P. ("MAC"); Avik Bonnerjee of B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC ("B&A"); Brian Piscacek of the City of College Station, Texas (the "City"), David Durham of Impact Companies, and Christina Cole of Schwartz, Page & Harding, L.L.P. ("SPH"). The President called the meeting to order and declared same open for such business as might properly come before it. APPROVAL OF MINUTES As the first order of business, the Board considered approval of the minutes of its meeting held on April 11, 2019. After review and discussion, Director Geva moved that the minutes for said Board meeting be approved, as written. Director Stark seconded said motion, which unanimously carried. BOOKKEEPING REPORT Ms. Colondres presented to and reviewed with the Board a Bookkeeping Report, a copy of which report is attached hereto as Exhibit A, including checks presented for payment. Following discussion, Director Rother moved that said Booldceeping Report be approved and that the checks identified in the report be approved for payment. Director Geva seconded the motion, which unanimously carried. UNCLAIMED PROPERTY REPORT Ms. Colondres advised the Board that MA&C has researched the accounts of the District and confirmed that the District currently has no unclaimed property and, therefore, no report is required. OPERA TING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING MAY 31, 2020 Ms. Colondres next presented a draft budget for the District's fiscal year ending May 31, 2020, a copy of which is included in the Bookkeeping Report (Exhibit A). In connection therewith, Ms. Cole advised the Board that a copy of such operating budget was forwarded to the City for review. She reported that no comments to the operating budget have been received from the City to date. Following discussion, Director Rother moved that the operating budget for the District's fiscal year ending May 31, 2020 be approved and adopted as presented. Director Geva seconded the motion, which unanimously carried. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT The Board next considered the Annual Financial Report (the "AFR") for the District's fiscal year ended May 31, 2019. Ms. Cole advised the Board that because the District's gross receipts were less than $250,000 for the fiscal year, the District's cash and temporary investments were less than $250,000 for the fiscal year, and the District has no outstanding bonds, the District is allowed to file an AFR in lieu of an audit report. Following discussion, Director Geva moved that MAC be authorized to prepare and file the District's AFR with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ("TCEQ"). Director Stark seconded said motion, which carried unanimously. Ms. Cole advised the Board that Texas Local Government Code §140.008, requires the District and other political subdivisions to file certain financial information with the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (the "Comptroller"). This financial information may be submitted as a separate report, or alternatively, districts subject to Chapter 49 of the Texas Water Code (including the District) may submit its annual financial report to the Comptroller. Ms. Cole further explained that those districts with a website should also make the financial information available on such website or provide a link to the information on the Comptroller's website. Lastly, Ms. Cole explained that the report is due within 180 days of the District's fiscal year end. Upon motion made by Director Geva, seconded by Director Stark, and unanimously carried, the Board authorized SPH to file the District's annual financial report for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2019, with the Comptroller by the appropriate deadline. - 2 - 524260 TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Bonnerjee then presented and reviewed with the Board the Tax Assessor-Collector Report for the month ended April 30, 2019, including checks presented for payment. A copy of such report is attached hereto as Exhibit B. After discussion, Director Rother moved that the Tax Assessor-Collector Report be approved and that the checks identified therein be approved for payment. Director Stark seconded said motion, which unanimously carried. ENGINEERING REPORT In the absence of a representative of Edminster, Hinshaw, Russ & Associates, Inc. ("EHRA"), Ms. Cole presented and reviewed with the Board Construction Progress Report and Pay Request No. Seven relative to the contract with Brazos Paying, Inc. ("Brazos"), for construction of Bird Pond Road, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C. Ms. Cole noted that EHRA is recommending payment by CSTC to Brazos of the amount requested in such pay estimate. Following discussion, Director Geva moved to concur in the payment of such pay estimate. Director Rother seconded the motion, which unanimously carried. DEVELOPER'S REPORT The Board considered the Developer's Report. Mr. Murr reported that home construction within the District is planned to begin in July 2019, and that 135 lots are scheduled to come online during the months of July through September 2019. AUTHORIZE REQUEST TO CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR RE-APPOINTENT AND/OR REPLACEMENT OF DIRECTORS Ms. Cole next advised the Board that pursuant to the City's appointment, the terms of office of Director Glover who serves in Position No. 1 on the Board, Director Geva who serves in Position No. 2 on the Board, and Director Rother who serves in Position No. 3 on the Board will expire on June 1, 2019, and that it is the Board's responsibility to nominate replacements or reappointments for those Positions for the City's consideration. Ms. Cole noted that Director Rother has advised that he is not interested in pursuing reappointment to the Board, and that Mr. Mark Lindemulder has expressed an interest in serving on the Board. Following discussion Director Geva moved for the nomination of Director Glover to Position No. 1 for a term expiring June 1, 2023. The motion was seconded by Director Stark and carried by unanimous vote. Director Stark then moved for the nomination of Director Geva to Position No. 2 for a term expiring June 1, 2023. The motion was seconded by Director Geva and carried by unanimous vote. Director Geva then moved for the nomination of Mark Lindemulder to Position No. 3 for a term expiring June 1, 2023. The motion was seconded by Director Stark and carried by unanimous vote. Ms. Cole then advised the Board that with its consent, SPH will forward the nominations for Position Nos. 1, 2 and 3 to the City for its consideration. Director Geva moved that SPH be authorized to provide the Board's nominations for appointment of Director Glover, Director Geva and Mark Lindemulder to Position Nos. 1, 2 and 3, respectively, to the City for its consideration. The motion was seconded by Director Stark and carried by unanimous vote. - 3 - 524260 ATTORNEY'S REPORT The Board considered the Attorney's Report. Ms. Cole advised the Board that she had nothing of a legal nature to discuss with the Board that was not already covered under previous agenda items. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The Board considered items for placement on future agendas. No specific agenda items, other than routine and ongoing matters were requested to be placed on a future agenda. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion made by Director Geva, seconded by Director Stark, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~r tary - 4 - 524260 Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C 524260 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 Minutes of Meeting of May 21, 2019 Booldceeping Report Tax Assessor-Collector Report Construction Progress Report and Pay Request No. Seven Relative to the Contract with Brazos Paying, Inc., for Construction of Bird Pond Road - 5 - EXHIBIT "A" MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS CONSULTING~ LP. J Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 Bookkeeper's Report May 21, 2019 1281 Brittmoore Road • Houston, Texas 77043 • Phone: 713.623.4539 • Fax: 713.629.6859 Num Name BALANCE AS OF 04/12/2019 Receipts Interest earned on Checking April Total Receipts Disbursements 1069 1070 1071 Fees EHRA Engineering Municipal Accounts & Consulting, LP Schwartz, Page & Harding, L.L.P. Compass Bank Total Disbursements BALANCE AS OF 05/21/2019 Rock Prairie MD No. 2 -GOF Cash Flow Report -Checking Account As of May 21, 2019 Engineering Fees Bookkeeping Fees Legal Fees Service Charge -April Memo COMPASS BANK-PREMIER -#XXXX0276 2 Amount Balance $8,944.83 1.77 1.77 (3,532.86) (751.60) (5,012.72) (1.77) (9,298.95) ($352.35) Rock Prairie MD No. 2 -GOF Actual vs. Budget Comparison April2019 April 2019 June 2018 -April 2019 Annual Actual Budget Over/(Under) Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Revenues 14100 Developer Advance 0 0 0 33,000 33,000 0 73,525 14350 Maintenance Tax Collections 10,000 0 10,000 35,000 10,000 25,000 10,000 14380 Other Income 2 0 1 8 5 3 5 Total Revenues 10,002 0 10,001 68,008 43,005 25,003 83,530 Expenditures 16330 Legal Fees 4,702 5,000 (299) 42,123 55,000 (12,877) 60,000 16350 Engineering Fees 3,533 800 2,733 13,215 8,800 4,415 9,600 16430 Bookkeeping Fees 700 375 325 4,050 4,125 (75) 4,500 16450 Legal Notices & Other Publ. 0 0 0 581 0 581 0 16460 Printing & Office Supplies 98 125 (27) 655 1,375 (720) 1,500 16470 Filing Fees 145 25 120 663 275 388 300 16480 Delivery Expense 17 8 9 190 92 98 100 16520 Postage 2 4 (3) 18 46 (27) 50 16530 Insurance & Surety Bond 0 0 0 3,492 3,400 92 3,400 16540 Travel Expense 102 90 12 1,121 990 131 1,080 16560 Miscellaneous Expense 2 250 (248) 8 2,750 (2,742) 3,000 Total Expenditures 9,299 6,678 2,621 66,116 76,853 (10,737) 83,530 Excess Revenues (Expenditures) $703 ($6,677) $7,380 $1,892 ($33,848) $35,740 $0 3 Income 14100 · Developer Advance 14350 ·Maintenance Tax Collections 14380 · Other Income Total Income Expense 16330 ·Legal Fees 16350 ·Engineering Fees 16430 · Bookkeeping Fees 16451 ·SB 622 -Public Notice Expenses 16460 · Printing & Office Supplies 16470 ·Filing Fees 16480 · Delivery Expense 16520 · Postage 16530 · Insurance 16540 · Travel Expense 16560 · Miscellaneous Expense Total Expense Net Surplus/ (Deficit) Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 Fiscal Year Ending May 31, 2020 Proposed Budget Actuals 2019 10 Months Annualized 33,000 40,767 25,000 35,000 6 8 58,006 75,775 37,422 52,422 9,682 12,182 3,350 4,350 581 581 557 669 518 622 173 207 17 20 3,492 3,492 1,019 1,223 6 8 56,817 75,775 1,189 0 4 Adopted Proposed 2019 Budget 2020 Budget 73,525 67,490 10,000 40,000 5 10 83,530 107,500 60,000 60,000 9,600 33,000 4,500 6,000 0 2,000 1,500 700 300 700 100 200 50 50 3,400 3,500 1,080 1,300 3,000 50 83,530 107,500 0 0 Rock Prairie MD No. 2 Senate Bill 622 -Fiscal Year Ending May 31, 2020 Sec. 140.0045. ITEMIZATION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC NOTICE EXPENDITURES REQUIRED IN CERTAIN POLITICAL SUBDIVISION BUDGETS. The proposed budget of a political subdivision must include a line item indicating expenditures for notices required by law to be published in a newspaper by tbe political subdivision or a representative of tbe political subdivision that allows as clear a comparison as practicable between tbose expenditures in tbe proposed budget and actual expenditures for tbe same purpose in tbe preceding year. General Operating Fund Consultant Projected Expenses Actual Expenses Attorney $0.00 $0.00 Engineer 2,000.00 0.00 Operator 0.00 0.00 Otber 0.00 0.00 Total $2,000.00 $0.00 Tax Fund Consultant Projected Expenses Actual Expenses Attorney $0.00 $0.00 Financial Advisor 0.00 0.00 Tax Assessor 200.00 0.00 Other 0.00 0.00 Total $200.00 $0.00 Total Consultant Projected Expenses I Actual Expenses 2 Attorney $0.00 $0.00 Engineer 2,000.00 0.00 Financial Advisor 0.00 0.00 Operator 0.00 0.00 Tax Assessor 200.00 0.00 Other 0.00 0.00 Total $2,200.00 $0.00 Reporting Requirements: 1Projected Expenses for the upcoming year presented in last montb of fiscal year witb Annual Budget in bookkeeping report 2 Actual Expenses for the preceding year presented in first montb of fiscal year in bookeeping report 5 EXHIBIT "B" MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SER VICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 FOR THE MONTH ENDING April 30, 2019 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 1 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 4/30/19 RECEIVABLES SUMMARY 2018 Balance Forward Levy at 05/31/18 FYE CAD Changes I Uncollectible Outstanding Balance forward Prior Years (2017-2010) at 05/31/18 FYE CAD Changes I Uncollectible Total Levy to be collected Collection prior months (all years) 2018 Taxes Collected net NSF & KR Refunds during current month Taxes Collected for Prior Years net NSF & KR Refunds during current month Total Outstanding Balance TAX ACCOUNT Income Taxes Collected Current Year Taxes Collected Prior Year Penalties & Interest Collection Fee Paid Overpayments NSF or Reversals, Bank Charges Other Fees & Court Costs, Etc Earned Interest Expenses Beginning Balance -Tax Account CK# 1037 Rock Prairie Management District 2 -Operating Fund CK# 1038 B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC -Invoice MD2-047 CK# 1039 B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC -Invoice MD2-048 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 Ending Balance -Tax Account MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE l-888-598-7409 $0.00 $49,461.25 $129.47 $0.00 ($49,564.52) ($13.75) $0.00 $13.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.24 $16.99 $5,000.00 515.30 132.95 $5,648.25 49,461.25 129.47 49,590.72 (49,578.27) 12.45 14,643.36 14,660.35 9,012.10 2 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 4/30/19 OUTSTANDING TAXES-YEAR TO DATE BALANCE FORWARD CAD TAX @ SUPPLEMENTS & YEAR 10101118 2018 $49,461.25 2017 $19,962.78 EXEMPTIONS & TAX RATES TAX HOMESTEAD YEAR EXEMPTION 2019 0.00% 2018 0.00% 2017 0.00% DISTRICT VALUES TAX LAND & YEAR IMPROVEMENTS 2018 9,881,920 2017 4,069,643 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 CORRECTIONS $0.00 OVER 651 DISABLED 0 0 0 AGNET 28,690 27,010 UNCOLLECTIBLE COLLECTIONS $49,448.80 $19,962.78 DEBT SERVICE M &ORATE RATE 0.00000 0.00000 0.50000 0.00000 0.50000 0.00000 PERSONAL PROPERTY EXEMPTIONS 309,850 328,210 0 104,096 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 OUTSTANDING TAXES $12.45 ($0.00) $12.45 CONTRACT TAX RATE 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 TOTAL VALUE 9,892,250 3,992,557 COLLECTIONS PERCENTAGE 99.97% 100.00% TOTAL RATE 0.00000 0.50000 0.50000 SR KR 30 30 47 47 3 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 4/30/19 BEGINNING BALANCE INCOME 10% Rendition Penalty Bad Check Charges Court Costs/Abstract & Filing Fees Collection Fee Earned Interest Overpayments Penalty & Interest Taxes Collected Total Income EXPENSES PROFIT & LOSS CURRENT MONTH 4/1/19 -4/30/19 15,609.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.24 0.00 0.00 13.75 16.99 Audit/Records 0.00 Att~rney =-G~neral Tcix l\,tl~~ters 0.00 Bank Charges 0.00 Bond Premium 0.00 Boundary MciJ>_ _ 0.00 CAD Fees 0.00 Certificate of Value 0.00 Copies 75.00 Correction Roll Refunds 0.00 Correction Roll Rendition Refunds 0.00 Contintilng Disclosure 0.00 Court Affidavits 0.00 Delinquent Tax Attorney Assistance 0.00 Qeling_[J~nt Tax Attorney Fee 0.00 lnstallment_Tracking 0.00 Unclaimed Property Report 0.00 Legal Notices (650.00) Mailin_9 & Handling 0. 72 Meeting Travel & Mileage 375.12 NSF or Return Item Fees 0.00 Overpayment Refund 0.00 Public Hearing 650.00 Records Retention 0.00 Roll Update & Processing 0.00 Supplies 0.00 Tax Assessor Collector Fee -AB 515.30 TC!x R~ate Preparation &Calculation 0.00 Transfer to Contract Tax 0.00 ----------------·--~-----------------------~-------·----·---·-----------·----~--------·-·-------------Transfer to Maintenance & Operating 0.00 Transfer to Debt Service 0.00 ENDING BALANCE B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 966.14 14.660.35 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 FISCAL YEAR 6/01/18 -4/30/19 10,271.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.38 20.61 7.56 19.89 49,578.27 49,653.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 43.00 --_,, __________ _ 277.58 0.00 557.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.38 0.00 0.00 600.00 128.05 2,067.76 0.00 7.55 650.00 0.03 206.25 0.80 5,649.40 0.00 0.00 35,000.00 0.00 45;265.20 14.660.35 4 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE 1 LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 4/30/19 YEAR TO YEAR COMPARISON 2018 % 2017 - October $0.00 0.00% $0.00 November $0.00 0.00% $0.00 December $0.00 0.00% $0.00 January $38,.113.40 77.06%1 $0.00 February $11,321.65 99.95% $1,665.60 : 1 $0.00 99.95% $18, 167.71 •March I I ,April $13.75 99.97% $0.00 May $0.00 June $0.00, July $12.45 August $0.001 I • September $0.00 . MONTHLY COLLECTIONS 20181 20171 $13.75 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 $0.00 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 % 0.00% 0.00% ------------------ 0.00% 0.00% 8.34% 99.35%' 99.35% 99.35% 99.35% 99.41%: 99.41%. 99.41% VARIANCE 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 77.06% 91.61% 0.60% 0.62% 0.00% 0.00%! 0.00% 0.00%, 0.00%! 5 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 04/24/19 PLEDGED SECURITIES REPORT SECURITIES PLEDGED AT 105% OVER FDIC INSURED $250,000 COLLATERAL SECURITY AGREEMENT ON FILE: YES TAX BANK ACCOUNT HELD AT: WELLS FARGO/ BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON COLLATERAL SECURITY REQUIRED: TYPE OF PLEDGED INVESTMENT: IN COMPLIANCE W/ DISTRICT INVESTMENT POLICY: BA MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY SUITE 505 HOUSTON TX 77040 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 NO YES PS STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Avik Bonnerjee, being duly sworn, says that he is the Tax Assessor-Collector for the above named District and the foregoing contains a true and correct report accounting for all taxes collected for said District during the month therein stated. REBECCA LYNN BREWER Notary ID# 1258819 My Commission Expires March 1, 2020 Avik Bonnerjee, RTA SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, this 1st day of May 2019. ~~u)JA- Rebecca Lynn Brewer Notary Public, State of Texas Notary ID #1258819 My Commission Expires March 1, 2020 TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM: WELLS FARGO: TRANSFER FUNDS TO: CHECK# /0c3 7 DATE: MAY 1, 2019 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 1 - TAX ACCOUNT $5,000 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 1 - OPERATING FUNDS MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SER VICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 FOR THE MONTH ENDING April 30, 2019 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE I-888-598-7409 1 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 4/30/19 RECEIVABLES SUMMARY 2018 Balance Forward Levy at 05/31/18 FYE CAD Changes I Uncollectible Outstanding Balance forward Prior Years (2017-2010) at 05/31/18 FYE CAD Changes I Uncollectible Total Levy to be collected Collection prior months (all years) 2018 Taxes Collected net NSF & KR Refunds during current month Taxes Collected for Prior Years net NSF & KR Refunds during current month Total Outstanding Balance TAX ACCOUNT Income Taxes Collected Current Year Taxes Collected Prior Year Penalties & Interest Collection Fee Paid Overpayments NSF or Reversals, Bank Charges Other Fees & Court Costs, Etc Earned Interest Expenses Beginning Balance -Tax Account CK# 1037 Rock Prairie Management District 2 -Operating Fund CK# 1038 B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC -Invoice MD2-047 CK# 1039 B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC -Invoice MD2-048 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 Ending Balance -Tax Account MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 $0.00 $49,461.25 $129.47 $0.00 ($49,564.52) ($13.75) $0.00 $13.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.24 $16.99 $5,000.00 515.30 132.95 $5,648.25 49,461.25 129.47 49,590.72 (49,578.27) 12.45 14,643.36 14,660.35 9,012.10 2 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 4/30/19 OUTSTANDING TAXES-YEAR TO DATE BALANCE FORWARD CAD TAX @ SUPPLEMENTS & YEAR 10/01/18 2018 $49,461.25 2017 $19,962.78 EXEMPTIONS & TAX RATES TAX HOMESTEAD YEAR EXEMPTION 2019 0.00% 2018 0.00% 2017 0.00% DISTRICT VALUES TAX YEAR 2018 2017 LAND & IMPROVEMENTS 9,881,920 4,069,643 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 CORRECTIONS $0.00 OVER65 / DISABLED 0 0 0 AGNET 28,690 27,010 UNCOLLECTIBLE M &ORATE 0.00000 0.50000 0.50000 PERSONAL PROPERTY 309,850 0 COLLECTIONS $49,448.80 $19,962.78 DEBT SERVICE RATE 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 EXEMPTIONS 328,210 104,096 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 OUTSTANDING TAXES $12.45 ($0.00) $12.45 CONTRACT TAX RATE 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 TOTAL VALUE 9,892,250 3,992,557 COLLECTIONS PERCENTAGE 99.97% 100.00% TOTAL RATE SR 30 47 0.00000 0.50000 0.50000 KR 30 47 3 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 4/30/19 BEGINNING BALANCE INCOME 10% Rendition Penalty Bad Check Charges Court Costs/Abstract & Filing Fees Collection Fee Earned Interest Overpayments Penalty & Interest Taxes Collected Total Income EXPENSES PROFIT & LOSS CURRENT MONTH 4/1/19 -4/30/19 15,609.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.24 0.00 0.00 13.75 16.99 Audit/Records 0.00 Att()rney -G~n~rcil T13x fl..'lci!ters 0.00 Bank Charges 0.00 Bond Premium 0.00 Boundary MCI~-0.00 CAD Fees 0.00 Certificate of Value 0.00 Copies 75.00 Correction Roll Refunds 0.00 Correction Roll Rendition Refunds 0.00 ContinlJJng Disclosure 0.00 Court Affidavits 0.00 Delinquent Tax Attorney Assistance 0.00 Delinquent Tax Attorney Fee 0.00 lnstallment_Tracking_ o.oo Unclaimed Pr()p~rty Report 0.00 Legal Notices (650.00) Mailin_g & Handling 0.72 MeetingTravel & Mileage 375.12 NSF or Return Item Fees 0.00 Overpayment Refund 0.00 Public Hearing 650.00 Records Retention 0.00 -------------- Roll Update & Processing 0.00 Supplies 0.00 Tax Assessor Collector Fee -AB 515.30 Tax R?te Preparation &Calculation 0.00 Transfer to Contract Tax 0.00 FISCAL YEAR 6/01/18 -4/30/19 10,271.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.38 20.61 7.56 19.89 49,578.27 49,653.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 43.00 277.58 0.00 557.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.38 0.00 0.00 ----------------~ 600.00 128.05 2,067.76 0.00 7.55 650.00 -------~----------------~----------------·-·---------------------------------------~-----------·------------------- 0.03 206.25 0.80 5,649.40 0.00 0.00 35,000.00 0.00 Transfer to Maintenance & Operating 0.00 Transfer to Debt Service 0.00 ENDING BALANCE B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 966.14 14.660.35 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 45,265.20 14.660.35 4 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE 1 LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 4/30/19 YEAR TO YEAR COMPARISON 2018 % 2017 October $0.00 $0.00 November $0.00 $0.00 December $0.00 $0.00 January $38,.113.40 $0.00 February $11,321.65 $1,665.60 March $0.00 $18,167.71 ,April $13.75 $0.00 May $0.00 June $0.00 July $12.45 ·August $0.001 September $0.00, MONTHLY COLLECTIONS 20181 20171 $13.75 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 $0.00 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 % 0.00% - 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 8.34% 99.35% 99.35% 99.35% 99.35% 99.41%, 99.41% 99.41% VARIANCE 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 77.06% 91.61% 0.60% 0.62% 0.00% 0.00% I 0.00% 0.00% ' 0.00%! 5 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 04/24/19 PLEDGED SECURITIES REPORT SECURITIES PLEDGED AT 105% OVER FDIC INSURED $250,000 COLLATERAL SECURITY AGREEMENT ON FILE: YES TAX BANK ACCOUNT HELD AT: WELLS FARGO/ BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON COLLATERAL SECURITY REQUIRED: TYPE OF PLEDGED INVESTMENT: IN COMPLIANCE W/ DISTRICT INVESTMENT POLICY: BA MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY SUITE SOS HOUSTON TX 77040 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 NO YES PS STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Avik Bonnerjee, being duly sworn, says that he is the Tax Assessor-Collector for the above named District and the foregoing contains a true and correct report accounting for all taxes collected for said District during the month therein stated. REBECCA LYNN BREWER Notary ID# 1258819 My Commission Expires March 1, 2020 Avik Bonnerjee, RTA SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, this 1st day of May 2019. ~~uJ~ Rebecca Lynn Brewer Notary Public, State of Texas Notary ID #1258819 My Commission Expires March 1, 2020 TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM: WELLS FARGO: TRANSFER FUNDS TO: CHECK# /0'3 7 DATE: MAY 1, 2019 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 1 - TAX ACCOUNT $5,000 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 1 - OPERATING FUNDS MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 Description Avik Bonnerjee, RTA -Tax Assessor Collector Fee May 2019. 2018 Additional Unit Count Invoiced 2019 Thank you for your business. Unit Count 3 Invoice Date Invoice# 5/1/2019 MD2-047 Rate Amount 512.60 512.60 0.90 2.70 Total $515.30 rl. -I ,., /11/ ~ .. cl ,., .~'/•I ~l -· I V...JU 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 505 • Houstori, TX 77040 If PH: 713-900-2680 111 www.bamunitax.com MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Copies Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 Description Roll Update & Processing (February & March) Preparation ofDelq. Atty. Electronic Files Research Unclaimed Property (3/01/17 to 2/28/I 8) Thank you for your business. 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 505 Qty 196 0.25 111 Houston, TX 77040 Ill Invoice Date Invoice# 5/112019 MD2-048 Rate Amount 0.20 39.20 75.00 18.75 15.00 15.00 60.00 60.00 Total $132.95 Juris.Jiction: MD2 Account No/Name/Address 00090100040063 GEVAURI 2809 BROTHERS BLVD COLLEGE STATION, TX 77845-5712 Year Stmt Date Delg Date Code 2018 1/18/2019 3/1/2019 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 Delinquent Tax Roll As of 4/30/2019 Cad No/Property Descr. 000000402114 Acreage: 0.11500 Over BS A000901, THOMAS CARRUTHERS (ICL), TRACT 4.63, Veteran Page 1 5/8/2019 10:57 AM 0.115 ACRES Installment Code No No N Due Apr, 2019 Taxes Penalties Payments Del. P&I Due 12.45 0.00 0.00 1.12 13,57 Due May, 2019 Due Jun, 2019 Del. P&I Due Del. P&I Due 1.37 13.82 1.62 14.07 Report Prepared by B&A Municipal Tax www.bamunitax.com Juri~rJiction: MD2 Account No/Name/Address Jurisdiction Totals Year Tax Levy 2017 19,962.78 2018. 49461.25 Base Taxes Due 0.00 12.45 12.45 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 Delinquent Tax Roll As of 4/30/2019 Cad No/Property Descr. Penalties Due 0.00 0.00 0.00 Del. P&I Due o .. oo 1.12 1. 12 Atty Fee Due 0.00 o.oo 0.00 Escrow Amt 0.00 0,00 0;00 Total Due 0.00 13.57 13.57 Page 2 5/8/2019 10:57 AM % Collected 100.00% 99.97% Report Prepared by B&A Municipal Tax www.bamunitax.com EXHIBIT "C" TBPENo.F-726 TBPLS No.10092300 Con§truction Progre§§ Report and Pay Request No. Seven Date: May7, 2019 Owner: Mr. James G. Murr College Station Towne Center, Inc. 3600 Highway 6 South, Suite 100 College Station, Texas 77845 Period Ending: Contract Date: Notice to Prnceed Date: Contrnct Days: Current Time Extensions (Dnys) Previous Time Extensions (Days) Revised Contract Pays: Days To Date: Original Completion Date: t>rcvious RcviRcd Completion Dntc: Current Revised Completion Date: Percent Time Used: Percent Project Complete: April 30, 2019 September 13, 2018 October I, 2018 300 0 22 322 211 Augu~t 4, 2019 August 26, 2019 August 26, 2019 Project No.: 141-021-41 DST (f) Project: Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 Construction Bird Pond Road Contractor: Brazos Paving, Inc. P.O. Box 714 Bryan, Texas 77806 Original Contract Amount: Contrnct Quantity Adj No. 1: Change Order No. 1: Change Order No. 2: Total Contract Amount To Date; Total Amount Jn Place To Date: Le$S 1 ()l~1u Retain age: Plus ~faterinls on Hand at 85°/u Balance: Lc11s Prcviom; Paymcnt11: Total Amount Due this Report: $4,784,000.00 ($366,609. 99) $80,296.40 $169,865.93 $4,667,552.34 $1,910,813.19 (SI 91,081.32) so.oo $1,719,731.87 (~1,377,625.17) $342,106,70 Enclosed is a copy of the Contractor's Affidavit of Bills Paid and a copy of the Contractor's Waiver and Lien Release Upon Partial Payment in the amount of this Construction Progress Report No. Se\·en An E.HRJ\ Representative has conducted an on.-sitc inspection to verify that all ciuantities have been installed and approved. Recommended For Approval: EPMINS'l'ER, HINSHAW, RUSS & ASSOCIATES, .INC. d/b/a EHRA Please Remit Payment To: Brazos Paving, Inc. P.O. Box 714 Bryan, Texas 77806 JK/mh Prncti e Aren Leader .. Land Services lock Prairie Management District No. 2 c/o Schwar::tz, Page & Harding, J.J_,1' Tc~as Commi"8ion <111 Environmental Quality -Reg 12 Mr. Billy Prewitt -llrn~cis l'aving, Inc. Blake McGregor, P.E. -Finn Vally Swann, C.P./\. -Finn i I ·~1 I I I I Brazos Paving,. Inc@ Phone No.: 979-822-7605 P.O. Box 714 Bryan, Texas 77806 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT TO: Mr. James·G. Mun- College Station Towne Center, Inc. 3600 Highway 6 South, Suite 100 College Station, Texas 77845 DISTRICT: Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 CONTRACT DATE: APPLICATION PERIOD from: April 1, 2019 to: April 30, 2019 AP PUCA TION NO: APPLICATION DATE: PROJECT NO: PROJECT: NOTICE TO PROCEED: TIME USED THIS APP.: TIME USED TO DATE: CONTRACT TIME: PERCENT USED: 141-021-41 Construction of Bird Pond Road 07 October L, 2018 1.00 1.00 300 0% CONTRACTORwS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Application is made for payment, as shown below, in connection with the attached Continuation Sheet. 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT 2. Net change by Change Orders 2a. Net Change by Quantity Adjustments 3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE (Line I± 2) 4. TOTAL COMPLETED TO DATE (Column G on Continuation Sheet) 5. RETAINAGE: __ l_O '%of Completed Work Lo/o of Column I on Continuation Sheet) 6. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE (Line 4 Less Line 5 Total) 7. PLUS MATERIALS ON HAND (AT 85%0FVALUE) 8. LESS PREVIOUS APPLICA TlONS FOR PAYMENT (Line 6 from prior APPLICA TJON) 9. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE 10. BALANCE TO FlNISH, INCLUDING RETAINAGE (.LJne :; Jess Ltne 6) SUBMITTED: __ _ Brazos Paving, Inc . $4, 784,000.00 $250,162,33 -$473,889.99 $4,560,272.34 $1,910,813, 19 $191,081.32 $1,719,731.87 $0,00 $1,377,625,17 $342, 106.70 $2,840,540.47 APPROVED: ---------- College Station Towne Center, Inc. .' ----------n'ATE:---·-------·------·------------------·---DATE!~--------. ---------------·--------~-------------------·--- \ ~--- ! I ! co~rr~NUA l"~ON SHEET A IB c ITEM I DESCRIPTION OF WORK NO. ORIGINAL I QTY. QTY. ADJUSTMENT REVISED QTY. GENERAL ITEMS ~fobilization CoTicge Station De"-c1opmcnt Permit i\UO\vanct! (Minimum Bid $34,000) 3 I ~ta1 Construe.ti.on Pictures .(Progre..--s Picture._<:) 4 Coordimuion 'vith &1.sting Pipeline Operator Coordination '.vi.th CoUcgc Station Utilities (CSL1) ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND LIGHT POLES -+-.h1ch PVC Electrical Conduit {furnish"' install andl l-l-,57\J complete in place) 7 12-lnch -PYC Ekctrical Conduit {fum1sh, install andl 8.200 coffi:plcte ·in .PlaceJ f-rrendiing wl.rh Caution Tape (Includes primary and! 7 .• 670 :5-ccond.ary trenching.~ per detail provided on Exhibit :\) 9 !Switchgear Pad for-fx8':x6' Pull Box (Mper City of Colll.'gc Station S1:Uldard U:!\'11-6C-KJ proYldcd on Exhibit :\; furoisll;, .lll$t:tll ·and complete in pb.ce) 10 l ... f_x8':x6' Pullbox {to be ::mppTied by College Srntion Uiiliti~, Contr.1.etOr ·rs to retrie.,.·e each pullbox from College Station Utilities ... 1.-:trehoU$c,. lnsmll and complete "in p1acC) 11 ISt-reet L1ght :\$semb1y; lnclt1$iYe o~ but nm: Limited m,. .3#.5-IT .Street Light Pole_,. 15-Ff Mast .. Arm ,,,.-1th 5-.RisC;, LED .Lunli1iaire_,. -and Concrete Foundation (a!' pcr detail$ pro...-tdcd ·on Exhibit .'\; fur1iis11, itl$taTI and complete in placC) 12 I Connect to E-cisting Bird Vond Road E'""tlen:Sion I nterccpr, adndic:ned on Exhibit.\ {complete in place) SITE PREPARATION 15 2 13 tClcar::ing m1d Grubbing (mdude rooraking; all cleared and/ 51 grubbed debris to be disposed by cithcr of t11c folloYv-ing nvo :(2) methods: on-.$ite using -an npproYed trench burner; or disposed of off-!--1te ...-la containers:-or by and/ or cl"U.pp"in.g and dispo::<U1g of ground and/ or chipped debris ... -ta canta.ln.ct:$~ b.\· the Contractor nr no additional c.xpcn..<>e to the Ownc~) 14 IRemo"\'"e ·and .Db-:pose of E-xi~tl.ng Baibed \'\'-'ire P"encel 2:-760 (rornplctc in place) 15 IRe.mo ... ·e and Dispose of ExJsting Gravel Road (comp.letel J,650 inphct.:J 16 !Remo...-e and Dispo$e of Existing Cattle Guard (complete lll·placc) l 7 I Clean :and f\luck Out E..x~tlng Ditch {complete in p"la.cc) 2.800 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 I4 . .570 0.001 8,200 o.oo I 7 ,G7o.oo 0.00 0.001 5 0.00 ·15 0.00 2 0.001 51 0.0.01 2,760 MDI J,650 0.00 0.001 2.800 H D E I F I F(a) UNIT PRICE COST ($) UNIT I WORK COMPLETED ($) $122345.271 $I22.345.271 LS $34.000.00 $34.000.00 LS $L080.00 $810.00 $810.00 $I,080.00l LS $810.00 LS $810.00 LS sub-total I $159~045.'27 $6--95 I $10L26L50I LF $3.65 $29,.930.DO I LF $21.00 I $161,070.00I LF $2,520.00 I $12,600.00I EA .$4385.00 I $2L.925.00I EA .$5.620.00 $84300.UO I EA .$~625.00 .$5.25ll00 I EA sub-totall $416,336.50 $380.00 $I9380.00I AC .$1,60 $4,4].6 • .0DI LF $LOO $1 .. 650.00I LF $0.0I $[).031 EA $3-25 $9.100.00I LF FROM PREVIOUS I THIS PERIOD I THIS PERIOD APPL!CA TION (Fl (Qty.] 050 054 030 LOO 050 7,285.00 4.100.00 3,835.00 38.25 2<760,.00 1.650.00 3.00 2,800.0[) (Qty.] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 sub-total ($) $0.00 .$0.00 .$0.00 .$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2.914.oo I $20.25230 1,640,00 $5.986.00 1534_001 $32,214.oo 2.001 .$5.040.00 2.ool ss.770.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 sub-total I $72,262.30 ().00 $0.00 0,00 $0.0D 0.00 $0.00 (J.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 APPLICATION NO: APPLICATION DA TE: PERlODTO: 7 05/07119 04/30/19 PROJECTNO: I-!I-D2I-II PROJECT NAME: Construction of Bird Pond Road G COMPLETE TO DATE (Qty.) TOTAL COMPLETE TO DATE ($) 0.501 $61,172.64 0.54 $18,451.42 0.30 1.00 050 sub-total $324.00 .$810.00 .$405.00 .$81,163.05 IO,I99.00I $70.883.05 s.740.001 .$20.95Loo 5369.00I $112..749.00 2.001 S5.04o.oo 2.001 $3.770.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 sub-totall .$218,393.05 38.25! $I4.535.00 2,760.DOI .$4AJ6,DD 1.650.00 .$1.650.00 3.00 $0.03 2,800.00·1 $9.100.00 % (G.;.CJ (%) 50.00% 54.27% 30.00% 100.00% 50.00% sub-total 70.00% 70.00% 70.00% 40.00% 40.00% 0.00% 0.00% sub-total 75.00% 100,00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% K BALANCE TO FINISH (D-Q ($) $6U72.64 $15,548.58 .$756.00 $0.00 $405.00 $77,882.22 $30,378.45 $8,979.00 $48.321.00 $7.560.00 $13,155.00 .$84300.00 $5,250.00 $197,943.45 $4.845.00 $0.00 .$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 CONl'~NUA ll"~ON SHEET A IB c ITEM !DESCRIPTION OF WORK NO_ ORIGINAL I QTY_ QTY_ ADJUSTMENT REVISED QTY. 18 !Proposed ..-\11 \\·eathcr ~-\ccess Road (per derails_, furnish and insrall~ complete i:n place) 860 19 IRcmove and D~-pose of Existing 4-lnch Steel Pipeline! 2_.500 (complete in place) 20 IDc--<i\fock E:-..:tsiing.Pond (complete in place 260 WATER DISTRIBUTION 21 112-Incb .w;-w•_-\ C-900 PYC .Pipe (furnish :tnd instalI,I 3,093 including thro$t blocking and appurtenances \vith srnndard bedd1ngand backfill complete -in place.) 22 I 1.2-1ncb .'\\'\,\\'.~ C-900 PVC Pipe "'"'1th Restrained Joints! 192 and 1'8-lnch Stcc.1 C~ing (fumlsh and install, induding thrust blocking .and appurtenances with standard bedding .and :backfill complete :in place.) 23 18-Incb .\WI\".\ C-900 PYC Pipe (fun1ish and imral~I ·110 -lnclud~ t~t: blocking and .appurtenances ·wlth .standard beddlltg3ndbackfill complete in place.) 2-! IS-lncb _\\\\\'",\ C-900 P\-C Pipe with "16-lncb Steel! 138 Ca:slng :(furnish :and -install~ including thrust blod.-ing and appuncna:nccs w1t11 .standard bcdOmg and backfill complete-in place.} 25 l8-lncl1 Gate Yalve -and -Box (furnish '<tnd install~ complete I 3 inpbce) 26 I 6-lncb C-ratc \ ··ah-e and Box (fumish and in.sraU., complete I -+ inpface) 27 p2-l-nch G~ue Y.ih·e and Box {furnish -and instal~ complete -111 p1ace) 28 l.Sundard City of Colle,,oeSracion Fire Hydrant (fumish and I 4 :ixtstill .• cornple:rc U.1 plact'.) 29 !6-lnch .Standard City of College .Station .-\WWA C-900,I 60 ! P\-C Fire H ydrnnt Lead> {furnl$h and im:tall_, thrust 11blockin_g, -aU depths ... complete-in place) 3-0 -t.-lnch Hlo'\""'-Off Yah.·e with Box Including Check YalYe (furnish ·and "install ·per $tandanl ·City of College Station de:ra'ils, complete 1n -place) 31 12-Inch .Blow-Off Yake with Box 1ncluding Check Ya!"' '(funlish -and U.1sta1l per standard Ciry of College Station dc.ta:lls_~ complete in plact!) 32 112-lnch Plug -and Cfa.mp (fumr..-h and llista~ complete in phce") 33 fS-'f nch Plug and Clamp (fun1ish ·and install.:-complete in pla.ce) 34 112-Jnch \\-'ct Connection .(fi.nui~h -and install:-complete U1 place} 35 I 1S--fo.d1 x 12-InchSaddic Tap (complete in place) 36 I Remove -a-nd Di-1,osc of Existlng '13-lnch Plug and Oamp -and-..J.-I.nch BlO\\·-OffYal\"e and Box (complete in place::) 2 0.00 860 -1.500.001 1,000 0.00 260 -433.oo I 2,660 -192.00 !LODI 121 -20.DOI 118 -LOOI 2 0.001 -! LOO 0.001 4 -15_001 45 3.00 -J_OO 0.00 0.00 LOO 0.00 1..00 -! 3 2 H UNITPRJCE ($) $15-50 $8.10 $5.40 sub-total $35_00 $175.75 $2420 .$105.25 $1.110.00 $855_00 $l,87QOO $2,700_00 $16_00 $1,350.00 $840_00 $0_0! $245.00 $435.00 $5,995_00 $0_0! D E F(a) G APPLICATION NO: APPLICATION DATE: PERJODTO: 7 05/07/19 04/30/19 PROJECTNO: 141-021-41 PROJECT NAME: Construction of Bird Pond Road K COST ($) 1JNlT I WORK COMPLETED I r TH<s PERIOD 1 TH1s PERIOD 11 coMPLETE FROM PREVlUU!:i APPLICATION (F) TOTAL COMPLETE TO DATE % (G+Cl BALANCE TOFJNISH (D-D (Qty.] (Qtv.J ($) $13.330.00 I SY 860.00 0.110 $0.00 $8_.100.DOI LF o_oo $0.00 $L404.00I SY 260.00 0.00 $0.00 $57;380.03 sub-total $0.00 $93_100_001 LF 2,607.00 53.00 $1.855.00 $QOOI LF 0.00 $0.00 $2-928..20 I LF 12LOO II.OD $0.00 $12.419_501 LF 118.00 0.00 $0.00 n,220.ool EA 200 0.00 $0.00 .$3A20.00I EA 4.00 o_oo $0.00 $13_090_001 EA G.00 LOO $1.870.00 $10.800_00 I EA 4.00 0.00 $0.00 $720.0DI LF 45.011 0.00 $0.00 $5,400_(101 EA 4_00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00I EA 0.00 $0.00 $0.01 I EA LOO 0.00 $0.00 $735_001 EA 3_00 0.00 $0_00 $1305.001 EA 2...00 1.110 $435.00 $5.995.00 I EA LOO 0.00 $0.00 $0.021 EA 2.00 $0_02 TO DATE [Qty.) ($) 860.001 $13-330.00 0.00 $0.00 260.00 $1,404_00 sub-total I $44,435.03 2,660.001 $93,100.00 0.001 $0.00 121.001 $2...928.20 11s.001 $12.419.50 2.001 $2.220.00 4.001 $3.420_00 7.001 $13.090.00 4.0ol s10,soo.oo 45.0ol sno.011 4.00 $5.4110.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $0.01 3.00 $735_00 3.00 $1.305.00 I.OD $5.995.00 2.00 $0.02 (%) 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% sub-total 100.00% #DIVIO! 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% I00.00% 100.00% 100.00% #DIV/O! 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% ($) $0.00 $8.100.00 $0.00 $12,945.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0_00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.0D $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 so.on CONTINUA l"ION SHIEIEl' A IB c ITEM JDESCR!F'TION OF WORK NO. ORIGINAL I QTY. QTY. ADJUSTMENT REVISED QTY. 37 !Relocate E.,isting Fttc Hydmm _·\...:;sembly to Proposed Location .(-cornp1ete in-place) 38 IT rcnch Safety System (fumish and install,. complete inl 3_.533 place) 39 !Ductile Iron FinU:igs (furnish and install, complete inl 0.90 ;phce) ;STORMWATER COLLECTION. 40 l-!8-l.nch RCP, C-76 CL ll1 Storm Sewer wit11 SrandardJ 1,722 Bedtling "11d Backfill (furni5h "nd msrall, complete in 'phcc) 41 142-lncb RCP, C-76 CL In Storm Se-..~cr with Standard! 655 Bedding and BackfiTI {fun1ish -and iru:tall,. compkrc in phcc) 42 136-Jnch :RCP:." C-76 CL Ill -Stonn Sewer Culvert 'virh Stand:ud Bedding and Backfill {fuotish and in!'tall:." complere·in-placep 43 130-lncb RCP:-C-76 CL 111 Stmm Sewer \V:ith Standard Bed~ and .&.1.ckfill (furnish and install,. complete ln phce) 44 12.+-lncb RCP"" C-76 CL lil Stom1 Se,vcr with Standard Bedding mid Backfill (furnish ·<md lrL"fnH, complete in phce) 45 136-Inch CL Ill, RIG RCP Storm Sc~vcr Inlet Lead {fuoll$h -:i.nd ~tall,. complete in place) 46 12+Inch CL m, R/G RCP Storm Sewer lnkt Lc."d i(funlisb:and llU'tal~ complete in pfacc) 47 124--lnch CL Ill.~ RIG RCP Storm Constructed to Tmerconnect TWO (2) l 0-Foor {\\) "X "I o.:foot (H) ReUrfotced Concrete .Box {furnish and -install., complete in phce) 48 !Standard Ci.~r of College Station Storm Sewer Juucrion Box {4'8~' ma.~imum pipe !'°izt:), (furnish and install. complete in -place} "49 IS.tandat-d Gty of CoU~oe Stari.on Storm Sewer Junction Box :(4:2" ma.\:imum pipe ;:.;;izc)~ (furnish and U1stal1" complete m p1a-ce) 30 !Standard Gry of CoTiege Station Storm Sewer Junction Bos {30" mro..-imum pipe :size)., {furnish and -instal~ complete -in 1'lacc) 5 ! hD..;Foot {\\) x 10-Foot {I-f) Rcinforced Concxetc Box Storm Se-.vcr {fu01ish and .lns.rall_. complete .in phcc) .52 l:\ngled Connection of Two {2) J.0-.Foo.r x 10-Foor :R.03 Stonn Seweq'cr T:xDOT Standm:d SCP-J\ID (fumC;h and imta1\, complete m place) .107 123 738 278 649 116 2 0.00 -396.ool 3,137 -0.271 0.63 -499.0ol 1,223 -432.oo I 223 0.00 107 2LDO I+! -284.00 454 0.001 278 -111.001 579 0.00 0.00 2.00 3 1200 ·13 25 .. 00 1-1·1 D~D.O 2 H D E I F I F(a) I G APPLICATION NO: APPLICATION DATE: PERIOD TO: 7 05/07/19 04/30/19 PROJECTNO: W-02I-II PROJECT NAME: Construction of Blrd Pond Road K UNIT PRICE COST ($) UNIT I WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETE TO DATE % BALANCE TO FINISH (D-1) FROM PREVIOUS TI!IS PERlOD THIS PERIOD II COMPLETE APPLICATION TO DATE (G+CJ {F) ($) {Qty.) (Qty.) ($) (Qty.) ($) (%) ($) $I,730.00 $1.730.00I EA LOO $1,730.00 l.00 $1,730.00 100.00% $0.00 $LIO $3.450. 70 I LF 3,074.26 62.74 $69.01 3,137.00 $3.450.70 100.00% $0.00 $6,765.00 $4.261.951 TON 0.62 0Jll26 $85.24 0.6300 $4,261-95 100.00% $0.00 snb-totlill $161.,575.38 sub-total $6,044.27 sub-totall $161.,575.38 sub-total $0.00 $154.20 I $188 . .586.60 I LF 1.223.00 0.00 $0.00 1,223.001 s188.586.60 ]00.00% $0.00 $132..90 I $29,636.701 LF 223.00 0.00 $0.00 223.00I $29.636.70 100.00% $0.00 $108.IO $11,566.70 I LF 107.00 0.00 $0.00 I07.ool $11.566.70 100.00% $0.00 $78.10 $ll.246AOI LF 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0,00% $[ 1,246.40 $62.03 $28, 170. 70 I LF 227 .. 00 0.00 $0.00 221.001 $14.085.35 50.00% $14,085.35 $108.10 $30,051,80 I LF 278.00 0.00 $0.00 278.00I $30.05!.80 100.00% $0.00 $68.90 $39,893.101 LF 196.86 0.00 $0.00 196.861 $13,563.65 34.00% $26,329.45 $85.70 $685.601 LF 6.00 0.00 $0.00 6.00 $514.20 75.00% $17!.40 $5,400.00 $27.000.oO I EA 3.50 0.00 $0.00 3.50 I $13.900.00 70.00% $8,100.00 $4.180.00 $12,.540.00I EA 2.10 0.00 $0.00 2.101 $8.778.00 70.00% $3,762.00 $4,020.00 $52,.260 .. 0D I EA 9.10 0.00 $0.00 9.101 $36.582.00 70.00% $15,678.00 $780.00 $109.980.00I LF 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $109,980.00 .$.O~Dl w.ml EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 O.DQ'>/o $0.02 CONll~NlllJA l~ON SHEEl A IB ITEM !DESCRIPTION OF WORK NO. 53 IStUld.'1.r<l 5-Foor x 4-Foot Recessed Storm Se-..vcr Curb Inlet ~24-lnch e...Ia.....: Pipe Si:t.e,. per City of College Station Dcta1L--; .fumis.11 and install~ comp1ete in place) 54 ISi::aud.1.rd S~Foot x 6-Foot Recessed Storm Sewer Curb Inlet :(48-Jncb. M-ax Pipe Siz~ per City of College Station Detail..;; furnish and "install,, complete in place) 55 IStand.·ud 10-Foot :x +Foot RccC!l:Scd Storm Sewer Curb 1nlct {2+-lnch l\fa."C Pipe Size~ per Ciry of College Station Details; fumish and 1nsta~ complete in place) 56 !Standard 10-Foor :x 5-Foor Reces!'cd Storm Sewer Curb Irilct £36-lnch ~fa .. ..; Pipe Size, per City of College Smtlon Dt.,"t'aib~ furni:::h :and instail, complete in place) 57 ISrandanl ·10-:Foo:t :x 6-Foot RecL~cd Storm Sewer Curb 1nler {+8-lnch '.\fa..<>;; Pipe Siz~ per Gry of College Statlon Deta-ib"; furnish a.nd ~nst.iJl. complete 1.n pfacc) 58 ISranda.rd Gty of Co1lcgc Station Type "E" Storm Sc\ver Inlet :(furoi.--h-and 1.ru:taQ. complete in place) 59 !Rcrt1°"'c "1.nd Dispose of Exlsfu1g -18-Inch RCP Storm Sc,ver Cuh-crt {complete in p1ace) 60 m.emOYC -and 01::.pose of Exl-$ting s LF Joint of 30-foch RGP .Storm Se'"·er Culvert -(complete .in place) 61 I RernoYe -and Dis.pose of Existing Concrete Slope P~l\·ing ,{con~p1ete in ,plac~) 62 I Break Out E .. 'i:'isting Storm Sewer Curb 1-nlct and Connect to "Proposed .30-luch CL 111.,. R/G RCP Storm ScWL'f ·1tnd P.ro,;idc "\\;'"'."ater Tight Seal (fumi$h and install~ complete in p:L'lcCJ 63 ICotu1ect P:roposed 30-lnch CL 111_~ R/G RCP Storm Se\.\;cr ~ntl Ex"is-tin,g 30-lnch RCP Storm Sewer Cukcrt (conwlctcin-place) &+ l.Flc:ad~vn.11 '-vitb \\·ln_g-.valls for 30-Inch RCP Storm Se\vcr Our.full ',(-a"f. per Gt_y of College Station Standard Construction Demik;) 65 IHea:ch\all \Vith \\-..,.7ngwall for Dw.1 30-Inch RCP Storm ~ver Cuh-ert {!!$ pL'f City of College Station Srandard Construction Detail") 66 !Sa.few End ~rrcarme:nt Constructed on 36-lnch RCP Storm Sew~ Culn:rt {fumi"h -and install~ co~plcte -in place) 67 !Concrete :Slope iPaving (furnish a11d ·U1.$ta11, complete U.1 pbcej 68 IS-Inch ·rhick Brick Plug Constructed l11Sidc 10-Foot (\ .. \) x 10-Foot fH) Rcinforcc-d Concrete Box Storm Sc\ver witb -1/2-lni:11 Mortar o.n .. \11 -Sid~ and 1/2-111c11 f\formr on .!"£nhJ:s; _P'.r:om FR<:..c s:•F\1·:·-;.tJl .(fom:i§h :a.1J...cl in,$mJl,. $:Omplc.tg ·irJ phce) 69 ITek ... ·i--"ion Inspection of .Storm SC'-vcr System (per B/CS United ··r cchnlcal .Specifications) 70 !Trench.Safety {fumish and insta11, complete U1 place) ORlGlNAL I QTY_ QTY. ADmSTMEITT -2.00 2 o_oo 2 LOO o_oo -3-00 4 -LOO 60 {l_OO 2 CLOO 12 0.00 U_QQ 2 o_oo o_oo o_oo 2 0.00 10 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 c REVISED QTY_ 2 3 4 60 12 2 2 10 2 3;187 389.00I 3.576 H D E F I F(o] G APPLICATION NO: APPLICATION DA TE: PERIOD TO: 7 05/07/19 04130/19 PROJECT NO: 141-021--11 PROJECT NAME: Construction of Bird Pond Road K UNITPRlCE COST ($) UNIT WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETE TO DATE % (G+CJ BALANCE TO FINISH (D-D 'FROM PREVIOUS TH!S PERIOD THlS PERlOD COMPLETE APPUCATlON TO DATE (F) ($) (Qty.] (Qty_] ($) (Q~·.) ($) (%) ($) $3_905_00 $23.430.00 I EA 3.00 0.00 $0.00 3_00 I $11. 715.00 50.00% $11,715.00 $4,200.00 $8,400_001 EA 1.80 0.00 $0.00 1.801 $7,560.00 90.00% $840.00 $4_705_00 $14J15_00I EA 1-50 o_oo $0.00 l.50 I $7.057..50 50.00% $7,057.50 $5,100.00 $2Q400_oo I EA 2..00 o_oo $0.00 2001 $10,200.00 50.00% $10.200.00 $5,250.00 $15,7.50_001 EA 2.70 0.00 $0.00 2701 $14,175.00 90.00% $1,575.00 $3,025_{!0 $9_07.5.00 I EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0_00 0.00% $9,075.00 $14-40 $864.00I LF 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $864.00 $300_00 $600.00I EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $600.00 $54-00 $648-00I SY 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $648.00 $1,080.00 $1,080.00I EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $1.080.00 $1,080.00 $2 __ 160_001 EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $2.160.00 $5,185_00 $5,185_001 EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $5,185.00 $9,720.00 $9_720_001 EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0_00% $9,720.00 $2,540.00 $5_.oso_ool EA {LOO $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $5,080.00 $')7_00 $970_001 SY 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $970.00 $2,810_00 $5,620.00 I EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $5,620.00 $14_580_00 $H.580,00 I LS 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $14,580.00 $I.ID $3,933.6()1 LF 2Ji60.80 0.00 $0.00 2.860.80 $3.146.88 80.00% $786.72 sub-totall $683,228-ll sub-total so.oo sub-total I S406,l I9.38 sub-total $277,108.84 CONT~NUAT~ON SHEET APPLlCAT!ON NO: 7 APPLlCATION DATE: 05/07/19 PERIOD TO: 04/30/19 PROJECTNO: i.1-021-11 PROJECT NAME: Consrruction of Bird Pond Road A IB I I I c I H I D I I E F I F{a) I G l J K ITEM IDESCRIPT!ON OF WORK I ORIGINAL I QTY. I REVISED I UNIT PRICE I COST I UNIT! WORK COMPLETED TOTAL % BALANCE .NO. QTY. ADJUSTMENT QTY. ($) I FROM PREVIOUS THlSPERIOD THIS PERIOD COMPLETE COMPLETE (G~CJ TO FINISH APPLICATION TO DATE TO DATE (D-1) (.$) I I I (F) (Qty.] (Q~c) (.$) (Q~c) (.$) (%) [$) I I I I I I I DETENTION EXCAVATION 71 {Detention Pond Exca\-ation -On-Site Disposal a~ perj 63,000 I 0.001 63,000 I $2.70 I $170.100.00j CY I i2,600.001 6300.ool $17,010.00I! 18,900.001 $5Lo3o.oo I 30.00%1 $119,070.00 iPJans {Gr.l<ling and Shaping, haul, place, grade and compact $p0il/ fill to the proposed grades in ma...,Unum 8-Inch lifts .(loose measure) and compact to 95% SPD,. + /-2~"-o of Optllnum ~foisrur~)-Spoil sites to be filled in order -as ll:u:flcated on plan..", complere m place) 12 IO,.·er E..-.::cnxaiion for Im:taTiation of Clay Slope/Erosion! 16,000 I o.oo 1 16,000 I sz.10 I $43_200.001 CY I I 0.001 $0.00ll 0.001 so.oo I 0.00%1 $43,200.00 P,r:otection of _\ppro\·cd Clay and/ or Silty Clay ivlaterial w1:rh -a ~foiimum 1'-1-of 25 or More Contractor to Hau~ Place,. ·Grade and Compact -~menity -Pond .Spoil a.~ I ncftcatcd on the Dctcntlon -Pond Cross Section Pfan Sheets .Jrt the ;\.pproved Construction Dunvln&(haul> place; grade and compact ::>poll/ fill to the propm•cd gr.ides 1n-ma:cimum 8-.inch lifts QoO!'e mca..~)-and compacted to 9.5~'~ 5PD-" +/.:2°'o of optimum molsture; o\·cr c.xcaYntion ont'J 73 !Inst:\"" -Place,. Grade: and Compact 2-Foot Thick Clayl 16,960 I 0.001 16,960 I sz.10 I $45.792.00I CY I I 0.001 $0.00ll 0.001 $0.00 I 0.00%1 $45.792.00 Slopc.fE-rosion Protection on Bottom and Side Slopes of Amenity Pond ·with Cby Found On Site \\7ith a -P.1. of 25 or !0.fore U:sing 1\ppro\·ed Clay and/ or Silty Oas ?vlatecia1 ExcaYated from Dctcruion Ba::;:ln or .:.\menity 1'ond (place in-maximum B-lnch lifts-" compact to 951l-~o SPD,. +/-2% of o_pfunum -moisture; complete in p1ace) 74 IConcrcre L-akc Edge (per detail; quantity includes 5.0'! ·1,646 I 39.0Uj 1 .• 685 I $63AO I $106.829.IJOI LF I I 0.001 $0.0Dll 0.001 $0.00 I 0.00%1 $106.829.00 \-c_rticil trench waR 41$ per detail; furnish and install: complete -in phc~) 75 I Concrete L.1.ke Edge {per detail; quantity includes 3.0' I 776 I 0.001 776 I $3&.15 I $28,052401 LF I I 0.001 $0.00ll 0.001 so.oo I 0.00%1 $28.052-40 ,-criicil trench wall "" per dei:lll; furnish and in=ll complete in pL>~e) 76 IReU1foKe<l Concrete Slope Pa\·Uig for O\·edlow .Structure! 1,090 I 0.001 1,090 I $54.9.s I S59 .895.50 I SY I I 11.001 $0.00ll 0.001 so.oo I 0.00%1 $59.895.50 {fucnish and install, complete 'n place) 77 IT urf E...~1.b1ishmcm -Detention Ba:slil Side .Slopes fromj .j I 0.001 4 I s1,615.oo 1 $6.460. 00 I AC I I 0.001 $0.00ll 0.001 so.oo I 0.00%1 $6,460.00 Top of Concrete L1.kc Edge to LUnlts of .Disturbed . ...-\rea. lndus.lYe of \\-ateting. Fa:tili:cing, f..fowing ru1d lf.·lainte:nance, Umtl .a Full Sra11d -of Li\·e Bermuda Gra.."'S ll:a!' been EstabT~.hcd and ·all Gm-eming ,r\gcncics have l-ns:pectcd -and !'\ccepted the .Subject Project (onJy as directed --and -as -authorized by rhc Engineer; fum~h and iil!->-ra.11_. complete in place) 18 IPun:p.ing of E. .... 1:5-ting Pond~ Required During Proposed! 30 I 0.001 30 I ss10.oo I $17,100.00I DAY I I 0.001 :>0.0011 0.001 $O.oo I 0.00%1 $17.100.00 _;.menlty l)ond Cons.truciion \la Pipll1g to Discharge Locations Des1gi1arcd by the Engineer (3.,.000 GP,r.f :rnfr.!,_1rniWJ-P~:P.1J.mp)~_g 9"p~WJ:; ~om: (:J-) &<:ry· i:s sk.firn!d ~~ pumping out Storm \\atcr Run-Off and wcrondwarcr for _,one fl} continuous t\.vdyc (12} hour period •vit11 one (1) 3,::000 GPM ·pum_p (ml.ti): only as·autboiized,. in \'-Tiring. by l'he Engineer) CONl'~NUA. l'~ON SIH!IEIEl' A IB C I H D APPUCATION NO: APPLICATION DATE: 05/07/J 9 04/30/19 E I F I F[•J I G I .I PERIOD TO: PROJECTNO: 141--021-11 PROJECT NAME: Constroc1ion or Bird Pond Road K ITEM jDESCRIPTION OF WORK NO. ORJGJNAL I QTY. I REV[SED I UNIT PRJCE COST {$) UNIT I WORK COMPLETED TOTAL % [G+CJ BALANCE TO FINISH [D-D QTY. ADJUSTMENT QTY. 79 I Proof-Roll Spoil Site Prior to Fill Pb.cement and Grading of any Fill ci\fatecial (proof roll te:>.t to be \1.--itncssed b_y a repr~entative from the construction marcrl,1.ls testing "Sen.:icc prn't'idcr or by a rcprcscntari...-e from r11c Engineer) 80 !\\-ell Point Dc-\\a.rerlng for Groundwater Control for Detention Basin Excavation and Construction (minimum ibld $25~00/LF; only as authorized, in "l.vritin& by the Engineer) EXCAVATION, PAVING AND GRADING 300 81 IRoa<lw:ty, Rlght-of-\\-:ty and Pedestrian Eascm<"ntl 20,200 E.'\:cm:ation .-011-Site Disposal on Stripped (+-inch niinimuru <leprID ;w<l 'Proof Roll T estt."<i .r\rcas in Bird Poi1d Road as Indicated 1n the -"-ppro~:cd Construction D:at\v."it~ (mcludC$ approsimatdy 6)50 Cy. of utility 'spOil) .S2 IRoadwas Goding -Fine Grading.of Entire Road\vays and I 35 .'\djacenc Rescn·es/Eascmcnts to Fmish Grade as indicated 'in the Appro ... ·cd Construction Drmvings S3 I Proof-Ro] TC!:'t Pa...-cmcnt .Subgradc and Spotl Sites '"'1th Fullr .Loaded Street .Legal Tandem _-\."l:le Dump Truck Before Subgrade Stabilization Operations and Prior to Phccme:nt of Reinforced Concrete PaYcmcnt (proof roll test to be wlrnesscd b_y a rep:t:e$entative from the COU$trua:ion rnatecials testing serYicc provider and by a ~r~entatfn: from the Engineer; a minimum of 24 hours ad ... :anced prior notice must be given to the project -sire ~resemati"IT .Prior ro-proof-roU testing operaU.ons) 84 !Type "B'' Lime (36# /Sy.; furoish and n1'tall, complete inl 640 phce) 85 1-S-lnch .Stabilized Sub_gradc Preparation (furnish ·rmd 25,,220 ffisra1l. complete in pfacc) .86 l.6-1nch Stabilized Subgrade Preparation for Mnlti-Purpo-se ·10~332 Pam {furnish =d itl>ull, complete in pface) S7 I 8-luch Reinforced Concrete Pm"t'ment {fon1ish and -install.., 22r115 -complete in ·place) 88 ISCfoch Reio.forced Concrete C\Julti-Purpose P:uh (furnish/ 8,853 <md ;U1stdi1:, complerc in -plac~) '89 !Prairie lfolbnd .srone Pa...-cI'.$ Set in ~folti-Purposc Patl1 {funfu-h <1.nd 7t.tsta~ -complete in place) 825 90 16-hich Reinforced Concrete Curb (fumish and insttll..,, 1'3;393 complete U1 -place) 91 1·2-Inch H.i:.\-L-\C .--\sphalt with c·ither -!.-Inch H~IAC Ba-sc or l_.-13.+ 6-1 nch Cru...-hed LimC$tone ·Ba:-c {fum1sh .a_nd 1nstall_. crnnplct< in phce) 92 1·2-lnch J-[\L\C 0Ycr1ay on Exi-stlng.Pa"·e:mcnt (fumish and' 3_,.-IJ.5 inm11. complete in pbceJ 93 I .:\mbubw1·y .fulmp at lntcn:l'ction of Lakc\vay Drive and 2 Bini Pond Road (as per plans; furnish and install: compkrc in·plnce) 0.00 0.00 300 -2.200.00 I 1 s,000 0.001 35 0.00 -52.00I 588 -I.882.00/ 23_,338 -1 .• 020.001 .9 .• 312 -3.61 LOOI 18,704 -L5o6. oo I 7 ;347 0.00 g25 0.001 13-393 0.001 1.:134 nool 351-l 0.001 2 [$) $25.920.00 $25,920.00 I LS $25.00 $7.500.00I LF sub-total! SSI0,848.90 $-UO $73_800.00I CY $1.890.00 $66,1.50.00I STA $3.240.00 $3240.00 I LS $157.00 $92,316.00I TON $2.80 I $65_3-!6.40 I TON $2.65 I $24.676.80 I SY $38.10 I $712.622.401 SY $37.65 I $276_614-551 SY $9..55 $7 .878. 75 I SF $3.35 $44 .. 866.55 I .LF $3()..50 $34.587.00 I SY $9.20 $32.328.8.o I SY $725.0!I $1.450.0DI EA FROM PREVIOUS TH1SPERIOD TH1S PERIOD COMPLETE COMPLETE APPLICATION TO DATE TO DATE (F) [QI)'.) (Q~·-J ($) [Q~·.] [$) (%) ($) 0_58 0.00 $0.00 0.58 I $15,033.60 58.00% $10,886.40 0.00 $0.00 0.001 $0.00 0.00% $7,500.00 sub-total! $17,010.00 sub-total I $66,063.60 sub-total $444, 785,30 9.900.00 2.700.001 $11,010.0011 12.600.001 $51,660.00 70.00% $22,140.00 16.80 4.201 $7.938.00ll 21.001 $39,690.00 60.00% $26,460.00 0.48 0.001 $0.00ll 0.481 $1.555.20 48.00% $1.684.80 335.16 17.641 $2.769.-1811 352.801 $55.389.60 60.00% $36_926.40 13302.66 o.ool so.oo 13,302.661 $37247.45 57.00% $28.098.95 3.631.681 $9,623.95 3.631.681 $9_623.95 39.00% $15.052.85 8,603.8-l 2.244.481 $85,514.69 10,848.321 $4!3_320.99 58.00% $299.301.41 L836. 75 I $69,153.64 1.836.751 $69_153.64 25.00% $207.460.91 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $7.878.75 6,160.78 0.001 $0.00 6, [ 60. 78 I $20.638.61 46.00% $24,227.94 LI34.00I $34,587.oo 1.134.00I ~'34.587.oo 100.00% $0.00 3.514.0DI $32.328.so 3,514.0DI $32328-80 100.00% $0.00 0.001 $0.00 0.001 $0.00 0.00% Sl.450.00 CONT~NlJJAT~ON SHEET A [8 c ITEM jDESCRIPTION OF WORK NO. ORJGINAL I QTY. QTY. ADJUSTMENT REVISED QTY. 94 I Single :\mbulato1:y Rnmp (1\s per plans; furnish and installJ 10 complete in place) 95 !Double .Ambularory llilmp (:\s per plan~-; furnish andl .+ in~till,, complete .ln place) 96 !Saw Cut F..3:1sting :\sphalt Pa"emcnt to Prm.;dc Smooth! 2.,.475 Finish (complete in place) 97 IRcmO\~e -and Dispose E:'i'.lscing 8-Tnch 111ick Reinforced I 26 Concrete P.a.-emcur (complete in plac~) 9-8 !Saw Cur 2-Foor ·into £.'\is.ting 8-Inch !l1ick Reinforced Concrete P.•we.menr {complete iu place;) 99 !Tie 1mo E. ... Isring Reinforced Concrete Pat"cment (only as directed and as authorized,. in \Vriting,, by the Engineer; complete m plac~) 115 100 f8-lnc~Sch-+u PYC In::igation/Elccn_i.cal Slce,·e (mcludingf 300 cemcnt~Labilizcd$and bedding and backfiR. elbows-" riscrs,, fi~.· rnp:;., etc.: only as authorized and as directed., in writing. by the EngU1ecr; fumis11 -and insra11,, complete U.1 place) !OJ 16-lnch,Sch-lO PYC lrrigation/Elccrrica!Slce"! (inclmfingl .'100 cemem "$tabilizcd -sand bedding and backfill-" elbo,vs_. risers_,. fittings,. c:tp..~ etc.; onlJ 41$ authorized ·and ~ directed., in writing,. by .the E%u-inccr; fum'i$h and install> complete in place) 102 l+lnch,Sch-lD PYC IrrigationJElcctricalS!ccve (including! 3UO a::ment '.$tablftzed s.111d bedding and backfill,, e1bo'v~. riscL<>_. fitfums_. .caps_,. e.tc.;. only as authorized and as dircctc~ in wciting_. by the Engineer; furnish and install~ complete in place} 103 IRemon ·and Dispose of E..\.~tlng Type fll Barricade ,(com.pforc-in pb.ccJ l04 .!Scmda.rd Type Ul Barricade: i(as per derails_,. fun1isl~ insraU and -complete ·in p11cc) I 05 !St:tnchrd City o.f CoUcgc Station End of Street Object ~larker '(furnish and -insral~ complete-in place) 106 ISt:tndi:rd ·~Ying Header (,Ylth load transfer deTicc; fum~h and UtstilJ,..completc in place) 107 l36-lnc11 "X 36-Inch Sto.P Sign ,,i.t11 Dual Street Name Sign (as per recorded p1at; furnish and install_. complete in pbcCJ 108 1'1&-:h1cl1 x 1S-h1ch Stop Sign (fumisb and install~ complete inp1ac~) 109 l30-1nch x 36-h1Ch Speed Limit Slgn (furnish and insrall complete ;11 pL1ce) 110 11'8-l-nch " 18-lnch " ·1&-lnch Yield Sign (furnish -;n1d lnstall_. complete in pL'lcc) 111 136-lnch .x 36-1 nch Combination Bike and Ped Cr.os:-i11g .(W'l 1-15) Sign {furnish omd inst:tll, complete in place) U2 124-lnch .x J8-'1nch Trail Crossing ,{\'\'t·t-15~) Sign (fumi~h -:rod ;n:stal~ complete ln pl-lee) 113 l2+.hlcl1.x 1·2-lnch "500 Feet" f\\'-16--2.aP) Sign (funii."h and itt~-tiII .. co.mplt:tt:: in place) 114 12+-lncb ;c 1".!-1nch Diagonal Do\\-mwm:l :\ro:."Jw {\\"1(">-YP) Sign i(fual1$h ·and i.nsm.l~ complete in place) 24 450 2 3 IO -! 2 0.001 10 0.001 4 0.001 2,475 22.001 48 145.ool 260 0.00 0.001 300 928.oo I 1,228 2;24ll.Ool 2,5-l8 1.00 0.001 24 o.oo 105.ool 555 -1.001 2 -2.00 -LOOI 2 -10.00 -3.DOI 3 -3.00 -LOOI 3 -2.0U H UNTTPRJCE ($} $665.00 $815.00 $LIO $10.00 $6.00 $1.945.00 $14-55 $13.15 $!!AO $270.00 $58QOO $790.00 $7.55 $645.00 $340.00 $44.5.00 $340.00 5.375 • .PD $43.00 $33.00 $3200 D E I F I F(a) I G COST {$) UNIT I WORK COMPLETED FROM PREVIOUS THJS PERlOD THlS PERlOD II COMPLETE APPLICAT!Ot! TO DATE (F) (Qty.) {Qt)C) [SJ (Qty.) $6.650.00 I EA 2.00 $1.330.00 2-00 $3_,260.00 I EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $2.722.501 1..F 2.475.00 $2.722.50 2,475.00 $480.00I SY 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $!_560.0ol .LF 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $1,94.5.00 I EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $4.365.00 I 1..F 30.00 $436.50 30.00 $16.148.201 LF 245.60 245.60 $3.229.64 491.20 APPL!CA TION NO: 7 APPLICATION DA TE: 05/07119 PERJOD TO: 04/30/19 PROJECTNO: 141-021-41 PROJECT NAME: Construction of TOTAL COMPLETE TO DATE ($) $1.330.00 $0.00 $2.,72250 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $436.50 $6,459.28 % (G+CJ (%) 20.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 10.00% 40.00% Bird Pond Road K BALANCE TOFTNISH (D-T) ($) $5.320.00 $3.260.00 $0.00 $480.00 $1.560.00 $1,945.00 $3,928.50 $9,688.92 $29,047201 LF 509.60 509.60 $5.809.44 L0!9.20I $1 i.618.88 40.00% $17.428.32 $ L890Jt0 I EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $1.3..920.00 I EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $4.740.00I EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $ I LF 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $!_290.0DI EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $QOOI EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $890.00I EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00I EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $1~125.DD I EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $.129.00I EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $99.DOI EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.0DI EA 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $0.00 0.00% $0.00 0.00% $0.00 0.00% $0.00 0.00% $0.00 #DIVIO! $0.00 0.00% $0.00 llDTV/O! $0.00 0.00% $0.00 0.00% $0.00 0.00% $0.00 #DIV/O! $1.890.00 $13,920.00 I $4.740.00 $4,190.25 $1,290.00 $0.00 $890.00 $0.00 $Ll25.00 $129.0t) $99.00 $0.00 CONlU~UA l'~ON SHEET A IB ITEM IDESCRJPTION OF WORK NO. 115 IT_ype It :\-A u\Iarker:; (furnish and install.,. complete in lpfacc) I 16 IT:rpe I-C l'darkc:rs (fun1ish ana insraU_,. compk:tc in pb.ce) l l 7 "Only" Strip;11g (for Turn L'tne; furnish and ffi."al~ complete in place) ORJG!NAL QTY_ 160 230 16 118 !Tum _\rrow for ~ht and Left Tum Lanes (furnish and! 24-in~na14 complete in place) 1 T9 !2-l-h1ch \.'C-:idc Type 1 Yc1lo\v Stciping: (furnish and UtStaTI_,.I 315 complete in place) !20 14-lnch \'\1dc Type I Yellow Srripmg for Broken Lmel 320 (furoi$h -and lllsr.a1~ complete in p1ace) 121 l+-lncb Wide Ti-pe 1 Y cllow Striping (fumish and install.I -+.750 complete in p1aceJ 122 12+-Inch \\:?de Type I W11ite .Srriplng (furnish and install.,! 1>680 complete .in place) 123 ll2-inch \\·jde Type I W11lte Srciplng .(fumish and install,.! 70 currplete in place!) 124 l-S-U1ch W~1de Type I \\··hltc Srriping (furnish and iru.1:all,.I 1;300 compete in pince) 125 l-t-h1Ch Wide Type l \\bite .Striping for Da'!:>hed Lane Line 1_,600 '(funtr.--h and lnstaTI,. complete in place) 126 ~+.1nc1t Wide T_ype 1 \\~hire Striping for Solid Edge of Lane I 2~350 Enc 127 I Rt:--~1igt1.Existin_g Ditch to Proposed -~Iignment and FlO\v Lines '(-comp1etc-U1 ·place:) l281Propo:---cd.Swalc{complere in pface) 129 Tct'ffic Control for Bird Pond Road -and Rock Prairie Roait": lnduding. :bur nor Limited to Plan Imp1emcntatio~ Set-l!'.p_. T.akedO\vn~ L\r1.Scella11cous Construction Signs and R~b:r i\Iaintcnance "aS Required During Construction {complete in ·place) !30 I.Strip Top Soil (complete in place) 131 ReU$eTopSoil (complereinplacc) 132 Remot·e and Dispose of Existing Tcaffic Buttons and Pavement J1\1arkings on E ..... -tsting L1-kctvay Drive. 1ndusi\·e of, but not .Llmited To, +Inch \\l1itc Edge Line, +Inch Double Ydlo\\-Centerline and Type II A-.'\ Pavement CONCRETE HEADWALL AND BRIEGE FA<;:ADE I.33 l1"lcadw,.11l -and Footing #l for Two \2) ·10-Foot x 10-Foor Storm s~vcr Reinforced Concrete Box (as per appmt·cd Co_1J .. $._r_r:.u.<:::Jio_tJ Dm»~jr~ funnslt Mill .-i.rJ_sJ.-aJl. .<:ompkle jJJ place) . . 134 IHea<l\vaTI·and Footl.ng#-2 for Two {2) 10-Foot x 10-Fom: :Storm .Se\ver Reinforced Concrete Box (as per approYcd Construction Drat\.it~~ furnl$h -and ill$tall_. complete in lpbc<;) B-5 1" E:lecrrlcal Conduit (fumish -and ln5tall,. complete in pl.-1:!'.:C) 1,970 2_.000 9 2~050 2,050 1.5 300 c QTY. ADJUSTMENT REVISED QTY. -moo 150 -89.00 141 -'l.00 -IO_OOI 14 0.001 315 -120.001 200 -1.191.001 3~'i53 -1 . .303.001 377 -70_00 300_001 1_.600 -300.001 1 . .300 0_001 2"130 -322001 1,;.648 -500.001 1,500 o_oo 0_001 2,050 0.00 2,050 0.00 1.5 o_oo 0.00 OJIOI 300 H D E I F(a) I G APPUCATION NO: APPUCATION DATE: PERIOD TO: 7 05/07/l9 04/30/]9 PROJECTNO: w-021-41 PROJECT NAME: Construction of Bird Pond Road K UNITPRJCE COST [$) UNIT WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETE TO DATE % (G~C) BALANCE TOFlNJSH (D-1) ($) $4_50 $4_50 $195.00 $160.00 $6_10 $0_70 $0.70 $6.10 $3.0.5 $135 $0.70 $0.70 $6_00 $10.80 $2,325_00 $3-25 $8.!0 $525_00 $675_001 EA $634:501 EA H.560.00 I EA $2240.00I EA $1,921..501 EA $140_001 LF P~4ll7_JOI LF $2_.299.701 LF $O_ool LF $2, I 60.00 I LF $910.00I LF $1-645.00I LF $9,888.00I LF $16 . .200.001 LF .$2Q925.00 MO $6.66L50 I CT $16_605_00 CY $787.50 STA sub-totall Sl,618,069.20 $114.560.00 I $114.560.00I LS $114..560.UO I $114.560Jl\11 LS $23_ I 0 I $6..930.00 I LF FROMPREV!OUS THJSl'ERJOD THJSPERJOD COMPLETE APPLICATION TO DATE (FJ (Qty.) 329_60 297 1~025.00 205.00 CQ~c) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 329_60 750.00 1.53 410.00 410_00 0.00 ($) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.977.60 $8,100.00 $3,557.25 $L332.50 $3321.00 $0.00 sub-total I .$284,801.99 0.00 $0.00 o_oo $0.00 0.00 $0Jl0 (Q~c) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 D.00 0.00 0.00 ($) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 659.20 I SJ,955.20 750.001 $8,100.00 4.50 $10.462.50 1,435.001 $4.663.75 615.00 $4,981.50 0.00 $0.00 sub-total I $819,925.35 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 (%) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% #DIV/O! 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 40.00% 50.00% 50.00% 70.00% 30.00% 0.00% sub-total 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% [$) $675.00 $634.50 $1.560.00 $2,240.00 $1,921.50 $140.00 $2,487.10 $2.299. 70 $0.00 $2, 160.00 $910.00 $1.645.00 $5.932.80 $8,100.00 $10,462.50 $1.998.75 $11,623.50 $787.50 $798,143.85 $! 14.560.00 $114.560.00 $6.930.00 CONlfU.JIUAT~ON SHEET A IB c H D E F(a) G APPLICATION NO: APPLICATION DATE: PERJODTO: 7 05/07/19 04/30/19 PROJECTNO: l-ll..021-11 PROJECT NAME: Construction of Bird "'Pond Road K ITEM IDESCRJPTlON OF WORK NO. ORIGINAL I QTY. I REVISED I UNJT PRICE COST ($) UNIT I WORK COMPLETED TOT AL % BALANCE TOFTNISH {D-l) QTY. ADJUSTMENT QTY. 136 !Column Type:\ Structure (furnish and install~ complete in place) 137 1Co1umn l):pe ""-\ Cap (furnish -and l:n$.tall_, complete ln place} 138 I Column Type B Str=turc (funUshmid install, complcttin place) 139 ,Column Type B Cap (fumish and insrnJl, complete in pla<:e) 140 !Column T:pc C Structure ~furnish and install,, complete in jplace) 2 4 + -I J41 !Co1omn T_)pe C C~ (furnish -and insta],. comp1ete inl 4 place) 142 !Stone Yt..'tlCL"t"(furnisb tlnd i11!':ta11, complete in place) J 5,313 143 I Brick Band {funiish 'a1ld install_. complete ·in place) I 8-+1 144 . Brick P:i.ncm \ "enccr (furnish tl!ld -i:nsta~ complete m 12-l place) 145 1·Pa-,,;ers {fuo1is11.and in.."'ta11:. complete in place) I 422 146 Concrete ('"1p '(furnish-and 1.nsta~ comp1ete in pfacc) 223 147 ITuinted Guardt-a.il {furnish and U1StaU_. complete ln _place) I ::?:19 148 ,Pok Moumed Luminairc ,(furnish a11d lltStall_. complete in 4 'place) STO.Ru"\1 WATERPOLLUT!ON PREVENTION PLAN 149 ·1Silt Fcncc{fum~l1-and-ll1$tail., complete in place) I 7,.200 150 .Storm Do1n lnletProtc:ciion .{-:tS'1n<ltcatcd on tbcS\\PPP 33 detalls-pbn ::;beet~ complete in phcc) 151 ISt..1.hilized Com;rruction ...-\cce&'/£..,it .(installation" rcmO\-all 3 ,-:md malnrc11a11cc) 152 I Concrete Truck \\.a.shout "\rca .(installation, remo-.,;al and I 2 maituenauce) 153 I EwSion Protection .>\long Ditch ;(complete m place} I 1 .. 000 154 l:Broadca.-q Sc--eding for Er0$ion Control (lndusiYc ofl \\7:atcciilg. Fcrtlfizing. 1Mowi.ng and t:vfaintcnance, Until a f'.llli Stand of Gra...~ ha."' been Estabfu:hed and all GO\'.Cmlng . .-~_gencie$ haYc I llSpected .and ..:-\ccepred the Sub]ect "P.roJect Into tl1c One Year ·~\failltcnancc Pcrlod; Onl..r-as Directed and -as .-\uthorized "b_y the Engineer) 155 10r::mgc Cot.l.Struction Fence robe Pfaced .-\round \'\-'ct1and An.~ ,(complete in place} J5.6 IS.to.r:m \Vatc..r PoJJ.ution P.r~n:·nrU:m PJ.:m CompJi..11J.o: (indodlng S\\-PPP implemcntarloll;--performing project site -lnspceriom_,. .ro-mplcting -Inspection repom, @mg -notice-::;_,. p~-ting-pt:.rmits~ certificates and notlces .. instalfation of new control mca..~_. -n:ralnti::na-ncc of ~ control measures .. etc.} 11 350 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 -I 0.00 -I 0.00 -I 0.001 4 0.001 5,313 0.00 841 0.00 124 o_ool 422 ttOO 223 0.001 21.9 0.001 -I 0.001 7,200 -9.00 2-1 0.001 3 0.001 2 0.001 1,000 0.00 11 0.001 350 0.00 ($) $21.210.00 $42,-420.00 I EA $I,710.00 I $3 . .420.00I EA $30 .. 985.00 I $123,940.00I EA $I,7IO.OO I $6.840.00I EA $38.560.00 I $I54.240.00I EA $1,7J0.00 I $6,840.00I EA $18. 90 I $l00.-!I5.70 I SF $18.90 I $15,894.901 SF $16.80 $2.083.20 SF $9--551 .$4~030_10, SF $3 L.50 .$7_02-t50 LF $140.40 I $30.747.601 LF $5,7-15.00 I $22.980.00I EA sub-total I S756 .• 926.00 $1.40 $92.00 $1,295.00 $215.00 $L05 $1-6.15.00 $2.15 $8J0.00 sub-total $10.0lro.OOI LF $2.208. 00 EA $3.885.00 I EA $-130.001 EA $L050.00I LF $17,765.00 AC $752.501 LF szmool Ls $36.,980.50 FROM PREVIOUS THISPERJOD THISPERlOD COMPLETE COMPLETE APPLICATION TO DATE TO DATE (F) (Qt)C) 5.0-10.00 9.60 200 LOO 0.00 J.DD (Qty.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 sub-total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (J.00 0.00 sub-total ($) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 (Qty.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 sub-totaJ 5.040.00 9.60 200 LOO 0.00 0.00 0.00 LOO ($) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 S0.00 $7.056.00 $883.20 $2.590.00 $215.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $810.DD sub-total! SI 1,554.20 (G-;-C) (%) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% sub-total 70.00% 40.00% M.67% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% sub-total ($) $42.420.00 $3,420.00 $123,940.00 $6,840.00 $154,240.00 $6.840.00 $100,415.70 $15,894.90 $2.083.20 $4.030.10 $7.024.50 $30.747.60 $22,980.00 $756,926.00 $3.024.00 $1.324.80 $1,295.00 $215.00 $L050.00 $17.765.00 $752.50 $0.00 $25,426.30 CONl'~Nll.JJAT~ON SHEET A IB ITEM I DESCRIPTION OF WORK NO. MISC ITEMS 157 I One-Ttme Onlr Consrrucrion .Staking Service to be petformed by Edminster_. 1-fot::;haw,. Russ & Associate~ dba, EHR.i\,, a5 Indicated in the Spccia1 Conditions section of 1he Contract Documents .. All -additional staking is at the c..-.::pen-:.-c of the Comracror. 158 l'Post Coru:trucrion Topographic Verification_. .>\s-Built Surrey ~nd Record Dm"ving Prcpar.nlon to be performed by Edminstc~ _Hinshaw, RU$S & .:\."'SociatC!'_,. dba, EFfR:\,, as Jndio.rcd in the Special Condirlons section of the Contract Documents and .signed by Registered Profe.%iona1 E~ncer~ (minimum bi.cl .$17~000.00) CHANGE ORDER 01 CO 1·12-Inch '\W\\'A C-900 PYC Pipe with Restrained Joints LI and 20-Inch .Steel C-asU~g (fuoli::::h -and install~ inclucfmg thrust blocking and appurtenance!' -wlt11 standard bedding .and backfill comp1cte in place.) CO 120-:lu-ch:Stecl C.--i..-sing: for 1:2-Iuch PYC \\'arcr Line (furnish L2 and :ln$.taTI_. -complete ln place) CO S--1-ncb -"\1\°\VL\ C-900 PYC Plpc w-lth Restralncd Joint$ I .3 :(furnish <md instaTI.~ induOrr;g thnr.:.-r blocking and ~ena-nccs >Virh $rat1d-:m:l "bedding and backfill complete·ll1 placc.) CO Rt-mo\·e ·and Dispme of E..xistlng :2.+lnch 1lCP Srom1 l..4 Sewer {complctc;n-placc) CO Break Out -and Com1cct Pmpo:scd 30-1ncb RCP Storm LS Se\\"'"CT ro Existing .Storm Sew·er Manhole and Prm-ldc \V:arer T~ht:Seal {furriish and in!-tall_, complete in plac~) CO lfaility Spoil Dispa>-al to be Disp0>ed of ~t On-Site Spoil I.6 Loc:rciorr,}faul Off is facluded (complete inphcc) CO 36-:foch .x 36-lnch T cmpora:ry Stop Sign (furnish and L7 ~I, complete in place) CO Yield il\·Ia-rkings {furnish and install, complete in pl:ac~) l.8 CHANGE ORDER 02 CO ~-\ddicional Oearing:a.nd Grubbing-pci· Spoil-Site 2 L'lyour 2.1 CO Lumeupuhe 150 St-recrlighr FL""turc~ (furnish -and 1.nstaII~ 22 complete in pfacc) CO Lumenpube .150 Bridge Ftx.rurcs {fun1i.o;h .ind instal~ 23 cor.rplcrc in pht:~3 ORIGINAL I QTY. QTY. ADJUSTMENT 0.00 0.00 c REVISED QTY. 2++.001 2+1 171.00 171 H0.00 l+O 90.00 90 LOO 4,942.0Uj 4,9+2 1.ool 2 6.00 5.00 I2.00 12 4.00 + H UNIT PRICE ($) $0.01 $17,000.00 sub-total D EI F jF(aJlG COST (SJ UNIT I WORK COMPLETED .$0.01 I LS $17,000.00I LS Sl7,000.0I FROM1'REVIOUS I THIS PERIOD I THIS PERIOD II COMPLETE APPLICATION (F) {Qty.] l.00 (Qt,-.) ($) 0.00 0.00 sub-total TO DATE (Qty.) .$0.00 LOO $0.00 0.00 $0.00 sub-total APPLICATION NO: APPLICATION DA TE: PERIOD TO: PROJECT NO: 141-021-41 7 05/07/19 04130119 PROJECT NAME: Construc1ion of Bird Pond Road TOTAL COMPLETE TD DATE ($) $0.01 $0.00 $0.01 % {G+CJ (%) 100.00% 0.00% sub-total K BALANCE TO FINISH (D ·D ($) $0.00 $17.000.00 S.17,000.00 $181.50 .$44.286.00I LF 244.00 0.00 .$0.00 244.00I $44.286.00 100.00% $0.00 $35.00 $5.985. 00 I LF 171.00 ll.00 $0.00 171.00 $5.985.00 100.00% $0.00 $34.18 :$4~785_201 1.F H0.00 0.00 $0.00 140.00 $·L785.20 100.00% $0.00 $1_9_20 $1.728.UOI LF 0.00 0.00 ${l.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $1.728.00 $1.080.00 $1.080.DO I 'EA 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,080.00 .$4.10 .$20,262.20 I CY 0.00 0.00 $0.00 QOO $0.00 0.00% $20.26220 :>500.00 $1,000.00 I EA 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $1,000.00 $195.00 $1,170.00I EA 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.D0% $1,170.00 sub-total I .$80~296.40 sub-total SO.OD sub-total $55,056.20 sub-total $25,240.20 $1 . .900.00 $9..5DllOOI AC 5.00 0.00 $0.00 5.00 $9.500.00 100.00% $0.00 $7.462.00 $89_544.00 I EA 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0_00% $89-544.00 $4.938.0U $19_752-001 EA 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00% $19.752.00 CONl'~NUA l'~ON SHEET A IB ITEM !DESCRIPTION OF-WORK NO. CO !Additional Trenching and Road Cro.:;sings for Lighting 2-l Grculr 1,(lnduding brooks boxes~ plus added conduit to power rood cross1J1.&; complete in place) CO ,\.'Farer Linc Cro.$sUi.g.(to indud.c: Cut-in tee; 90 LF of 16-2..5 lncb .sted ·C3!'ing_: 60 LF of 8-inch C-900 water line; 8-inch .garc ···•-ah:e: 12-inch .gate Yalvc; -+-inch blo\v-off ':-ah~e; 8-inch pl~g and C.1.~ 12x8 tee; 8-inch MJ 45 bends,; 8-inch mega-1ug kit; S-inch .bolt and gasket kit; complete in place) CO 1\\-'..ater L-lnc Ct'O$s.ingdt.Sta. 10+30 (to .lncludc: Cut-in tct; 2.6 90 .LF of 16-inch :;:;teel casing; 60 LF of 8-inch C-900 w;ucr 11ne; S-inch gate Yah-e;. +1nC:h blow-off '\Ake; -8-inch plug-and cap; 1 z.,g rec; (5) -1-incb mega lug kits; (2) S-inch mega-Jug kits; (2) tracer wire test station.~ complete: in place) Rain Davs GRAND TOTALS c I H I D T ORIGINAL I QTY. I REVJSED I UNIT PRICE I COST I UNIT QTY. ADJUSTMENT QTY. ($) ($) LOOI 1 I $14,042.00 $14.042.00 LS LOO 1 $19,.979_59 $)9,979.59 LS LOO $17.04834 $17.,048.341 LS .sub-totaII .$169-,865.93 DAY $4,667,55234 1 E T I FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATION (F) (Qty.] 0.00 LOO LOO F 1 F(a) T WORK COMPLETED THISPERJOD THISPERlOD (Qty.) ($) 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 G COMPLETE TO DATE (Qt)·.) 0.00 LOO APPLICATION NO: APPLICATION DATE: PERIOD TO: 05107119 04130119 PROJECTNO: 141-021-11 PROJECT NAME: Construction or Bird Pond Ro:.id l J K TOTAL % BALANCE COMPLETE (G+C) TO FINISH TO DATE (D-D {$) (%) ($) $0.00 0.00% $)4,042.00 $19,979.59 100.00% $0.00 LOOI $17,048.34 100_00% $0.00 sub-total I S0.00 sub-totaJI S46,527.93 sub-total $123,338.00 11 $380,US.56 I $1,910,813.19 S2,756,739.15 I TEXAS CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE ON PROGRESS PAYMENT Piroject: Bird Pond Road Job No.: 141Q021Q41 On receipt by the signer of this document of a check from College Station Towne Center Inc. [maker of check) In the sum of $342, 106. 70 payable to Brazos Paving Inc. [payee or payees of check] and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been paid by the bank on which it is drawn or electronic payment deposited into payee's account, this document becomes effective to release any mechanic's lien right, any right arising from a payment bond that complies with a state or federal statute, any common law payment bond right, any claim for payment, and any rights under any similar ordinance, rule, or statute related to claim or payment rights for persons in the signer's position that the signer has on the property of College Station Towne Center Inc. [owner] located at Bird Pond Road [location] to the following extent: Construction of Bird Pond Road This release covers a progress payment for all labor, services, equipment, or materials furnished to the property or to College Station Towne Center Inc. [person with whom signer contracted] as indicated in the attached statement(s) or progress payment request(s), except for unpaid retention, pending modifications and changes, or other items furnished. Before any recipient of this document relies on this document, the recipient should verify evidence of payment to the signer. The signer warrants that the signer has already paid or will use the funds received from this progress payment to promptly pay in full all of the signer's laborers, subcontractors, materlalmen, and suppliers for all work, materials, equipment, or services provided for or to the above referenced project in regard to the attached statement(s) or progress payment request(s). ST ATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF ~fe.W~ § § § Date -+a.l-J-f-?.~~+-/_1 4_,__ __ Controller Before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared ~-.\\., X''4"eu3, ~ , known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that s/he executed such instrument for ~n~~urposes therein expressed, and in the capacity the~~s ,,,,... . I '-...::;;:~~· Name:· · · Notary Pu.bli~, State. of T~ My oomm1ss1on expires: ~:z,o •' Texas-Conditional Waiver On Progress Payment-8-10-11