HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-2736 - Ordinance - 07/22/2004ORDINANCE NO 2736 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9. "SUBDIVISIONS". OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW. PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY. AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS PART 1' That Chapter 9. "SUBDIVISIONS". of the Code of Ord,nances of the City of College Station. Texas. be amended as set out ,n Exlnb~t "A". attached hereto and made a part ofthts ordmaqce for all purposes PART 2' That ,f any pmvls~ons of any secuon of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconsutut,onal, such holding shall m no way effect the validity of the remaining proves,ohs or sections ofth,s ord,nance, which shall remain ~n full force and effect. PART 3 That any person, fim~. or corporat,on v,olatlng any of the provisions of th~s chapter shall be deemed guilty of a m~sdemeanor, and upon conv,ction thereof shall be pt, mshable by a fine of not less than Tweqty F,ve Dollars ($25 00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars {$2.000 00) Each day such vlolat,on shall continue or be permitted to conunue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten { 10) days after its date of passage by the City Couqol. as prox Med by Section 35 of the Charter of the C,ty of College Station PASSED. ADOPTED and APPROVED this 22nd day of .Iuly 2004. ATTEST Connie Hooks, City Secretary APPROVED APPROVED- ORDINANCE NO 2736 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 9, "SUBDIVISIONS". of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas. ~s hereby amended as follows 1. By amending SECTION 5 "VARIANCES" by adding a new paragraph 5-C to read as follows "5-C Variance from Water Flow Requirements It is specifically intended and hereby prowded that the various prowsmns of Sectmn 5, "Variances", shall not apply to fire flow provisions set out m Paragraphs 8-0, 12-P 4 and 13-D" 2 By amending SECTION 8 "GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS OF DESIGN", by deleting the current paragraph 8-0 and adding a new paragraph 8-0 to read as follows "8-O Water Supply All subdivisions shall be provided with water supply and distribution systems for fire protection and domestic use All water mains, dlstnbut~on and service hnes shall be constructed as provided by the Bo'an/College Statton Umfied Destgn Guutelines and the Bt3'an/College Statton Un~ed Techmcal Spectficattons and all applicable state and federal reqmrements. Where there is a conflict of standards, the more stnngent standard as determined by the City Manager, or h~s designee, shall apply The City shall accept for public usc only water mains, distribution and scrvme hnes that comply with these standards for construction" By amending SECTION 12' "RURAL RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS", by deleting the current paragraph 12-P 4 and adding a new paragraph 12-P.4 to read as follows "12-P 4 Rural Water Suppher Water for all rural sub&vmons shall be as provided by the City Standards The rcqmrements will include the fire flow requirements as provided by the International F~re Code and the Bt3,an/College Statton Umfied Destgn Guutehnes and the Bt3an/College Statton Unified Techntcal Spectficattons and all applicable state and federal requirements" ORDINANCE NO 2736 Page 3 By amending SECTION 12' "RL~RAL RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS". by repeahng sub-secuon 12-Q F~re Protecuon. By amending SECTION 13' "SPECIAL CONDITIONS IN AREA OF EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION" by deleting the current paragraph 13- D and by adding a new paragraph 13-D to read as follows: "I3-D Water Supply Water for all ETJ subdivisions shall be as prowded by thc City Standards The reqmrements will include the fire flow requirements as provided by the International F~re Code and the Br3,an/College Statton ~bufied Destgn Gtttdel, nes and the Br3'an/College Statton Unified Tcchmcal Sp..ectficat~ons and all apphcable state and federal requnements