HomeMy WebLinkAboutAce TownhomesCERTIFlGTE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I (we), Vete' 7 ' owner(.) and dewloper(s) of the land shown on this plot, and designated heroin as the Lff_ BLOCK I-CRIMENT P9R17E Sumehislon to the City of College Station, Texas, and whose name(s) ie/aro subscribed hereto, hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever, all speeta. allays, parks, greenways, IMrostructure, easements, and public places thereon shown for Ne purpose and consideration therein expressed. All such dedications shall be in fee simple unless expressly provided othersise. 1.. y Owner(s) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS We rap, thDe undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ��1�� known to me to be the person(s) whose name s) le/are eubecribad to the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/they executed the same for the purpose and consideration theroin stated. ,,''II TT��������'����� �� given under my hand and seal on this J.1 day of bLSiYlLTe f 20 ly_. Notallotary P Bnxoe County, TexaeTexas r 1. _ , -. hx CERTIFICATE OF NO I 16WIL C Chairman of the Planning and Zoning CammleMon of the Clly of College Station, hereby catrify cwthertment on the t the o't wys _0 f th the Davelopmenl �e day a that Me after pial n filed. ComTmisssillL,fphad to asp= on.thaywVdt within . l/ \ !!// } CERTIFICATE OOnLN.INECI, CAa..rct7 City Engineer of the - CRY of College Station, Texas; herby certify that Nie Subdivision Plat conforms to the requi enl poi the Subdivision Regulations of the CRy of COIWp Station.- CitytyyEngineer eeee City of College Stotion4k2� Filed for Record Official Public Records Of: Brazos County Clerk On: 12/21/2018 3:23:16 PM In the PLAT Records Doc Number: 2018-1348614 Volume -Page: 15070-165 Number of Pages:4 yo hereby certify. Amount: 73.00 It was filed for OrderB: 2018122100011620_, in the By: MO Page WNnam any Mad Sal Behalf al my offloe In Bryan. Texas, CourClerk Brae unity, Texas "C1/, C7""4"5 5 rl CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, Kevin R. McClure, Registered Professional and Surveyor No. 5850, in Ne Slate of Texas, hereby certify that this plot is true and correct and was Prepared from on actual suety of the property and that property markers and manumgwli`r'are placed under my supervision M the ground. 5550 CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION STATE. OF TEXAS XpLikZ! i I - a - (we), GPlll owner(.) and daveloper(e) of Me land shown on this plat, and designated heroin as the ACE_TowNy9ME SubdiHdon to the City of College Staten, Texas, and whose nome(s) 1./are subscribed handle, hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever, all Nrosts, alleys. parka, greenways, inim.tructure, easements, and public places thereon shown for Me purpose and consideration therein expressed. All such dedications shall be In fee simple unless expressly provided otherwise. 1. Owns {e) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS Befor�ry, lite,^ ndarolgned authority, on Nla day "mentally appeared 7_ known to me to be the person(s) whose mme(s) ie/aro subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/they executed the came for the purpose and comidemtion Herein elated. 20 .Given under my bond and seal on Mid day of Nolaryt c.B w Counc.B w County. Setback Requirements aro established In the City of College 2. Aeearding to the FEMA -Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Brazos County, Texas and Incorporotatl Arena, Map Numbers 48041CO22OF effective April 2, 2014, this property to not located in a 100 -year flood hazard area. 3. ORIGIN -OF BEARING SYSTEM: Dealing System shown is based on qdd north as established by GPS observance. 4. All H.OA Common Arses and Private Drainage Easements will be owned and maintained by the Homeowner's Association. S. Private Drainage Easment located in Lot Bri will be maintained by the Homeowners Association. 6. NI distances shown along curves are arc lengths. 7. Monumentotlon: Unless othereim indicated, all lot comers are marked with 1/2" Iron Rode. Indicates 1/2" Iron Rod Set Indicates 3/4" Iron Pipe Found Indicates 1/2" Iron Rod Found Indicates 5/8" Iron Rod Found PK Nail Control Monuments set in Asphalt Plant., at q Intersections and the (L radius of culdeeace. 8. Abbreviation: CmA - Common Area AOA. - Homwewnees Association ".E- - Landectps Easement PAE. - Public Access Eosement PrA.E.- Private Access Easement Pf.D.E- Private Drainage Easement P.U.E. - Public Utility Easement P.D.E. - Public Drainage Easement R.O.W.- Right -of -Way PEI➢ No1R 10.006 ACRES ane w, uipanM wR ae as Jut 4. rows. nae. a CRESIEIa POINTE PRONE MR a,Ctlmion e Bing m the anal plat rewMm h Wduche 63N. Paw 1N of Me Gerald eases m aiaee Moony. Texas (OAM.). mid a am undated wM W" W 0 WMe cased 137.1366 am cavi MmrIM mint deed horn Cefwe Mem /gNmms. W. ro Mn.com Paints, lid MHWheadid In amamle 115. Peflea1101 `G.R.B. wand yall of Me ds 8343. Pars Mom and Min W M-1. Block 3. M CRESCENT POSE PURSE MR m P g more "comes deeedhe by memo am bound, w Rome: BELMWHD. d a Ignd I/2 -Inch Ion me MOWN Me north Morrow of Me caIIM 6.32 acre uiOi d Rod am the mot comer of 0 called 1d4 m common Am W orientalq DralmFadely of CRESCENT FgN2 PHASE THREE suMMekm Mer M n mcomm the d pncaed In Volume 7594 . Pare Io (OA.U). mid M1m rte rise Wag In the narlhwebp beho-,f}.ry line M Cmmt Romig Parkway (Msec on a ze-f°M Wath at We Immo; Terre SS W M' 25' E a" We am,mm IIm Of ing Ow Omd d]2 Gere ened bond xr d and 5w NOW 1.34 acre, Ceo In Phm a nv'mgs Fmft add far a d16Mcs of 358.91 Ml M e found 5/9 -Iron (ran and moNFg an ands Pocru 1HENCE: S 4T 63' WC E awry qs tt lie a me mIW d32 aro MakNed tom and the a mad 1.34 aro, Common Mm '9" PRmm �Imgs Facility bag d 12212 met pm found 5me Wh 9m rtd moYYma Ne and Owner f Ne came 6.32 are acct and int ewer Common Anda eased Pr ie Me epos postage really Nm ®k pMeCR6CEMIo Fad* tract. Id loan m aim bNmp the mom of of Me asks 047 am PMp1IE MOVE THREE eub6aWon and be neer, oro, of and maim 3.H sue bed. IW 5R-1. Bbck 3 a old CRE9re1r7 POSE PWS FOUR mMm wanw n, nufor a Wag dlemmm d 26.54 0met m a 1/2-mer eh hme est er carbon Will Glow the ammo Ilne d Me .alma 3.65 arca bot W 5R-1, 9mik 3 far be Idimhg to and (2): 1) B I5 N 7' 59' E far a dem0 nw 0 the feet to a find 1/2 -finch Sm M W camrt. and 2) S BY ]5' 51' E kr a distance d m.a9 feet to a man" 1/2-Ime her M far ter seri mnv of Ma sad, odd bra rte also Nag Me meet Parameters, comer of the tinea 0.67 are comm Am "cPow gears. Fadfb of area MmwENr POW PHdse WM "Model sow Who In Me moved NM-ef-ay Fs d nam Hyke% Na. W (Harm? Med) (Mem on a 120 -fat herb a Gas boNon): MINOR S 4e 15 M' W do" M, norlMat ,qm-a-nry line d int Rod Som Meme No. M far a .interne M 673.14 IM to a fount 1/2-4M Ion no mar g Me north IMenmWn of mid nam heeMw W and beamed Porkeq (Mees an o 11a-fac4 right -d -eq a this badmn) for the ewth corner d Mw bah THENCE: N 4r 42P 19' W Gime Me ortlwW Msw-Mww line a mid rngwlwH Porhgy her a WMrce a 12e32 mW b a 1/2-bM 6m mcl we fa game T ' at 171.04 Esti am a IwM 5/a her Iron and mastrp Me met mew a W a-1. 6bak 3 of ma GEEMENT PRIME P1NX MR attendant and int mask wow of ter alkd 632 am aryldtm bad, gmlhm far a mm! dW Or 610.14 ma N a amnia-dackWee d owden long Me am 0 coq am Monte a antral angle d 21' Or g2', a raaw a tM= feett Or tangent d 3d.57 fat and along Imam Webb N W 6 1' MY W a a ammm of 606.69 IM b bn a Round Owl 'x' h mmark" Me me comer a Mb a the e P.h.w and created Panni formal Nail dons ter warm Flight -d -my The or Odd M M Nnte Pakhw far Me mnemne too (2) male: 1) N 2f 48' w' E far a dormers a 147.40 for to a roars 5/a -NM Mn mm reaWm a Point a .aware, ane WIN had h a ebMww dbmMn don the m a add mas Mang a umbal angle a 35' 0'f 39', a imine of 965.00 fwt a. consent of 2m.0 Wcomm o or ons. ora based H 47 0.2' W E a e eamme of 58240 feet m ter POINT CF SEDINIMIG am wntaiMm 10.006 MEW NOTES 6.321 ACRES Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the J.W. SCOTT SURVEY, Abstract No. 49 in College Station, Brazes County, Texas and being all of Its called 6.32 acre unplatted tract, depicted as Lot 4, Pham Rm of CRESCENT POINTE PHASE FOUR subdivision according to the final plat recorded In Volume 8343, Page 179 of Ne Official Records of Mazda County, Texas (O.R.B.C.), sold 6.32 acre unplatted lrect being part of the called 137.1386 acre tract described in the deed from College Main Apartments, Ltd. to Crescent Pointe, Ltd. recorded in Volume 5115. Page 10 (O.R.B.C) and being mora particularly described by metes and bounds as follows BEGINNING: at a found 1/2 -Inch iron red marking the north comer of the called 6.32 acre unplatted tract and the west comer of a called 1.34 acre, Common Arwe "B" Private Drainage Facility of CRESCENT POINTE PHASE THREE subdivision according to the final plat recorded in Volume 7594, Page 10 (O.R.B.C.), mid Iron rod also being in the northeasterly right-of-way line of Crescent Pointe Parkway (based on a 70 -fool width at this location); THENCE: along the common line of the called 6.32 acro unplatted tract and the called 1.34 acre, Common Mea "B" Private Drainage Facility tract for Ne following two (2) calls: 1) S 2T 32' 25" E for a distance of 389.91 feet to a found 5/8 -inch iron rod marking an angle point, and 2) S 4T 53' 35° E for a distance of 122.22 fast to a found 5/8 -inch Iron rod marking We beat comer of the called 6.32 acre tract and the Routh comer of the called 1.34 aero Common Aram "B" Private Drainage Facility tract, mid iron rod also being the west comer of the called 0.87 acre Common Area C' Private Drainage Facility of said CRESCENT POINTE PHASE THREE subdivision and the north comer of the coiled 3.66 acre tract, Lot 5R-1. Block 3 of sold CRESCENT POINTE PHASE FOUR subdivision; THENCE: S 42' 18' 14" W along the common line of the called 6.32 acre unplatted tract and the said Lot 5R-1, Block 3 for a distance of 443.01 feet to a found 1/2 -Inch Iron red marking the south comer of the called 6.32 acre tract and the west comer of Lot 5R-1, Black 3 of saitl CRESCENT POINTE PHASE FOUR subdivision, sold Iron rod also being In Ne northeasterly right-of-way line of CoppeKeld Parkway (based on a 110 -foot width of this location); THENCE: 439.10 fest along the northeasterly right-of-way line of said Copperield Parkway, In a counter -clockwise direction along the arc of mid curve having a admWl angle of 15' 12' 050, a radius of 1655.00 feet, a tangent of 220.85 feet and a long chord bearing N 61' 13' 39" W at a distance of 437.81 feel to a chiseled "X" set in concrete at the Intersection of Coppertleld Parkway and Crescent Points Parkway; THENCE along the southwesterly right-of-way line of said Crescent Pointe Parkway for the following two (2) calls 1) N 24' 49' 07" E.for a distance of 147.40 fest to a found 5/8 -Inch Iran rod marking a Point of Curvature, and 2) 591.62 fest In a clockwise direction along the arc of said cum having a central angle of 035' 07' 36", a radius of 965.00 feet, a tangent of 305.44 feet and a long chord meeting N 42' 22' 55' E at a distance of 582.40 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 6.321 acres of land, more or lose. VjI I ty Map Seale: 1'=30' I I 1` I S I` b erg . 1 1 20' PrAE.�r/ — — — (m ee (mm/2tsa)) \ z J 1 1 Ace Townhome Subdivision See Sheet 4 V 19'7R19Tw F _ adTn1' i P.V.E j17'11P4/la)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _10' P.U.E. — — — — — — — — — — .U.E. — — (76(4/278) 99 (1594/10) 3 I Irl Lot 5R-1, Block 3 I a� I i Crescent Pointe Subdivision m3 i 3.686 Acres I I - Crescent Pointe, Ltd. m ¢ I V.8343, P.179 U°o I I I 701 Common Aroa & Private Drainage Facility. Crescent Pointe Pmperty Owner's Association V.7594. PIC C 1 bG I I L16 `j \-- an --------------------------------ege Stgtl-------------�_—_---------_—___Clty of Coll onLd6cape, Orglnage , Utility 20 of Collage Station and Acceae Easement 20 Witle Wlity Easement T �—0' — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Pamsl A-4 (s1e5/x) _ — — _ — — (61151w)) — _ — — — _ — — — — — City of College Station 20' pds Utility Easement State Highway 30 (Harvey Rood) 120' R.O.W. , SO' Street EXISTING CONDITIONS Vicinity Map 20' PrA.E. CURIE TABLE DISTANCE (m a anmmaee) I DELTA I RADIUS r1 TANGENT CHORD. BRG. CHORD DISI'. C17 I x 171.04' 85.60' N 5039'58' W 1]0.98' 13.75' L22 S 4508'18' E 44.47' II Soa 34.97' 124 N 4209'32" E 45.99' 125 I oCl 1 35.52' US i�i$on 1 I � Ace Townhome Subdivision See Sheet 4 V 19'7R19Tw F _ adTn1' i P.V.E j17'11P4/la)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _10' P.U.E. — — — — — — — — — — .U.E. — — (76(4/278) 99 (1594/10) 3 I Irl Lot 5R-1, Block 3 I a� I i Crescent Pointe Subdivision m3 i 3.686 Acres I I - Crescent Pointe, Ltd. m ¢ I V.8343, P.179 U°o I I I 701 Common Aroa & Private Drainage Facility. Crescent Pointe Pmperty Owner's Association V.7594. PIC C 1 bG I I L16 `j \-- an --------------------------------ege Stgtl-------------�_—_---------_—___Clty of Coll onLd6cape, Orglnage , Utility 20 of Collage Station and Acceae Easement 20 Witle Wlity Easement T �—0' — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Pamsl A-4 (s1e5/x) _ — — _ — — (61151w)) — _ — — — _ — — — — — City of College Station 20' pds Utility Easement State Highway 30 (Harvey Rood) 120' R.O.W. , SO' Street EXISTING CONDITIONS Vicinity Map LINE TABLE LINE CURIE TABLE DISTANCE CURVE I DELTA I RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT CHORD. BRG. CHORD DISI'. C17 1 5'5517' 11855.00' 171.04' 85.60' N 5039'58' W 1]0.98' LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L15 N BTOB'21' E 43.27 L16 N 4709'32" E 45.99' L17 N 8T09'21" E 21.33' L20 N 500'37" W 33.90' L21 N 8723'38' E 13.75' L22 S 4508'18' E 44.47' 123 N 8708'21" E 34.97' 124 N 4209'32" E 45.99' 125 N 8T09'21' E 1 35.52' US S 4743'OY E 40.00' 127. S STir19' w 35.35' FINAL PLAT ACE TOWNHOME SUBDIVISION LOTS 1-16, BLOCK 1, LOTS 1-13, BLOCK 2, LOTS 1-17, BLOCK 3, LOTS 1-17, BLOCK 4 & COMMON AREAS A—E AND CRESCENT POINTE SUBDIVISION PHASE 2, LOT 5R -1R, BLOCK J. BEING A REPLAT OF CRESCENT POINTE SUBONISION PHASE 2, LOT 5R-1, BLOCK 3 8.227 ACRES J.W. SCOTT SUTWr, A-49 Owner (Ace Tnwnhmwe). COLLEGE STA77ON Coo'e Home, LLC. BRAZOS COUNTY, 7EX45 2136 Chestnut Oak Circle °CMIRER, 2017 College Station, Texas 77845 ST.I(E.• 1' Jo' sm (979) 218-8838 /\ Dew (Crescent Pointe): Sumevor. Tu a Nm RgM tw No. 1010=0 Crescent Pointe, Ltd. NCCIurc & Browne Engineering/Surveying, Inc. 4500 Carter Creek tn. .1008 Woodcroek Dr., Suite 103 Biyon. Texas W 4 wcrs (879) 218-8838802 (979 6693 t13838Texae 77rom 845 I I Ace Townhome Subdivision See Sheet 4 j Min Drive - 50' R.O.W. � 27' Povement ^' I � I I N 49.1R1140 F — T1.5Ra' -i----------------------- I I SSW L Iq �8r4 oci��i'9 eg V i— �10' P.V.E. Y 7 1 I Oew/zze) 15' Pr.D.E. ------------------�--- P.U.E. I _—_—______J I Lot 5R -IR, Block 3 Crescent Pointe Subdivision 3.482 Acres Crescent Pointe, Ltd. V.8343, P.179 �1 li I , I a \ \ 10' P.U.E. y L16 it 10' P.V.E. 01104/10) -- 10' P.U.E------ I (7594/10) I m Common Area 8 Private Drainage Facility Crescent Pointe Property Owners Asxclanon V.7594, P.10 \ \ � o• \ \ \ \ N \ cP -------------------------------- _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ N---- 01 _ _ _ _e City of College Station Cityof College Station Lantlsccess Easement Uglily 20 Wide UUII Easement and Access Easement Utility �Pomel A-4 (mss/ss) — — — — — — — — — — — — — City of College Station rr20' Wide Utility Easement S 42'7658" W — State Highway 30 (Harvey CURVE TABLE L15 CURVE I DELTA I RADIUS I LENGTH TANGENT CHORD BRG. I CHORD DIST. C50 1 4'11'10" 1 1555.09' 1120.92' 1 60.49' j 1 N 49'4754" W 1 120.90' Common Area 8 Private Drainage Facility Crescent Pointe Property Owners Asxclanon V.7594, P.10 \ \ � o• \ \ \ \ N \ cP -------------------------------- _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ N---- 01 _ _ _ _e City of College Station Cityof College Station Lantlsccess Easement Uglily 20 Wide UUII Easement and Access Easement Utility �Pomel A-4 (mss/ss) — — — — — — — — — — — — — City of College Station rr20' Wide Utility Easement S 42'7658" W — State Highway 30 (Harvey Road) L15 120' R.0, W. , 60' SWwet L16 REPLA T Vicinity Map LINE TABLE UNE BEARING DISTANCE L15 N 8709'218 E 43.22' L16 N 42'09'32" E 45.99' L17 N STM'21" E 21.33' 720 N 5'00'37" W 33.90' L21 N 8723'38" E 13.75' 122 S 48'08'18° E 44.47' 723 N BT09'210 E 34.97' 124 N 42'09'32".E 45.99' 125 N 8709'21" E 35.52' US S 4743'02" E 40.00' L27 S 8717'19' W 35.3'1 L46 N 4741'48" W 25.00' L47 N 4753'31" W 28.53' L48 N 11'51'25" W 47.53' GENERA. OTES. 1. This property la zoned GC—GENERAL COMMERCIAL 2. Minimum Building Setback Requirements ars established in the City of College Station's Unified Development Ordinance. 3. According to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Brazos County, Texas and Incorporated Areae, Map Numbers 45041CO220F effective April 2, 2014, this properly Is not loccted in a 100—year flood hazard area. 4. ORIGIN OF BEARING SYSTEM: Bearing System shorn is based on grid north as established by GPS observance. 5. Al distances shown along curves are arc lengths. e. Monumentation: Unless otherwise indicated, all lot corm are marked with 1/2" Iran Rods. Indicates 1/2" Iron Rod Set Indicates 3/4" Iron Pipe Found Indicates 1/2" Iron Rod Found Indleotes 5/8" Iron Rod Found PK Nail Central Monuments set in Asphalt Pvmt., at FL Intersections and the CL radius of culdeaacs. 7. Abbrevia8om CmA. — Common Area H.O.A. — Homeowner's Msockdion U.E. — Landeoape Easement P.A.E. — Public Moves Easement PrAE— Private Meese Easement Pr.D.E.— Private Drainage Easement P.UA — Public Utility Easement P.D.E. — Public Drainage Easement R.O.W.— Right—of—Way W.W — Variable Width FINAL PLAT Cresent Pointe Porkwav 70'R.aw. �T8'street DMA 'E' 0.011 Ac. IKW ip• P.U.E _ '1 -.-I r w n, "S I J I J o $ W S 41'24'/8" W 7- 8.5. _ 1 1 'd '1 1 w I N _ .. 15 R r m a I� wit M aJlo CMA 'b' ` m r '. _ J Lot B m w w I� wl� w w w mitt; 0.013 M. Lot 'a a of 8101 Ac E-t4'�r _ �� m Lot81"' WlmaOXAc.W M / 8� 6 6 rlsIN 4,tg'01e ` nm m Lot 10 r o.07a Ae' m %'m Lot 8 '9 Lot 5 Y ° I Lat 4 8 Lot 3 $ Lot 2 o Lof 1 , o o' I Q L 1 0.050 Ac. w 1 `$ _ r m (Of 7 m I 6 41'24'48" W 156.64' / N 6 8.5 %�1 y (At 12 m Lot if 0.052 Aa 'y0053 Ac 0 0.073 Ac.I �, 10.075 Au .r 0.055 Aa aa0. Ac 0.088 Ac. � vi w W O.) aa5O Ac. W b I r n w m m m _ 8 18 4, TO .� J L.._ m --' m -..-m .J L.._.TB� �:k � r I _ aW6 j 77 moi/ g �+ 0.068 Aa\ s W\_Lot 13 o m m a w m T 8.51' 10' P.U.E. 20 B.S.LJ / m R.O.W.26 d� Lot 14 1 \r �` s. m.�_ 26 B_S.L _ -_ �� 010 m i S 41COt 6/S - 143.32' / C $ Lot 15 0.051 Aa W J r' 31.67 25.03' 18.60' 31.19' 32.11' 25.00' 25.00' 18.29' 5 0.067 Dedication ( .? \ Lot 16 `0.0.51 Ac. -1 s4`J m - -_ 8.13' . 0.007 Ac. \ no % / 31.59' N 41'58'03" E - 138.09' 0.078 Aa / M W\/ OA, C3 a - \. m , "\20' ss-� �z5ov z5 I s ar2a•ae" w - 130.13' % N 41'58'03' E - 136.89' CMA "C" ") j 0..RI MLot N .''26•g6, N �• pavement C11 66• 31.46' 38 6T 25.00' 25.00' 34 63' 0.027 M. I 1 0.072 A�. 39 2{• R:O.W " 25.13' -- - - - S0. 32. ;7.42' - - 7.33' 20' B.S.L. Block �G.r vr'i ry 7g• _ 10' P.0 S 11'24'48" W - 119.95' i ' 20 851' 2600 U3 E 141. 36.24• _� /2p' B.SL �.. _. _.. _.. ...� fir.. $ '� /w A2449 83.25 5p1' ice' /.._ �, n I nil r r J ie / C15 /�. % ,Y / a' r.6° ¢4965 E o, 1.43' .� a W Im a Itq ain. waaoa7 n5c. ' oLOaz7t ?n0. w m /� c --1 \s•B Lot /3 / p 2 15' R 1 ILot w w </ l .. ts L a;r0 ea. '�' 17 25,01' 'at., 1 w ; Lo! 5 ao75 Ao I 8 10.r)' 6 6 ° I Lot B Lot 7 t 0.033 Ac. " 0.0.75 Aa 0.054 M. r kos,, O tOLOt 1 rel 1 1- r m 1 e6i l / 3 i 0.089 Ac. ry Lot 9 1 :;'_ o m m m / \C r S.Z. w1 W Lot 10 0.0)5 Aa 1J \� m m M .. m I11 ut .. -/ 0' 8 LOF 1? / m 15' B.S.L IS' B.S.L / N a0B5 e ") Lot 11100.00 Aa `r � \ -„- ._ .._ \ \ 1 •N 0.053 Ac. �'� 1 _ ---_ - 10.98 Lot 12 ` °' Phi `1133' 25.08•.. 20.59• 31.3]' 25.00• 25.00' 13.44• / /. 36.W /• w \ \ N a a53 Ac. 10' 25.13' � 1 / Lot 13 '/' i 21.13' C14 9 41'58'03" W - 105.79' S / Lot 11 aloay / 4U 0.073 Aa. m W ..� 61• N " : seoz> 7 4a / rex < 1 t 1g 17.24'- 32 / 17L / 1777' p13 ; / Y- •t0(' 0- Dry ye ani B s - , S / js 0as71A0c. 1Po4• / t a t 1r" 25.01 W 1352 JOX 27 Parem 6pb, 42 3 Ory 16.251 A9,03' Sp R.O.W. IP / 5 24 S {1'58'03' W - 84.73' / ` / 07 N / `.\ Lot 9 boa• / Co + 25 40 .08' 11.98' ..72' 14.35 e.366 33 -- -_ 70.05' 0 / 26 p1 �� 16• P.U.E. 25' B.S.L. 8 - � 7.0.4' ._.._ ._.. -.. .. _.._..� 1 W es.64 Ii� / .. s 244903 3477 •'5.05' .< n b $ m AM. / \I as 4291 a I m m 1 �m P• -m I '1�m I I I Lott w Lot 3 w Lot 2 w 0.105 Ac. J/ 0.072 Aa . 0.073 Ac. Ir Lot 5 1 ' w Lot 5 ! W 00912 A4a : ! 1 I I am M. w Lot 7 '" �t s� o.o6e;.l � OA37 Ac. `yn w Gi n $ vi f i $ a m m m w 1 Common Area "A" h N g a m m m DI C m m \ 0.370 Ac. I n m n l7 1 m�L.. 1 T T 1 20' B._S.L.I 10 P. E 20' S.L. I _-___ ____ _t-2-6.69i J 5.00• 1 32.84• 25.00' 5.00• N 42.18.14" E 32.85' 25.00• 25.00' I • 1 33.00• 25.00' 25.00' 32.92' 32.97' 25.00' 25.00' 25.00' 40.65• B' 11 �20. B.S.L 10' RUE. E. �20' B.S.L -1r _ 8 8m 8 8 8 I r II g Lot 9 8 8 8, 8 Lot 13 8 8 8 8 1 0.076 Aa I I I III 1 1 0.076 x.. I I I 1 Lot 171 1 0. ; 1 w: J w Lot 10 W Lot 11 w Lot 12 w 'J w w w 0.oes Aa ,rite 1 ;c 6 0.037 Ao O.o37 Aa 6.076 x. I w Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 I N „ PA . In m 'u� 'v� r 'u� m `cm2 0.051 Ac. 'im° 0.057 Aa 0.067 Ac. „ I 10.1 ti ( hl �- t'I� ti h h I I„ z ( Lb e� III 25' B.S.L. 10' P.U.E. 25' B.S.L7 1 !> 6.073' ___ _____ _ ___ ____ I --33.00'- -25.00' 25.00' 32.92' 32.97' 25.00• 25.00' 25.00' 20.62' N 49-IRIle F - 25n4• Ai/in Dnve 50' R.O.W. -• 27' Pavement Iaw _-____ 0 4Cr---n=.2----__ l Lot SR -1R j SeeSheet3 I $666,5- II P.QWs eowg I� I I m.A. "B° h ^ /''4[J !687>•�. B$(. / .034 Ac. / ll�rr / 3s• AP ant Pointe Ph. 3 y CAMoV..7594, P.10 Lot tis• -PoPo, / 8 /s 0.076 Ao k' / Common Area & Private Lot 7 ` /00 Drainage Facility /S 00, GOosawatin�6g00.wn'Acio "- / W V.7594, P.10 / Lot s 7 Ao IPo00 5/ Lot 5 00, / 0.091 Aa / ( L 1 6662 �" W'` .. I J \7 IBL>6• 8 I d m Lof 4s. Bs.L 0.091 x. I I' IS 4z'18'Ie W - loaco' 1 Incorrect distance $ _ Ifor call. Distance I should be 122.22 H. Lot 3 w I r 0.057 Ac. w I S 42'18'14 W- 100.00' I a W c Lot 2 „ $ N 8 awAAc. 1 e S 42'18'14° W - 106.00' - Vac With PLD.E. N I 1 $ Lot 1 I 10' PAZ 4/101 am -].5' S 4?'15'14'W - 10RON,'• ------- 0--10' P.U.E.-- 1 --10' P.U.E ' (76a4/278) 6' Pr.D.L Ose4/to) ------------- I , UNE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L7 S 88'51'23" W 3663' L2 N 48'35'14" W 4225' L3 N 519136" W 35.19' L4 N 79'1811° W 25.93' LS N 2532'25" W 43.97' L6 N 2'47'41" W 28.24' L7 N 83'30'40" E 37.65' LB S 1'05'40" W 32.35' L9 S 84'54'09" E 29.98' L10 S 1521'23" E 34.49' 1-11 N 70'38'37" E 33.64' L12 N 3'52'26" W 30.92' L13 S 2032'25" E 45.12' L14 S 21.43'40" E M25. 120 N 5'00'37' W 33.90' L46 N 4741'48° W 25.00' L47 N 4T53'31" W 2863' L N 11'51'25" W 4753' Vicinity Map 111 GFNFR4��SNOTFS: 1. This property Is zoned T-TOWNHOMES. 2. Proposed Land Use: 83 Realtlential Lute (Townhomea) Public Rignt-of-Way Acreage 1.59 M. Common Aron 0.45 Ac. Total Lot Area Acreage 4.29 Ac. Average Lot Area 2,983 SF Minimum Required Lot Size 2,000 SF Lot Density = 10.0 Unite/Mm Max Allowable Density 14.0 Unita/Mrs 3. Minimum Building Setback Requirements aro established in the City of College Stotlon's Unlflel Development Ordinance. 4. M°oNing to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Brazos County, Texas and Incorporated Areae, Map Number 48041022OF effective April 2, 2014, this property, Is not located in a 100 -year flood hazard area. S. ORIGIN OF BEARING SYSTEM: Bearing System shown Is based on grid north as established by OPS observance. 6. All Iota will provide a minimum of (2) 2" caliper trees or (1) 4" caliper Use per Ordinance No. 3222. 7. Wdhin the Me Townhome Subdivision all Parking will be restricted to one side of the street per UDD 12.8 3.W.3.C. 8. Al late In Books 1 and 2 will take access from the Alley. 9. NI lot fill must shall be compacted in accordance with the BCS Unified Technical Speoificatbna. Lots which receive mora than two feet (2 M) of flit Will require compaction or an engineered slab. 10. Detention for the ACE Townhomee Property is provided in the existing Croeoent Pointe Property Owner's Association PoM to the east of Le subject property. 11. All H.O.A Common Areas will be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Neaclaflon. CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT CHORD BRG. CHORD DIST. C1 1836'11° 1655.00' 489.21' 248.40' IN 6021'35' W 487.43' C2 35'07'36" 965.00' 591.62' 305.44' N 42'2235° E 582.40' C3 18'35'39" 561.00' 162.48' 81.81' N 3522'33° E 161.91' C4 {96'02" 1880.00' 139.79' 69.93' N 6523'11' W 139.75' C5 94'10'47" 25.00' 41.09' 26.89'.: S 71'5428° W 36.62' CB 4'4721" 688.25' 57.53' 28.78' S 2712'43" W 57.51' C7 12'19'39" 377.25 81.17' 40.74' S 35'46'13" W 81.01' C8 2721'10" 15060' 71.61' 36.50' N 34'13'00" W 70.95 Ce 2721'10" 100.00' 47.74' 24.33' S 34'13'00" E 47.29' CIO 2502'48" 150.00' 73.43' 37.46' S 34'33'56" E 72.70' Cit 1535'39" 53UW 155.31' 78.20' N 33'22'33" E 154.77' C12 1'29'30° 1704.00' 44.36' 22.18' S 63'24'04" E 44.38' C13 4'47'21" 738.25' 81.71' 30.87' S 2712'43" W 61.59' C14 9'29'40" 42725' 70.80' 35.48' S 3711'13" W 70.72' C15 VO1'O5" 100.00' 7.01' 361' S 2232'58' E 7.01' FINAL PLAT ACE TOOMM& SUBDIVISION LOTS 1-16, BLOCK 1, LOTS 1-13, BLOCK 2, LOTS 1-17, BLOCK J. LOTS 1-17, BLOCK 4 & COMMON AREAS A-E AND CRESCENT POINTE SUBDIVISION PHASE 2, LOT 5R -1R, BLOCK 3, BE/NG A REPLAT OF CRESCENT PO/NTE SUBDIVISION PHASE 2, LOT 5R-1, BLOCK 3 8.227 ACRES J.W. SCOTT SURD; A-49 Owner (&a Townhome): COLLEGE STATION Cao's Home. LLC. BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 2136 Chestnut Oak Circle X7UiY!A, 2017 College Station, Texas 77845 Sol[!7 1" - dpi (979) 218-8836 Owner (Crescent Pointe)' &Ml'ae n Tmw Ren 6.96eoeon No. 101030° a Crescent Pointe, Lttl. McClure & Browne Engineering/Surveying. Inc. 4500 Carter Creek In. 1008 Woodoreak Dr., Suite 103 Bryan, Texas 77802 College Station. Texas 77845 0.r x wits (979) 218-8836 (979) 693-3838 I W W339-IPew9