HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988V1031P385acGlaN ORI LA14RENCE G. FRASER GRANTEE: GENERAL � gTELEPHONE CO. FORMED -165-A BRYANOX, TX /7805 THE STATE OF TEXAS EASEMENT .& RIGHT-OF-WAY EXCHANGE COLLEGE STATION 5416 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF—BRAZOS_ 4 f„ ­ I; 1 � ORDER NO— 6E2097 That I, LAWRENCE G. FRASER, INDIVIDUALLY�'c ��` ---1988 FEB 29 P11 ta 07- 403358------ ---..._— 1 A ------- `,i,,..i! ��,.. �: •:: raovir::,; fF. ----•--•-------- - of the County' of._j1 _RRIS__—.—___ _.;rrt r -%u $letp/pforefnld, um for qnd In consideration of the sof :._flae..&..00L100_ pollen 1.00 0:-.-_ .e_ _in ld );L- l) R,hpald y General Telephone Company of I the Southwest, a Delaware corporation, the receipt of which Is hereby aclmowl ged end confessed, have this day granted and conveyed and do, by them presents, grant and convey unto General Telephone Company of the Southwest, Its successors and assigns, an easo• meas Tnn font, swidth, to construct, place, operate, Inspect, malatain,, repair, replace and remove such buried communication cable is Grantee may from time to time require, consisting of burled able, markers and necessary fixtures and appurtenances, over, same, under and upon the following described property to wit: A portion of those certain tracts or parcels of land being 16.71 acres out of the CLEMENT RAINEY SURVEY; ABSTRACT 0201, Brazos County, State of Texas, said tract being more particularly described in a Deed from William D. Fitch to Lawrence G. Fraser, dated 5 March 1987, recorded in Volume 959 at Page 261 and 80.31 acres out of the H. G. HUDSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT 11140, the ANDREW MILLER SURVEY, ABSTRACT 0165, and the CLEMENT RAINEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT (1201 all of Brazos County, State of Texas, said tract being more particularly described in a Deed from J. W. McFarlane, Trustee to Lawrence G. Fraser, Trustee, dated 7 January 1986, recorded in Volume 856 at Page 629 of the Deed Records, County and State aforesaid. An easement ton (10) feet in width, said easement being more particularly described in two segments•as follows: "SECMF.NT.1"Centerline description beginning at a point in the westerly right-of- way line of State Highway 6 South, said point lying 5390 52' 20" E a distance of 423' more or less from the Northerly corner of said 80.31 acre tract. THENCE S 500 W a distance of 368' to a point for ending, same point being the point of beginning for Segment 2. "SEGMENT 2" Ten foot easement lying to the left of the following described line. Beginning at the point of ending for "Segment 1". THENCE S 000 18' 33" W a distance of 490' to a point. THENCE S 890 31' 27" W a distance of 637.90' to a point. TIIENCE S 850 51' 58" W a distance of 1,000' to a point for ending. Situated in ....... BRAZOS... _................... _..._..County. State of—_TEXAS.... :.................................... _..... _.—.----_-., and the Cmntoilsj recognizes the general course of mid fine, as above described, is based upon proUrninary survey only, and Grantor(41 hereby agree(s) that the easement hereby granted shell apply to the actual location of said line where constructed. Grantor covenants for himself, his successors and assigns, not to place or maintain any holding or structure on said easement. Grantor grants to the Grantee the right of ingress and egress over my (00 adjacent lands to or from said right of way for the Purpose of inspecting, maintaining, constructing, reconstructing, operating and removing Its buried communication able and associated appurtenances over, under, across and upon the above described property, and the right to place markers and other devices to support or mark said construction where necessary. The Grantor also agrees to include the right to relocate mid burled communication able on said promises to conform to any future highway relocation, widening or Improvement. The Grantor acknowledges that the consideration recited above includes compensation for any and all damages to the surface or grad or crops located thereon resulting from original construction by Grantee. Should Cranteu or its agents or employees, subsequent to original Installation of communication facilities within the easement described above, have occasion to enter upon the premises to perform maintenance upon such facilities, Grantee ,groes to pay Grantor the actual cash value of that porton of crops destroyed in the course of performance of such maintenance; and Cantor agrees to receive such amount in full discharge of any claim for damages which might have been advanced. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement and rights unto the mid Grantee, Its successor, and assigns, mid said line shall be abandoned. And I(q� do hereby bind myself (oifmY&6), soy (oK4 legal representatives, to warrant and forever defend, all and singular the above deserli>e8 easensent and rights note the told Grantee, Its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part tlxrwf. EXECUTED thL----.day of—ReC.f'fIlhl:L. B E _, 17 /J� AWRENCE G. FRASER DOCI) B39 40L _10,91n,,385 e a CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR INDIVIDUALS THE STATE OF__TEXAR _—�- County d._ BRAZOS BEFORE ME, •the'imd"ped authority, on this day pamnally appeared LAWRENCE G. FRASER, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS TRUSTEE (mown to me to be the person (4 whose name N is (aid} subscribed to the foregoing Instrument, and admawledged to me that He executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. - GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL -OF OFFICE ttds_52 __tla of Decem er _ A. D. 1987 JULIE DE PUGH r Notary Public r�A 7 ! STATE OF TEXAS Nryli". ..—COLIIty, hly Comm. Exp.. Nov. 29,1089 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ITT 'I r 0 =m Mm O 0 0 =0 F Gm n O 9 'u -ZC CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR INDIVIDUALS THE STATE OF County BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared 0 known to me to be the person (s) whom name (e) tr (aro) subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acdmowledgod to me that__ executed the ,tame for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this___._-_ day of A. D. 19— Notary Public. County, }NAME TYPED �nt� CORPORATION-ACIFEDGRDSIP IERS THE STATE OF—__ .. —l. County BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day persomlly appeared _ known to we to be the person and officer whose sauna Is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument and aclmowledged to me, that the same was the act of the_..._-�--_.-----._--- -......:.corporation, and that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. _ GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of---, A. D. 19—_.. (SEAL) Notary Public In and for Cmmty, NAME TYPED MY COMMISSION EXPIRES