HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/19/2015 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission(*400r� CITY OF C01.1,1` F. STATION Hoare of kxrat Ad -Al Unimmity' MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Workshop Meeting February 19, 2015, 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Jane Kee, Jim Ross, Kirk Joseph, and Barry Moore COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Jodi Warner and Jerome Rektorik CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None CITY STAFF PRESENT: Lance Simms, Molly Hitchcock, Alan Gibbs, Jennifer Prochazka, Jason Schubert, Danielle Singh, Erika Bridges, Kevin Ferrer, Jessica Bullock, Mark Bombek, Rachel Lazo, Robin Cross, Jeremy Alderete, Lauren Basey, Eric Dotson, and Brittany Caldwell 1. Call the meeting to order. Chairperson Kee called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. Chairperson Kee stated that Regular Agenda Item 7 had been pulled from the agenda. There was general discussion regarding Regular Agenda Items 6, 9, and 10. Discussion on Minor and Amending plats approved by Staff. * Final Plat — Minor Plat — Spring Creek Townhomes Lots 17R-1 and 18R-1, Block 2 Case # 14-00900304 (R. Lazo) * Final Plat — Minor Plat — University Oaks Section 2 Lot 20-A, Block 5 Case # 15-00900007 (R. Lazo) There was no discussion. 4. Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev There was no discussion. 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Comprehensive Plan Five -Year Evaluation & Appraisal Report implementation priorities. (J.Prochazka) Principal Planner Prochazka reviewed the Comprehensive Plan Five -Year Evaluation & Appraisal Report implementation priorities. There was general discussion amongst the Commission. 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an overview of and status of items within the 2014 P&Z Plan of Work and the development of the draft 2015 P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). (J. Schubert) February 19, 2015 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 Principal Planner Schubert reviewed the draft 2015 P&Z Plan of Work. Items from the Comprehensive Plan 5 -year Evaluation & Appraisal Report were added to the draft. 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on recommended appointments of Planning & Zoning Commission members to the BioCorridor Board. (M. Hitchcock) The Commission recommended that Commissioner Moore and Ross be appointed to the BioCorridor Board. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: * Thursday, February 26, 2015 — City Council Meeting — Council Chambers — Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. * Thursday, March 5, 2015 — Planning & Zoning Meeting — Council Chambers — Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. * Thursday, March 12, 2015 — Joint Meeting with City Council — Council Chambers — TBD * Monday, May 18, 2015 — Jt. Planning & Zoning Meeting with City of Bryan — TBD —11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Chairperson Kee reviewed upcoming meetings for the Planning & Zoning Commission. 9. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update on the following items: * A rezoning of approximately 30 acres generally located at the northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest corners of the Barracks II Subdivision between Old Wellborn Road and Holleman Drive South to amend the PDD Planned Development District. The Planning and Zoning Commission heard this item on January 15, 2015 and voted (7-0) to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on February 12, 2015 and voted (6-0) to approve the request. Chairperson Kee reviewed the above-mentioned item approved by Council. 10. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, BioCorridor Boad. There was no discussion. 11. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Commissioner Ross asked for a future agenda item regarding Century Square. 12. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Appro d: �p Attest: } i L Jane Ke&,C rperson Brittany Cald ell, Admin. Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services February 19, 2015 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 CITE" 01 (,O1J l (A` STIT1ON MINUTES Home al I;A-as A&M (!:versify PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting February 19, 2015, 7:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Jane Kee, Casey Oldham, Jerome Rektorik, Jim Ross, Kirk Joseph, and Barry Moore COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Jodi Warner CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Julie Schultz CITY STAFF PRESENT: Lance Simms, Molly Hitchcock, Alan Gibbs, Jennifer Prochazka, Jason Schubert, Danielle Singh, Erika Bridges, Kevin Ferrer, Jessica Bullock, Mark Bombek, Rachel Lazo, Robin Cross, Jeremy Alderete, Lauren Basey, Eric Dotson, Donald Harmon, Pete Caler, Dave Coleman, Scott McCollum, Billy Couch, and Brittany Caldwell 1. Call Meeting to Order Chairperson Kee called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Hear Citizens No citizens spoke. 4. Consent Agenda 4.1 Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve meeting minutes. * February 5, 2015 — Workshop * February 5, 2015 — Regular 4.2 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for Spring Creek Townhomes Phase 3 consisting of 42 lots and two common areas on approximately 5.309 acres located at 4131 Decatur Drive, generally located east of Decatur Drive near Arrington Road. Case# 13-00900138 (M. Bombek) Commissioner Oldham motioned to approve Consent Agenda Items 4.1 and 4.2. Commissioner Moore seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Regular Agenda 5. Consideration, possible action, and discussion on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed from the Consent Agenda. February 19, 2015 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a waiver request to Unified Development Ordinance Section 12-8.3.H.4.f.2 'Common Open Space Requirements for Cluster Developments' and presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Preliminary Plan for Williams Creek Lake Subdivision consisting of 71 single-family lots on approximately 71.136 acres, generally located east of Rock Prairie Road and north of William D. Fitch Parkway. Case Number 14-00900280 (M.Bombek) Staff Planner Bombek presented the discretionary items and the waiver request and recommended approval of the Preliminary Plan if the waiver request was approved. Commissioner Oldham expressed concern about sprinkling a single-family residence and asked if there were alternatives. Fire Marshall Dotson stated that since the development does not have a secondary emergency access and there were more than 30 homes, sprinkling the homes would be a requirement per the Fire Code. Joe Schultz, 2730 Longmire Drive Suite A, College Station, Texas, stated that they do not have the ability to create a secondary access due to the configuration of the development. Joe Johnson, Applicant, stated that safety is a concern even though sprinkling the homes was not something he wanted to have to require of homeowners that built in the subdivision. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the discretionary items and waiver request. Commissioner Oldham motioned to approve the waiver request regarding the open space because it is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant and there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land that involved such strict application of the provisions of this chapter will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. Commissioner Ross seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Commissioner Ross motioned to approve the discretionary items as staff recommended. Commissioner Joseph seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Commissioner Ross motioned to approve the Preliminary Plan. Commissioner Moore seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 7. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for Herman F. Krenek Subdivision Phase Two, Lot 5B -R being a replat of Herman F. Krenek Subdivision Phase Two, Lot 5B, Kirkpatrick Subdivision Lot 2, Block 1, and the adjoining 0.665 acre unplatted tract Morgan Rector League, A-46, consisting of one multi -family lot on 2.61 acres, located at 2315 & 2317 Texas Avenue, more generally located near the northeast corner of the intersection of Texas Avenue and Brentwood Drive. Case # 14-00900273 (J. Schubert) This item was pulled from the agenda. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a recommendation to the City Council on the annexation of approximately 233 acres located on the southwest side of the City, February 19, 2015 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 generally bordered by Royder Road, Greens Prairie Trail, and FM 2154. Case #14-00900179 (L. Simms) Director Simms presented the recommendation to City Council on the annexation of approximately 233 acres located on the southwest side of the City, generally bordered by Royder Road, Greens Prairie Trail, and FM 2154. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding sewer in the area. Director Coleman stated that to his knowledge the County has never told anyone that they can't renew their septic permit. He said that they may have to make improvements or repairs, but said that there is a possibility that they may have to convert to an aerobic system. The City has not required a resident connect to City sewer. Chairperson Kee opened the public hearing. Mike Wilson, 15833 Flagstone Court, College Station, Texas; Maria King, 4548 Greens Prairie Trail, College Station, Texas; Joe Foster, 4301 Ledgestone Trail, College Station, Texas. The citizens expressed concern about the cost associated with the sewer, additional taxes, traffic on Greens Prairie Trail due to the school, and Royder Road being in a bad condition currently. Chairperson Kee closed the public hearing. There was general discussion amongst the Commission and Staff regarding the annexation and the concerns of the citizens. Director Donald Harmon stated that he would look into the issue regarding Royder Road and the widening of Greens Prairie Trail is being considered by Citizens Advisory Committee for the 2015 Bond Election. Commissioner Ross motioned to recommend approval of the annexation. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 9. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan - Future Land Use & Character Map from Estate and Restricted Suburban to Restricted Suburban for approximately 25 acres located at 4201 Rock Prairie Road, and more generally located at the northeast corner of Rock Prairie Road and Bird Pond Road. Case #14-00900266 (J.Prochazka) (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the February 26, 2015 City Council meeting - subject to change.) Principal Planner Prochazka presented the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and recommended approval. Veronica Morgan, 3204 Earl Rudder Freeway South, College Station, Texas, said that the surrounding areas are developed which leaves this remaining tract next to two major thoroughfares. She said that she feels that Restricted Suburban is more appropriate than Estate due to the property being on approximately 20 acres and also considering the new thoroughfares that will be going through the property in the future. February 19, 2015 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 Tony Jones, 6022 Augusta Circle, College Station, Texas, applicant, stated that the development would be a gated deed -restricted subdivision with patio homes and approximately 53 lots. Chairperson Kee opened the public hearing. Jeff Leatherwood, 4618 Midsummer Lane, College Station, Texas, stated that he is a partner in the property to the east, Flying Ace Ranch, and doesn't feel that this is the appropriate use for the land, especially with it backing up to the arena on the property. Richard Carlson, 1718 Strand Lane, College Station, Texas, said that he doesn't feel that dense of a development is good for the area. Chairperson Kee closed the public hearing. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the amendment. Commissioner Ross motioned to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Commissioner Moore seconded the motion, motion failed (3-3). Chairperson Kee and Commissioners Joseph and Rektorik were in opposition. 10. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, by changing the zoning district boundaries from R Rural to PDD Planned Development District for approximately 25.47 acres for the property being all that certain tract of land lying and being situated in the Thomas Caruthers League, Abstract No. 9, College Station, Brazos County, Texas. Said tract being the reminder of a called 26.25 acre tract as described by a deed to Dale W. Conrad and wife, Reba J. Conrad recorded in Volume 460, Page 505 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, located at 4201 Rock Prairie Road, and more generally located at the northeast corner of Rock Prairie Road and Bird Pond Road. Case # 14-00900313 (J.Prochazka) (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the February 26, 2015 City Council meeting - subject to change.) Principal Planner Prochazka presented the rezoning and recommended denial. Veronica Morgan, 3204 Earl Rudder Freeway South, College Station, Texas, reviewed the meritorious modifications and the rezoning request in general. Tony Jones, 6022 August Circle, College Station, Texas, applicant, stated that this development would be close to grocery stores, restaurants, and a medical facility making it a good location. He said that he feels a development like this is needed in the City even though it may not be the highest and best use for the property. Chairperson Kee opened the public hearing. Jeff Leatherwood, 4618 Midsummer Lane, College Station, Texas, asked that the item be tabled so the surrounding property owners would have more time to review the request. Chairperson Kee closed the public hearing. February 19, 2015 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the rezoning. Commissioner Oldham motioned to recommend denial of the applicant's request. Commissioner Ross seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 11. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an amendment to Chapter 12 - Unified Development Ordinance, Section 12-9.6 "Nonconforming Signs," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas regarding commercial signs in the Wellborn area. Case #15-00900025 (J.Prochazka) (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the March 12, 2015 City Council meeting - subject to change.) Principal Planner Prochazka presented the ordinance amendment and recommended approval. Chairperson Kee opened the public hearing. No one spoke during the public hearing. Chairperson Kee closed the public hearing. Commissioner Joseph motioned to recommend approval of the ordinance amendment. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 12. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion regarding future agenda items. 13. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Approv !4.,6,, Jane Ke, Ch rperson Plannin oning Commission A est: r i Brittany Cal ell, dmin. Support Specialist Planning & evelopment Services February 19, 2015 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Registration Form or persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of meeting Agenda Item No. Name: Address: oration, name of organization: If speaking for an ganiz official capacity: — Subject on which person wishes to speak: er to step up to the podium as soon as you are Please rememb hand your completed zed by erson, y name and recogni the chr �g officer. State o� to the Presentation- If you have registration form p your residence before beginning your p to the Commission, written notes you wish to present Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of meeting: , �91 Agenda Item No.: Name: Address: "f orgammmzation. Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: u to the podium as soon as you are Please remember to step phairpeTson) hand y oo completed ed by the o$mcer. State your name and recognized to the presiding 1f you have registration form Hing your presentation y ssion, yo wish to present to the Comma your residence before begin written notes y PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER MEETING DATE NAME 2. 4. 6. 7. 9.- 10. ii.. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 19. 20 22. 23. 25. ADDRESS Z- %, I -�, , , C 1- 1 -1 (Z A v < ---,i � -T - 4 i;� "- c �