HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSC_0273i DOLLY SMITH 1. FHA, Dance Club. 2. FHA. Library Club. Choir. 3. Speech Club. Operetta. Choir. Interscholastic Volleyball. 4. Choir, Outstanding Homeroom Worker. JEAN ANNE SMITH 1. Class Officer, FHA, Dance Club. Choir, Operetta. 2. Class President, FHA Officer. Dance Club. Operetta Lead. Choir. 3. Class Officer, FHA Chapter Of- ficer, FHA District Officer. An- nual Staff. Choir. Operetta Lead. FHA State Officer Candi- date. Junior Degree. FHA. 4. FHA Chapter President, FHA Area Officer. Choir. Homecom- ing Princess. Operetta. Arion Vocalist Award. All -School Girl, Night of Music Soloist. J. D. MILLING 3. Came from Houston. FFA, Ath- letic Club, Football. Baseball. Track. Choir. Operetta. 4. Slide Rule Club. Athletic Club. Football, Baseball, Track. Choir. Senior Play, Faculty Selects. Night of Music Soloist. EDWARD LINTON 1. Came from Santa Maria. Cali- fornia, Photography Club, Ath- letic Club, Track. 2. Photography Club, Athletic Club. 3. Photography Club, Football (All -District) Basketball Mana- ger. Track, Student Council. 4. Athletic Club, FFA President, Football (Co -Captain) , Basket- ball Manager. President Student Council, Student Council Award, Citizen of Month. District Dis- cus Throw, 2nd Place. MARDELL SCHAEFER 1. Hillbilly Club. Set rt.tarV I ►lei ri ('I ub, Homeroom Ot t t„'t 2. Treasurer Library Glob III►tu room Officer. CIRCLE and CAMPUS THEATERS 3. Secretary library Club 4. President library (flub Choir CONGRATULATIONS Operetta. A. & M. CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL 16 110