HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSC_0270MICHAEL McGUIRE 1i titucient I. Photography Council. Class 'I rcasu re r A t h lent Club. Baseball. Basketball Photegraphy Club, iijsth.rll, (.lass "1 reasurer. Comes c, r► s ,Manager. Outstanding, (Homeroom Worker, Basketball, Baseball. Slide Rule Club. Ath ;, l l ( lub. 4 (.I,1 % 1 reasur, r, Slide Rule Club. ti,01,.ri.,l 1lnnor Society, All-Dis- tt , Baseball, Bausch • Lomb Award. Faculty Selects, Mathematics Award. highest Ranking Boy. Senior flay. FAYE SIMMS Homeroom President Swills Duchess. Ua n t e (Jul) I I IA Homeroom ('resident, Student C�.�watcil, F.IIA. Dance C.Iub Operetta, Broom President I ll A Dallor Club, Class I avurite, Choi 4 hiloosistoorst Secretary. Fihrary Chit 0111,1 f HA ()IIrcr►. SENIORS J. B. CARROLL President c,i (,la.,x, 1•cjotball, 1 r a c k, 1s.1..kethall, Baseball, Choir. I),inct. (Juh Athletic Club. 2. Class Off►(er, Class Favorite. Choir, Operetta, Football, Bac ketbali, Baseball, Track, Dance Club, Athletic Club. 3. Class President. Boys' State, Stu- dent Council Aw,crd, Babe Ruth Award, Track, 1 ,1%.ehall, I;ac kethall. (A11-District, Most Val- uable). Chorus, Operetta, Vice - President Student Council, Ath- letic Club, Slide Rule Club. 4. Student Coach in Football, Base ball, Basketball, Class President, Vice President Student Council. Senior Hay, Slide R ule Of f is .r. Athletic Club, Faculty Select•.. All -School Boy, Best All Around Bo». AGGIELAND SERVICE STATION MAGNOLIA GAS and OILS Highway 6 Jchn Bravenlc, Owner JACK McNEELY I Dance ( lob, 1'OOLb411, Baseball. Athletic Club, Homeroom Offi- cer. 2 I 'iotball, Baseball, Athletic Club, 1)ance Club, Homeroom Officer. 1 clothall, B,►....balI. "1 rack. Ath- letic Club, 1 1 A (�f f leer, Oper- etta. 4. 1 c,otball, Athletic Club, Slide Rule, President of Homeroom, '1 rack, Senior Play. Treasurer Student Council, Senior Favor- ite, Faculty Selects, Captain Base ball Team, !TA. VIVIAN SULLIVAN S. t .tmc from Weatherford i c x.cti 4 Awe Wife. FHA Club t I� ►t„ room Secretary. CI ,ttF.n Pageant Duchess. ra