HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSC_0178I PATSY NOLAN 1 PHA. 4.11, Choral. Annual Staff 2. Choral, 1:11A. Annual Staff. Dance Club 3. Choral. FIIA. Annual Staft..Junit�r Play 4. IAA. Editor of Annual JEAN PUDDY I 1 IIA, Choral Club. Sports Duchess. Annual Staf 1, Round Up Staff 2. I:1IA1 Historian. Songlcadcr. Dance ('tub, Choral Club. Round -Up Staff, Operetta 1. 1'IIA Area Nominating Committee. Yell Leader. Choral. Homecoming Queen Candidate, Class Favorite. Dance Club, .Junior Play 4. 1:1IA. Yell Leader. Choral Club, I lomecoming O u ec n Candidate. Class Secretary, Senior Play. Most Representative, Arson Music Award 4114111 DONNIE TURNER Transferred from Climax Springs, Missouri. Slide Rulc BERTHA GREER 1. NIA IA 2. NIA I. FHA, Choral. Yiherary Club 4. 1.IIA, Choral COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK 501 Sulphur Springs Road Phone 4 112 8 Spoils 1)uh, JANN WHITING 1 r.►nsferred front Austin. ► n u.►1 St of f , Choral 1 Treasurer (Atli, 1 IIA HELEN ROSS 1. ( :lass Secretary, I I IA, Choral 2. FHA. Choral. Operetta 3, Class Secretary. Yell 1 c.h1l,1 Dance Club, Operetta. (ir Sports Duchess. Junior Play 4. head Yell Leader, FHA. Annu. St.lff. Senior Plays. Choral TRAv I. 10, Chi au l.ut (:It (:1a 1.0( 4 ,) t.►► (:I Nit ba OR 3. 4.