HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSC_0113SUPERINIENEENTtS MESSAGE We sincerely hope that you use the Handbook as it is intended -- as a guide to a happy and successful high school career. Mark it, keep clippings in it, read it, study it, talk to your parents and teachers over it, and keep it as a reminder of the most happy phase of your life. It has some rules and regulations in it, and you may not agree with all of them, but your Student Council, your Principal, and I believe that they are necessary to your and the entire student body's general welfare. will assure you that every effort has been made to keep rules and regulations to a minimum so that you may enjoy high school life to its fullest and so that adjustments may be made to individual differences. While you enjoy high school life here in CHS you should take advantage of all the wonderful educational opportunities which are available. Your parents are paying or have paid for your high school education ---please get all that is yours. You wouldn't intentionally go to a grocery store, buy groceries, and carry only half of them home. Don't leave here with a half-educktion. Your community has provided a good school building, excellent equipment, and a wonderful location. it pays a faculty that has been selected from over four -hundred applicants. It will continue to provide vou- with the best advantages as long as you use them proper yA Most of you will go on o college from CHS and for that reason the subjects have betn arranged to insure your probable success in college or university s tu.--Iy. Former CHS students have attained high honors in colleges all over the world. Opportunity to follow in their footsteps is yours --take advantage of it. If you are one of the few who will not go on to college then it is very im- portant that you obtain a sound education now so that you can earn a living and take up your full responsibilities as an American citizen. You, as a non -college student should be even more sure that you get ,your education now for this is probably the last formal training that you will have. A student who leaves here with a half -education is like the rancher who goes to the auction with 50 and all of the cows sell for �; 100. Please call on me at anytime that I can be of help to you. Students have first priority in my office. rest wishes for a happy and successful school year. Sincerely, L. S. Richardson, Superintendent A & M Consolidated Independent School District College Station, Texas 5