HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/15/2007 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, February 15, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Plannil1ge!r Diwrlopmmt Services COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman John Nichols, Dennis Christiansen, Derek Dictson, Marsha Sanford, Glenn Schroeder, and Harold Strong. Bill Davis was late to the meeting due to travel difficulties. He arrived during Regular Agenda Item 7. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Lindsay Boyer, Crissy Hartl, Jennifer Reeves, Jason Schubert and Grant Wencel, Senior Planner Jennifer Prochazka, Acting Director Lance Simms, Senior Assistant City Engineer Alan Gibbs, Graduate Civil Engineers Carol Cotter and Josh Norton, Transportation Planner Ken Fogle, First Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson, Information Services Representative Bryan Cook and Staff Assistant Lisa Lindgren. 1. Call meeting to order. Chairman Nichols called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Hear Citizens. No one spoke during the item. 3. Consent A2enda. 3.1 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for Belmont Place Section 3 consisting of 6 lots on 13.778 acres located at 1701 & 1835 Graham Road, south of the intersection of Longmire Drive and Birmingham Drive. Case #07-500007 (JS) Commissioner Schroeder motioned to approve the Preliminary Plat. Commissioner Dictson seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). February 15, 2007 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 Re2ular A2enda 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed from the Consent Agenda. 5. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Replat for Lot 2, Block A ofthe Culpepper Plaza Subdivision consisting 10 lots and one common area on 0.5039 acres located at 351 Dominik Drive at the northeast comer of the intersection of George Bush Drive East and Dominik Drive. Case #06-00500066 (JR) Jennifer Reeves, Staff Planner, presented the Replat and recommended approval, but stated that staff would recommend against any future variance requested by the applicant. Chairman Nichols requested to hear from the Applicant before opening the public hearing. Mark Humphries, Applicant, 5339 Alpha Road, Suite 300, Dallas, Texas 75240 and Alton Rogers, Gessner Engineering. Mr. Humphries and Mr. Rogers were called upon by the Commission to answer questions regarding the project. Commissioner Sanford motioned to approve the Replat. Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Commissioner 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Single Family Medium Density to Office for 3.611 acres in the Castlerock Subdivision located on the northeast side of William D. Fitch Parkway across from Phase II of the Castlegate Subdivision. Case #06-00500175 (JR) Jennifer Reeves, Staff Planner, presented the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and recommended denial. Wallace Phillips, Applicant, 2302 Court, College Station, Texas. Mr. Phillips gave a presentation and answered questions by the Commission. Joe Schulze, Engineer, College Station, Texas. Mr. Schulze answered questions asked by the Commission. Ken Fogle, Transportation Planner was called upon to answer questions by the Commission. Commissioner Dictson motioned to approve the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (5-1). Commissioners Schroeder, Dictson, Christiansen, Sanford and Strong were in favor of the motion; Chairman Nichols was in opposition. February 15, 2007 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 2 of4 7. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Conditional Use Permit (Use Only) for Multi-Family with no Retail in the Wolf Pen Creek Zoning District at 1811 George Bush Drive East in the general vicinity of the mid-block of George Bush Drive East between Harvey Road and Holleman Drive East. Case #07-0500009 (LB) Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner, presented the Conditional Use Permit and recommended approval. Jane Kee, IPS Group, 511 University Drive, College Station, Texas. Ms. Kee gave a presentation and asked that the Commission approve the Conditional Use Permit. Bo Miles, Miles Construction, 341 Lansberg, College Station, Texas. Mr. Miles spoke in favor of the Conditional Use Permit., Commissioner Christiansen motioned to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). 8. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an Ordinance amending Chapter 12, City of College Station Code of Ordinances, Section 3.15 of the Unified Development Ordinance, regarding the applicability of Administrative Adjustments. Case #07-500004 (JR) Jennifer Reeves, Staff Planner, presented the Ordinance amending Chapter 12 and recommended approval of the amendment of the Ordinance. Lance Simms, Acting Director, gave additional input and spoke in favor of the Ordinance amendment. No one spoke during the public hearing. Commissioner Dictson motioned to recommend approval as submitted by staff for the Ordinance amending Chapter 12. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). 9. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Commissioner Dictson stated that he would like to have a future agenda item on what developable land is available at Wolf Pen Creek. February 15, 2007 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 10. Adjourn. Commissioner Christiansen motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). Meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m. Approved: {?~ Jo ichols, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: ~ Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assi t t Planning and Development Services February 15, 2007 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4