HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/16/2007 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2)MINUTES Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, August 16, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman John Nichols, Bill Davis, Glen Schroeder, Harold Strong, Marsha Sanford and Derek Dictson COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Noel Bauman CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None CITY STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Crissy Hartl and Jason Schubert, Senior Planners Jennifer Prochazka and Lindsay Boyer, Transportation Planner Ken Fogle, Graduate Civil Engineer Carol Cotter, Sr. Assistant City Engineer Alan Gibbs, Deputy City Manager Terry Childers, Director Bob Cowell, Assistant Director Lance Simms, First Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson, Public Works Director Mark Smith, Information Services Representative Bryan Cook, Staff Assistant Brittany Korthauer. 1. Call meeting to order. Chairman John Nichols called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. There was general discussion on Consent Agenda item 3.5 and Regular Agenda items 6 and 7. 3. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the City of College Station's current housing stock. (LB /JS) Lindsay Boyer, Senior Planner, and Jason Schubert, Staff Planner, presented the City of College Station's current housing stock. Lindsay Boyer, Senior Planner, presented the City of College Station's current housing stock and gave updates on new construction numbers and occupancy rates for apartments. Jason Schubert, Staff Planner, spoke to the Commission about median home prices. August 16, 2007 P &Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 4. Presentation, discussion and possible action on the Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies Report. (BC) Bob Cowell, Director, presented the Comprehensive Plans Goals and Policies Report stating that Staff would be making revisions to the report and bringing it back to the Commission on August 29, 2007. 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update to the Commission on the status of items within the P &Z Plan of Work (see attached). (Js) Jason Schubert, Staff Planner, gave an update on Parkland Dedication changes and extending authority into the ETJ. Ken Fogle, Transportation Planner, gave an update on the TIA process that was presented to Council. 6. Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding an update on the following item(s): • Rezoning from C -1 (General Commercial) to P -MUD (Planned Mixed Use District) and A -O (Agricultural Open) for 3.956 acres located at 1502 Texas Avenue South. The Commission voted 4 -0 on 5 July to recommend denial of the request. The Council approved the rezoning request (with conditions) by a vote of 7 -0 on 26 July. • Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Regional Retail and Floodplains & Streams to Redevelopment and Floodplains & Streams for 3.956 acres located at 1502 Texas Avenue South. The Commission voted 3 -1 on 5 July to recommend approval of the request. The Council approved the Comprehensive Plan change by a vote of 7 -0 on 26 July. • Rezoning for 11.904 acres from A -O (Agricultural Open) to R -1 (Single - Family Residential) located at 2691 Horse Haven Lane, east of the intersection of Horse Haven Lane and Earl Rudder Freeway South. The Commission voted 4 -0 to recommend approval at their 19 July meeting. The Council approved the rezoning (with a condition) by a vote of 4 -1 at their meeting on 6 August. • Rezoning from A -O (Agricultural -Open) to R -1 (Single - Family Residential) for 4.4371 acres located at 14060 Renee Lane, generally located northwest of the Baron Road and Renee Lane intersection. The Commission voted 4 -0 to recommend approval at their 19 July meeting. The Council approved the rezoning by a vote of 5 -0 at their meeting on 6 August. Director Cowell gave an update on the above- referenced items that had been heard by the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council. August 16, 2007 P &Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P &Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. ❖ B /CS Home Builders Association - August 17, 2007 - 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. - Room 104 - College Station Conference Center (Growth Management Meeting) ❖ B /CS Board of Realtors - August 17, 2007 - 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. - Room 104 - College Station Conference Center (Growth Management Meeting) ❖ Planning & Zoning Meeting - September 6, 2007 - 6:00 p.m. Workshop Meeting and 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting - City Hall ❖ City Council Meeting -September 13, 2007 - 3:00 p.m. Workshop Meeting and 7 :00 p.m. Regular meeting - City Hall (this is the meeting that the working policies of the CPAC will be forwarded to Council for their review) ❖ Texas APA Conference - October 17 -20 in Addison, Texas. Preliminary conference program is available at: www.txplanning.org/addison2007/Addison Director Cowell reviewed the upcoming meeting dates for the Planning & Zoning Commission. 8. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the Comprehensive Planning process. There was no discussion on this item. 9. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 10. Adjourn. Commissioner Davis motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (6 -0). Meeting adjourned at 7:03 p.m. August 16, 2007 P &Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 App 7 Nichols, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: Brittany Ko auer, Staff Assistant Planning an evelopment Services August 16, 2007 P &Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4