HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/19/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2) MINUTES Vlio~kshop Meeting Piannrtg and Zoning commission th~rrsday, nay 19 2005, at 6.10 p.m. Administrative Cgnference Room CoNege Station City ~#all 1101 Texas Avenue College station, Texas- CITY O~ COLLEGE STATION Planning e~r'Develvjiment Services ~~w r~~ CUMMISS~QNERS PRESEI`~tT: Acting Chairman John Nichols, Ken Reynolds, Bill Davis and John Fedora. COMMISSIQNERS ABSE111'I': Chairman Scott Shafer, Marilyn Hooton and Ben White. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENTi Nancy Berry. DEVELOFMENT SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planner Jennifer .Reeves, Senior Planner Trey Fletcher; Director Joey Dunn, Assistant City Engineer Alan Gibbs, Graduate Civil Engineers Carole: Cotter and Josh" Norton, Transportation Planner Ken Fogle, Assistant Director Lance Sirnrns and Staff Assistant Lisa Lindgren. OTHER. CITY STAFF PRESENT:: anc~ Director of Publie Works Mark Smith. First Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson, 1. Call to Order. Commissioner Nichols cared. the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. 2. Discussion of +cansent an,d regular agenda :items. Commissioner Davis asked if this was the first time that Crescent Point, had: come before the Commission. Senior Planner Fletcher stated. that it was the second time. and that everything was basically the same, it had just expired. Commissioner Davis asked if staff had anything from Texas. A&M in writing fox access- to veterans Park. Mr. Fletcher stated that he is not aware- of any such. document. Commissioner Nichols asked for clarification regarding the detention area on the. property. Mr, Fletcher stated that it was his understanding that ~~erything was basically the same .and that the Applicant .can possibly answer those questions for Commissioners. Commissioner Davis asked if staff was comfortable with the way access in the Gateway was being laid out in terms of moving people around and that it would be a much. larger than what it i5 right now. M's. Cotter stated-that there were two or three access ways proposed into the lot, so there should not be any. change to the existing main .drive aisle. Commissioner Nichols .asked what the standards were for something that large. that is being P&~ V1/orkshap .Minutes May 19, 20QS Page i of 3 developed in pieces.. Mr. }ogle stated that he .feels that once the shopping area has been ~~~~ completed it will male more sense and that the drive aisle will be more clear. Ms. Reeves stated that since the- time that the: packets were mailed some changes have occurred regarding the rezoning .far .9500 Rock Prairie road. Ms. Reeves stated that staff did more. research and feels that the impact of traffic on Williams creek and Rock Prairie Road will lac too much and that at this time the-City is recommending denial of therezoning. There was :minimal discussion regarding .the case and other options that the Commissioners had. Commissioner Reynolds asked if staff was visiting the idea of redrafting the section. to require the applicant to pave the road. Ms. Cotter stated that tie City is .requiring that all internal access roads be paved. 3. Presentation,. discussion, and possible acti~sn regarding P`&2 meeting schedule. This section was reviewed-alangwith item S. 4. Presentation, discussion, and possibly .action: regarding the status of the draft Subdivision Regulations. Mary Smith, Director of Public Works, gave handouts regarding .Parkland Dedication, ~reenways, and Thoroughfare Screening to Commissioners abd staff. These, items were discussed.. and 1~1[r. Smith asked that Commissioners contact him with anp questions or .suggestions regarding these items. ~ 5. Pres~aat2ttion discussion, ;and possible action to#"inalze agenda for upcoming joint meeting with Bryan: Planning & Zoning Commission. Mr, Simms handed out a rough draft of an agenda for the joint Planning and Zoning Commission rn~eting between Bryan and College Station. Commissioners `suggested that the meeting begin at S:OOpm .and that items be added to discuss Highway 30, University Drive and Texas l~venue under the thoroughfares discussion. G. P&Z Calendar of Upcoming :Meetings 1Vtay 16, 2005 PADS Department "Forum, college Station Conference Center, 11.:30 a.m. ~- 1:30 p.m. (lunch provided) June 9, 2005 Joint Council) P&Z Workshop regarding Zucker Report, Council Chambers June 15, 2005 P&Z Workshop /Seminar, sponsored by Tx~PA, 9:00 a.m. - 4:t?0 p.m., BVCOG Offzces on 29`~ Street June 30, 2005 Joint Meeting of Bryan and College Station Planning & Zoning Commissions, at klryan City Hall Mr. Dunn revieweel the items with the Commissioners. Commissioners asked to be polled to see who can attend the June 15, 2005, P&Z Workshop/Seminar. P&~ VVorkshvp Minutes May 19, 2n0a Page 2 of ~ 7. Discussion and possible action on fixture agenda items ~- A Flan~tiing and Zoning Member may inquire :about a subject far ~vs*hich notice ltas not.. been given. A. statement of specific factual information ar the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to glace the subject on ark agenda for a subsequent meeting. None. 8. adjourn. Commissioner 1J~vis motioned. to adjourn. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion, motion. passed 4`i-0). Approveds Scott Shafer, Chairman. Planning and Zonu7g Coxi~rnission Attest: ~~ Lisa Lindgren, Staff l~ssis Planning & Development Services k~ ~ P&Z Workshop Minutes May 19, 20015 Page 3 bf 3