HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/17/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission_~~~ ""~7 Sp@Cic°~#~ W4rkShOp M~etfing Planning ar~d Zoning C~-rt~~n~sion Thursdfay~ TueSt~ayr M~iy 17, 2045, at 1,2:00 pm ~p-dmtni$tratiwe Conf~ron~e ~toom Coiiege 5tatian City HaN 1101 Texas Avenue „~ Coll~cte Station. Texas CIT'Y' ~~ CO~,L~GE STATION l~lunning C~'.t~evela~»aentStrvzces C41'1~!'MISSi4NERS PlSElrt7E': Cr~mrr~ssioner ~~hn ~I*Iichols C~CDM1VIiSSiUN~RS A~SEI~TT: +Chairnnan Scott Shafer, den White, Bill Davis, Ken. Reynolds, john Fedora and Marilyn Hc~oton. CTC'Y COUNCIL MEMBERS ~'RiJSI~NT: 1'-ione. PLANNII~IG & UEVELUPM>ENT SEBViCES S'TAFT` FRI~S~l~T: Staff Planners Lindsay Boyer;. Jennifer beeves and 1VIQlly Hitchcock, Senior Planner Trey Fletcher, Director Joey Dunn, Assistant City Engineer Alan ~il~las, Graduate Civil Engineers Carol Cotter and Josh Norton, Transportation-Planner I~en Fogie, Assistant. Director Lance Simms and Staff Assistant Lisa Lindgrem. daTHER CITY STAFF P]l2ES~l'-1T: pity Attorney Harvey Cargitl, First Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson and Director of Public. Works Marl£ Smith. ~. Presentation,:. discussion, and possible action zegardittg the .status of .the draft Subdivision Regu3atla-ns. 1Vlarm Smith, hector tai: Public Worms,. gave a presentation to Cammssior~ers and staff regarding the status of the draft Subdivision Regulatir~ns. 1~ccess ret~uirements, street escapes, fencing, vesting and replats were some of the main items discussed. Mr. Smith stated that he would .still welcome' feedback from Commissioners regarding other items that .they are interested in or would Time to see changed. Approved: Sc er, ax Planning and Zoning Com 'scion Attes Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assist Planning & Development Services P&Z Workshop Minutes May i7, 2005 Page 1 of ~.