HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/22/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES' Regular Meeting ,.-~-~ Planrtingl and Zoning Commission ~' Wednesday, ~7uu~e 22, 2£15, at 11.30 a.m. Council Chambers, College Station City-Hall 1;i0:L Texas Avenue CollleOe Stateon, Tees .. CITY QF COI.L~GE STATION Planning eJ'DevelapsneretServiees _ -- =-s~-^--^ COMIVIISSTQNERS 'RESENT; Chairmaln Shafer, Cornmxssioners Davis, Hooton, Fed4r~ and Reynolds. C(7-MMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Nichols. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Cbuncilrnan Ben White. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES:STAFF I'RESENTt Staff Planners Jennifer.... Prochazka, Molly Hitch~ockand Lindsay Boyer, Senior Planner Trep Fletcher, Director Joey Dunn, Assistant City Engineer. Alan Gibbs, Graduate Civil Engineers Carol Cotter and Josh Norton, Assistant '! Director Lance Simms, Planning Intern Crissy l~ar1:~, Customer Service Repi`esentative Gina Sautherland anal Staff Assistant Lisa Lindgren. OTHER CTT"Y STAFF PRESENT: First Assistant City .Attorney Roxanne Nemcik and OTIS, Brian Cooke. L Hear Visitors lVo visitors spoke. ~. Consent Agenda 2,.1 Discussion. and possible action on: Minutes -May 17, 2005, Workshop lVteeting Minutes -May 19,:2045, Workshop Meeting Minutes -Map 19, 2005, regular Meeting 2.2 Presentation, discussion, and possible action. on a Preliminary Plat for the Castlegate Subdivision, Phase 6 consisting of 23 lots on 11.1;42 acres generally located at'on Green's Prairie Road: west of Castlegate ]Drive. Case #05-?~ (,jR/CC~ 2.3 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for the Edelweiss ~ Gartens Phases 6-12 consisting of 36°,~ lots on 94.4}17 ..acres generally located at Victoria Avenue and Night Rain Drive. This item includes a Replat of Lots 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the: Bald Prairie Subdivision. Gase #44-281 {JR/AG) P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda fli5-2~?-05 Page 1 of 6 '°`~, 2.4 Presentation, discussion, and. possible action Qn a Vacating and Final Plat for the Indian Lakes Subdivision Ph. 4, Lot 11 Block 8 and Lots 31-36 Black 9, consisting of 9 lots on 19.'909 acres, generally loe~,tedC north of Indian Lakes Drive and east of Chaco Canyon Drive- in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Case #05-100 (MH/AG) 2.5 Presentation,: discussion, .and possible action on a Final Plat for .the Indian Lakes Subdivision Phase 7 consisting of 10 lots on 18.28 acres, generally. located south of Chaco .Canyon Drive in the City's extraterritorial .jurisdiction. Case #45-141 (Mx1~G) Commissioner 1?avis motioned. to approve the consent .agenda. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). Re~~ular,~A_„~ da. 3: Consideration, discussion and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings. Ben White -1~lay 19, 2005, Meeting & Resignation H Marilyn:Hooton -Map 19, 2005, Meetin€; John Nichols -June 2, 2005, Meeting MarilynHooton -June ~; 2005; Meeting John Fedora. -June ~, 2005; Meeting Scott Shafer -June 16, 2005, Meeting Bill Davis -June 16, 2005, Meeting John Fedora, June 16, 2005; Meeting Commissioner Haoton motioned to approve the absence requests and resignation. Commissioner Fedora seconded the motion, motion passed {5-4). ~. Discussion of minor anal amending plats approved by .Staff, .and plats approved due to inaction by the Cammission. w 05-62 Stone Forest Phase 1 -Final Plat 1~mending - (TF~JN} ~., 05-63 Crescent Pointe Phase 1-Preliminary Plat ~- {MHf JNj 05-b7 Spring Creek Townhomes Phasel-Final Plat. Amending - (MH/Jz~ 05191 Bald Prairie -Final .Plat Amending - QR/AG) Joey Dunn, Director, explained to Commissioners that Stone Forest Phase. 1, .Spring Creek Townhomes Phase 1 and Bald Prairie .are all final platsf minor plats _and do not require. action`l~y the Commission and were approved at staff level. The other item was Crescent Point Phase 1 and an item that is in the process of being approved due to no action by the Commission.... The statute requires a 30-day consideration or deemed approved due to no action. The two that are in this category .are preliminary plats, Crescent Point Phase 1 preliminary plat and. Indian Lakes preliminary plat. IDunn stated that prelirriinary plats are not .filed at m~ courthouse. and da ndt .require .signatures but the Unified .Development Ordinance requires that such items be acted on within 30 days. P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda 06-2:~-45 Page 2 of 5 ~'"~~`' S. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda ~ ;' bg Commission action. ^' None 6. Public hearing, presentation; discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat and Replat. of the University Town Center Subdivision consisting of 4 lots on 20.02 acres generally located south of the intersection of University Drive -and Tarrow Drive East. Case #04:269 ~R/A~} Alan Gibbs, Assistant City Engineer, gave a presentation on the Final Plat arzd Replat of the ..University Town Center Subdivision. Gibbs _ stated that this serves as a clean up to consolidate the previously unpiatted acreage as well as replat portions of the Hentan Subdivision and One Lincoln ..Place Subdivisie~n. Everything is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and staff recommended approval of this Final Platt Replat. Commissian~er Fedora motioned to aPPrav~ the Final Plat/Replat.. Commissioner Hooton seconded :the motiaix, motion passed (5-U). 7. Public hearing, presentation, :discussion,. and possible action on ,a Replat and Final Plat for the Century Hill Development Subdivision consisting of 15 lots on 36.92 acres generally located at .1595 Sebesta Road, east of the EF~rI Rudder Freeway (SH 6}: Case #45-43 (T'F/CC} . ~ Trey Fletcher, Senior Planner, gave a presentation on a Replat and Final Plat for Century Hill Development Subdivision. Fletcher stated that on Map 5 2005, the Commission reviewed and approved the Preliminary Plat.: Staff recommended approval of the Final Plat. Commissioner Davis motioned- to appaove the Final Plat jReplat. Commissioner HCodton seconeled the morion, rnotio~ passed (5-0). $, Public. hearing, .presentation, discussion, and- possible action on a Rezoning for Callaway Subdivision Phase I~, consisting of approximately 14 acres, located on the east side. of Marion Pugh.Drive, appro~imatelg 500' south of the intersection of George Bush Drive, including a portion of the Luther Street Right-of-may, from C-1 General Commercial to R-b High Density Multi-Family. Case #05-79 (~P) Jennifer Prochazka, Staff Planner, gave a presentation on the.. Rezoning far Gallaway Subdivision Phase II. Prochazka stated that she wanted tc~ give clarification on one. item. that was with the application and in the staff report:. She. stated that at this time the ~igbt-of-wag for Luther Street had been abandoned' and is no longer cswned bg the City.. of College Station.: Their request is for R 6, High Density.: Multi-Family, for development of an apartment complex. This item was denied by tlxe City Council a couple of months ago and then allowed to come back for a new hearing waiving the 180-dap waiting period because of new information submitted bg the applicant. '`lyhe new information submitted was a letter fbr a proposed development participation agreement for .the construction of a :portion of ~ Marion Pugh Drive. The ap~ficant also submitted a Traffic Impact Analysis {TIA). The TIA assumes the .extension of Marion Pugh Drive is constructed as the developer has indicated in the letter. The .primary .......finding of the TTA is that the traffic from .the F&Z Minutes Regular Agenda 06-Z.'?-05 Rage 3 of 6 develapinent will be accommodated with .the tr~~nsportatora system, assuming that Marion ``~, Pugh is constructed through. It is also expected that the traffic peak.. for this development will be different than others in .the area..: T'raclza~ka stated that staff has reviewed the TTA and is in general agreement with assumptions and conclusions within the report, The Land 'Use Plan in this area: designates the property as Residential Attached, which indicates that this Rezoning would be in compliance with the T,and LTse Plan. It is also in compliance with general development policies of the City which seek to locate Multi-Family Deveioprnent closer to the University. Prochazka stated that there is a slight. change in the .wording in Staff's recamrnendatit~n from what was listed in the staff report. Staff's recommendation is :for approval of the Rezoning with the condition that the developer completes the extension of Marion Pugh Drive from Luther 5treet,to Holleman Street and that it be accepted prior to the Certificate of 4Jccupancy being issued for me development. Prochazka stated that there was an e-mail received this morning that. has been placed at each Commissioner's place, and there was one other letter submitted in opposition to this request that was included in their packets. Commissioner Davis." asked. for clarification.. on the thoroughfare plan. regarding the extension of Marion Pugh Drive, Holleman Drive and Jones Butler Drive. Davis stated that when Marion Pugh Drive extends to Holleman Drive it would provide another outlet for traffic. Davis asked if hones Butler Drive would' be extended. Alan Gibbs stated that there are discussions with Texas A&M regarding the extension of Jones Sutler Drive. Gibbs also gaue clarification regarding. the proposed road ccrostruction to take place in this area.. Gibbs :explained. that it is proposed that .there. will be grade separation and .elevated .sidewalks. for pedestrians and bikes. Gibbs also event aver part of the sections in the TIA in order to give Commissioners clarification regarding the traffic rankings. i Chuck Ellison, 2902 Camille Drive, College Station, Texas, representative of the. applicant. Ellison stated, that the applicant completed the TIA which stated that the level of service at .Marion Pugh and Holleman. Drive and the level.... of service at Marion Pugh and- Bush Drive will remain at level ~f service D, even after the development. The applicant has also taken great steps tt~ try tc~ enhance the multi-mode of tt~ansportation. There will be pedestrian ways that reach from. the ,new development through the existing Callaway I-3ouse sb that residents can crass there and pickup .the bus there and in addition.. there will be wider bike paths and. more bike parking. >n addition, there will be a .meal. plan available to the new residents if they accept that, residents will nc~t 'have to `get in their .cars and drive to the testaurants. Ellison stated that the applicant has offered a; develaprrient agreement, which has been submitted to the City and is.under review. As csf dune 17, ZUQS, the applicant understands that the. recflmmendation of staff is ; that a condition be imposed. The condition, that the applicant had asked to be imposed, is that no Certificate of Occupancy be .issued on the project until Marion Pugh.. is extended from Luther Street to Holleman Street as a major collector. The reason far this. is because at this time Marion Pugh is riot designed yet, the .applicant .has been designing ,..the site and. the development plans.. need to be apprt~ved in order to continue. Ellison .stated that the fear of the. applicant was that in the recommendation it is stated that Marion Pugh develop at the same time that: the project develop and that .staff would interpret. -that .~s not being able to give the applicant. a development permit on the apartment site until plans have been seen and approved for Marion Pugh Drive. Logistically, the engineers will complete. the site plan and get development permits: on the apartment project, immediately finalize the plans .for Marion Pugh, and then the contractor will move from the apartment site directly to creating the Marion .Pugh: roadway. It is Ltnderstood by .....the applicant that unless Marion Pugh is P&~ Minute Regular Agenda' Q6-2~-~~' Page 4 of 6 ~` ~! ~; ccrrnpleted as a major collector that a Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued. The applicant is requesting that the Commissioner's approve the rezoning on, the condition that the developer complete Marion- Pugh from Luther Street to Holleman Street before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the apartment complex. Commissioner Davis mrotioned to approve the.: JRezoniug with the condition that Marion Pagh' be completed from: Lathier Street to Holleman Street and be functioning as a street before a Ceraficate of Qccapancy will be issued. Connmissioner Reynolds seconded the motion. Chairman Shafer asked for staff's feelings an the project. Prochazka stated. that staff agreed with the applicant regarding the rezoning and condition.: Chairman Shafer asked far clarification xegardng the existing pedestrian crossing between this facility and the existing.Calla~vay House on Marian Pugh. Prochazka stated that there is currently a crosswalk from the developed parking lot on the .side of the street to the Callaway House dormitory for that purpose. Chairman Shafer asked far a reading of the cc~r#dition. Lisa Lindgren, .Staff Assistant, read the proposed condition. The condition is that the developer extends Marione Pugh L?rive from Luther Street to Holleman Street before a Certificate of 4ccupaney will be granted:. C+~mxnssiauers voted on the approwil. of the rezoning with the condition. Motion passed (5-~}. 9. Public hearing; presentation, discussion, and possible .action on a Rezoning for Lot 1 of the. Callaway House Parking Subdivision, 1.,35 acres, generally located along the east :side o£ Marion; Pugh Drive,. approximately 2q0 feet. south of therntersection with George Bush drive, from C-1 General Commercial to R-6 High Density Multi-Family. Case #05.75 UpiCG} Jennifer Prochazka, Staff Planner, gave a presentationregarding the Callaway House Parking Subdivision. P>±ochazka stated that the project is currently developed as an ov~r€low parking; lot fot the Catlawag I-souse dormitory 1Qeated oza the West side cif Marion Pugh Thrive and that the rezoning would bring the current use of the property as an apartment parking lot into compliance. The application,:indicated that the parking lot may continue to be used as overflow parking for the CaIlaway House dormitory or may be used as parking for the :proposed development to the South, in either ease it would be in compliance. The Land Use flan designates this property. as residential attached and the property is already developed in compliance with the.: Comprehensive .Plan in the proposed zoning. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning, ltabun Metcalf, 1411 Elton Courk, College Station, Texas. Mr. l~tetcalf stated that he just wanted to :add that it is for the development to the South and it-will stay in its existing nature with the exception of adding some pedestrian connectivity to provide that non-vehicular access. R&Z Minutes Regular Agenda Q6-~?-aS Page 5 of 6 Commissioner Reynolds motioned to appra~e the aezoning Commissioner Fedora seconded the xnation, motion passed (5-0). 10. Discussion axzd passible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject. for which notice has not. been. given: A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. .Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place. the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Commissioner .Davis asked for the Comprehensive. Plan Amendment to be put on the nest workshop agenda, 11. .Adjourn. Commissioner Davis motioned to .adjourn. Commissioner Fedora seconded the motion, motion passed (5-Q), Approved: ' Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning: and Zoning Commission Attest: ~~ Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assist t Planning & Develap~nent Seruices ti J P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda 06-2'-05 Pege 6 of 6