HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/06/2004 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionF College Station Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future MINUTES Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, May 6, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers, College Station City Mall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Shafer, White, Reynolds, Davis, Williams, Hall, and Trapani. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Maloney. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Kee, Development Manager Ruiz, Assistant Development Manager George, Senior Planner Fletcher, Staff Planner Reeves, Prochazka, and Hitchcock, Graduate Civil Engineers Thompson and Cotter, Transportation Planner Fogle, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, Action Center Representative Kelley, Economic Development Director Foutz, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. • Chairman Shafer called the meeting to order. AGENDA ITEM NQ. is Hear Citizens. None. AGENDA ITEM NO, 2: Public Comment on the Unifled Development Ordinance (UDO). None. Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the consent agenda items with the correction of the minutes. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion, which carried 7 -0. FOR: Shafer, White, Reynolds, Davis, Williams, Hall, and Trapani. AGAINST: None. 3.1 Approved by consent the minutes: • April 15, 2004 Regular Minutes 3.2 Approved by consent the Preliminary Plat for the Liberty Subdivision Block 1, Lots 1 & 2 (new) and Southwest Crossing 3, Lot 1 (replat), consisting of 12.26 acres, located at the southwest corner of the intersection of State Highway 6 and Southwest Parkway. (04 -74) 3.3 Approved by consent the Preliminary Plat for the Villages at Indian Lakes consisting of approximately 144 lots on 1400 acres generally located at the south end of Arrington Road in the City's ET]. (04 -53) P &Z Minutes May 6, 2004 Page 1 of 6 3.4 Approved by consent the Preliminary Plat for PJK Estates consisting of 2 lots on 10.262 acres of land located east of the intersection of Royder Road and Frierson Road.(04 -89) Regular Agenda 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings. None. S. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on Items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. None. 6. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for Rock Prairie West Business Park consisting of 10 lots on 22 acres generally located at Rock Prairie Road West and Old Wellborn Road. (03 -250) Graduate Civil Engineer Thompson, Engineering Services, presented the Staff Report. Mr. Thompson explained that this replat is for a portion of the Rock Prairie Road Business Park. He pointed out that portions of the subject property are in the City limits white other portions are in the ETJ. The number of driveways opening out onto the minor arterial in the ETJ has been reduced through the joint efforts of City Staff, the County, and the applicant. Access easements will be provided along Rock Prairie Road instead. • Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. No one spoke in opposition to or in favor of the item. Therefore, Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner Williams motioned to approve the final plat. Commissioner Trapani seconded the motion. The motion carried 7 -0. FOR: Shafer, White, Reynolds, Davis, Williams, Hall, and Trapani. AGAINST: None. 7. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Master Development Plan (MDP) for the Williams Creek Subdivision consisting of 642.82 acres (212.14 -acres of the Williams Creek Subvision and 431.68 -acres of the Anderson- Stephen Tract), generally located at the southeast corner of Greens Prairie Road East and Rock Prairie Road. (04 -92) Staff Planner Reeves presented the Staff Report, stating that Staff recommends approval of the Master Development Plan as submitted. She pointed out that the applicant is proposing 295 dwelling units on 623 acres of the tract while proposing that the remaining acreage be Retail Regional. Ms. Reeves added that the plan complies with the Land Use Plan. Ms. Reeves pointed out the Thoroughfare Plan details and the main entrance to the development, which will be off Greens Prairie Road. Two other access points are being proposed for Rock Prairie Road. Property to the east and south backs up to approximately 242 acres of flood plain. Lastly, Ms. Reeves reported that the Parks and Recreation Department accepted a parkland dedication fee in lieu of parkland. • Commissioner Hall asked if Rock Prairie Road was going to be upgraded since there are two residential streets planned that will intersect with it. Ms. Reeves stated that P &Z Minutes May 6, 2004 Page 2 of 6 it is not required since the primary entrance to the subdivision is off Greens Prairie • Road and currently meets all the requirements. A discussion regarding access issues ensued. Issues and concerns mentioned included future pedestrian and bike paths and utility easements. Chairman Shafer confirmed that there would not be any changes regarding upgrading to Rock Prairie Road at this time. Ms. Reeves reiterated that the requirements are met with the primary access being off Greens Prairie Road. Development Manager Ruiz stated that the applicant is meeting the code requirements in terms of having access to a paved road from Greens prairie connectivity issue. She added that the master plan reflects the right -of -way dedication fee so that when improvements are made the right -of -way would be there. Commissioner Hall clarified that the City would be responsible to the maintenance of Rock Prairie Road until it is upgraded. Commissioner White asked what would trigger the paving of Rock Prairie Road. Transportation Planner Fogle stated that it would be a capital improvement plan triggered by development and traffic. He added that a traffic study would need to be conducted in order to warrant signalization for the area. Ms. Ruiz clarified the intent of possibly delaying the approval of the two additional access points until Rock Prairie Road is paved or not having the access at all. • Commissioner Hall's concern was directed toward the City's expense in maintaining the road in its current state. Access would then be directed to Greens Prairie Road only. Ms. Ruiz questioned how, in the phasing of the development, it can be allowed to develop but still maintain the possibility to tie in at a future point and between now and that time how would they be able to use it as an emergency access. She stated that Staff would like to see the connection to Rock Prairie. However, from a code standpoint and looking at this particular development and how Rock Prairie Road came to be, we are not in a position to be able to require that of this developer. Assistant City Attorney Nemcik stated that the ordinance states that access must be taken onto a paved public road. Ms. Ruiz pointed out that the developer's position on that is that they have met that requirement by making the primary access to the subdivision on Greens Prairie Road. Ms. Nemcik's stated that the ordinance does not state either primary or secondary but rather access onto a paved public road. Commissioner White pointed out that if a fence is constructed across the access points on Rock Prairie Road that would constitute preventing access. Ms. Nemcik pointed out that access would not be prevented, but rather, designated onto Greens Prairie Road. Ms. Ruiz asked Ms. Nemcik to clarify whether or not all access points must be paved. A brief discussion ensued regarding the interpretation of the regulations in reference to this issue. 40 Joe Schultz, the project engineer, pointed out other roads that have been annexed into the City that are being improved by the City without contributions from any of P &Z Minutes May 6, 2004 Page 3 of 6 the developers. He stated that the right -of -way for the major collector will be dedicated and that connectivity to Rock Prairie Road is desirable. • Ms. Ruiz stated that approximately 1-1 year ago, Staff brought before the Commission an ordinance amendment that was prompted by a development in the ETJ that had an internal subdivision that had the street system lay out that only connected to dirt roads. The amendment was added for that purpose. Staff interpreted that to mean that access to a paved road would be provided but not that every access had to be paved. Commissioner Trapani interjected that this is a public road open for use by the public and that he does not see enough evidence to deny anyone access. He stated that in prior similar cases, the Commission has directed developers to include a second access due to safety and emergency vehicle issues and that the Commission should be consistent with its decisions. Commissioner Reynolds reported that the paving of Rock Prairie Road was not on the agenda at the last CIP meeting and is not slated for improvements until 2008. Therefore, it will be a substantial amount of time before Rock Prairie is paved. Likewise, the future appears to reflect that there will also be a substantial amount of traffic on that road over the next 4 -5 years. Commissioner White pointed out that Lick Creek Park would be a source of heavy traffic for Rock Prairie Road, being the only access to the park. Commissioner Williams added that good planning would not allow access onto a substandard road. • f h Rock Prairie points could be eliminated Mr. Schultz stated that one o the oc a e access d and p t e dedicated right -of -ways, gated for emergency vehicle access until it is paved, but reiterated that Rock Prairie needs to be paved for access to Lick Creek Park and Water Waste -Water Treatment Plant. Commissioner Davis commented, stating that the access points meet the desired objectives of connectivity, but the issue is going against the requirements of the UDO as stated. He concurred with Commissioner Trapani's concern regarding the need for the Commission to remain consistent in its decisions. He added that it should be established that the access points on Rock Prairie does not meet the standards of the UDO and that a variance is required. Assistant City Attorney Nemcik explained that the Commission can approve the Master Development Plan without access to Rock Prairie Road and that the applicant can apply for a variance. Ms. Ruiz added that the variance would come with the prelifninary plat. Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the plat as submitted with the condition that the access to Rock Prairie Road is denied until a variance is submitted. Commissioner White seconded the motion. Ms. Ruiz clarified that it has been determined that the UDO requires that access from any subdivision should be onto a paved road, whether it is a primary or secondary • access. P &Z Minutes May 6, 2004 Page 4 of 6 • Commissioner Trapani asked about a second ingress /egress access point for emergency vehicles. Ms. Nemcik stated that this requirement is not ordinance driven. Chairman Shafer called the question. The motion to approve the plat as submitted with the condition that the access to Rock Prairie Road is denied until a variance is submitted at the preliminary plat stage. The motion carried 7 -0. FOR: Shafer, White, Reynolds, Davis, Williams, Hall, and Trapani. AGAINST: None. 8. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning for 58.13 acres, generally located east of Arrington Road, north of the College Station City limits, and west of State Highway 6, from A-O Agricultural Open to C -1 General Commercial. This is a City initiated rezoning. (04 -64) Staff Planner Prochazka presented the Staff Report, stating that at the February 26, 2004 City Council meeting, Council directed City staff to initiate rezoning of the subject property to conform to the amendment to the Land Use Plan that was approved for the area. After evaluating the potential for both C -1 and C -2 on the individual property for this request, Staff is recommending C -1 as the less intense zoning district. If there is a market demand for C -2 on specific properties, then petitions for those will be evaluated when they are submitted. She added that the Aggieland Ready -mix Company is planning to submit a C -2 zoning application at a later time. Ms. Prochazka reported that a property owners meeting was held on April 19, 2004 to receive input on the rezoning and that Aggieland Ready -mix Company was the only property owner that attended the meeting. i s Rezoning fees and the approximate period of time for the completion of the proposed rezoning on the Aggieland Ready -mix Company property was clarified. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Since no one spoke, Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the rezoning. Commissioner White seconded the motion, which carried 7 -0. FOR: Shafer, White, Reynolds, Davis, Williams, Hall, and Trapani. AGAINST: None. 9. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for Shenandoah Phases 10 -17 consisting of 260 residential lots on 75.48 acres generally located west of Alexandria Drive. (04 -81) Staff Planner Hitchcock presented the Staff Report. Ms. Hitchcock stated that the proposed preliminary plat is for the extension of Shenandoah and that Staff is recommending approval. She added that the proposal falls within the Comprehensive Plan density and collector streets will be extended. In addition, the development is not encroaching into the flood plain. In closing, she stated that parkland has already been dedicated and that discussions regarding the greenway are underway. Access to the greenway was clarified. • Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the preliminary plat as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reynolds and carried by a vote of 7 -0. FOR. Shafer, White, Reynolds, Davis, Williams, Hall, and Trapani. P &Z Minutes May 6, 2004 Page 5 of 6 • AGAINST: None. 10. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual Information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. None. 11. Adjourn. Commissioner Davis motioned to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Commissioner Trapani. The motion carried 7 -0. FOR: Shafer, White, Reynolds, Davis, Williams, Hall, and Trapani. AGAINST: None. APPROVED: Chairman, Scott ShaVar �J • ATTEST: Su n Ha a Assistant P &Z Minutes May 6, 2004 Page 6 of 6 PLANNING & .ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER MEETING DATE 4a � )- NAME ADDRESS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. 9. • 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 024. 25.