HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/06/2003 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES JOINT MEETING Planning and Zoning Commission and Parks and Recreation Advisory Board CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS «r ry : r_'j w i r r :�� lei u Lei ;z�z�� �9 i 1101 Texas Avenue March 6, 2003 5: 30 P. Me COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Floyd, Williams, Shafer, White and Hall COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner McMath and Trapani. PARIS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Nichols, Davis, Farn and Schroeder PARIS AND RECREATION STAFF PRESENT: Director Bea Assistant Director Plogr, and Staff Assistant Ldh. CO UNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Done. STAFF PRESENT: Development Services Director Tmplin, City Planner I, Development Manager Ruiz, Assistan City Engineer McCully, Staff Planners Hit Fletcher and Flanry, Civil Engineers Thompson and Cotter, Development Services Secretary Mack and Staff Assistant Hazlett. VISITORS PRESENT: Six Texas A &M University students. Chairman Floyd called the Joint Workshop M ting of the Planning and zoning Commission to order at 5:30 p.m. followed by the call to order of the Parrs and Recreation Advisory Board by John Nichols, Chairman. AGENDA ITEM N. 1: Consideration, discussion and possible action on the revised Parr, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. Mr. Beachy, Director of the Parrs and Recreation Department, made the opening remarks. s. H stated that the Parr, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan was originally approved in July 1999 and explained that the board and staff have work diligently to update the plan through the combined efforts of his staff and the information provided by the Development Services Department. In addition, a subcommittee, consisting of P&Z Joint Workshop Meeting March 6. 2003 Page 1 of board members and parks staff was formed. The revised plan was presented at a public hearing on January 14, 2003 and was also placed on the Internet in order to invite public comment. There has been a major effort in the reformatting of the plan also. The issues addressed and resolved at this meeting will be registered and the plan will then go before the City Council for approval. This plan will be used as a guide to direct and establish priorities for parks and recreation development and programs over the newt few years. Assistant Parrs and Recreation Director Plogr cited the major revisions made to the plan. They are as follows: Section I: Introduction - regarding updated demographics Section V: Inventory - regarding increases in developed parrs, tennis court availability, softball field and soccer field and all additional parrs, facilities, and bond program projects Section VI: Deeds Assessment and Identification - establishment of new service levels Section VII: Prioritization o f Deeds and Plan Implementation regarding strategies, future bond issues, cooperative ventures, improved maintenance facilities, usage of parkland dedication funds, and the current status and future implementation of plans Comments and questions by the Commission, Advisory Board, and Parrs and Recreation Department Staff ensued. A decision was made that a member of the Parrs and Recreation Advisory Board would attend a Planning and Zoning Commission Workshop once a month in order for both entities to remain abreast of current developments. Likewise, based on the agenda of the Parts and Recreation Advisory Board, members of the Commission will attend their meeting, which is hold every second Tuesday of each month. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Adjourn. Commissioner White motioned to adjourn the joint w orkshop meeting and Commissioner Shafer seconded the motion. The motion carried -0. The meeting adjourned. FOR: Floyd, White, Shafer, Hall, and Williams. AGAINST: Done. APPROVED: ATTEST: Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett Chairman, Rick Floyd P&Z Joint Workshop Meeting March 6. 2003 Page 2 of