HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/17/2003 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2)MINUTES WORKSHOP Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS City Hall Training Room April 17, 2003 5:30 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Floyd, Williams, Shafer, Hall and White. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Trapani and McMath. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Member. STAFF PRESENT: Parrs and Recreation Director Beauty and Assistant Director Plodder, Recreation Center Director Jackson., Recreation Superintendent Gelling, Greenways Manager Downs, Development Services Director Tmplin, City Planner I, Senior Plann Battle, Development Review Manager Ruiz, Assistant Development Review Manager George, Staff Planners Fletcher, Hitchcock, and Prochazka., Transportation Planner F gl , Assistant City Engineer McCully, xraduat Civil Engineers Thompson and Cotter, Assistant City Attorney N m l , Planning Intern Harrell, Staff Assistant Grace and Development Services Secretary Ma it . Chairman Floyd called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Discussion of Agenda Items. Members f the Commission and Staff discussed the various agenda items, particularly the preliminary plat for The Gateway Subdivision where concerns were expressed and addressed. AGENDA ITEM N. 2. Consideration, discussion and possible action regarding the Lincoln C nt r W.A. Tarrow Parrs Master Flan. P&Z Workshop Minutes April 17, 2003 Page I of 4 Steve Beachy updated the Commission on this master plan, explaining that it is composed of several other master plans within. Mr. Beachy stated that the master plan would be presented to the City Council for consideration on May 8. He introduced other members of his staff that would give a brief report on the various entities of the Parks and Recreation Department. Recreation Superintendent Gerling explained the process and changes in the current and previous plan. Three major differences were pointed out: (1) The three ballpark complexes are oriented differently (2) No longer a need for tennis courts (3) New parking areas are planned. Mr. Gerling stated that there are still open spaces available and that added amenities such as a splash park and an all sports court area are planned. The two courts can also be used for afternoon and evening events such as festivals and will be covered for both day and night use, freeing up gym use. Mr. Gerling also reported on the process and steps taken in creating the updated plan which also included community and committee input. Additionally, a priority list from all of the public hearings was created. In his closing remarks, Mr. Gerling pointed out the historical implications that the site has on the community. The Commission resounded with high remarks for all that has been done, stating that it is not only positive influence on the neighborhood, but also the entire co mmunity. Commissioner Williams motioned to approve the Master Flan. Commissioner Shafer seconded the motion. The notion carried -0. FOIE: Floyd, Williams, Shafer, Hall, and White. AGAINST: None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3. Consideration, discussion and possible action on the City's Greenway and Open Space Program. Greenways manager Downs presented the Commission with a summary of items regarding acquisitions, approved bond funds and the funds available for more land purchases. She explained that Greenway bond funds were specifically for acquisitions rather than improvements. She reported on acquisitions that are pending or on hold, waiting on a decision by the property owners and various other reasons. Additionally, Ms. Downs stated that the dedication summary is not all conclusive, indicating that portions of land that are dedicated during the rezoning stage are not dedicated at the final plat stage. Assistant City Attorney Nemcik explained that even though the master development plan indicates an area being dedicated as a greenway, it is not a mandatory requirement. Unless there is an exaction process and a study that shows reason for exaction with all of the analysis, the developer has the opportunity to dedicate it but we cannot require it. She added that there is no bond required for a dedication and that the Commission should be aware that greenway dedications with rezonings may not occur. Chairman Floyd directed Staff to develop a report on the current status of the greenway acquisitions. The report is to include the current situation, flaws and ways in which the Commission can move forward with what has been envisioned by the City regarding connectivity of greenways and the P&Z Workshop Minutes April 17, 2003 Page 2 of 4 obstacles. Additionally, any policies that staff has assumed or put in place that have not been approved by City Council should be included in the report. Commissioner White added that an overview of the report with comments from the City's legal department is also requested. Commissioner White motioned to approve the directive to Staff and was seconded by Commissioner Shafer. The notion carried 5-0. FOIE: Floyd, William, Shafer, Hall, and White. AGAINST: None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding a potential rezoning request for C &J Barbeque generally located in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Highway 30 and FBI 158. City Planner Kee stated that the subject property is located in the area that Staff recently recommended amending the mixed use plan and is also a part of the 30/60 plan. It is being brought to the Commission's attention because Staff has been working with the applicant for a considerable amount of time to develop their request for C &J Barbeque and the expansion they desire to do. She added that at the present time Staff supports the C -1 General Commercial zoning district. Ms. Kee pointed out that the recent rezoning of the Dudley property to A -P on the front and R -1 on the back is a similar situation. Policies are being developed relative to this type of zoning situation. Ms. Kee clarified that a Planned Development is a development with a mix of uses rather than a Mixed Use development, and calls for less intensive commercial development. Development Manager Ruiz explained the applicant's intent for the subject property as being interesting in redeveloping the site with major improvements, possibly even leveling the current site and rebuilding. In order to make these types of improvements a rezoning of the property is required. Direction is sought of the Commission in order to proceed. Ms. Ruiz stated that Staff can support the C -1 Zoning. She added that the 3 0/6 0 Plan also speaks to the mix of uses for this area. The Commissioners offered remarks regarding the appropriate use for the land. All of them spoke positively to the possible C -1 rezoning. However, Chairman Floyd and Commissioner Hall asked Staff to also consider a PDD zoning for the subject properly, relating their remarks to a previous PDD required for another piece of property in the local area. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5. Subcommittee Deports. • Land Use Study re-. Mixed Lase • Thoroughfare Flan Amendment Senior Planner Battle reported that the Land Use Study is going before the next City Council Meeting for consideration. Transportation Planner Fogle reported that the City Council approved the Thoroughfare Plan Amendment. AGENDA ITEM N. 6. Discussion of minor and amending plats approved by staff. • Southwood Valley Section 1 (03-48) P&Z Workshop Minutes April 17, 2003 Page 3 of 4 Development Review ie Manager Ruiz clarified the plat. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7. Discussion of future agenda items. Development Review ie Manager Ruiz reported that Item 7 has been removed from the regular agenda b the applicant. She added that Item No. 8 is a variance and replat request and meets all standards and requirements. Therefore, the Commission is required by law to approve it. Transprtin Planner Fgle stated that the last meeting for the Home Depot Traffic Study 1s scheduled. He invited the Commissioners to the Transportation Expo that is scheduled for May 2. FUTURE AGENDA Commissioner Hall requested a worksh item regarding free standing and temporary signs. AGENDA ITEM N. 8. Adjourn. Commissioner Shafer motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned. APPROVED: ATTEST: Chairman, Scott Shafer Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P&Z Workshop Minutes April 17, 2003 Page 4 of 4