HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/06/2000 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2)MINUTES WORKSHOP Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS CITY HALL TRAINING ROOM 1101 Texas Avenue November 6, 2000 5:00 P.I. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Mooney, Flo Harris, Happ, H rl n, and Warren. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Williams. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brown, Staff Planners Jimmerson., Laauw , and Hitchcock., Senior Staff Planner Ku nz 1, Assistant City Engineer Mayo, Graduate Engineers Thompson and Vnnhi, Assistant City Attorney Nmil, Director of Development Services Callaway, Neighborhood Senior Planner Battle, Development Services Assistant Coordinator George, Development Review Manager Ruiz., , and Staff Assistant Hazlett. Chairman Mooney called the workshop meeting to order at :13 p.m. AGENDA ITEM N. 1: Discussion and possible action of Protocol Issues and Presentation to City Council. Chairman Moony stated that he met with members of the City staff regarding the protocol issues. Mr. Callaway, Director of Development Services, was also In the meeting and explained that a change In the format of the case presentations that are made to the Commission and the City Council prior to public hearings regarding zoning issues was discussed. He explained that a now format would involve the developer or applicant more in the presentation to the Commission and City Council. He indicated that this would require the staff to present only the factual information of the case instead of a summary description of the developer's proposal. Mr. Call pointed out that the developer or applicant has invested money in the project going before the Commission and should be allowed to present his /her case. He also expressed concern regarding the planning staff s workload and said that the planners would be afforded the time focusing on things pertinent to the review. He explained that a written report and recommendation would still be submitted and presented by the planning staff, but the P&Z Workshop Minutes November 6, 2000 Page 3 of Commissioner and City Council would hear directly from the applicant and the developer as well which will give more credence to the process. Mr. Callaway stated that there was some discussion about eliminating the three- minute time limit for case presentations and extending it by giving the applicant or developer a more generous time frame in which to make their presentation. Mr. Callaway also said that it was suggested that a standardized report, perhaps even a form, be utilized by the Commission liaison in the presentation to City Council. He reported that City Attorney Cargill stated that the state statute allows the city, by ordinance, a requirement ofthree - fourths the majority of City Council to over rule a recommendation by the Commission to deny a rezoning request. Mr. Callaway added that a discussion to make the 6 -month waiting period mandatory in order to help eliminate repetitious and ambiguous requests. He reported another topic of discussion as being the possibility of requiring an applicant, whose case was previously denied by the Commission, to file an appeal in order to request the case to move forward to City Council. Currently, these particularly cases are automatically scheduled to go before City Council. Commissioner Floyd asked if there was any discussion about having public hearings on matters that are not slated as public hearings. Mr. Callaway explained that it is the Commission's prerogative to determine what to hear in those cases that are not scheduled for public hearing. Chairman Mooney suggested that the Commission could recommend to City Council that an amendment to the ordinance requiring athree- fourths vote by City Council before overturning a denial by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Floyd motioned to have the changes and recommendations provided to the Commission for review and discussion at a future workshop meeting. Commissioner Harris seconded the motion. The motion carried 6 -0. AGENDA ITEM No. 2: Deport to the Commission r: the Texas APA Conference. Senior Planner Battle shared items of interest from the conference, such as trends and sessions related to urban design. design standards, and neighborhood revitalization. He reported having the opportunity to tour some town centers that are currently being developed. Staff Planner Hitchcock attended sessions that focussed on design issues and legal aspects. Chairman Mooney's choice of sessions included those related to the three -fold role of the Commission; (1) legislative, in regards to zoning changes and ordinance review; 2 Judicial regarding platting issues that typically do not require debate or discussion with others, and administrative, in determining if an item is meeting platting requirements. In eases here a public hearing is not required, counselors recommend not entertaining the idea, but for the Commission to loop at the merits of the issue at hand, discuss it among the Commissioners, ask staff for clarification on key points, and vote. Chairman Mooney suggested that a statement on the role of the commission be posted In the display cases for public information and review. Commissioner Horlen asked staff to place this item on the next agenda for action by the Commission. In another session Chairman Mooney explained that vested rights, which refers to planning for open space before subdivisions are developed was discussed and that other cities require seven or more acres for a parr. In closing, sessions covering the comprehensive plan, funding, slap suites and the religious liberties act were also available. Finally, Chairman Mooney stated that a copy of a redline guide for platting which details step by step the items that should be included on a plat, has been provided to Mr. Callaway. Additional copies will be provided to each commissioner. AGENDA ITEM No. Appointment of Commission liaisons to upcoming Small Area Plan, Neighborhood Plan, and East Bypass overlay Development. Business Parr Area Plan - John, Rick, Judy Neighborhood Plan - Ray, Carolyn Overlay - Joe, Karl P&Z Workshop Minutes November 6, 2000 Page 3 of AGENDA ITEM NO. . Discussion and possible action regarding the Unified Development Code. Development Services Director Jim Callaway stated that the Commission asked if this could be placed on the agenda as a standing item. There is nothing tonight in addition to the diagnostic policy memorandum that was provided. The consultants have begun to draft the section of the code which deals with zoning districts, which land uses should be involved in the zoning districts, including various zoning districts, and following that the development standards that go with the respective districts. These topics are covered in the report that the Commission received on pages 22 through 42. A preliminary draft of those sections should be available at the next workshop. AGENDA ITEM NO. Discussion of Agenda Items. Commissioner Floyd asked for a definition of Baptist Student Ministries. Staff Planner Hitchcock explained that it is defined as a community building that will hold religious activities. Assistant City Attorney Nemcik stated that to be considered a church the predominant use of the structure would have to be for church services. She suggested asking the applicant what percentage of the building will be used for church services, indicating that anything more than ono is considered predominant. Commissioner Horlen asked if in the approval of the Conditional Use Permit the Commission could specify the uses of the structure since the word 'assembly' used in their description of uses on the application implies that it would be used for church services. Ms. Hitchcock stated that the structure is not qualified as a church according to a previous court ruling. Commissioner Floyd suggested that the Commission ask the applicant to clarify the intent of the Conditional Use Permit. Commissioner Floyd also pointed out that the Commission should consider whether or not the use is in harmony with the development plan for the area as well. AGENDA ITEM NO. Tone. AGENDA ITEM loo. 7 Minor and Amending Plats Approved by Staff. Subcommittee Deports. ■ wolf Pen Creep Implementation. No report. The meeting has been rescheduled for November 13, 2000. AGENDA ITEM NO. Adjourn. Conumssioner Horlen motioned to adjourn n the meeting and was seconded by on m ioner Hams. The motion carried -o. APPROVED: ATTEST: Chairman, Karl Mooney P&Z Workshop Minutes November 6, 2000 Page 3 of 3 Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P&Z Workshop Minutes November 6, 2000 Page 3 of