HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/20/2000 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE ST TI N, TEXAS July 20, 2000 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Floyd, Harris, Happ, Williams, Warren, and Ad Hoe Member Charles Thomas. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Chairman Mooney and Commissioner H rl n. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Members Mal n y and Massey. STAFF PRESENT: Zoning Board Member Richards, Parrs Board Members Glenn Davis, B a hy, N' hulas, and Bill I a is, staff Planners Jimmrsn, Laau, and Hitchcock., Assistant City Engineer Mayo, Graduate Engineer Thompson, Transportation Planner Hard, Assistant City Attorney Ladd, Director of Development Services Callaway, Neighborhood Planner Battle, City Planner Kee., Development Services Coordinator Ruiz, Neighborhood Senior Planner Battle and Intern Flanr, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. AGENDA ITEM N. 1: Hear visitors ThefoLlowing items were approved hy common consent. AGENDA ITEM N. : Consent Agenda. Aaenda Item No. .1: Aaenda Item No. .: REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM N. Approved the minutes from the Workshop M ting held on July 6, 2000. Approved the minutes from the Regular Meeting held on July 6, 2000. Public hearing and consideration of a rezoning for Ctlgt Subdivision, consisting of 162.86 acres out of the Crowley Master Development Plan, from -G, Agricultural-Open to PIT -H, Planned Development District- Housing, located on Greens Prairie Road west of the future intersection with Highway 40. -121) P&ZMinutes July 20, 2000 Page I of Staff Planner Jessica Jimm rs n presented the staff report. Ms. Jimm rs n said the applicant is requesting to rezone the property to PITH to allow for the modifications to the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance requirements, which this district allows. She explained that this area was annexed in 1995 with the developer beginning discussions with the City for the Master Development Plan soon after. The Plan was originally approved by Council in 1997 and modified in 1998. Ms. Jimm rs n pointed out that this is the first area of the Master Development Plan to be implemented. The Land Use Plan shows the subject tract and surrounding areas as Single Family Residential. The property south of Greens Prairie Road, which bounds this tract, is outside the City Limits but there is some residential usage in this area Ms. Jimm rs n said. She described the property location as being surrounded on the north, west and east by other areas o f the Crowley Master Development Plan and are vacant at this time. The reason for the proposed modifications is to enable the development of a woodlands type subdivision. She stated that the proposed modifications are considered part o f the concept plan and will be attached to the rezoning ordinance. She explained that the modifications are a result of a long -term collaboration between the developer, his design professionals and many City staff representing multiple departments. She explained that this proposal is in compliance with the plan with one exception of a street section shown as a minor collector on the Master Development Plan. She stated that Staff has determined that the circulation that is being proposed for this area is adequate to provide good circulation and that particular street section is not necessary to be implemented. Ms. Jimm rs n referred to Section 7.25D and Sections 7.25H and I of the Zoning Ordinance and stated that Staff has determined that the proposed development is in harmony with the planned and existing uses of the area and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. She indicated that the parking issues would be in accordance with Section 9 of the ordinance. Ms. Jimmrsn said Staff recommends approval of the rezoning with the condition that any requirements not spifYially addressed in the attached mdifYid standards default to R -1 B, Single Family Residential, zoning requirements. Lastly, she pointed out that the Parrs Board approved the proposed parr areas on June 1 , 2000. She explained that instead of the standard sidewalks, the applicant intends to develop trail areas connecting the parrs as well as pathways to connect the residential streets to the larger pathways, and will return to the Parrs Board for approval of the design specifications. Commissioner Floyd asked Staff Jimmrsn for clarification of the limitations of on-street parting and the recommended action. Planner Jimmrsn explained that those limitations were specifically written in the attached modifications f the concept plan. Commissioner warren asked what is the projected traffic volume for the new Highway 4. Transportation Planner Hard stated that currently he is unaware of any Texas Department of Transportation traffic projections for that area. However, Mr. Hard said, upon opening, he believes that Highway 40 will certainly carry more - traffic than Highway 47. Commissioner Floyd wanted a better insight of the discussion that focused on eliminating one exit from this area. Mr. Hard explained that the logic behind that decision was driven primarily by the fact that State Highway 40 will be a facility lire Highway 47, an arched, divided highway, with speed limits up to 7 mph. with that and the intent of Highway 40 being a regional expressway, it is believed that the two access points for this subdivision on the eastside would easily accommodate the - traffic generated. P&ZMinutes July 20, 2000 Page 2 of Commissioner Floyd asked Mr. Hard if consideration was given for an additional entrance to Greens Prairie Road. Planner Jimmrson explained that with the four areas that are being developed, there is an intent for an emergency access to be developed for the area. She said once the connections are made through the r of the phases, the emergency access w ould then be closed off and become a lot in the subdivision. She pointed out that the Master Development Flan on display is part of the rezoning ordinance and depicts the proposal for the emergency and fire department access. Finally, she stated that the Fire Marshall's Office has also reviewed Mast r Development Flan. Commissioner Floyd opened the public hearing. Jim Wendt, The Woodlands, Texas presented the proposed plan and pointed out more particularly the details of the park plans and pathways. He added that a tennis court, basketball court, picnic pavilion, trails, fishing pier, lake and other amenities were being proposed. Commissioner Warren asked Mr. Wendt about his experience with safety issues and subdivisions with pathways built in the back sections of subdivisions. Mr. Wendt said that he was proposing to place the pathway in a o' forest preserve behind the lots which would provide adequate room for undulation in the pathways, avoiding the trees. He said some homeowners would place gates in their fences along the pathway for better access. Mr. Tim Crowley, property owner said he is very pleased with the work being done on the project. He said he believes this development will add a lot of value to the balance of his tract and prove to be a valuable project for the City of College Station as well. Commissioner Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Harris motioned to approve as submitted to include the conditions recommended by Staff. Commissioner Warren seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, -0. AGENDA ITEM No. : Discussion and consideration of the progress report for the Graham Road Impact Fees, -1, 7-1, 7-, and -1. -1 Agenda Item loo. 6 has been moved forward on the agenda to Agenda Item No. 4 placement and presented at this time. Commissioner Floyd recognized A d Hoc Member Charles Thomas as being present. Assistant City Engineer Ted Mayo presented the progress report to the Commission on the four impact fees that the City of College Station has in place at this time. He explained the 92 -01 Sanitary Sewer (Graham Toad ) impact fee was 508 acres initially implemented in 1992 and revised in 1996 after approval of updated Land U Assumptions and Capital Improvement Flan. The Capital Improvement Flan consists of three phases which have all been completed at a combined cost of $452,070. The 1996 update to this plan estimated a combined cost of $655,000. Phase III of the original plan was reduced by 1800" of 12 ", line resulting in a reduction of $140,000. Fees collected through June 2000 total $146,586. In addition, $30,502 was collected prior to 1995 for connection fees for industrial prop along Graham Toad related to annexation agreements. At P&ZMinutes July 20, 2000 Page 3 of present, Mr. Mayo said there are 332 acres developed in this area and that during the next ten years 149 acres are expected to develop. Mr. Mayo, referring t0 the 97-01 Sanitary Sever (Spring Creel) said that this fee which was implemented in December 1997 involved 2000 acres. He said the Capital Improvement Plan consists of Phase I, east of Highway 6, and Phase II, vest of Highway 6. He explained that the estimated cost for Phase I was $1,000,000 and was completed in 1999 at a cost of $671,246 and Phase II is estimated to cost $1,350,000 with construction completed in 2000. As of the end of June 2000, Mr. Mayo said that no impact fees have been collected in this area. He added that a development is currently underway which consists of 111 single - family lots. He said there were 137 developed acres in 1997 and that 818 acres are expected t0 develop by the year 2007. Mr. Mayo reported that the 97-02B Sanitary Sever (Alum Creel) fee was implemented in December 1997 and included 608 acres. He reported that the Capital Improvement Plan consists of running a 15" sanitary sever line from the south end of the College Station Business Parr westerly along Alum Creel t0 the east right of way of Highway . He said this project was estimated to cost $390,000 and was completed in 1999 at a cost of $214,554. At the end of June 2000, Mr. Mayo said $4,867 in impact fees have been collected in this area consisting of 20 single - family lots. In 1997 there were developed acres and reports that 83 additional acres are projected for development in this area. The 158 acres of the -01 Water Dine impact fee which was implemented in April of 1999 consists of running an 18" water line south along the east right of way of Highway 6 approximately 4800' . Mr. Mayo stated that the estimated cost was $390,000 (Impact fee was based on an " line at $165,000. He reported that a 2400' section of the 18" line was constructed in 1999 from the south end at a cost of $1481,317. Mr. Mayo said there have not been any impact fees collected in this area as o f June 2000. Mr. Mayo told the Commission that the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting would represent the annual report that is the criteria of the advisory committee. Commissioner Floyd called for a motion to receive the report as presented. Commissioner Happ motioned to receive the Impact Fee Progress Deport as presented and was seconded by Ad Hoc member Charles Thomas. The motion passed unanimously, -0. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4 ; Public hearing and consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for the Wellborn Special Utility District for a booster plant located at 1601 Greens Prairie Road West. (00-85) Age Item ISO. 4 was moved downward on the agenda t0 Agenda Item INTO. 5 placement and presented at this time. Staff Planner Jimmerson presented the staff report. Ms. Jimmerson stated that this size is zoned -0, Agricultural -open, and is currently used by Brazos County for one f its volunteer fire stations. The explained that the applicant is proposing t0 add the Booster Plant t0 the site. She said the addition of the Booster Plant will require the building of a water storage tank and a small enclosure for pumping equipment. The existing fire station building is 14 feet in height and the water tank is proposed t0 be 34 feet, which is less than the maximum height allowed in the zoning district. She explained that municipal facilities may be located in any zoning district with the granting of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Ms. Jimmerson stated that the Land Use Plan shows this tract and those t0 the north and south as Regional Detail, with Institutional Use shown across Arrington Road. She states that the area to the vest across Arrington Road is zoned -0 and is vacant, while the property t0 the north across Greens Prairie Ind. is zoned -1 and is occupied by one of the College Station water towers and a GTE facility. She points out that there is more vacant land slightly north and vest of the subject tract and is shown on the C rowley M aster Development Plan as future commercial, multifamily and single family. P&ZMinutes July 20, 2000 Page 4 of Ms. Jimmerson painted out that the subject tract is not directly adjacent to Highway 6, but is located in a highly visible location. She explained that the developer has exceeded the landscaping requirements for the site because of high visibility of the subject tract. She said the Zoning Ordinance does not pifYially require a fence in this situation, but indicated that the Staff would generally recommend a solid screening fence. Hr, in this instance, the TN (Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission) requires an intruder resistant fence (i.e. barbed wire across the top). Ms. Jimmerson pointed out that the City water tower across the street has a similar fence. Ms. Jimmerson also informed the Commission that the driveway ordinance allows the City Engineer r his designee, usually the transportation planner) to grants some variances to the driveway ordinance standards due to special traffic conditions. She explained that in this particular instance, because of the love frequency of the use and the fact that the public will not have access to the site, and because Arrington Road is not an urban section of road, a 16' wide asphalt driveway will be permitted. Ms. Jimmerson said that this site is not currently platted but will be required to be so prior to the issuance of a development permit. She also stated that this area has seen little development pressures since its annexation in 1983, but points out that the City's growth projection map shoves this area as a high growth area in the near future. Ms. Jimmerson said unless the public hearing brings to light any new information indicating potential negative impacts, the Staff recommends approval with the driveway ay variances previously noted and discussed above. Commissioner Floyd asked Ms. Jimmerson about the materials to be used in the construction of the tank and if it would be compatible and similar in nature with the area and the existing City water tower across the street from the subject tract. Ms. Jimmerson explained that the applicant has proposed to paint their tank to match the City's water tower. She said that the City is planning to repaint the city tank, so staff is waiting to hear from the Water Department the decision on the color of the repainting. Commissioner Floyd also asked Staff if the applicant would consider paralleling the maintenance of the proposed tank on the same schedule as that of the City Water Department. Ms. Jimmerson said the request for the tank to match in color to the City's water tower was an appropriate request and would need to defer to the applicant regarding the type of materials to be used in the construction of the tank. She also said she would ask the applicant if he would consider painting the tank on the same schedule as the City. Commissioner Floyd opened the public hearing. Mr. Steven Cast, General Manager, Wellborn Special Utility District, 4118 Greens Prairie Road, said that the materials used in the construction of the tank is AWAW standards, using the same contractors that built the City's tanks. He said he would not be adverse to using the same color and schedule of painting maintenance for the tower as the City. Commissioner Happ asked how the height of the tank was determined. Mr. Cast explained that a certain volume of storage capacity was required and that the tank size and height was determined by the size of the lot. Commissioner Warren asked if the fence requirement was agreeable. Mr. Cast said yes Commissioner Floyd closed the public hearing. P&ZMinutes July 20, 2000 Page 5 of Commissioner Warren moved for approval with conditions. Specifically, the tower color match and a repainting schedule in beeping with the City's schedule of it' tower maintenance the chain-link/wood- slat fence with intruder resistant barbed wire, and that in the event that Greens Prairie Road is idnd, the driveway would meet the City's variance requirements. Commissioner Happ seconded the motion. Commissioner Harris questioned the need to place all the conditions on the motion since the applicant has indicated their intent to carry through on all of the mentioned items of concern. Commissioner Floyd expressed a concern about the property being a highly visible tract for the city. Commissioner Warren pointed out that the subject property is a gateway to the City. She also pointed out that there is a City tower located across from the subject property. She expressed a concern about a "utility" look ith the construction of the added tower and the impact that it would make in terns of that particular gateway to the City. Commissioner Happ asked what alternatives there were. He stated that his earlier question regarding the height of the proposed tower was because of the high visibility of this particular site and the impact it would have being placed at one of the City's gateways. Commissioner Floyd stated that alternatives were not discussed but as a Commission have the opportunity to address this question and decide if this plan is an appropriate land use for this particular site. He reiterated his concern for the industrial appearance of this gateway. Commissioner Warren said that there was not an overlay area study done for this area enabling them to see what the appropriate possible uses for this area are or could b. Commissioner Williams agreed with Commissioners Floyd, Happ, and Warren. She asked if the Commission could defer and obtain possible alternatives for the site. Commissioner Floyd called for the vote for the motion and the second on the table. The motion was unanimously opposed -0 and failed. AGENDA ITEM NO. : Consideration of a Site Plan for Rooster's, a nightclub and restaurant, located at 2300 Earl Rudder Freeway South; previously Wolfe Nursery. -119) Staff Planner Laauwe presented the staff report. This case involves the redevelopment of the existing Wolfe Nursery site. She said the site is within the Wolf Pen Creep Corridor. The applicant is proposing to develop a nightclub that will include the serving of food and alcohol, live music, games, pool tables, and sand volleyball courts. Ms. Laauwc explained that nightclubs are a permitted use in the Wolf Pen Creep Development Corridor. She also stated that all site plans in the Corridor District must be reviewed by the Design Review Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission. Ms. Laauwc pointed out that the site does not meet the parking requirements for the intended night club use and that the applicant has made a request for a parting variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustments. She stated that the applicant has provided parting spaces for 183 cars, 33 motorcycles and 10 bicycles. However, she pointed out that the Zoning Ordinance does not tale into consideration the m o t o r c y c le o r bicycle spaces. Ms. Laauwe reports that the Design Review Board met regarding the plans on July 5 and has given strong opinions that they favor landscaping over the placement of additional parking. She also mentioned that the Design Review Board consistently prefers that parting not be adjacent to Wolf Pen P&ZMinutes July 20, 2000 Page 6 of Creep and that they made a supporting recommendation of the variance to the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Ms. Laauwe also reported that the Zoning Board of Ad ju tment has granted are 81 parking space variance. She said that Staff recommends approval with the site plan review conditions. Commissioner Floyd asked if the joint access to the parking is part of the application and when the adjoining property develops, if that is when the joint access will that occur. He asked if it would be appropriate to male the joint access part of the requirements of the applicant. Commissioner Floyd also asked if parking was allowed on Holleman and if there we any "No Farling" signs posted on Holleman. Ms. Laauwe was unsure about the parking situation on Holleman but did clarify the fact that joint access was encouraged by all businesses in the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor. Ms. Laauwe pointed out that the representative of Post Oak Mall has stated that they would not allow patrons of Rooster's to park in the mall parking lot. Commissioner Floyd opened the public hearing. Clint Shrff, 424 Chimney Hill Drive, explained the color and the signage that is proposed for the building. He also said a drive - through that will serve food continuously from the complete menu until the close of operations each evening. He indicated the 30 additional parting spaces that are added to the ba o f the site will be connected through the parting lot with etched concrete and raised walkwa The tenant intends to use the back door as the main front entrance and place a canopy over that area with the double sliding doors currently in the front o f the building moved to the back. In addition, Mr. Shrff said that the storage area in the bale will be screened in with an ' cedar fence as well as the dumpstr along with a gate. Along the side, a ' canopy will be placed with wood truces and a metal roof supported by cedar columns. This area w ill house the outdoor seating. The wrought iron fence with have a split face columns consistent with what is currently used at the amphitheater. Mr. Tom Bevans, 5005 Commonwealth explained that he is the Operations Manager for Rooster's and that a very experienced management team should be in place by August 1, 2000. Mr. Paul Clarke,, Agua Rica, LTD, stated that he seeps the support of the Commission in seeing the fruition of the project. He addressed the joint access agreement and explained that there were already agreements and stipulations in place in the ordinances, and that there is an existing agreement of record between the two pieces of property. Commissioner Warren asked Mr. Clarke how soon the completion of the second piece of property would be. Mr. C larke said that interested parties were waiting on the outcome and fate of Wolf Pen Creel. Commissioner Warren expressed a concern on the parting situation and the patrons crossing the street to enter the proposed nightclub and the fact that a variance has already been granted on 81 parting spaces. Mr. Clarke shared Commissioner Warren's concern. He explained that the sidewalks are there and hopes that harmonious developments will continue to be drawn to the area with synergistic times to help alleviate the joint access and parking issues. He explained that the previous owner of the site had a freestanding sign along the front intersection. He said that the current applicant has agreed to dedicate or by easement given this area of the site to the City for whatever focal features they desire for the Wolf Pen Creek elements that are being planned. The General Manager of Foley's Department Stores expressed a concern of the safety of her e as they leave the mall each evening. She explained that her e mployees park in the back area of the mall parking lot designated for Fol 's employees. P&ZMinutes July 20, 2000 Page 7 of Commissioner Warren asked her if the frequency of the patrolling of the mall security officers would adequately provide her employees with the measure of safety that they desire. She suggested that other strategies to help alleviate the safety issues of the Foley's employees, such as leaving in pairs, be sought out. Commissioner Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Harris motioned for the approval with the conditions reported by staff: Commissioner Warren seconded the motion. She pointed out that the intent of the City was to develop a restaurant/entertainment district around Wolf Pen Creek and that the P &Z had denied a church with a daycare for this location earlier. She reiterated her concern over the safety issues of the mall employees and expressed a desire of the proprietors of this venue would be sensitive to the issues of their clients appropriate use of alcohol. She said she hoped that some informal strategies could be developed to ensure the safety for the entire area. Commissioner Floyd reiterated the statements made by Commissioner Warren. He said he believed that the proposal for this site is an appropriate use and believes that all of the conditions are in place. He said that other obligations of the City are to enforce the street parking, and other aspects to control the impact that the new businesses in this area will have on the long -term existing retail establishments. He said the cooperation of everyone is needful and wants to see the City demarcate the Wolf Pen Creek area. Commissioner called for the vote for the motion on the table. The motion passed unanimously, -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7 None. AGENDA ITEM NO. Discussion of future agenda items. Adjourn. Commissioner Happ motioned to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Commissioner Warren. The motion carried 5-0. The meeting was adjourned. LIN U U IDLOILTA DI DIP CHI0YDO1F. Chairman, Karl Mooney Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P&ZMinutes July 20, 2000 Page 8 of