HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/07/2000 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES WORKSHOP Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS CITY HALL TRAINING ROOM 1101 Texas Avenue December 7, 2000 5:30 P.M@ COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Mooney, Floyd, Harris, Horlen, Williams, and Warren. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Ha. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brown, City Center Committee Chairperson Nancy Crouch, Staff Planners Jimmerson., Laau e, I cc c ,and Hitchcock,, , I Senior Planner ucn cl, City Planner Ice, Economic and Community Development Director Fout, Assistant City Engineer Mayo, Graduate Engineers Thompson and Venn chi, Assistant City Attorney Nemcil , Director of Development Services Callaway, Planner Intern Flanery, Development Review Manager Ruiz, Transportation Planner Hard, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. Chairman Mooney called the wo rkshop meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. AGENDA ITEM N. 1: Presentation and Discussion re: City Center Planning Committee Assistant City Manager Brown opened by stating that the City Council began planning for a new City Hall several years ago. In 1996 this plan was a strategic issue and in the 1998 Bond Issue the funds were designated to purchase land for a City Center Complex. The City Council appointed a committee in December of 1999. Ms. Nancy Crouch is the chairperson o f that committee. The committee was to develop a City Center concept, with City Hall being the anchor of the facility. This plan is also a strategic issue in the current strategic issue plan. The committee recommended that City Council contract an architect which was hired in March of 2000. The recommended spot for the City Center was chosen from four possible locations. The planning and zoning staff have been an intricate part of this process in developing this plan. Several of the Commissioners also attended some of the meetings. Tonight's report is presented for information and coordinati purposes. If the City Council accepts the recommendations from the committee which will be presented to the City Council at their Workshop P&Z Workshop Minutes December 7, 2000 Page I of Meeting on December 14 , the recommendation will then be forwarded t the Planning and Zoning Commission for the creation o f a zoning ove district. Ms. Crouch explained that the direction for the committee from the City Council was to develop a City Center Complex that would reflect the new urbanism style. The committee compiled a list of approximately thirteen items that comprised their ideal City Center. 1) To provide an expandable administration space in a multi -story building 2) to assure adequate council and meeting spaces 3) to include art and cultural facilities 4) to provide support functions such as jogging trails, restaurants, and recreation center for the staff and citizens living in the area 5) to include a variety of housing within walking distance of City Hall 6) to be beautifully landscaped using natural features to include water features 7) to be linked to the rest of the city with bikeways and greenbelts 8) to provide settings for outdoor events, festivals, art exhibits, etc. 9) to become a significant symbol for the City 10) to become a template for other groups who are seeking to create places for civic and cultural importance; a role model for other cities 11) to be a magnet for people seeking a beautiful refuge from typical commercialism 12) minimize the impact of parking on the aesthetic qualities of the center. We feel that the plan we are presenting to you tonight incorporates all of these things. Mr. Brown continued by stating that the Police and Court buildings as well as Central Park and the Otis building will remain in their same locations. However, Public Works facilities will be relocated. In closing, Mr. Brown stated that the committee is recommending a zoning overlay for the area. Commissioner Floyd asked if the City is going to incorporate into the overlay district for the area any existing privately owned facilities that are non - conforming. Mr. Brown indicated that they are not. Mr. Crouch stated that the overlay would extend beyond the city-owned property in order to protect the area. Commissioner Harris asked if there w an idea as to hove many people this complex will house. Mr. Brown stated that they do not at this conceptual stage of the project. In summary, this 1s envisioned as the "downtown" for College Station. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Discussion r: Unified Development Code Development Services Director Callaway stated that staff is working with the consultants to schedule a full day consultantJstaff workshop within two weeks. He reported that one of the items of discussion will be the concern expressed at the last Planning and Zoning Workshop meeting regarding the way to continue reviewing the large quantity of material that will be forthcoming in the ongoing code update. Commissioner Floyd asked Mr. Callaway to convey the outcome of that meeting for informational purposes through a letter to the Planning and Zoning Commissioners. Mr. Callaway said that he would. AGENDA ITEM NO. : Discussion of Resolution No. -221 re: Protocol Issues Mr. Callaway stated that the document is presented in the form of a resolution as directed by the Commission in their last workshop. Since that time, the City Attorney has advised him to revise the title of the document to that of a report or recommendation. He asked the Commission to include this in their action and the necessary changes will be made. Deferring to Exhibit A, Items A and B, Commissioner Floyd stated that it is appropriate for the Commission to provide documented facts in written form explaining hove their decisions were concluded. Commissioner Warren suggested a checklist of sorts following a vote o prior to a vote that would indicate the points made and the decision derived from the discussion. Mr. Callaway stated that a standard form could be provided for the Commission to assist them in their preparation of the report t o the City Council. Chairman Mooney stated that it was recommended at the APA Conference that when P&Z Workshop Minutes December 7, 2000 Page 2 of a motion is made, particularly a motion to deny, to site the reasons for denial in the motion. Commissioner Horin expressed concern about personal liability and suggested the Commission consult the legal department before putting the reasons for denial in a written format. Assistant City Attorney Nemclk stated that providing a report to the City Council is something that the statute anticipates because it is appropriate and it is one of the functions of the Commission. However, on zoning matters, it is a legislative function and although the Commission may comment on the basis for the denial, they are not legally required to do so. Stating your basis for denial is a discretionary function. Commissioner warren stated that the idea is to have a clear format in which to male the report to the City Council on the decisions made by the Commission. Commissioner Floyd pointed out the importance to convey the reasons for approval in the report to the City Council as well. Commissioner Horlen asked if the Council will ask questions or will the report simply be a narrative. Mr. Callaway stated that being at the podium opens you to questioning by the City Council. Ms. Nemcik pointed out that from a legal perspective the only response being put forth is the Commission's decision and the basis for it. You need to be an objective presenter. Ms. N m it , referring to Item C of Exhibit A, explained that the statute provides a 3/4 majority in the event that a decision or recommend made by the Commission is overturned. Commissioner Harris stated that Item C should be worded to include recommendations for both approval and denial. Ms. Nemclk read from the statute and clarified that the 4 majority is only applicable for recommendations of approvals only. Item C can be changed to reflect what it says in Section F of the State Statute under 211006. Commissioner Horin pointed out that the 4- majority vote, which is a vote of 6 out of 7 City Council members, is a dramatic fundamental change. Commissioner Floyd asked Chairman Moony if he did any research on this particular item in question. Chairman Moony explained that at least two municipalities, Bryan and Conroe have initiated the - majority process. This process is in the local government code or it would not be considered. Commissioner Horin stated that the issue of the fundamental change that this particular item males since the City Council is an elected body and the Commissioners are an appointed body, should be more closely examined. Jim Callaway suggested revising the wording of Exhibit A from "Initiate" to "discuss". In reference to Item D., the applicant, rather than staff, will have the opportunity to male a thorough presentation beyond the three - minute time limit. Mr. Callaway stated that the Commission would receive the same staff' report as they do now excluding the summary description of the application. Commissioner Hori clarified that the staff report will still be presented prior to the applicant's presentation. Chairman Moony explained that the time limit will be considered, gauged, and modified as necessary according to the number of cases, the length of presentations, and the delivery of those presentations. Mr. Callaway stated that when Item E was discussed there was a comment regarding the need to increase the emphasis of the importance of the first application to eliminate some of those that had fallback positions. Commissioner Floyd said he thought this was too restrictive. Commissioner Horin agreed. Commissioner Moony concurred and pointed out the usefulness of the decision to deny without prejudice to encourage FII's. The Commissioner's concurred that Item E should be deleted. Item F requests the City Council to initiate an amendment to the zoning ordinance to the City of College Station to require applicants to file an appeal of the Commission's recommendation to deny prior to placing the request on the City Council agenda. This would formalize the process going to City Council and will enable the Planning and Zoning Commission to know what the basis for the appeal is. Mr. Callaway stated that it would add some time to the zoning process. P&Z Workshop Minutes December 7, 2000 Page 3 of According to Item G, a time limit set by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Floyd stated the he believes the chair already has that discretion. Commissioner Horlen concurred. It was agreed that Item G will be deleted. The final item, Item H, referred to the Commission receiving public comments made on items not scheduled as public hearings. Commissioner Floyd asked which items do not require a public hearing. Development Review ie Manager Rutz responded by stating that plats and some final plats. Commissioner Floyd asked if the agenda could include a preamble that is read by the chair explaining hat items are set for action by the Commission tonight and are administrative only. Commissioner Horlen clarifYied that Items , , D. and H can be implemented by the Commission without City Council approval. AGENDA ITEM No. 4: Discussion of Regular Agenda items. No discussion. AGENDA ITEM No. : Minor r and Amending Plats Approved by Staff. None. AGENDA ITEM No. 6: Subcommittee Deports. . Wolf Pen Creep Implementation (Mooney and Warren) b. East Bypass overlay (Mooney and Horlen co Neighborhood Area Plan (Williams and Harris) d. Small Area Plan Hpp, Floyd, and Warren) . Chairman Mooney waived any discussion or reports from subcommittees in order to begin the regular meeting as scheduled. AGENDA ITEM No. 7: Future Agenda Items. None. AGENDA ITEM No. : Adjourn. Commissioner Floyd motioned to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Commissioner Harris. The motion carried 6 -0. APPROVED: D: ATTEST: Chairman, Karl Mooney Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P&Z Workshop Minutes December 7, 2000 Page 4 of