HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/20/2000 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS April 2, 2000 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Fife, Commissioners Floyd, Hrin, Warren, Kaiser, and Parker. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Mooney. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Member Mal n y. STAFF PRESENT: Staff' Assistant Charana, Assistant Development Coordinator George, Assistant City Engineer Mayo, Transportation Planner Hard, Staff Planners Jimmrsn, Hitchcock and Anderson, and Assistant City Attorney N m it . AGENDA ITEM N. 1: Hear Visitors Benito Flores-Meath, 901 Val Verde, expressed his concern with neighborhood preservation for the entire city. TheJohowing items were approved y common consent, AGENDA ITEM N. : Consent Agenda. Agenda Item No. 2. 1: Approved the minutes from the Workshop M ting held on April 6, 2000 Agenda Item No. 2.2: Approved the minutes from the Regular Meeting held on April 6., 2000. I tki DrIto 1 :all" D101 11 AGENDA ITEM NO. : Public hearing and consideration of a Conditional Use Permit, site plan and use, for a public library, museum, and educational facility to be located at 3411 Longmir Drive. -4 Staff Planner Anderson presented the staff report and stated that the applicant is proposing to construct a 7,353 square foot facility to house a public Masonic library, museum, four classrooms and a meeting room. The facility will have minimal use (14 -15 people) during regular business hours and occasional heavy use a few evenings a month. Mini - warehouses, a bank, and vacant property surround the subject P&ZMinutes Aptil 20, 2000 Page I of property. A lumber store and small industrial business are located immediately across Longmire Drive. She explained that public libraries may be permitted as conditional uses in any district upon approval from the Planning &Zoning Commission. The applicant intends to use the classrooms to tutor individuals with dyslexia. The parking requirement has been met. She explained that in July 1991, the Planning &Zoning Commission approved the site and use for a similar library and museum to be located on the subject tract. However, since no building permits were pulled within 12 months of the previous approval, the 1991 conditional use permit has expired. The subject property is part of a 6.5- acre tract that was rezoned from A -O Agricultural Open to C -1 General Commercial in 1983. All but the subject 1.88 -acre tract has been subsequently rezoned to C -2 Commercial Industrial. This tract has remained undeveloped. Section 14 of the Zoning Ordinance authorizes the existence of conditional uses. The Commission may permit a conditional use subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, when after public notice and hearing the Commission finds that: (Staff comments are in italics) 1. "The proposed use meets all the minimum standards established in the ordinance for the type of use proposed." Staff conducted a technical review and found general compliance with development regulations with the exception of the items listed in Staff Comments No. 2. (Delineate the 20' electrical easement located in the rear of the property. Easement must not cross through the building). 2. "That the proposed use meets the purpose and intent of the ordinance and is in harmony with the development policies and goals and objectives as embodied in the Comprehensive Plan for Development of the City. "The request is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. "That the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, welfare., and safety of the surrounding neighboring property." The public bearing i's an opportunity for the Commission to measure the potential impact on surrounding land uses. The Commission may impose additional r restrictions o r conditions to carry out the spirit and intent of the ordinance and to mitigate adverse effects of the proposed use. These requirements may include, but are not limited t, increased open space, loading and parting requirements, additional landscaping, and additional improvements such as curbing, sidewalks and screening." Unless the public bearing brings to light any new information indicating potential negative impacts, Staff recommended approval with the condition that the applicant delineate the 0' electrical easement located in the rear o f the properly. Easement must not cross throu the building. Chairman Fife opened the public hearing. Mr. John Huff, 3514 Spring Lane (Bryan) was present to represent the applicant. He stated that he is the Chairman of the Board for the Brazos Valley Masonic Library &Museum Association. He said that this facility would be a public library and museum. The library would have Masonic reference materials as well as general reference materials. Chairman Rife asked if this facility was replacing the Sul Ross Lodge. Mr. Huff said that this Lodge would be meeting there. Chairman Fife closed the public hearing. P&ZMinutes Aptil 20, 2000 Page 2 of Commissioner Horin moved to approve the conditional use permit, with the condition as stated in the Staff Review Comments Igo. 2. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion, which passed unopposed 6-0. AGENDA ITEM loo. : Consideration of a Preliminary Plat for Pebble Creep Phase 8-C, of approximately 1 .17 acres, located southeast of the intersection of Plum Hollows Drive, creating 42 residential lots. (00-47) Staff Planner Jimmerson presented the staff report and stated that the subject property is shown on the Land Use Plan as Medium Density Single Family, which has a density of 3 -6 dwelling units per acre. The proposed subdivision has 42 lots and results in a density of 2.31 dwelling units per acre. The property is currently in the process of being rezoned to R -1 Single Family Residential, and is scheduled to go to Council on April 27, 2000. Once rezoned, all lots will meet the requirements of the zoning. She explained that the submission is in compliance with the approved Pebble Creek Master Plan, with one exception. The layout of the smaller end of Prestwick Court was altered, resulting in 21ots that will only have access ofd' of a minor collector street (St. Andrews). Previous phases do have some lots that access directly onto St. Andrews. Parkland dedication for the entire development was determined by a previous agreement with the City, therefore, no parkland dedication is required with this phase. Staff recommended approval of the preliminary plat. Commissioner Parker moved to approve the pr plat as presented. Commissioner warren seconded the motion, which passed unopposed 6-0. AGENDA ITEM NO. : Consideration of a Preliminary Plat of approximately 2.48 acres for the Ramsey Twins Subdivision located west of the intersection of Harvey Mitchell P rl y and Welsh Avenue. (00-58) Staff Planner Jimmrson presented the staff re port and stated that the purpose of this plat is to subdivide the existing tract into 2 lots. The property is shown on the Rand Use Plan as office Use and is zoned M -1 Planned Industrial. This zoning classification currently allows for office use, as well as, research and development, recycling facilities and lighter manufacturing uses. The two proposed lots meet the zoning requirements. Joint access is pro posed to reduce the number of curb cuts onto Harvey Mitchell Partway, which is a major arterial. She explained that the subject tract has been in its present configuration prior to the adoption of the city's subdivision regul ations in 1970. The proposed Lot 1 has an existing commercial building that formerly housed Texas Digital Systems. A conditional use permit was granted by the Commission in February of this year to Inner wisdom Counseling Center to use the building. Staff recommended approval of the preliminary plat. Mr. Greg Taggart, Municipal Development Group, was present to represent the applicant and to answer questions. He said that the pro posed uses would be similar to the CSISD Administration building on Welsh., with combined office and warehouse. Commissioner Horin moved to ap prove the preliminary plat as presented. Commissioner Kaiser seconded the motion, which passed unopposed 6-0. P&ZMinutes Aptil 20, 2000 Page 3 of AGENDA ITEM NO. : Update to the Commission of any new Minor r Amending Plats approved by Staff. Assistant Development Coordinator George told the Commissioners that there were two minor plats approved at the staff level since the last P &Z Meeting. These include Grand Dabs and Whispering Ridge. AGENDA ITEM N . : Discussion of future agenda items. Some Commissioners asked that an item be added to a future workshop t discuss the ordinance that restricts the number of unrelated people residing in a single family residence. The existing ordinan allows up to four unrelated people. It was suggested that staff look at what other cities are currently doing and report back to the Commission at this wo rksh o p. Commissioner Kaiser asked for the staff to look into gas service station aesthetic possibilities to require gas stations to blend with surrounding neighborhoods. Commissioner Warren suggested to add a requirement that gas pumps are placed in the back of the building. She asked that staff look at the City of High Point, Forth Carolina and see what their procedures are. AGENDA ITEM NO. : Adjourn. Commissioner Warren moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Hrin seconded the motion, Which passed unopposed 6-0. APPROVED: ATTEST: Chairman, Wayne Fife Staff Assistant, Debra C haran z a P&ZMinutes Aptil 20, 2000 Page 4 of