HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/18/1999 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS March 18, 1999 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Massey, Commissioners Maloney, Parker, Garner, and ~e. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Mooney and Kaiser. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Development Services Callaway, Senior Planner McCully, Development Coordinator Ruiz, Graduate Engineer Tondre, Staff Planner Jimmerson, Staff Assistant Grace, Transportation Planner Hard, Transportation Technician Hester, Senior Planner Battle, City Planner Kee, Staff Planner Anderson, Graduate Civil Engineer Simoneaux, and City Attorney Cargill. • AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Consent Agenda. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1.1 • Consideration of minutes from the Regular Meeting held on March 4, 1999. Commissioner Rife moved to remove the minutes from the consent agenda for further consideration. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion, which was passed. The following item was approved by common consent AGENDA ITEM NO. 1 2' Approved the Final Plat for 14.226 acres, Westfield Addition Pase I, located along Graham Road just west of the CSISD new middle school site. (98-205) REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM NO. 1.1: Consideration of minutes from the Regular Meeting held on March 4, 1999. Commissioner Rife moved to table the minutes from the Regular Meeting held on March 4, 1999. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public hearing and consideration of a rezoning request of 8.72 acres • from R-1 Single Family to R 5 Apartments/Medium Density, located approximately 300' east of the intersection of FM 2818 and Holleman Drive. (99-110) P&ZMinutes March 18, 1999 Page 1 oj10 Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report and explained that the request would add 8.72 acres to the adjoining 7.87 acres that are already zoned R-5 in order to prepare the property for an apartment development. The Land Use Plan shows this area as mixed use, calling for a variety of potential land uses as long as they are compatible with existing land uses. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning request. Commissioner Maloney asked if there would be parkland dedication required for this area. Ms. McCully explained that the City would like to have acreage in lieu of a fee. The desire would be to receive parkland adjoining the existing parkland on the east side of Jones-Butler. The applicant requested that this project not be held up by negotiation efforts to obtain this land dedication. They have offered to post a fee for the project which would be returned if they are successful in negotiating a land dedication from the adjoining property owner. Commissioner Maloney expressed his desire for the applicant to provide enough land for a park, he was also concerned that approving this request would commit the city to accept the parkland fee and not allow the city to negotiate land with the applicant. Ms. McCully said that this request was only for the rezoning, and the parkland dedication would be considered at the time of platting. She said that if the city were to ask for land, the city could only require land to come from the subject tract, there would have to be negotiations for off-site dedications. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Paul Johnston with Fairfield Residential (2045 N. Hwy 360, Grand Prairie, Texas); explained that his company was the applicant, and was present to answer any questions regarding the request. Chairman Massey closed the public hearing • Commissioner Maloney moved to recommend approval of the request as presented. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing and consideration of rezoning a 0.85 acre lot; Lot 1 Block 1 Tinsley Square, currently "The Clay Oven" restaurant from WPC Wolf Pen Creek to C- 1General Commercial (99-108); and rezoning of a 0.34 acre tract immediately south of the First United Methodist Church tract from WPC to C-1. (99-109) City Planner Kee presented the staff report. She explained that the Commission recommended that the City initiate rezoning of the remainder of the individual lots along Holleman west of the future extension of George Bush from WPC to commercial, although the Tinsley Square lot was not one that was to have rezoning initiated by the City. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning request as presented. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Seeing no one present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the request, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Parker moved to recommend approval of the request as presented. Commissioner Rife seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (5-0). • AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Public hearing and consideration of a Conditional Use Permit and associated site plan for the renovations and additions to the existing Willow Branch Elementary School at 105 Holik. (99-708) PcfcZMinutes March 18, 1999 Page 2 of 10 Senior Planner Battle presented the staff report. He explained that a conditional use permit was approved by the Commission in February of 1998. The school district made changes to that approved plan and is seeking a new use permit. The changes reflect smaller classroom additions, a larger • gym/locker room addition and a smaller parking lot addition. The school district is also applying for a PIP permit to plat the streetscaping on Anderson in the right-of--way. The additions will include a new football field, gymnasium, classrooms, a larger gym/locker room addition, and new parking spaces. The plan shows 45 new parking spaces with an alternate bid that could increase the number to 117. Unless the public hearing brings to light any new information indicating potential negative impacts, Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: 1. The existing driveway on Anderson closest to George Bush will prohibit left turns exiting the parking lot. 2. Any future lighting installed for the football field will be placed to minimize impact on Wolf Pen Creek properties. 3. The permit to allow the landscaping in the right-of--way is approved. Chairman Massey asked if the project would be timed with the widening of Anderson. Mr. Hard introduced Graduate Engineer Simoneaux, representative from the Public Works Department working with Capital Projects. Mr. Simoneaux explained that staffis coordinating the widening with the school, which would be bid in May with construction beginning at the end of the school year. Chairman Massey asked staff to comment on the regional detention facility because of the concern with • the creek. Mr. Simoneaux said that the detention would be considered with the Wolf Pen Creek Project. McClure Engineering, project manager for the WPC project, has received a copy of the site plan for the school. Chairman Massey asked staff to address the lighting issue and what could be done to protect the impact for the neighborhood. Mr. Battle said that placement would be an issue, he suggested this item be addressed by representatives from the school district. Commissioner Garner asked how the previous concerns relating to traffic impacts were addressed. Mr. Battle explained that eliminating the middle driveway and not allowing left turns exiting the northern most driveway would aid in preventing traffic congestion. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Mr. Raymond Reed, 1601 Wolf Pen Lane, stated that the residents had not received an opportunity to review the site plan. He explained that there are currently no left turn signs at the exits and they do not seem to be working. He felt that widening Anderson was intended to improve the traffic flow, but felt the traffic densities would also increase. He suggested moving the drop-off/pick-up areas to the Holik side of the school. Mr. Brian Tucker, Cheatham & Associates (applicant), he said that the center driveway would still have the 2 existing 12 foot lanes with an addition of another 12 foot land for right turn only. He said that • since this campus is being changed to a middle school, the student population was projected to decrease by 10 - 15 students (with the assumption it would increase in the future). He explained that the school district is more than willing to answer the questions from the concerned residents. He stated that the site plan changed only minimally from the time of initial review in February 1998. The driveway and P&ZMinutes March 18, 1999 Page 3 oJ10 parking lot layout were the major changes, with the remainder of the plan very similar to the previous plan. He explained that the school district is coordinating with the City's Public Works Department in the regard to the Anderson Street widening and the detention. • Mr. Bill Savage, CSISD Representative, said that there were meetin s scheduled in h g t e near future to address the drainage/detentionfssues. Commissioner Maloney asked Mr. Savage to address Mr. Reed's suggestion regarding the placement of the drop-off/pick-up areas on Holik. He also asked for comments on the sidewalk issue. Mr. Savage said that not traffic studies were conducted because there no change in the traffic patterns. The pick up points and bus routes would stay the same. He said that the school district tries to keep the parent traffic separated from the bus traffic (which is on Holik). In response to the sidewalk along Holik, he said that installing one would not benefit the school, but if the city required it, they would comply. Chairman Massey asked Mr. Savage if there was consideration given to footbalUtrack events. Mr. Savage said there would be approximately 100 to 150 people in attendance at the games, and there would be enough off-street parking available for the events. Ms. Betsy Browder, 1505 Wolf Run, expressed her major concern with the lighting of the football stadium, and asked if someone from the school district could address the actual plan concerning the lighting. Mr. Savage did not think there would be a major impact on the surrounding neighborhood, he thought `,. there would be a little overflow (lighting past the field), but did not think it would reach across Anderson to the residential area. He said the lighting would be very similar to the existing lighting at the Jr. High (Rock Prairie Road). There is a subdivision that backs up to the football field at the Jr. High but there has been no complaints from the residents. He said most of the football games are played in the afternoon, and evening games very infrequently, and since football is a seasonal sport they would not be all year round. The track field (within the football field) would be built to competition standards but would be primarily used during the day for learning not competition. Mr. Benito Flores-Meath, 901 Val Verde, suggested the Commission require the lighting to be set to street lighting standards. Mr. Savage said that this suggestion was not unreasonable depending on which level of street lighting is being suggested. Ms. Pat Guseman, owner of office building at 303 Anderson, said that her understanding of the parking was that it would be redesigned (after the review and approval in February 1998). She hoped the parking would be on the Holik side. She spoke to Dr. Scales, and Mr. Neal (representatives of CSISD), and she was under the impression this would be considered. Mr. Reed felt that increasing the driveway and street size would be inevitable that more people would use this entrance and exits for dropping off students, which would increase the traffic congestion on • Anderson. Ms. Margaret Lalk, 1512 Wolf Run, said that she was aware of the work the school district did with the Wolf Run HOA, but wanted this item tabled to give the residents time to look at the site plan and give P&Z mutes March 18, 1999 Page 4 of l0 suggestions to the engineer. She also felt it would be beneficial to have the entire neighborhood board represented when the review took place. Mr. Savage expressed his concern with delaying the project any longer. The plans were to have the entire project finished prior to the fall school year beginning. The Commission took a brief break to allow the concerned residents time to look at the site plan. The Commission reconvened approximately 15 minutes later. Chairman Massey closed the public hearing. Chairman Massey expressed his concern about having the drop-off/pick-up locations moved to Holik because of the existing bus traffic along the street. He said that Houk was already a busy area during the morning and afternoon "peak" hours. He felt this would only relocate the problem, not solve it. The Commissioners agreed with Chairman Massey comment and encouraged the residents and the school district to work together to resolve some of the concerns. Commissioner Maloney moved to approve the Conditional Use Permit with staffs recommendation. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion, which passed with a vote of 4-0-1; Commissioner Rife abstained from the item. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Public hearing and consideration of a Conditional Use Permit, use only, for a religious facility to be located on the southeastern corner of Sebesta Road and Foxfire • Drive. (99-709) The applicant withdrew this item from the agenda prior to the meeting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Consideration of a Master Development Plan of Ridgewood Estates consisting of approximately 38.85 acres located along the west side of State Highway 6 at the intersection of Graham Road. (99-302) Transportation Planner Hard presented the staff report. He reminded the Commission that on March 4 the Commission approved a rezoning for 6 acres of the R-6 tract to C-2, and the item is scheduled for Council consideration on March 25, 1999. The Master Development Plan generally includes two areas, which are separated by the north fork of Lick Creek. On the south side of the creek, the plan shows approximately 6 acres adjacent to the State Highway 6 frontage road as commercial with 17.8 acres of single family behind and to the west of it. A 30 foot buffer separates the commercial and single family areas. The applicant will be required to dedicate the right-of--way and build Longmire through the western portion of the single family area. On the north side of the creek, the plan calls for 10.7 acres of commercial located at the corner of SH 6 and Graham Road. The plan also shows a future right-of--way dedication for Graham Road. Lick Creek is shown on the City's Land Use Plan as a greenbelt area. A 0.21 acre section of the creek adjacent to the single family area is being dedicated as a greenway. The remaining portion of the Lick Creek on the master plan is not being dedicated at this time because it is • not part of the applicant's development and will remain under separate ownership. The alignment of Longmire established on this plan will impact properties to the north, south, and west sides of this development since it will influence where the remaining sections of Longmire are located on these tracts. The alignment will generally continue to follow the utility easement from where Longmire ends P&ZMinutes March 18, 1999 Page S oj10 in Cypress Meadow. In order to follow the easement, a portion of Longmire must be located on property to the west of the subject tract. The location of Longmire established on this plan also impacts the location of where Longmire will extend through two parcels to the north. A meeting with all • affected property owners was held on March 12, 1999 to allow their review and input to the applicants proposed alignment of Longmire. During the meeting with the property owners there were three different options for the alignment of Longmire were presented. Staff preferred the street be shifted to the north, but its location meets all of the City's Codes and Ordinances. Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: 1. Incorporate the alignment of Longmire to the option with less intense curves. (Option "B" 2. That the alignment of Longmire be coordinated with adjacent property owners and that the applicant make reasonable adjustments if necessary as a result of the March 12th meeting with property owners. 3. Remove the notation of Longmire having a 39 feet pavement section from the plan. Per the Thoroughfare Plan, Longmire is a major collector in a 70 feet right-of--way with either a 48 or 54 feet pavement section. The Council approved a 39 feet pavement section for Longmire through the Cypress Meadow subdivision since it was single family residential on both sides of Longmire. 4. Change the name of the minor collector "Ridgegate" to a name acceptable to the Brazos county 911. Since the term "ridge" can not be a part of any street name, staff would suggest that the name of the master plan also be changed. Chairman Massey opened the floor for anyone wishing to address the Commission regarding this item. Mr. lViike Hester, engineer for the project, said that staffs recommendations were acceptable. Since • this is a Master Plan, the 0.21 acres proposed as greenways could change after a floodway study is complete, any land that is found to be in the floodway would be dedicated (this could be more or less that shown). Mr. Paul Darmitzel, 1111 Briarcrest, representing 1st American Bank and TAC Realty, gave a brief history of the area and the subject property. He expressed his concern with Staffs recommendation of the Longmire alignment because it would push the street lower. He said that the intersection of Longmire and Graham Road will be a major intersection and it should be taken into consideration. This intersection would not be useable if the extra width is removed. He was in favor of the modified Option «C„ Mr. Fain McDougal, 4150 Shadowbrook, realtor for the applicant, said that the option staf fis recommending would eliminate access to any proposed buildings from the rear. He felt an even off-set would be beneficial to all parties involved. A larger tract is easier to market than smaller tracts (if Longmire is extended through properties. Mr. Harvey Tolson, from Thornton, Texas; has lived in the area for most of his life and was representing the Gandy tract.. He felt the option staff was recommending for the Longmire alignment would be more acceptable to his needs. The option Mr. Darmitzel was in favor of would place the largest portion of Longmire through his property, dividing the property with a large portion on one side and a small portion on the other. He felt the small portion would be a waste. Mr. Charles Gandy, son of property owner in area, would support the option "B" (staff s recommendation) because it would allow Longmire to be extended through the middle of his mother's property. The Option "C" modified would unpact his interest because the extension of the street split P&ZMinutes March 18, 1999 Page 6 oj10 the property unevenly, making the property on one side of the street smaller and which would make it difficult to sell or develop. • Mr. Hard said that the Option "B" would be a safer route because of the less intense curves. He reiterated that the City could support any of the options because they all meet the Subdivision Regulations. The alignment will be decided when the right-of--way dedication is proposed at the time of plat. Commissioner Maloney moved to approve the Master Development Plan with Staffs recommendations. Commissioner Rife seconded the motion, which passed (4-0-1); Commissioner Garner abstained. The Commissioner were very concerned with the safety issues and felt that the plan would be more safe with the option that staff recommended. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Consideration of a preliminary Plat of the Holleman Village Addition of 27.36 acres located on the southeast corner of the intersection of FM 2818 and Holleman. (99- 303) Director of Development Services Callaway presented the staff report and explained that the purpose of the request was to preliminary plat the parent tract to prepare 16.2 acres out of the 27.36 acres for an apartment development. The remaining 11 acres are divided into three lots; one currently developed as Phase I of the Doubletree condominium site; one a reserve tract for a future expansion of Doubletree; and one 1.2 acre lot, the use of which will remain undetermined at this time. A Master Preliminary Plat • for Woodway Village was approved for this acreage in October 1976. Since that time, pieces of this master preliminary plat have been final platted for development. In May 1979, a final plat of Woodway Village Phase One was filed for record. It platted a 17.42 acre tract on the southwest corner of Holleman, half of the right-of--way for the future Jones-Butler, and a 19.83 acre tract on the northwest corner of Holleman and the existing Jones-butler Road. The 17.42 acres have subsequently been subdivided without benefit of platting and 3.9 acres are now developed as the Doubletree Condominiums. There exist in the Brazos County Deed Records a condominium plat for Phase One of the Double Tree Condos. This plat as recorded does not constitute actual platting of land under the Texas Local Government Code and therefore was not subject to the City's Subdivision Regulations. However, a subdivision of land did occur either during or after the construction of Double Tree Condos Phase One. This division was subject to the City's Subdivision Regulations, but no such approval was obtained. He explained that a portion (40') of the Jones-Butler right-of--way was dedicated with a prior final plat. This preliminary plat will extend and widen (by 5') the dedication through the property. The Subdivision Regulations specifically disallow dedication of half-streets, however the City Council in 1979 granted a variance to this regulation and did allow the platting of half of the right-of--way for Jones-Butler through Woodway Village Phase One. This developer is asking to extend that variance to the 200' of new right-of--way that they are dedicating on the southernmost portion of Lot 2. The other half of the right-of--way will come from a 47.27 acre tract owned by Mohawk, Ltd. And a smaller portion (additional 5' width) will come from property previously dedicated to the City as parkland dedication for apartments that have already been constructed in this general area. ]n the aspect of • parkland, the City would like to have acreage in lieu of a fee. The city's desire is to receive parkland adjoining the existing parkland on the east side of Jones-Butler. The applicant has requested that their project not be held up by negotiation efforts to obtain this land dedication. They have offered to post a P&ZMinutes March 18, 1999 Page 7 oj10 fee for the project which would be returned if they are successful in negotiating a land dedication from the adjoining property owner. Staff recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat. Staff also recommended approval of the variance to allow the continued platting of half of the Jones-Butler right-of--way with the condition that there be a duly executed development agreement to allow monetary participation rather than construction of Jones-Butler. Mr. Paul Johnson, Fairfield Residential, explained that the property the city is interested in for parkland is outside of the area presented for this preliminary plat. The applicant will do what is necessary to purchase this land. He said that they are concurrent with all of staff s comments. Mr. Edsel Jones, general partner for property, explained the right-of--way dedication history. He expressed his concern with the dedication of an additional 5', he felt this would cause financial burden on the land owners. Asked the Commission to reconsider the additional right-of--way dedication. Commissioner Rife moved to approve the preliminary plat with the following conditions: a. That there be a duly executed development agreement to allow monetary participation rather than construction ofJones-Butler Road. b. To include the 5' right-of--way dedication for Jones-Butter Road, but also with the provision that this dedication could be returned to the owner after necessary studies (i. e. traffic, sidewalks, and bottleneck issues) are conducted by staff. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (5-0). • AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Consideration of a Master Preliminary Plat of 26 acres in the Steeplechase Subdivision, Phases 5A, SB, and 6, located along the east side of Wellborn Road and south of the approved location of the Navarro extension. (99-304) City Planner Kee presented the staff report and stated that this preliminary plat shows the single family portions of the Steeplechase Master Plan that have been approved for rezoning to R-1 and R-1B. The plat includes the construction of five residential streets and 117 single family lots, 30 of which meet the required R-1B restrictions. The plat shows that the single family development would occur in three phases. The first phase (SA) includes four lots near the eastern end of the Navarro extension. Phase SB includes the remainder of the R-1 zoned lots, with Phase 6 building out the R-lb lots that back up to the existing single family homes to the south. Staff recommended approval of the plat as submitted. Commissioner Rife expressed his interest that all previous concerns regarding traffic and drainage were resolved. Carl ~ Vargo, 2902 Cortez Court, asked for clarification of why there were so many phases in the subdivision, because he remembered in the beginning there were only 4 phases. Only phases 1 and 2 were approved but they skipped phases 3 and 4, he wanted to know what happened to them. He stated that the drainage issues were still a very large concern with the existing subdivision. Mr. IVrke McClure, McClure Engineering, explained that he was the project engineer. He said that the • phasing was initially 1, 2, and 3. When it came time for final platting, it was decided to omit the commercial area and not include it in Phase 3, but created Phase 4. He understood that the residents were concerned with the drainage, but he explained that nothing completed up to this point would drain P&Z~nutes March 18, 1999 Page 8 of 10 toward the existing neighborhood. He had committed to the existing neighborhood to assist in improving their current situation and would not enhance or contribute to the problem. • Ms. June Cooper, 900 Val Verde, said that she was still concerned with drainage. Mr. McClure suggested the concerned residents contact him and he would discuss the issues and solutions with them. Commissioner Parker moved to approve the Master Preliminary Plat as submitted. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion, which passed (4-0-1); Commissioner Garner abstained from the item. Commissioner Maloney explained that from the beginning he was concerned with the drainage also, but he felt confident the developers and engineers would do what was needed to avoid future problems. The Commissioners urged the residents to visit with Mr. McClure regarding the drainage issue. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Consideration of a Master Development Plan for the Marsh-Reeves Estate of approximately 97.47 acres located on the northeast corner of Greens Prairie Road at State Highway 6. (99-301) Staff Planner Jimmerson presented the staff report for this item in conjunction with the following item. She explained that the Master Development Plan is proposed to subdivide the property into two portions. A 1.75 acre lot at the corner of State Highway 6 and Greens Prairie Road and a reserve tract • of approximately 95.72 acres. The Master Development Plan is compatible with the Land Use Plan. The developer has shown Lakeway Drive (a major collector) and Spring Creek Drive (a minor collector) as they are on the Thoroughfare Plan. These should be shown and labeled according to the Revised Pebble Hills Master Plan. However, since that time, concern has been voiced by one of the property owners affected by this alignment. This will need to be resolved before any additional development. Sidewalks will be required on both sides of the collectors, at the time of development. Staff recommended approval of the Master Development Plan with the following conditions. 1. The exact acreage of the tract is verified and reflected on the plan. 2. Lakeway Drive and Spring Creek Drive should be shown and labeled as according to the Revised Pebble Hills Master Plan. Commissioner Garner moved to approve the Master Preliminary Plat with staff's conditions. Commissioner Rife seconded the motion, which passed (4-0-1); Commissioner Maloney abstained from this item. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Consideration of a Preliminary Plat of approximately 1.75 acres, Lot 1, Block 1, Alam Addition, Marsh-Reeves Subdivision, located on the northeast corner of Greens Prairie Road at State Highway 6. (99-305) • Staff Planner Junmerson presented the staff report for this item in conjunction with the previous item. She explained that the Preliminary Plat of 1.75 acres is out of the previously mentioned Marsh-Reeves Master Development Plan. The property is zoned C-1 General Commercial. This preliminary plat is P&ZMinutes March 18, 1999 Page 9 oj10 compatible with the Land Use Plan, which shows the area as future regional retail. The shared or cross access easement issue will need to be resolved at final platting. Staff recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat with the condition that the exact acreage of the parent tract is verified and reflected on • the preliminary plat. Commissioner Garner moved to approve the Preliminary Plat with staffs condition. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion, which passed (4-0-1); Commissioner Maloney abstained from this item. AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Adjourn. Commissioner Maloney moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Rife seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (5-0) A EST: _ ; ,~ l/ ,'lei; /+ ~ ,~1~~~~1, (?'~-- • Staff Assistant, Debra Char • PBcZMrnutes March 18, 1999 Page 10 oj10 Registration Form . (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~,~'1.U~i ~ E ~ `r Agenda Item No. g Name Q ~ ~ ~ ~U il,z-r~ -,mot ~ ~-~ Address ~'/ o ~ Vim. ~/ C R-4 ~ If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: lease remember to step to the podium as soon as you are cognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Canning ~ ,~onin~ Cotnanission CJ uest ~,e~ister • Date ~~~.~ ~ -\ \~~ ~~ 2i rfifress ~..~- ~-- s ~~ ~ ~ 6. ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ 5 1 • 1 L L 14. 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