HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/01/1999 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS April 1, 1.999 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Massey, Commissioners Maloney, Parker, Garner9 and Rife, Mooney, and Kaiser. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Assistant Development Coordinator George, City Planner Kee, Staff Assistant Charanza, Staff Planner Anderson, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, and Assistant City Attorney Nemcik. COUNCIL LIAISON: Council Member Silvia. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Consent Agenda. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1.1: Reconsideration of minutes from the Regular Meeting held on March 4, • 1999. (tabled on March 18, 1999) Commissioner Rife requested removal of this item from the consent agenda for further discussion, 77te following item was approved by common consent AGENDA ITEM NO. 1.2: Approved the minutes from the Regular Meeting held on March 18,1 999, as written. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1.3: Approved the Final Plat for a resubdivision of Country Properties, Tract 2, Block One, approximately 10.0 acres to be divided into two 5.0 acres residential lots located along Koppe Bridge Road northeast of the intersection with Arhopules Road in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETA. (99-203) REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM NO. 1.1: Reconsideration of minutes from the Regular Meeting held on March 4, 1999 (Removed from the Consent Agenda). Commissioner Rife requested changes to Agenda Item No. 6 (FHB Road rezoning), (The requested changes are reflected as an attachment to these minutes.) Staff Assistant Charanza will make the changes on the official copy. Commissioner Parker moved to approve the minutes with the requested. • changes as presented by Commissioner Rife. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (7-0). P&Z11~finutes April 1, 1999 Page 1 oJ°8 AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public bearing and consideration of a Conditional Use Permit, use only, for a church and day care to be located in the Wolf Pen Creek district, at 6900 East Bypass, formerly known as Wolf Nursery. (99-710) • City Planner Kee presented the staff report. She explained that the subject property was developed in 1992 and was the first site that was subject to the WPC district regulations. The building has been vacant for a number of years and much of the required landscaping has died. The request is to convert the site into a church and day care. The applicant intends to bring forth a site plan in the future that shows landscaping, an outside play area, and changes to the building and sign colors. The applicant intends to use the existing 80 parking spaces, which would be divided between those required for the church and those for the daycare. The landscaping would need to be replanted as per Design Review Board (DRB) and P&Z approval. The DRB would have to review any new landscape plans or any other major maintenance activities (such as exterior painting, replacement of light fixtures, etc.). The DRB met with the applicant to discuss whether the church and daycare use would be compatible with the vision and goals for the rest of the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor. The DRB voted 5 to 1 to recommend approval of the use with the condition that there be a revised sit plan submitted by the applicant that meets DRB concerns. The revised site plan should address the DRB issues relating to connectivity with the future greenbeltlpathway area of the rest of the district, orientation of the site uses to the future creek improvements, and architectural changes to the building that create a church identity. The DRB also advised the applicant to be prepared to address questions regarding the existing congregation as well as the church's plans for accommodating future growth in the congregation and daycare business. Section 14 of the Zoning Ordinance authorizes the existence of conditional uses. The Commission may permit a conditional use subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, when after public notice and • hearing the Commission finds that: 1. "The proposed use meets all the rrurumum standards established rn the ordinance for the type of use proposed." 2. "That the proposed use meets the purpose and intent of the ordinance and is in harmony with the development policies and goals and objectives as embodied. in the Comprehensive Plan for Development of the City." 3. "That the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, welfare, and safety of the surrounding neighborhood or its occupants, nor be substantially or permanently injurious to neighboring property." "The Commission may impose additional reasonable restrictions of conditions to carry out the spirit and intent of the ordinance and to mitigate adverse effects of the proposed use. These requirements may include, but are not limited to, increased open space, loading and parking requirements, additional landscaping, and additional improvement such as curbing, sidewalks and screening." The Commission, upon recommendation from the Design Review Board, also has the authority to impose additional requirements to assure that all of the WPC goals are met. The applicable goals as they pertain to a use conversion may include attractiveness, harmony and compatibility, and maintenance aspects. Commissioner Kaiser said that he voted against the request while serving on the DRB because of his concerns with whether this fits in with the intent of the Wolf Pen Creek Plan, He said a church in this location could also limit the possibilities for a restaurant or other establishment that would serve alcohol to be developed in the area. City Planner Kee said that there is a limitation to the distance between churches and establishments that serve or sell alcohol beverages. P&Z Minutes Aprii I, 1999 Page 2 oj8 Commissioner Maloney expressed his concern that if this item was approved, there would probably be opposition from the church in the future if a restaurant/night club wanted to develop in the vacant • property next to it. This type of development would limit future development in the area. He and other Commissioners expressed their concern that allowing a church in the WPC comdor would not support the vision of the comdor. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Reverend Timothy Green, applicant, gave the Commissioners a letter expressing the church's intentions (attached to these minutes). He felt that this establishment would provide a positive spiritual and human resource for the area. He explained that the Brazos Valley Community Church (BVCC) is a non- denominational church. The daycare facility would provide for the general public, certified and licensed care for children from infancy to school age, with structured programs. Church services would be held on a regular basis on Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. None of the services are during high traffic hours and therefore no adverse traffic situations would be expected. He said that it is expected to take around one year to reach capacity (approximately 100) in the daycare facility, and it would take around 3 to 5 years before multiple services would be necessary to accommodate growth for Sunday Services. He explained that the long term growth options would include relocations, possibility of keeping the daycare at this location and moving the church to another location, or acquiring additional land adjoining this property for expansion. Commissioner Rife asked Reverend Green why this area was chosen, knowing there is a strong vision for the corridor. • Mr. Green explained that he saw no reason why a church would "hurt" the vision. He explained that he did not flunk the church would hurt the possibility of alcohol oriented business to develop in the area. Mr. Paul Clark, Clarke & Wyndham, approached the Commission and explained that he felt the church would cause a dramatic turn from the original corridor vision. He pointed out that the access driveways would be used by the entire development not just this site, because this company also owns them. He said that the master plan includes recreation (i.e. bars, restaurants), that could have loud music and alcohol served. He thought the church would be inconvenienced because of the amphitheater and possible theme park (as mentioned in the master plan). His overall feelings were that this would not be the best location for a church and daycare. He wanted the church representatives to be totally aware of the plans for the corridor. Mr. Steve Rodgers, attorney for CBL (Post Oak Mall), explained that he had no problems with churches or daycares, but did express his concern with the possible problems the church would impose in the future on the development in the area relating to alcohol oriented establishments. Reverend Green, said that the property behind this site has been on the market for a while with no expressed interest in it. He did not thinl: this site was considered the "gateway' to the creek.., He pointed out that the existing homes and apartment residents would also be effected by some of the plans as stated in the master plan. • Chairman Massey closed the public hearing. Commissioner Kaiser moved to deny the conditional use permit. Corrunissioner Maloney seconded the motion. P&Z Minutes April 1, 1999 Page 3 of8 The Commissioners discussed the actual "vision" for the corridor and felt that the master plan was for • retail and entertainment uses with the properties at the two ends of the district acting as entrances and focal points for the comdor. The Commission felt that a church would be inconsistent with this vision. The recently adopted revised master plan shows this property for commercial land uses. The Commission also felt that this use at this location could have a detrimental impact on adjacent properties in the WPB; district because of additional restrictions that would be imposed on these properties. These additional restrictions, pertaining to the sale of alcohol, would be imposed on properties that are currently permitted for certain uses that may sell alcohol. The Commission also felt that this use could have a detrimental impact on properties in general in the corridor because of the tax increment-financing district that was created for this particular comdor. Additional tax revenue to enhance the district would not be available from this property if used for any tax-exempt purpose. Commissioner Garner expressed concern with safety for the day care because of the shared access. Chairman Massey called for the vote and the motion to deny the request passed unopposed (7-0). AGENDA ITEM 110. 3: Establishment of parking requirements for an auto detailing facility located at 1814 Graham Road. (99-804) City Planner Kee presented the item and explained that the applicant was requesting to continue use of an existing site and to provide a total of 12 parking spaces (4 indoor and 8 outdoor), which are currently supplied on site. The building and an associated parking pad were annexed into the city in • 1983 and the site was zoned C-2 four years later to allow continuation of the commercial-industrial corner, The applicant has recently begun operating an auto detailing business at the site and had been discussing whether or not additional parking would be required. The applicant is using a maximum of 4 indoor parking spaces and 2 outdoor parking spaces. Therefore, the total usage is currently less than the 12 spaces provided on-site. It seems that there is substantially less of a parking demand for a detailing business than for an auto service use (the most similar use in the Zoning Ordinance) which would require parking substantially in excess of the applicant's actual parking demand, The difference is likely due to less time and expense being involved for the average car at a detailing business, Staff recommended approval of a parking ratio of 2 outdoor spaces for every service bay for auto detailing business. Ms. Kee explained to the Commission that they could approve a requirement for the entire use classification or for this site only. Mr, Richard Elliott, owner and applicant, explained that he usually only accepts vehicles by appointment only; with the average being S or 6 cars per day. He said that he was very comfortable with the existing parkir.¢. He said that he currently has one other employee with the possibility of 2 more in the future He explained that he only stores vehicles overnight, but this is not common, He explained that he offered pick-up and delivery of vehicles. Mr. Benito Flores-Meath, approached the Commission and said that he was in support of the request, but as~:ed the Commission to consider extending the use classification to include auto-tinting business since they are similar, • Commissioner Rife moved to approve the request for 2 outdoor spaces for every service bay, for this site only. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (7-0). P&~~l~finutcs Apri! 1, 13~~9 Page 4 of8 AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Discussion of long-range planning and strategic issues. • This item was presented to the Commission to allow their input, prior to the Council retreat. Commissioner Garner explained that the issues are in the annual Budget. Staff explained that this was the Commission's opportunity to prioritize existing issues and request new issues to be added for consideration. Commissioners Kaiser and Rife expressed their desire to view detailed information of the issues. They felt it would help them prioritize them. Council Member Silvia explained that this was more of a "wish list" as opposed to "budgeting" information. He said that during Council's annual retreat (scheduled for May 18), these issues would be discussed and ranked, He reiterated that this was for the benefit f the Commission to discuss the issues and recommended this be done in a workshop session. The Commissioners agreed that a workshop would be the best way to address these issues and asked Staff to schedule the workshop. Staff decided to hold the workshop on April 22, 1999 beginning at 6:00 in the City Hall Training Room, This would be a "brown-bag" workshop. AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Adjourn. Commissioner Maloney moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Commissioner Rife seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (7-0) • ATTEST: r , St Assistant, Debra Charanza • PAZ Minutes April 1, 1.999 Page S of 8 April 1, 1999 The BRAZOS VALLEY C®MMUNITY CHURCH (BVCC) has entered into an agreement to purchase the former Wolf Nursery building at the corner of f-tolleman Drive and East Highway 6 Bypass Frontage Road, forthe purpose ofconverting it into a church and community daycare facility. We feet this establishment would provide a positive spiritual and human resource service for the area. It is the interest of the church through coordination with the College Station Planning and Zoning Con.mission to turn an eye sore" into an aesthetic and spiritual community asset. BVCC is a nondenominational church appealing to all people of the community and the Brazos Valley. The daycare fiacifity will provide for the general public, certified and licensed care for children from infancy to school age, with structured programs as outlined in our application with the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services. • It is our desire to expedite this project white working together with the commission for the combined benefit of College Station residents and BVCC. We have commitments from the following people; NorWest Bank of Bryan has agreed to finance purchase and renovations of the land and building. The Arkitex Studio (Charlie Burris and Dr. Elton Abbott) has vo-unteered it's services on-Both the exterior and interior design changes. Pete Vanecek; Landscape Architect , has agn to assist in the design and supervision of the 1'&ZtL~irautes April 1, 1999 I~ i• project. Louis Gaston Custom Contractor wilt supervise actual work and acquire all necessary permits and schedule inspections. Billie Hunsaker; teacher and former daycare owner will be director as required by Texas Department of Protective And Regulatory Services. Other issues addressed by the Woff Pen Creek Oesign Board include; i• Traffic Control; BVCC will hold services on a regular basis on Wednesday evening at 7:30Pf4~ and Sunday at 10:0 AM=and b:04Prt~. stone of the services are during high traffic hoary artd therefore no adverse traffic situations are expected. Daycare traffic will normally be on a variable arrival and departing schedule. But this property is south of the freeway entrance ramp and south of all mall driveways therefore no congestion is foreseen. Especially since Hoifeman Drive is a two way street and the property is equipped with a driveway on both the Bypass and Holleman. ~~ Ps~c7A~l/nutes ~Iprill, 1999 ~a~e 7 ®f ~ Growth; It is expected to take a year to reach • capacity (approximately 1Q0 j in the daycare facility. We think itwilf take 3-~ years to before multiple services are necessary to accommodate growth for Sunday Services. Long Term Growth Qptions incft~de; selling and retocating -- keep daycare at this facility and moving church to a new location. -- Acquire additional land adjoining this property for expansion • Rev. Timothy P. Green • p&~ ~a~aut~s April 1, 1999 page ~ ~j~ • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting Agenda Item No. y -~ ~ ~ j Name C,~~~ ~_i C> ~.~r,,, Address K~ ...~ ~oy .''~-'~~ - '~' f'- ,_,r,r_ (..' 7> = 3~~i ~ If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: ,~'~~f~f,v: ,_ Subject on which person wishes to speak: ease remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Canning e~' .~onin~ Commission Guest ~eBister ~ U' (~ ~j Date G~'`~~ ~ ~ ~ c ~(cfcfress ` , ~' C'S3 L i ~ ~~ c i cT~_n 2. 4. s. s. ~. l o. • 11. 12. 13. 14, IS. 16. 17. I8. 19. 20. 21. 22, 23. • 240 2S. v ~ .~ ~~ ~' ~ ~' ~. . ~ ~~ , ~-- ~~ ~ ., ~ ~. r :, r ' ~' r qtr C G~~ // -, , ,~ ~ S ;~-,, ~- ~. ~ ,~ r ,y~c-- ~ ,. i ~ _.. ~~ "i