HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/1998 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission10~IINUTES • Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, 'TEXAS November 5, 1998 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Massey, Commissioners Maloney, Parker, Garner, and Kaiser. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Mooney and Rife. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Development Services Callaway, City Planner Kee, Senior Planner McCully, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Transportation Planner Hard, Assistant Development Coordinator Ruiz, Development Coordinator Volk, Graduate Engineer Tondre, Staff Planner Jimmerson, Transportation Analyst Hester, and Assistant City Attorney Robinson. COUNCIL LIAISON: Councilmember Silvia. • AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the Regular Meeting held on October 15, 1998. -_~ Commissioner Maloney moved to approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting of October 15, 1998. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public hearing and consideration of a conditional use permit for the site plan of a proposed addition of a fellowship hall for the existing Pleasant Grove Baptist Church located at 1216 Detroit Street in the McCulloch Subdivision. (98-704) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report and said the site plan shows compliance with all current ordinance requirements with the exception of completion and approval of a drainage report and fire flow analysis. Staff recommended approval of the proposed site plan with the conditio:: that the drainage report and fire flow analysis are submitted and approved. Commissioner Garner asked staff if this area was not included in the sidewalk master plan. Ms. McCully said that if the master plan did not include this area the Commission could still require sidewalks in the plan as a condition. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. • Reverend A.C. Clark approached the Commission and said that the church has been in the same location for 25 years and there has been adequate parking for the number of members of the church. The P&Z Minutes November S, 1998 Page 1 of 8 fellowship hall would not increase the number of members attending services and functions. "I'he church intends to increase the number of parking spaces in the future. There are no sidewalks in the area, but if • the City felt the need to build sidewalks in this neighborhood the church would be willing to do it's part also. He felt the addition of sidewalks would improve the integrity of the neighborhood. Chairman Massey closed the public hearing. Commissioner Maloney moved to approve the request with the condition that the drainage report and fire flow analysis are completed and approved by staff. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). Conulussioner Maloney expressed his concern that the area needed sidewalks and street lighting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing and consideratio^ of a conditional use permit for the use. only of a proposed martini and wine room located at 313 Church Street in Northgate. (98-707) This item was withdrawn by the applicant prior to the meeting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration of a Preliminary Plat of Nantucket Cove in the Eztra Ter: itorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of apprczxirnately 30 acres containing 14 tots located south of Nantucket Phase II and a resubdivision of the Deer Park Subdivision. (98-326) • City Planner Kee presented the staff report and explained that the Land Use Plan shows this area as medium density single family residential. This request is less dense that what the Land Use Plan sho•,vs. Staff recommended approval as submitted with a variance to the cul-de-sac length. Mr. Steve Arden was present to answer any questions. Commissioner Garner moved to approve of the request with a variance to the cul-de-sac length. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration of a Preliminary Plat of The Gateway, approximately 75 acres, divided into 6 C-B and R-5 zoned lots located on the northwest corner of the University Drive and Highway 6 including the Glenhaven extension. (98-327) City Planner Kee presented the staff report. She explained that the Land Use T'.an shows the area as mixed use development. Staff recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat with the following conditions: • The 1.15 acre tract at the corner of University Drive and State Highway 6 should be included with this Preliminary Plat because it was subdivided out since the adoption of the City's Subdivision Regulations. • The plat needs to reflect shared or cross access with the adjacent properties, • A water line will need to be extended across Lot 1 to serve the corner piece. Staff would support a variance to require the development on the corner piece to construct this waterline rather than the developer of Lot 1 (the easement is provided). P&Z Minutes November S, 1998 Page 2 oj8 • • • An easement will be needed to extend rlre proposed Glenhaven Drive across Phase III to the Lamar Property. • There is an existing sewer line that has no recorded easement. This should be shown as a 20' public utility easement on the plat. • The plat should show the location of the off-ramp where traffic exits the bypass to access University Drive. ` • Designate the access easement shown on Keserve Tract B as "proposed". • Sidewalks will be required on both sides of Glenhaven Drove and should abut the University Drivc r.o.w. • There should be a note on the plat stating that drainage easements will be located at the time of~ site design for the ofd--site drainage conung from Scott and White and that running through the reserve tract west of Lot 1, Block 1. • Designate the floodplain line on the plat. Staff ha:, ,.~oken with the ,:^nlicant regarding these conditions :,~d they are in a:_~cement with a11. comments. Chairman. '~Tassey invited the public to address this item. The follo~.~ring people approached the Commission expressed their concerns and comments: Mr. Jim `~ ~nith, 1703 Serval Lane Mr. J.O..Alexander, 1506 Lynx Cove Mr. Jim ?•~~iallett, 1705 Servai Lane Bill Johnson, 1508 Dominik Sharon C~~i;on, 1116 Neal Pickett Mike McMichen, 1405 Bayou Woods Kayla Glo. er, 1210 Marstellar The above people were all concerned with increased traffic and the quality of life issues in the Glenhaven area. They wanted a traffic analysis completed for the property before approving the request to assure there would not be an increase in the traffic which would cause problems. They were opposed to any additional traffic through the neighborhood. Mr. Greg Taggart, Municipal Development Group offered to answer any questions. He explained that the applicant offered to remove the street but the cities of Bryan and College Station want the street. Transportation Planner Hard explained that Glenhaven needs to be the primary entrance to the site because of'the signal, whether or not the street is extended. Commissioner Kaiser moved to table the item pending clarification of traffic issues and pursuing options. C.~mmissioner Garner seconde:l the motion which passed unopposed (S-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Consideration of a Preliminary Plat of L.O. Ball Memorial Phase II, revised Ijlat of approximately 28 acres, 9 C-2 lots located on the southwest corner of Rock Prairie and Highway 6, including the future Longmire extension. (98-328) Assistant City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report. She explained that this preliminary plat • includes the extension of Longmire as a major collector south to Birmingham. There are two access easements that have not been placed on the plat. Access should be shared among the 10 lots. The first P&Z Minutes November 5, 1998 Page 3 of 8 access easement should provide access from the existing Bank property out to Longmire and line up with the access easement running between lots 4 ad 5 across Longmire. The second should provide • access to lots 1 - 4 and run parallel to Rocl: Prairie Roa;', The prelimunary plat gives no indication that this development will be phased. Without this note, Staff would expect all lots to come in for final platting and all infrastructure to be built at the same timc_ If the project will be phased, the plat should reflect phase lines such that staff can determine whether the phasing is adequate to insure infrastructure development. Staff recommended approval as shown with addition of access easements as mentioned and with phasing indicated if applicable. Commissioner Garner moved to recommend approval of the preliminary plat with staff comments and clarification of access. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NU. 7: Consideration of a conceptual plan for The Estates at Spring Creek consisting of approximately 220 scr-es between Baf~r~~n Road and the future State Iii<.~hway 40 and including a future high school site, the extension of Victoria Avenue to Highway 40, and the extension of Southern Plantation to Victoria Avenue. (98-324) Transportation Planner Hard presented the staff report_ He explained that this conceptual plan would establish a 65 acre parcel for the future high school site and also determine the location and alignment of the southward e~aension of Victoria Avenue. Staff recommendations: • Victoria Ali nmentlExtension Staff recommends approval of the general location of Victoria as shown adjacent to the proposed future high school site with the condition that Victoria be located on the Seaback property such that it will not require any right-of--way for the section of Victoria north of Barron Road from any of the existing residential lots in the Bald Prairie Subdivision. Location of Victoria Connection/Cross-over on SH 40 Staff recommended against the cross-over on State Highway 40 at Victoria due to the negative impact for traffic flow on Highway 40 and because of the potential for higher traffic volumes on Victoria. Thoroughfare Plan Staff recommended that the City's Thoroughfare Plan be amended to reflect the location and alignment of Victoria and Southern Plantation Drive as ultimately approved as part of the Estates of Spring Creek Master Plan. Interior Lot Lines Staff recommended approval with the condition that interior lot lines be removed. Since land use and utility information is not being provided at this time, staff cannot support these proposed divisions of land. Commissioner Maloney said that he thought Victoria would be aligned to allow for an overpass or an underpass in the future. • Mr. Tim Crowley, applicant, approached the Commission to support Staff's recommendation to not have across-over at Victoria. He said that if it is decided to be necessary, the Parks Department P&Z Minutes November S, 1998 Page 4 oJ8 preferred it to be aligned with the greenbelt to allow connection of the trail systems on either side of State Highway 40.. His first request would be to have the street offset. • Mr. Art Hughes, representative for Gary Seaback (property owner), explained that the owner purchased the land in 1996. Mr. Seaback met with Cite Staff prior to purchasing the land and discussed at lentzth that Victoria would be extended as shown in the Master Plan. In 1997, the Thoroughfare Plan changed to end Victoria at Barron Road but this has also changed to have the street continue to State Highway 40. The owner is selling the land to CSISD based on this information. The proposal is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. He explained that the location of Victoria is critical to the contract with the school district. Mr. Hughes asked for approval of the proposal which includes the school site anti the location for the extension of Victoria from F3arron to SH 40. He said that at this time the applicant could support the recommendation of stafi~ to not align the streets and would prefer to move forward with the plans. Com isioner Parker e:~.t~ressed his toner: ~~: with the impact ~~1~ traffic with the ,nrdents attending ~_^ school. Mr. hard said that not having across-over would be the best way to comply with the Thorough~~ar Plan. ile felt the cross-over at Barron would be adequate. Commissioner Kaiser felt that inconveniencing the students for five minutes would be better than having increased traffic problems which could be ,iangerous. Mr. John Szabuniewicz came forward and ea:pressed his concern with the alignment of Victoria. lte • said that he would like the opportunity to be able to negotiate with the Bald Prairie homeowners for necessary right-of-way The high school «~eald be a tremendous traffic generator which may result in making Victoria a larger street. Mr. David Neal, CSISD representative, was present to answer any questions about the plan. He explained that there were no definite plans, but the schematic drawings show this property to be adequate for their needs. In the schematic drawings the parking is shown closer to Barron Road, which would encourage the students to use that route. The school district is more interested in safety rather than accessibility. They are not in support of any cross-overs without signals or grade separation. He said that he would like to see the option of cross-over locations to be open. He felt the Seaback alignment for Victoria would be the best solution. Mr. Crowley repeated that he does not think eliminating the cross-over would be an impediment; but, if there is a cross-over it should be at the greenbelt on his property. Mr. O.J. Beard, resident of Renee Lane, came forward and said he was not aware of any landowners (along Renee Lane) dedicating right-of--way. He said he was told that Victoria would" not come across their property so he is against the request made by Mr. Szabuniewicz. Mr. Jay Goss, representative of Gary Seaback, requested approval of the Seaback proposal because his impression was that everyone favored the offset. • Commissioner Parker moved to recommend the straight alignment of Victoria with the Seaback alignment with no crossover at Victoria and the location of the school site (as the only parts of this Master Plan being approved now). Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). P&Z Minutes November S, 1998 Page S of 8 Commissioner Kaiser explained that he was not opposed to the overpass but was opposed to the • crossover. The other Commissioners agreed. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Discussion of a revised Master Development Plan for the Crowley tract, approximately 500 acres located on the northwest corner of Greens Prairie Road (which is also the future Highway 40) and Highway 6. (98-329) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report. She explained that in the Spring of 1997, the applicant was given general approval of the land uses, densities, and roadway alignments that were needed in order to finalize the location of a mitigation area needed to begin right-of--way acquisition for Highway 40. The Land Use Plan and Thoroughfare Plan were essentially amended with the adoption of the Master Development Plan. The plan includes a mix of low and medium density single family with duplex, townhouse, neighborhood commercial, and office uses. The plan reflects both the City's adopted and proposed development policies as well as sound planning principles. She explained that the applicant revised the plan to show the following: • a reduction in the proposed density on the apartment tracts in the northeast corner • patio homes instead of apartments (and a reduction in density) in the area east of Highway 40, north of the minor collector • a different location for the elementary school site in the southwest area • elimination of a neighborhood commercial lot at the elementary school • duplex development rather than single family on the western-most edge • all medium density single family rather than a mix of medium and low density single family in the area west of Highway 40 • additional commercial acreage in the area west of Highway 40 • townhouse development rather than medium density single family east of Highway 40 and south of the minor collector • a shy in the minor collector to the south to eventually tie into Greens Prairie Road • upgrade of the minor collector to a major collector • a proposal to continue Victoria, a major collector, through the northern edge of the property to connect across Highway 40 rather than a minor collector that did not continue north of Highway 40 • two major collectors crossing Highway 40 rather than one minor collector road crossing The overall change to the land uses is a decrease in residential acreage (from 403 acres to 370), a decrease in residential density (from 6.3 DU/acre to 5.4 DU/acre), a slight decrease in parkland (from 111 acres to 92), and an increase in right-of--way/utility acreage (from 97 to 145 acres). Staff recommended approval of the Master Development Plan with the exact location of Victoria and the park linkage across Highway 40 to be determined at a later date. Commissioner Kaiser expressed his concern with the cross-over. He said that he did not understand the logic that demands across-over every 1 1/2 miles. • Transportation Planner Hard ex lamed that this additional cross-over would be neces and would P ~Y connect with Cneens Prairie Road. He believed that there would have to be a signalized crossing, P&ZMtnutes November S, 1998 Page 6 oj8 Commissioner Parker felt the overpass would be better but agrees that a second access is wise. • Mr. Tim Crowley pointed out the following four items which caused the changes in the plan:. • TxDOT changed the State Highway 40 plans. • The mitigation area was increased. • College Station Transportation staff requested the change. • An age restricted community was added to the plan, which changes the location and amounts of uses. Commissioner Kaiser said that it would be nice for the kids to ride their bikes to school through the greenway. Mr. Jim Wendt, Land Planner for Mr. Crowley, said there might be a way to put a pedestrian crossing under SH6 but the area has a lot of water in the area during heavy rains. He explained that he is using the same concept to develop the greenbelt at this location as used in The Woodlands. Commissioner Kaiser expressed his concern with how people would get across Highway 6 and also concern with the area where the greenbelt stops. Commissioner Parker moved to approve the conceptual plan as presented with any staff recommendations. Commissioner Maloney asked to amend the motion to include exploring the possibility of an underpass under Highway 6 for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, • Commissioner Parker explained that he did not want to tie up this plan contingent on items which may or may not get State approval. Commissioner Kaiser thought the City should dictate to TxDOT and not follow their lead. Commissioner Parker said that he agreed but did not feel it was fair to hold the developer "hostage" with this issue. Chairman Massey said that the Commission could vote to support this plan and direct Staff to explore and vigorously pursue developing pedestrian access under Highways 6 and 40. Commissioner Maloney amended the motion to reflect the Commission's desire to have Staff explore and pursue the .pedestrian access under the two highways. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion with the amendment. Commissioner Kaiser did not feel the request of the pedestrian access would hold the developer hostage but wanted to put the developer and the City in the best position to go to TxDOT . Commissioner Parker said that he did not disagree with Mr. Kaiser but did not want it included in the motion as he did not feel this would be fair to the developer. Commissioner Kaiser also expressed his concern with the safety issue of a cross-overo He felt eliminating this type of cross-over would create a small inconvenience. Chauman Massey called for the vote on_ the stated motion which passed: (4~1). Commissioner Kaiser • voted against the motion. P&Z mutes November S, 1998 Page 7 oj8 Commissioner Parker suggested making a strong statement to TxDOT to make connections of greenbelts. Commissioner Kaiser said that he would like to link up some of the groups working on this • and have them work with the developer. Mr. Crowley said that he is already working with TxDOT to develop something, but TxDOT said that this would not be timely. Chairman Massey said that if there are other sites similar to this, the Commissioners should make a statement and take a strong stand that these issues must be addressed with the necessary agents. Commissioner Kaiser moved that the Commission recommend to Staff and the City Council that they find ways to incorporate into the process the greenways interest and bond funds to make this possible. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion which passed unopposed. Commissioner Maloney asked if there was any way to force overpasses. Mr. Hard said that he could not estimate the cost but TxDOT would not do it until volumes reach a certain level, Commissioner Kaiser moved to ask Staff and the City Council to report back to the Commission with the cost of overpasses and grade separations at a future time. Commissioner Maloney seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Other Business. • Commissioner Massey suggested to Staff to invite TxDOT and City Council to a Planning & Zoning Commission Workshop. Chairman Massey reminded the Commissioners that they agreed to allow 3 0 minutes .prior to meetings for "workshop" for the Commissioners. The workshops will begin at 6:30. The first workshop will be at the next meeting (November 19, 1998). AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Adjourn. Commissioner Garner moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Kaiser seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0) ST: Staff Assistant, Debra Charanza p&Z Minutes November S, 199 pass 8 of 8 • Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~~~ Agenda Item No. Name Address ~~ 2 r ~ ~ S ~ If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subje tp,~ whicl-~person wishes to speak: lease remember to step to the podium as soon as you are cognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. 4. s. 6. 7. 10. • 11. 12. 13. 14. IS. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. • 24. 2S ~~cznning e~' Zoning Commission Guest ~,e~ister r' ,_, ~ k Date / ~ ,? ~~ 1. --r? - ;, ;~ctrfress ~f r ~'.~~ v ,~ 12~~L 2~ ~~f~7~~~.~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~Nn f~ ~~ ~'~ S' c n ~_ C? .1 - ALL ~ k.l ~ `--- ' ~ ~~ - ~ ( ~ /