HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/07/1998 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning a_nd Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS May 7, 1998 7:00 P.M. L~ • COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Massey, Commissioners Parker, Lightfoot, Gribou, and Silvia. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Garner and Rife. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Kee, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Graduate Engineer Kaspar, Staff Assistant Charanza, Development Coordinator Volk, Transportation Planner Hard, Director of Parks & Recreation Beachy, Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation Ploeger, Communications & Information Services Manager Shear, Office of Management & Budget Director Cryan, and Assistant City Attorney Robinson.. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the meeting of April 16, 19980 Commissioner Silvia moved to approve the minutes from the meeting of April 16, 1998 as writtena Commissioner Lightfoot seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public hearing and consideration of rezoning 88.8 acres bound by Barron Road, Shenandoah and undeveloped property to the south and west (to be called Shenandoah Phases 6-10) from A-O Agricultural Open to R-1 Single Family Residential. Also consideration of a Master Preliminary Plat of the same property dividing same into 277 residential lots and one 12 acre city park. (98-107 & 98-309) City Planner Kee presented the staff report and stated that this property is west of the existing Shenandoah Subdivision and is a continuation of the same type of residential development. Southern Plantation Drive will continue and connect into these new phases and the developer will dedicate I2 acres of parkland. The Parks Board reviewed the proposed parkland dedication and recommends that the Commission and Council accept the proposal. It is in excess of the ordinance requirement which is approximately 2 acres. Lot size will average .208 acres per lot and there will be 17.5 acres of right-of way eventually dedicated, Ms. Kee explained that there is a drainage way and detention facility located in the park that the City will own and maintain along with the parkland. Ms. Kee stated that the land use plan shows this area for medium density single family development and the thoroughfare plan shows minor collector roadways going through the tract. Southern Plantation P&Z Minutes May 7, 1998 Page 1 of9 and Alexandria function as these collectors. The rezoning and master preliminary plat comply with the Comprehensive Plan for development in this area. • Ms. Kee explained that Staff has been working with property owners in this area over the past several months to define thoroughfare locations. Southern Plantation is shown to decrease from a 70 foot right-of--way to 60 feet through these new phases. This complies with the minor collector shown on the thoroughfare plan. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning and master preliminary plat. Commissioner Silvia asked if there was any floodplain on this property. Ms. Kee explained that there is creek and detention area but no established floodplain on any phase of the property. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Mr. Mike McClure, Project Engineer for the Property, explained that the detention facility would be different from the Edelweiss model. The existing terrain is wooded and they would only clear enough for building of the berm. He also explained that the applicant, in meeting with the Parks Board, requested that the money set aside from parkland dedications in this zone be used to develop this park immediately. He understood that the Parks Board intended to develop as much of the park as possible right away. He thought that there would be a jogging trail and minimal park equipment. Chairman Massey closed the public hearing. • Commissioner Gribou moved to recommend approval the rezoning request and the Master Prelirrunary Plat as submitted. Commissioner Lightfoot seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing and consideration of rezoning approximately 1.72 acres located on the southeast corner of Deacon and Wellborn Road being Lot 10, Block 71 of Fraternity Row, from C-1 General Commercial to R-5 Apartment Medium Density. (98-108) City Planner Kee presented the staff report and stated that the request is in conformance with the Land LJse Plan and is in harmony with the existing pattern of development in the area, with multi-family uses serving as a buffer between the intersection and the low density residential uses further east along Deacon. Ms. Kee explained that the subject property was part of a larger tract that was zoned and platted in the mid-1980's for a fraternity subdivision with a commercial use at the intersection. The Land Ilse Plan reflects the property as attached residential. Staff recommended approval of the request. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Seeing no one to speak in favor of or in opposition to this request, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Lightfoot moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request. Comrrussioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). • P&Z Minutes May 7, 1998 Page 2 of 9 AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Public hearing and consideration of a Final Replat for Lots 2R through 9R, Block C and Lots 2R through lOR, Block D of Ashford Square, a resubdivision of 5.82 acres on the south side of Southwest Parkway, west of the Dartmouth/Southwest Parkway intersection • which includes 19 duplex lots. (98-215) Assistant City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report and stated that the site is located on the rear portion of the Ashford Square Center and was recently rezoned from A-P Administrative Professional to R-2 Duplex. A replat of this property was approved by the Commission earlier this year, This replat simply alters lot lines in order to create 2 additional lots. A staff review of this plat was completed and all comments have been addressed. Staff recommended approval of the Final Replat as submitted. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Seeing no one to speak in favor of or opposition to this request, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Parker moved to approve the replat as submitted. Commissioner Gribou seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Public hearing and consideration of a vacating and resubdivision plat for Lots 1-7, Block 4 of West Knoll Section 2 located at the southwest corner of the Dexter and Southwest Parkway intersection. (98-216) Graduate Engineer Kaspar presented the staff report and stated that the purpose for this vacating and resubdivision plat is to shift the lot lines and remove various public easements that do not have any public utilities in them in order to prepare this property for development in the near future. The developer is proposing to construct residential duplexes similar to those already existing in the area. • Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: • that the two 12 foot private access easement be recorded prior to the filing of this plat, • that a drainage report for the proposed detention facility be provided to staff for review prior to the filing of this final plat. Chairman Massey opened the public hearing. Seeing no one to speak in favor of or opposition to this request, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Gribou moved to approve the plat with the staff conditions stated. Commissioner Silvia seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Consideration of a preliminary plat of Wheeler Subdivision Phase II, approximately 8,47 acres located on the southwest corner of Lincoln and University "rive. (98- 310) Assistant City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report and stated that the plat shows three commercial tracts with a 30' access easement extending from University to Lincoln, Ms. Morgan explained that Staff reviewed the plat and found general compliance with all applicable requirements except as follows: • P&Z Minutes May 7, 1998 Page 3 of 9 1. The buffer easement that was a condition of the zoning needs to be shown. 2. Remove notes 4.a and 4.b regarding easements that are not located on the subject property. • 3. Add the Lone Star Gas easement. 4. Add a 10' Public Utility Easement along the southwest property line of Lot 3 that will connect m the southwest corner of Lot 1 to the 20' PUE located on Lot 3, Block 1, One Lincoln Place. 5. Add a 10' Public Utility Easement along the Lincoln frontage. 6. Add the existing Floodway per the September 1997 Study performed by Kling Engineering. 7. Relocate the 30' access easement back to the position that was originally submitted and add a temporary access easement that more closely aligns with the Shoney's Hotel Driveway across University Drive. Add a note that the temporary access easement will discontinue when medians are installed in University Drive. 8. It is the intent of the developer to provide a regional detention pond for all three proposed lots to meet drainage requirements. Therefore, the pond will need to be dedicated at the time the first lot is final platted. 9, Add a Public Utility Easement to cover the proposed sanitary sewerline to Lot 3. Staff recommended approval with the stated conditions. Commissioner Parker moved to approve the plat with the staff conditions stated. Commissioner Gribou seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Establishment of parking requirements for College Station Business Center. • This item was pulled prior to the meeting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Consideration of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan Revisions. City Planner Kee explained that the reasons for bringing this item back to the Commission were because there were some questions brought up by Mr. Paul Clarke regarding the outstanding balances in the TIF fund, to answer questions regarding the revisions and the TIF, and to bring the Commission up to date on the other meetings held on this issue. There was a TIF Board meeting held Friday April 17 (day after the Commission Meeting), and a public meeting held May 6 in which property owners in the area were invited. Staff would also like the Commission to make a motion relative to the overall master plan to carry forward to the Council on May 28, 1998 (tentative). Ms. Kee introduced Budget Director Charles Cryan. Mr. Cryan explained the differences between the numbers presented to the Commission at the April 16 meeting and the actual occurrences. He stated that there are timing rifferences between when the increment funds are actually available. The City requests and actually receives the increment a full year after the value is assessed. This means the value assessed as of January 1, 1997 will not actually be billable or receivable by the City until March 1998. Mr. Cryan explained that participation was not requested from the school or county for the first two years. Mr. Cryan stated that the percent tax rate that Mr. Clarke presented to the Commission was substantially higher than the actual rate. The school district chose to utilize only its "local assignment • rate" which is 86 cents per $100 valuation as opposed to its total rate of $1.74. The local assignment rate becomes available an additional year later than the other increment revenues. P&Z Minutes May 7, 1998 Page 4 of 9 Mr. Cryan explained that the University Commons property that was rezoned to the Wolf Pen Creek Zone was never added to the Wolf Pen Creek TIF district and therefore no increment from the development of that property is or will be available to the TIF unless the College Station City Council, • Brazos County Commissioners Court and CSISD Board decides to set aside the increment to be spent within the Wolf Pen Creek TIF. That would be a policy decision that the various elected officials would have to make. If such a decision is made it would not be a part of the TIF as established. Mr. Cryan went over the TIF fund summary that is in the FY 9798 approved budget. The money will remain in the TIF fund until it is determined how it will be spent Mr. Cryan said that there was a meeting with Mr. Clarke and he received similar information. Parks & Recreation Director Beachy explained there was a public hearing held May 6 as the Commission recommended. There were approximately 100 - 120 invitations mailed, fifteen people actually attended the meeting. Some comments received from the meeting include: * Create Vistas into the Corridor * Include pedestrian access under Texas Avenue area. ~ Include small indoor theater at festival site, * Develop strong marketing plan. ~ Include future lakes in plan. * Concentrate on fixing the entire creek, * Include this as a CIP project. • Mr. Beachy explained that some of the revisions to the implementation of the plan include: * Revise existing lake area * Provide additional parking * Make channel improvements (Dartmouth to Texas Avenue) * Provide additions to the Amphitheater * Finish bike loops * Provide focal points * George Bush Drive extension (CIP) * Festival Site interaction * Future Lakes Mr. Beachy stated that the summary of the plan is as follows: * Lake concepts are not economically viable at the present time but should be included for future development. * Encourage commercial development -discourage multi-family development * Use existing resources * Core area should enhance amphitheater and hotel. ~ Dedicate some TIF for site cleanup and marketing plan. * Include elements in next Capital Improvements Program. * Develop interim finance plan for overall project. * Hire engineering firm to design project • ~ Begin construction in fiscal year 1999. P&ZMrnutes May 7, 1998 .Page S of 9 Mr. Beachy said that the master plan would be revised to include the above changes prior to being to future presentations to the Parks Board, TIF Board, and City Council. The Parks Board will meet May 12, TIF will meet either on May 15th or May 23rd, and City Council May 28 or early June. • Commissioner Parker had concern with the pedestrian access under Texas. He feels that this could cause potential problems. He doesn't feel he could support this portion of the plan. Mr. Beachy explained that this would be a design problem and they have similar concerns with the Bike Loop project. There are also maintenance concerns and handicap requirements for these issues. The group felt there should be an access point to cross at the location. Commissioner Gribou asked if staff knew of what the cost would be for these pedestrian crosses. Mr. Beachy said that there have been preliminary estimates done, but no finalized numbers. No cost estimates have been done for the pedestrian walk at Bee Creek. A design firm looked at the location of Texas Avenue and Highway 30, but quickly decided that there was not enough in the budget. Mr. Beachy said that maybe there could be potential of including this in the Texas Avenue widening project design. Commissioner Silvia explained that it was his understanding that the creation of the lake across from the hotel would be put off for a while. Mr. Beachy said that at the present time these lakes would not be created until the issues of the bank stabilization and silt problems could be addressed. Commissioner Silvia said that he understood that in order to do this, the "meandering" was to be removed from the stream in the undeveloped area which would more or less reduce the siltation in the lake area. Mr. Beachy explained that this would help, but they were looking at reducing the overall link but it would still need some meanders which would help slow the water flow. This would have to been confirmed by an engineering firm. The engineering firm would also determine which types of bank treatments would • be most appropriate. Mr. Silvia said that his concern is that the lake areas are the basics of what would be developed in the area and it would probably be one of the most important items for the beautification of the hotel site. Mr. Beachy said that this has been the sentiment of the last two public meetings. The main part of the silt problems are coming between Texas Avenue and Dartmouth, but also there are severe silt problems behind the Meridian Apartments, Redmond Terrace, and around the Willow Branch area. The discussions at the public meeting was the need to address all of these issues as part of the solution instead of trying to work with the middle part of the problem. Commissioner Gribou said that the whole point is that it should not be piecemealed. He felt that the comments from the public meeting altered what he felt were problematic summaries. He would like to see the lakes added back into the plan. He feels that the narrow stream is meaningless in terms of what should be developed in the area. He said that he would like the lakes to be one of the strong elements. He would like the City Council to see a conceptual plan that includes lakes as perceived in the future. He would like more input from the design community especially landscape designers, and engineering firms to address the drainage concerns. Mr. Beachy said that one of the attendees from the public meeting suggested that there was a need to add some elements to enhance the area and make it more attractive. Chairman Massey asked Mr. Beachy if the plan presented was really a master plan or an implementation or action plan? Mr. Beachy said that he would call it a master plan, and once the "picture" is approved, • the next step would be the implementation of the project. He said that there would have to be accurate P&Z Minutes May 7, 1998 Page 6 of 9 cost estimates for the different elements to come up with the implementation plan. Mr. Massey explained that he thought that there is a mixture of a master plan and implementation plan. He wanted an explanation of whether the Commission should endorse the "concept" of the plan or recommendation • that the first priority should be site cleanup. He asked if the Commission should not recommend which features should be included in the plan. Would there be a design review board to help review the recommended elements? Mr. Beachy explained that Staff was looking for the Commission's guidance and consideration of the master plan. There was a recommendation to create a group to be responsible for the implementation of the plan. He said that once there is approval on the plan, Council may designate the group for implementation. Commissioner Gribou moved to forward the master plan on to Council with the addition of water features. Commissioner Silvia seconded the motion. Commissioner Lightfoot asked if the presented plan was actually altered from the original? Mr. Beachy said that this is an altered plan. Mr. Lightfoot stated that he liked the original plan better than the revised plan because it includes the lakes and addresses the concerns of the property owners. He said that he wasn't sure he liked the idea of changing something that was never done to begin with. Commissioner Gribou said that he was involved in the original master plan and he said that at the time he felt very strong about it. He said that the only reason he would be willing to support the revised master plan is because of the changes that have occurred in the actual development that actually altered the master plan to an extent already. He explained that he also felt that there was a very good original master plan that has never been implemented for a number of reasons. Commissioner Lightfoot felt that there were still a number of uncertainties and he said that he couldn't • recommend the "ifs" to the Council. Chairman Massey said that he felt that after you change direction many times, you are not sure which direction you really need to go in. There have been a few situations that have changed, the Conference Center, the rezoning of the western end, and other environmental issues that have changed and he felt that the revisions are more of an update to the original plan. Mr. Beachy said he thought the problems being faced by the Commission as well as staff are basically that there is a plan that has not been followed and there are many elements that are not going to happen. The official document does not reflect what is currently developed in the area. Commissioner Parker said that he could support either concept because he agrees that the actual is far from the original plan. He said the key to this is that there is an extremely limited budget and he said this would require creativity to see how this can be progressed and to have enough amenities to make it appealing to the public. He said that he felt the lakes were a essential component of the project. He explained that the marketing aspects of this project are critical. It may be good to complete the project in stages. He thought that the marketing issue should be the main issue. City Planner Kee added that she would like to hear discussion on the landuse issues. She said that the Commission could give Staff the guidance needed to decide what type of development from the private sector in the area. There are three tracts that are still undeveloped (a large corner across from the hotel, a tract along Holleman adjacent to Arbors, and frontage along Holleman. She explained that with the current zoning on these tracts, they could become multi-family developments or big box retail • developments. There has been conversations that the original vision did not include these types of developments. P&ZMinutes May 7, 1998 page 7 01'9 Commissioner Gribou said that his opinion of the original plan was a mixed use development. A place where you could live, eat and work. He thought that would be the ideal environment in comparison • with the Arboretum in Austin. He said that he had hoped that development would orient itself with the natural beauty of the creek. He is against big box retail in this area but is in support of mixed activities. Ms. Kee said that, at the public meeting, there were questions about whether the zoning ordinance provides incentives for development oriented to the creek. She said that there are some minor incentives in the ordinance. She said that everyone agreed that the biggest incentive would be to have something to orient to and then you would get interest in the area. Mr. Gribou said that there is not anything to orient new development to the natural beauty. Chairman Massey asked what has kept the big boxes out of the area and he wanted to know if there is any interest at this time? Ms. Kee said that Office Max was the first retail development in the area and it was not what people were expecting from the original vision. There was nothing on the Office Max tract to orient to when being developed. There was an undeveloped creek and no bikeways or trails that were originally envisioned. In the past when Staff recommended orientation to the creek, developers would ask what are they orienting to? Ms. Kee said that maybe there should be additional incentives for development orienting to the creek and future trail system. Commissioner Lightfoot said that he remembered the Commission allowing rezoning of property in the comdor between Harvey Road and Holleman for a shopping center. Ms. Kee said that the property in question was bound by the creek at the north and it was a large tract of land Chairman Massey explained that the Commission recommended denial of the rezoning request but Council granted approval of the request. Ms. Kee said Staffs recommendation of the request was that if it was rezoned • it was done on the condition that the elements of the master plan be retained. The property is now zoned C-I General Commercial which means it would not have to be reviewed and approved by the Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board, but at the time of development, the same dedications or development of the creek area in compliance with the master plan will take place. Commissioner Gribou said that he wants to make sure that the presentation to the Council includes the visionary proposal. Commissioner Gribou withdrew his original motion because he did not feel comfortable with a final recommendation to the Council. He would like to include the discussion of the meeting as details for Council considerations. Commissioner Silvia seconded the withdrawal. Mr. Beachy explained that Council specifically directed not to include the lakes. One of the Turner Collie & Braden options was to eliminate the lakes. Chairman Massey explained that it is not that the Commission does not want to proceed with the plan and to give the Parks Department the endorsement they need. The Commission wants to execute the responsibilities the Commission has and to make sure that this is a very important part of the City and the Commission cares very much about the plan. He said that the Commission does want to endorse the plan. Councilmember-elect Hazen suggested attendance from the Commission at the Council meeting when • this item is presented. P&Z Minutes May 7, 1998 Page 8 oj9 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9. Update on the Utility Customer Service Center Building to be located at 310 Krenek Tap Road. (97-716) • Assistant City Engineer Morgan introduced Mr. Charlie Burris, architect for the project. Mr. Bums explained that due to budget constraints and difficulties encountered in the bidding process, there were some changes made to the original project. He explained the specific changes to the Site Development Plan as follows: • The building was relocated approximately thirty feet to the northeast. The relocation reduced the total amount of earthwork, reduced irrigation requirements and shortened the two drives connecting to William King Cole Drive. Locations of curb cuts were not altered. Although stacking space at the drive-thru facility was reduced, the total capacity of sixteen cars is considered to be adequate by the Owner's Representatives. • The sidewalk adjacent to the front parking area was reduced from a eight foot width to the code required six foot width. The connecting drive from the front parking lot to the back parking lot was omitted, This drive, along with a driveway connection to William King Cole Drive can be added in the future if desired. • Landscaping was reduced while remaining in compliance with ordinance requirements, • Monumental building signage was simplified to be consistent with building signage at the City Police Station. The signage, flagpoles, and associated site lighting were included as an alternate bid item that was accepted by the Owner (City) for inclusion in the Contract for Constnaction. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10. Other Business. • Commissioner Silvia thanked the Commission for all their efforts and said that he would miss the Commission when he moves on to serve on the City Council. The Commissioners said there good-byes and best wishes to Mr. Silvia on his new ventures. AGENDA ITEM NO. 11. Adjourn. Commissioner Silvia moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5-0). AST: ~~ ~~ qq~~r T~ ~ ~~ '~ ~~.,P`Y;r1 ;~ ~ ~`~~~- Staff Assistant, Debra Charanza • P&Z Minutes May 7, 1998 Page 9 oj9 ~Cannin~ ~' Zoning Commission Guest ~,eBister • Date ~ r~ ~ I ~~ (~.. dame 21 rfrfress • 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1~ 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. • 24. 25. 1. ; ~.. 1 ~ ,., c~ 2. 4. 'i.~~U~-F" (~i''~-''~-'~ `mil ~~ -~T ~. ~~~, .,~,,~ -~ ;)j'•~ ~--- i 9. G j - ~_ C~' ~l ~"~~C~ ~~-'.3 r ~- ?~ r `>Z4:~ J,~~<~kcc~(iic~? Cif'. C.- ~- ;:~ , ~, ~iv`~,=~~~~~ , i~/~~~=' ~~/«~~~_ ~~ ~"