HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/02/1994 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS June 2, 1994 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Hawthorne and Commissioners Lane, Smith, Hall, Garner, Lightfoot and Gribou. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Kee, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Planning Technician Thomas, Transportation Planner Hard, Development Coordinator Volk, Staff Planner Kuenzel and Staff Planner Dunn. ~ AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes from the meeting of May 19, 1994. Commissioner Hall moved to approve the minutes from the meeting of May 19, 1.994 as written. Commissioner Gribou seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). • AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public hearing to consider a conditional use permit and site plan request to allow the expansion of the existing Post Oak Christian Center at 4010 Harvey Road (94706) Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report and recommended approval of the request with the Project Review Committee comments. The proposed addition will include a 7000 square foot sanctuary with a seating capacity of 200 people and new parking spaces to meet the current ordinance requirements. Four surrounding property owners were notified with one call received expressing concern about adequate parking for the proposed addition. Chairman Hawthorne opened the public hearing. Seeing no one present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the proposed conditional use permit, he closed the public hearing. Commissioner Gribou moved to grant the conditional use permit and approve the site plan with the Project Review Committee recommendations and the variance request to the Driveway Access and Location Ordinance. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consideration of the final plat of the Cat Hollow Subdivision. (94-218) Assistant City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report and recommended approval of the final plat with the addition of a note on the plat stating that any construction including buildings, grading or filling on the properties adjacent to the creek will be required to obtain a development permit before proceeding with the work and the other recommendations outlined in the Presubmission Conference Report. This recommendation is made as a way to preserve the natural creek appearance and assure the protection of private property from damage due to erosion and flooding. The property owners will individually be responsible for any maintenance of the creek since there are no proposed improvements to reduce the operating expenses related to the creek to the public included with this project. Chairman Hawthorne expressed concern with the notification to property owners of their maintenance responsibilities. The individual homeowners need to know their responsibilities up front before purchasing the property. Commissioner Hall suggested that a note be added to the plat to explain which entities are responsible for the designated common areas. The note would help clarify any questions regarding maintenance in the future. Commissioner Smith moved to recommend approval of the final plat for the Cat Hollow Subdivision with the conditions outlined by staff and that a note be included on the plat directing the maintenance responsibilities of the common areas and drainage ways. Commissioner Gribou seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration of the final plat of the Ponderosa Place II Subdivision. (94219) Assistant City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report and recommended approval of the final plat with the comments outlined in the Presubmission Conference Report including the recommendation that tracts F-2, F-3 and F-4 are viewed as a single building plot for signage and access. Commissioner Gribou moved to recommend approval of the final plat of the Ponderosa Place II resubdivision of tract F with staff recommendations. Commissioner Lightfoot seconded the motion. Chairman Hawthorne suggested that general note number five be revised so that lot F-2 is included. Commissioner Gribou moved to amend the original motion to recommend approval to include the revision to general note number five adding lot F-2. Commissioner Lightfoot seconded the amendment which passed unopposed (7 - 0). The original motion to recommend approval as amended passed unopposed (7 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration of two variance requests to the Driveway Access and Location Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance Parking Lot Standards for the property located on the northeast comer of Tetras Avenue and Krenek Tap. (94410) Staff Planner Kuenzel presented the information pertaining to the variance request to the parking lot standards in the Zoning Ordinance including paving and curbing. In order to protect and save the existing trees on site, the applicant would like to provide a pea gravel parking lot with railroad ties or concrete blocks for wheel stops. The site is being proposed as a used car dealership, which is allowed under the current zoning of the property. Staff expressed concern with providing pea gravel as a driving surface for several reasons. Pea gravel does not withstand constant traffic loading, tends to wash away and would therefore become a high maintenance item in a highly visible area. The proposed wheel stops would do little to contain the pea gravel on site and are not aesthetically pleasing for such a highly visible site. Although the reasoning for providing such a facility is worthwhile, there is some question as to if the proposal would truly save the trees once traffic loading is allowed over the root systems. Staff Planner Kuenzel presented a memorandum from Forestry Superintendent Ross Albrecht who inspected the subject property and determined that due to the number, size and overlapping root zones in the area, root damage will occur regardless of the technique used. Initially, the gravel would provide a permeable zone for water and oxygen exchange for the root zones. This will not be the case with time as dirt fills in the voids and the permeability will also be severely impacted by vehicular traffic. In addition to root zone problems, several Iarge limbs would likely be removed to provide site lines into the property. This move, along with initiating root zone problems will hamper the trees' abilities to recover from these changes. Staff also expressed concern with the precedent that a facility of this type would establish in the City. P&Z Minutes June Z, 1994 Page 2 of 6 Staff Planner Kuenzel stated that even if the Commission places maintenance conditions on • the approval, it would in the long run become a cost burden to the City with regard to enforcement. Staff Planner Kuenzel recommended denial of the variance request parking lot standards primarily due to the City Council issue dealing with Community Appearance. Transportation Planner Hard presented the staff report pertaining to the variance request to the Driveway Access and Location Ordinance for the existing driveway along Texas Avenue. Staff recommended denial of the request for the following reasons: (1) It does not meet ordinance spacing requirements for major arterials; (2) The site and proposed use do not warrant special consideration under section K(2)(g)(~)~ (3) Additional curb cuts to Texas Avenue would be detrimental to traffic operations; and, (4) The site has over 500' of available frontage on Krenek Tap Road from which adequate access can be taken. Transportation Planner Hard stated that the proposed adjacent right spacing at 212' and adjacent left spacing of 123' do not meet the current ordinance requirement of 275'. With respect to section K(2)(g)(i) above, staff believes that the requested driveway is not needed to adequately serve the driveway volume. It is the intent of this section to provide special consideration to prime commercial tracts at the intersection of arterial streets where access would be critical for high traffic generating uses that are convenience-oriented. Examples would include fast food restaurants and gas stations. The proposed use is not a high traffic generator and is not convenience oriented. For this reason, staff does not feel this section of the ordinance is applicable. Applicant Patricia Lassiter of 1809 Quail Run informed the Commission that her and her husband Gerald Lassiter wish to purchase the property and establish a nice used car lot. Mrs. Lassiter stated that the existing driveway along Texas Avenue is necessary to access the site. If a curb cut is only allowed along Krenek Tap Road, a large sign that reads "parking in rear" would have to be placed at the corner directing traffic from Texas Avenue onto Krenek Tap Road. That directional sign would be more unsightly than allowing traffic to enter the site from Texas Avenue. Mrs. Lassiter stated that she spoke to the Pastor of the neighboring church and they have already received permission from the City to install a driveway adjacent to the subject driveway. If that is the case, a possible shared driveway may be acceptable. The subject property is not viable for many uses because of the odd shaped lot; however, if a variance is granted, the used car business would bring additional revenue through jobs and the sale of cars. Mrs. Lassiter concluded by showing slides of the subject property and the existing trees. Andy Sherrod, the manager of Royalty Pecans in the Brazos Valley approached the Commission to address the proposed pea gravel surfacing material. He stated that the existing trees could be saved through the use of pea gravel which would be the least intrusive surfacing material. At the nearest point, the surfacing material would only come up to the trunk or canopy of the tree closest to Texas Avenue. Mr. Sherrod stated that it is his experience it is possible to cover or inhibit the water percolation over a portion of the roots allowing the trees to recover. Those trees will compensate for that loss by regenerating the root uptake capacity of the existing roots. P & Z Minutes June 2, 1994 Page 3 of 4 Gerald Lassiter approached the Commission and stated that the goal is to create a car dealership where the customers could sit under the trees and purchase a car in a more relaxed atmosphere. City staff recommended a type of lattice work around the base of the tree to help preserve the trees; however, other examples of this material in town have not worked. The proposed pea gravel will not be seen from the street because the cars will be parked on top of the surface. Any other business that locates on this property will remove the trees. The Commission cannot condone the mowing down of existing two to three hundred year old trees. The existing office building and parking area will be used as well as a garage for minor repair work. One of the owners of the subject property, Howard Porterfield of 4109 Woodcrest, informed the Commission that the previous tenant was evicted due to non payment of rent and not code enforcement action on the part of the City as suggested by staff. The existing trees on the property are post oak, elm and pecan. Commissioner Gribou questioned staff as to the driveway access granted to the adjacent church property. Transportation Planner Hard informed the Commission that no driveway access has been recently approved and the current driveway ordinance would not allow the additional driveway without a variance from the Commission. Commissioner Gribou stated that customers of the used car lot should not have difficulty finding the driveway access along Krenek Tap because if someone is purchasing a car, they normally have an idea of where they are going. The additional driveways along Texas Avenue will only increase the traffic congestion in the area. Commissioner Gribou moved to deny the variance request to the Driveway Access and Location Ordinance for the location along Texas Avenue. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Chairman Hawthorne informed the applicants that the proposed directional signage at Texas and Krenek Tap Road is also regulated by the Zoning Ordinance. The motion to deny the driveway variance request passed unopposed (7 - U). Commissioner Gribou moved to deny the variance requests to the parking lot standards in the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion. Commissioner Gribou stated that saving the trees are critical and they should all be preserved; however, the grasscrete example, if used properly, can help preserve the existing trees. The maintenance of the grasscrete is also much easier than the proposed pea grave]. In view of the City's policy on community appearance, pea gravel lots are not appropriate especially along Texas Avenue. The motion to deny the parking lot standards variance requests passed unopposed (7 - U). AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Consideration of a variance request to the Driveway Access and Location Ordinance for the property located at 3418 Shue Drive, lot 7, block A of the Devonshire Subdivision. C ~ ~, _ ~ ; i ~~ Transportation Planner Hard informed the Commission that the applicants are in the process of building a home on a lot in the Devonshire Subdivision which has double frontage. The home will front on Shire Drive and their back yard, the rear of the property, will front on North Graham Road. The primary access to their garage will be from Shire Drive. The applicants are requesting a secondary access off of North Graham Road to their back yard. Staff recommended denial of the request due to the following considerations: P& Z Cannussion June ? 1>94 Parse 4 of S (1) Setting a precedent. While one residential driveway on to North Graham will obviously not create a traffic problem, by approving this request, the City is in effect approving curb cuts for the other twenty-six potential single family lots on the Edelweiss Master Development Plan that will have rear or side yard frontage on to North Graham. (2) Not the intended function of North Graham Road. Despite the plan to close off North Graham from Wellborn Road, it will still serve as a collector street as per the Master Development Plan for Edelweiss Estates. It is standard planning practice for residential access to be taken from the lesser street, in this case Shire Drive. Under the worst case scenario, if all of the twenty- seven lots did take access from North Graham, it would not serve its intended function as a collector street. (3) No unnecessary hardship. By ordinance, the Commission may authorize a variance to the driveway ordinance when "it will not be contrary to the public interest ... and, a strict enforcement of the ordinance would result in an unnecessary hardship. It is staff's contention that denying a secondary access would not result in an unnecessary hardship and that approving the variance could be contrary to public interest due to the potential for numerous other curb cuts on to North Graham Road. Assistant City Engineer Morgan informed the Commission that the applicants feel that they do not have enough frontage along Shire to move equipment in and out of their back yard. Commissioner Hall moved to deny the variance request to the Driveway Access and Location Ordinance. Commissioner Gribou seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Consideration of a sign variance request for Certified Co located at 1911 Texas Avenue in the Wolf Pen Creek zoning district to allow the construction of a sign to be attached to the front of the building. (94408) Staff Planner Kuenzel stated that the Commission must consider this request because the site is located in the Wolf Pen Creek zoning district. The Design Review Board reviewed this request and recommends approval due to the fact that the site is on the periphery of the Corridor and has little relation to the rest of the Park. Therefore the Board did not feel that it was necessary in this instance to require compliance with WPC color standards. The Board did suggest to the applicant that the building be painted to coordinate with the propose sign colors. The applicant intends to place additional parking in the rear of the site. The site plan will come before the Commission at a later date before any such development can occur. Applicant Alton Ofcarczek of 2901 Rayado Court approached the Commission and stated that the proposed sign will blend in with the rest of the building. He stated that he plans to install white vinyl siding along the front of the building and paint the trim to match the blue and red accents in the sign. At this time however, only a sign attached to the building is being requested. Mr. Ofcarczek stated that he is currently leasing the building with an option to purchase the property. If he purchases the property, he would like to add additional parking and other improvements to the site. However, not all of those improvements can be made at this time. Commissioner Gribou moved to approve the additional attached signage as presented with the condition that the building be painted to coordinate with the proposed sign. The Design Review Board will make the determination of the building color. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). P & 7 Minutes _lune 2. 1994 P~~~~e S of AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Other business. Commissioner Hall expressed concern with the implementation of the new paradigm of requiring other entities to maintain common areas m subdivisions. If the City is going to allow common areas, the final plats must clearly state who is responsible for maintenance. As the City continues to grow, there will be many more homeowner associations to work with and determine which one is responsible for a particular area. There are currently many areas all over town that are not being maintained simply because the adjacent property owners do not know they are responsible or the homeowner associations are not doing their job. When a property is sold, the purchaser should be aware of their maintenance responsibilities both as an individual and as part of a homeowner association. Chairman Hawthorne agreed and stated that the City needs to actively inform the public of their maintenance responsibilities. In order to have more public participation, the individual homeowners must know what areas they are responsible for including easements and rights- of-way adjacent to their property. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Adjourn. Commissioner Lane moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Gribou seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). APPRO ~ ~~_ hairperson, Kyle Hawthorne • ATT Planni g ec n~cian, Natalie homas • P & Z Min~~tes June ? 1994 Page 6 of 6 i• • 1. z. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1S. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. ~~~ , ., ,G~a~; ~lannin~ ~' ZoninB Commission C~ uest 7~,eBister Date I ~"l Acfrfress