HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/1992 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 7:00 P.M. March 5, 1992 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Sawtelle, Vice Chairperson Colson, Commissioners Esmond, Hawthorne, Hall, Smith, and Mariott. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planner Kee, Planning Technician Thomas, Planning Assistant Kuenzel, Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan, City Planner Callaway, Transportation Planner Hard, Project Engineer Keating, Development Coordinator Volk, Development Services Director Ash and City Engineer Pullen. (Council Liaison Nancy Crouch was in the audience.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of the minutes from the meeting of February 20, 199'-... • Vice Chairperson Colson moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 20, 1992 as corrected. Mr. Mariott seconded the motion which passed unopposed (5 - 1 - 0). (Chairperson Sawtelle abstained and Mr. Hawthorne was not present for the approval of the minutes.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consideration of a Master Plan and Master Preliminary Plat for Springbrook Subdivision located on the southwest corner of Barron Road and State Highway 6. (92-301) Senior Planner Kee presented the staff report of the currently vacant 86.46 acres of which rezoning is pending to zone all of the property to R-1 Single Family Residential. The Thoroughfare Plan shows a collector connecting to Longmire. Hummingbird serves this function. Staff is requiring Hummingbird to be a 70' right of way to enable future connection north with Longmire, but is requiring only a 39' pavement section due to the residential nature of this subdivision. Traffic impact analysis shows that the anticipated traffic volumes generated by this subdivision. can be accommodated by the existing roadways and intersections proposed. In keeping with the City's Thoroughfare Plan, staff determined that Hummingbird Drive would serve as a north-south collector street in this area. The traffic impact analysis indicates that a full build-out of this subdivision would general 2200 vehicle trips a day. A collector is best suited to accommodate this volume. The location and alignment of Hummingbird as shown allows for future connection to Longmire. The Thoroughfare Plan indicates a collector nearer the western portion of this property. Staff recommends a more easterly alignment in order for the collector to terminate or be off-set at Barron Road. As the traffic impact analysis indicates such a lengthy extension of Longmire (ultimately extending from FM 2818 to Greens Prairie Road) would allow it to function as more of an arterial with higher traffic volumes. This would not be desirable for this residential area. The developer may present some options relative to the time of the construction of Hummingbird Drive. • As shown on this plat it would be constructed with the Cypress Meadow Phase. Oversize participation will be requested for some water, sewer, bridge and road improvements. There will be several waterlines, sewerlines, streets, sidewalks as well as a few underground storm sewers that will be dedicated to the public. Sidewalks will be required along streets in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations which call for one sidewalk along Eagle and along both sides of Hummingbird. • Senior Planner Kee added that the property drains into South Fork of Lick Creek, which is located in the center of this property. Adequate space is provided to contain 100 year flood flows. Future maintenance of this creek will be addressed between the developer and the City with details determined as construction documents are prepared for final plats. Drainage impact studies show that all new drainage facilities that carry water to Lick Creek will be placed underground. The 100 year flood elevation was established and all lots are located outside that elevation. The subdivision will have no adverse impact on the downstream properties. Staff agrees with the developer that there should be no on site detention required. Deletion of this may require a variance before the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Parkland dedication will be taken care of at the final plat stage because the applicant's intent is to make a monetary donation instead of dedication. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat as presented with a change in the detail shown on the plat to indicate that Hummingbird will be a 70' right of way with two sidewalks and a 39' pavement section Chairperson Sawtelle and Mr. Esmond expressed concern of the three non-conforming; cut-de-sacs on the preliminary plat. Mr. Esmond added that he would be inclined to require sidewalks on the three cut-de-sacs that are longer than 600'. The proposed 6' sidewalks along Hummingbird would not fit along these cut-de-sacs; ordinance requires 4' sidewalks. Mr. Esmond questioned staff as to the placement of an interchange across Highway 6 at Barron Road. Staff Planner Kee stated that staff has discussed the possibility of an interchange at this location; however, the Highway Department does not show an interchange at Barron Road ors their long range plan. The right of way will probably have to be purchased when and if the interchange is installed. At this time, staff does not feel that they can require such right of way dedication without any long range plans in this area. • Transportation Planner Hard added that the Highway Department adopted this long range plan in the Summer of 1991. Because they show no plans for an interchange at Barron Road; the City cannot require the dedication of right of way. Mr. Esmond stated that this is an opportune time to require additional right of way for a future interchange at Barron Road. Long range planning is one of the most important functions of the Planning Department. Staff should look into the future demands in advance and not wait on the Highway Department to guide the City. Right of way is expensive and the City is missing; its chance to acquire this much needed right of way at no expense to the general public. Staff should get more serious about long range planning and not wait on the Highway Department to make a decision. Development Services Director Ash explained that the City could not require the additional right of way for a future interchange because it is not shown on the Highway Department's long range plans. At this time, the City does not have the funds to purchase the right of way nor does the: City have impact fees in place. Barron Road is not in the city limits and not included on this plat. If the Commission still wants staff to enter into negotiations with the developer to acquire the additional right of way, staff can do so. Mr. Colson stated that there is an oversize intent with the oversize participation in much of the infrastructure, showing that there will probably be more development in this area. He is concerned with building a smaller street if such development is planned. The City would then be responsible for widening Hummingbird in the future. Senior Planner Kee stated that the 39' pavement width will allow Hummingbird to function as a • collector instead of an arterial. Longmire has a wider pavement width mainly because it facilitates traffic for commercial projects. P & Z Minutes March 5, 1992 Page 2 • Mr. Hall expressed concern of creating another Glade or Southwood. Barron Road is not built to City standards. Most people travel along Texas because it is the only continuing north~~south route. Maybe the City does need an alternate north-south route. Engineer Mike McClure of 1722 Broadmoor in Bryan, approached the Commission and explained that the plat reflected incorrect phasing. The correct phasing should be first Cypress Meadow, second Hidden Hollow and third Oak Grove. One reason that the Highway Departrr~ent did not show an interchange at Barron Road on their long range plans, may be because Lick Creek crosses under Highway 6 and it would be a difficult and expensive to build over this crossing. In the proposed subdivision, there are not plans for development in the floodplain or in the 100 year storm. Maintenance as far as silt and trash build up will be addressed as part of the final plat. Mr. McClure added that the developer prefers 6' sidewalks throughout the subdivision because of less maintenance. If 6' sidewalks are installed, they can be built against the curb and eliminate the 2' grass strip in between the sidewalk and the curb. Developer Dan Bensimon approached the Commission and explained that the land has a natural feel that he would like to preserve. He added that he will consider options concerning Hummingbird Lane. Mr. Bensimon offered to put up a guarantee so that when the City decides what should be done, the funds will be available to construct Hummingbird Lane. He added that he is not opposed to the installation of sidewalks on the longer cul-de-sacs. Mr. Bensimon presented slides of various residential developments in Austin including Courtyard, Lake Wood and Lost Creek, that are similar to the plans for Springbrook. The natural feel of the subdivision is more appealing to homebuyers. In all of the developments, the creeks were basically kept in their natural condition and maintained by a Homeowners Association. The natural path shown in the slides is similar to the proposed path along South Fork Lick Creek to be maintained by the Homeowners Association. Homeowners dues in these subdivisions range from $12 - 15 per month • which include landscaping and maintenance of the entryway, clean up of debris along the creek, maintenance of the pathway and clearing of underbrush. He concluded that he intends for South Fork Lick Creek to remain in its natural condition with a few improvements such as shoring up the sides, clearing of underbrush, and removal of silt build up. There is plenty of room for flood flow between the residential lots. Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan explained that the developer will have to submit plans on these areas to stabilize the beds in the areas where necessary. If for some reason the City has to access the creek to maintain it or in an emergency situation, the stabilized path is adequate. Engineer Rick Roberts added that the problems with maintenance are less with a developed channel than a natural channel. There are erosion control methods for upstream future development that will be required. Maintenance for the natural creek is a minor issue of just clearing out the trash. Mr. Roberts explained that the drainage plans are consistent with the City's Storm Water Management Plan. Increased flows upstream will be taken into consideration for slab elevation requirements. Mr. Colson moved to recommend approval of a Master Plan and Master Preliminary Plat for Springbrook Subdivision located on the southwest corner of Barron Road and State Highway 6 with the following conditions: (1) the detail shown on the preliminary plat indicate that Hummingbird Lane will .he a 70' right of way with two sidewalks and a 39' pavement section; and (2) the Hawk Owl, Condor Court and Whooping Crane cul-de-sacs have a 4' • sidewalks placed against the curb. Mr. Esmond seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). P & Z Minutes March 5, 1992 Page 3 • Development Services Director Ash stated that a 4' sidewalks placed next to the curb causes problems with wheelchair accessibility, placement of mail boxes and driveway openings. He requested that the Commission allow staff to negotiate sidewalk width and placement with the developer. Mr. Colson agreed and moved to allow staff to negotiate sidewalk width and placeme:nt with the developer. Mr. Mariott seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). Mr. Esmond questioned staff as to the construction of Hummingbird Lane. Should the Commission take action on when Hummingbird Lane should be built? Chairperson Sawtelle and Vice Chairperson Colson agreed that staff should negotiate the construction of Hummingbird Lane with the developer and the Commission should not have to make any recommendations at tonight's meeting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Presentation and discussion of a Master Plan for the Van Riet property located along Graham Road. This item was withdrawn by the applicant prior to the meeting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Other business. Mr. Esmond informed the Commission that he attended the City Council meeting on February 27, 1992 when the Anco rezoning along University Drive was considered. The Council votc;d 5 - 2 to keep the A-P zoning and deny the C-B zoning request. The Council stated that they wanted to see a mixture of uses along this corridor. Mr. Esmond added that the C-N tract owned by T'AC Realty • that was tabled at the February 20, 1992 Commission meeting needed to be considered. Senior Planner Kee stated that the tabled City initiated rezoning would be placed on the agenda for -~j the March, 1992 Commission meeting. Mr. Hall questioned staff as to the encroachment into the right of way along Texas Avf;nue. Are vehicles, signs and barbecue pits allowed to be in the right of way? Senior Planner Kee stated that none of these objects area allowed in the right of way; the only exception may be itinerant vendors. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Adjourn. Mr. Colson moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Hawthorne seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). APPROVED: ~ Q~, LX~Uc hairp son, Nancy Sawtelle A • Planning Technician, Natalie Thomas P & Z Minutes March 5, 1992 Page 4 ~~annin~ ~' Zoning Commission Guest ~,e~ister c~ ~y~~~~~, qq Date ~ o~ ame ~l cfrfress 1. W ~ ~ I ~ ~M I't Q t f ~ Sa 11 ~ v2 park ~/~ l ~e. ~~q~ ~ -}; ate. 77~iC7 z. ~ ~~ Z80d ,~/oa~.Mau/ Bra 7 ~~6 Z 4. 2.~~J S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. • I1. 12. 13. 14. IS. 16. 17. I8. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. • 24. 2S.