HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/16/1992 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 7:00 P.M. January 16, 1992 U MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Sawtelle, Commissioners Esmond, Hall, Colson, Michel, Hawthorne and Smith. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Callaway, Senior Planner Kee, Planning Technician Thomas, Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan, and Development Services Director Ash. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of Minutes -December 19, 1991. Mr. Hall moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 19, 1991 as corrected by Mr. Michel. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Final Plat of Glenhaven Estates Phase VII -located northeast of the intersection of Brazoswood Drive and Glenhaven Drive. (91-226) Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report recommending approval. A preliminary plat was submitted for Glenhaven Estates Phase VII in April 1985; however, it was never followed with a final plat and the infrastructure was constructed. Due to the time that has elapsed between the preliminary plat and submission of this final plat, the city's subdivision regulations require that another preliminary plat for Glenhaven Estates Phase VII be submitted. The final plat as presented merely decreases the number of lots from that which existed on the 1.985 preliminary plat. Due to the nature of the final plat and the changes, another preliminary plat was not required. The final plat complies with the city's development policies. Mr. Hall questioned staff as to why the property would not be rezoned to R - 1 since the property is being developed as single family residential, instead of the current multi-family zoning. He is concerned that in the future, the land may be developed more intensely due to the R - 3 zoning. Senior Planner Kee explained that the current Zoning Ordinance does not require rezoning prior to development as long as single family standards are met. If the property is redevcaoped more intensely, there would be more public hearings and consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission. An R - 3 zoning is considered low density residential. Mr. Colson stated that by applying the criteria outlined in the draft sidewalk ordinance, this cul-de- sac would require sidewalks along both sides. This particular cul-de-sac is not long enough to accommodate sidewalks. Staff should consider basing sidewalk requirement criteria on the number of lots and / or the length of the cul-de-sac instead of the width of the street. Mr. Hawthorne agreed and stated that sidewalks located on a cul-de-sac of this size would not be very useful. Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan stated that during the other business item on the agenda, the Commissioners will receive an FYI memo that will include minutes from a public meeting held to discuss the proposed ordinance amendments. Some of the same concerns were expressed by the developers and home builders at the meeting. Staff is currently working on composing a questionnaire to send to the citizens of College Station to get their views on the need for sidewalks and bikeways and to determine if home buyers are willing to ultimately bear the development costs. Mr. Colson moved to recommend approval of the final plat of Glenhaven Estates Ph~rse VII as presented. Mr. Hall seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Other business. Mr. Esmond stated that in the draft sidewalk ordinance, the developer has the option of building either a 4' or a 6' wide sidewalk, depending on its setback from the curb. Because of the cost difference and lack of incentives, there will not be many 6' wide sidewalks. There are other sidewalks within the city that are too narrow, such as along Holleman, Dartmouth and Rio Grande. He suggested that staff look into and address the dimensions in the draft ordinance. Assistant to the City Engineer Morgan stated that sidewalks are not only a function of the street width, but more of the surrounding land uses such as schools and hospitals. The City may not be aware of these developments until after sidewalks are constructed. In many cases, the City is unable to plan for such intense impacts. Mr. Colson agreed and stated that no one could have known that two schools would be placed along Rock Prairie. He suggested a compromise of requiring a standard 5' sidewalk width. Mr. Esmond stated that he is more inclined to base sidewalk width on street width. Rio Grande needs a 6' sidewalk along both sides. Mr. Hall suggested that staff observe pedestrian traffic to determine where future sidewalks need to be located. Citizens make their own trails when there are no sidewalks, such as along Harvey Road in the Wolf Pen Creek area and along Texas Avenue at HEB and Fuddruckers. Grocery stores are high pedestrian traffic areas. A 4' wide sidewalk is too narrow. Sidewalks should be homogeneous all the way along the street. Mr. Hall concluded that he forwarded a letter to the Mayor commending the engineering staff on their efforts to hold public hearings to discuss the proposed ordinance amendments. Senior Planner Kee presented an "FYI Flyer" updating the Commission on City Council action and development items. Staff is working towards publishing a flyer at each Commission. meeting depending on the case load and City Council action. Mr. Hall expressed concern of the future signing by the Highway Department at the Emerald Parkway and East-By-Pass frontage road intersection. This intersection seems to be hazardous due to the increase in accidents in the area. City Planner Callaway informed the Commission of plans to annex portions of land along; Graham Road. The City has received several petitions for annexation for tracts that are not contiguous with the city limits including Oceanography International and Texas A & M University. Sewer service needs to be provided to these areas and include the possible Oceanography International expansion. Construction on Graham Road will begin in March 1992. The county has agreed to make Graham Road 26' wide without curb and gutter. The current local government code states that public hearings should be held at City Council meetings. The Council will consider the annexation at their meetings on January 23, 1992, February 7, 1992 and March 12, 1992. Prior to the final Council meeting on March 12, staff would like to present the annexation proposal to the Commission for comment. P & Z Minutes January 16, 1992 Page 2 Mr. Callaway stated that staff feels more time is needed when composing ordinances and ordinance amendments. Staff is currently working on establishing a subgroup to work with on such ordinances. This group would consist of developers, home builders and a Commission liaison that would work with staff in providing alternatives and suggestions. This subgroup would reach some consensus on a proposed ordinance, then proceed to the Planning and Zoning Commission and then to City Council. He invited Mr. Michel to serve as the Commission liaison to the group. Mr. Callaway concluded that the recycling ordinance amendment will not be taken City Council; instead, staff is looking into alternative ways to address recycling. Mr. Esmond suggested that if Mr. Michel was unable to attend these development meetings, that an alternate be provided such that a Commissioner is present at every meeting. AGENDA TI'EM NO. 4: Adjourn. Mr. Colson moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Hall seconded the motion which passed unopposed (7 - 0). APPROVFJ• c~ Chairpe o ,Nancy Sa e le • A Plann g Technician, ata ie Thomas ~~ P & Z Minutes January 16, 1992 Page 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER ' DATE ~ ' C'~ ~ ~,~ .~,~.~ l ~, r i _~ NAME ADDRESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 11. • 12. 15. 16. 17. 18. lg. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. • 25. 9. 10. 13. 14.