HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/15/1990 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission November 15, 1990 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Chairman Sawtelle Vice Chairman Dresser Members Gentry, Michel and Esmond (Colson arrived late) Members Absent: Member Hall Staff Present: Planning Assistant Kuenzel Senior Planner Kee Assistant to City Engineer Morgan Assistant City Attorney Coates Planning Technician Rosier (Callaway & Volk in audience) AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of Minutes - meeting of October 15, 1990 Mr. Esmond made a motion to approve the minutes contingent upon a correction on page 2. Mr. Gentry seconded the motion which carried in a vote of 4-0-1. Mr. Dresser sustained. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: A public hearing to consider a rezoning of Lot 82, Block 6, Southwest Terrace Section 3-C from R-1 single family residential to R-1A single family residential. Applicant is Edward Froehling. (90-110) Senior Planner Kee presented the staff report. She said that a conceptual plan was included in the packets. She explained that the purpose of this request for rezoning is to eliminate the need for a variance from the Zoning Ordinance. She pointed out that Lots 2 & 5 do not meet the City's minimum lot depth requirements. She also commented that all lots exceed the minimum area requirements for R-1 and R-1A zoning districts. Mr. Dresser clarified that he conceptual plant was not submitted for approval. He was concerned that a plan could be submitted by the applicant. Kee said that Staff had only seen proposal which contained 6 • lots. • Chairman Sawtelle opened the public hearing. Mike McClure of 1722 Broadmoor in Bryan came forward. As Mr. Froehling's representative, he said that the configuration of the conceptual plan would serve the applicant's intentions. Mr. Esmond asked if the cul-de-sac size could be reduced. Mr. McClure said the the cul-de-sac is presently planned for the minimum city requirements. ~~~ In opposition, James P~ of 3208 Bahia Drive, came forward. He believed that he rezoning, if granted, would significantly alter the neighborhood. He pointed out he differences between the R-1 and R-1A zoning classifications. (Setback requirements, density, etc.) ~-+-'~ Mr. Dresser asked Mr. D~-r~ if he was assured that the "conceptual plan" would be the "implemented plan"; would he and other residents be opposed to the rezoning request? Mr. B rr said that while he could not speak for other residents who have not seen the plan, he was not necessarily opposed to it. Assistant to City Engineer Morgan told the Commission that a note on the plat of this property restricts direct access onto Ponderosa from adjacent residential lots. Thus, she said, this cul-de-sac configuration occurred. Mr.-~a-~~ wondered why Staff argues against a variance procedure. Ms. Kee said that she believed it was appropriate to pursue a permitted zoning classification which could handle the applicant's situation within the constraints of our Ordinances. She also stated that from a staff perspective the differences in land use of R-1 and R-lA are negligible. Seeing no one else come forward, Sawtelle closed the public hearing. Mr. Dresser suggested that the plat and rezoning request be considered simultaneously. Ms. Kee informed the Commission that they could table the rezoning to allow the applicant to bring back a plat. There was a discussion which revealed that the rezoning should not be approved without the plat or the Commission will have no basis to deny the plat if it technically meets all the requirements of R-1A zoning. • • Mr. Esmond believed that he request resembled "spot zoning". He said that he would be more inclined to approve a smaller cul-de-sac. He agreed that if lots 2 & 5 are the only lots affected, it should not be rezoned. Ms. Kee said that in the past, ZBA has preferred alternatives which are within the confines of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Gentry, who served on the Zoning Board of Adjustment, said that ZBA typically prefers alternatives to "spot variances". However, he said that they may grant the variances if they are relatively minor. He said that he favors consideration of a plat along with the rezoning. He also believed that some safety issues might hinder reducing the size of the cul-de-sac. There was general discussion regarding the size of the cul- de-sac. Mr. Esmond and Chairman Sawtelle agreed that a plat should be considered with this rezoning request. Morgan informed Mr. McClure that Staff would delay filing the plat at the courthouse until Engineering approves the construction documents, however, the plat would be scheduled for P&Z and City Council without those documents. Mr. Gentry summarized the feelings of the Commission and made a motion to table this item. Mr. Michel seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (6-0) (Colson arrived during this item.) AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: A public hearing to consider granting a Conditional Use Permit for a home day care for up to 12 children at 1210 Walton. Applicant is Kathy Hudgens. (90-~11) Kuenzel presented the Staff report. She said that this applicant currently has a Conditional Use Permit for a day care at her residence at 203 Francis. She also showed slides of the proposed residence which has a circular drive. Kuenzel said that 18 surrounding property owners were notified. Of which, she stated, the City had received 1 phone call from someone concerned about the increased traffic which could result from the day care. Chairman Sawtelle read a letter from Pearle Tanzer, Kathy Hudgen's neighbor at 201 Francis. The letter was very complimentary of the Hudgens' day care. • Kathy Hudgens, the applicant, came forward. She said that she had no complaints filed on her regarding day care at 203 ,, - Walton and believes that the new residence will be even more ~`'~ ~'"~'`-`"'`' to her business. She informed the Commission of the types of inspections she must pass in order to be licensed by the State. She said that she will keep no more than 12 children. She also pointed out that the parents do not arrive all at the same time. Mrs. Hudgens said that her family wished to establish permanent residence in College Station, and she hoped the Commission would approve this Conditional Use Permit. t • Dave Gallagher, the Hudgens' realtor, came forward to speak in favor of this request. He said that the Hudgens were friends of his and that Kathy keeps his children. Martha Hann, representing Dr. Roy Hann of 1300 Walton, came forward in opposition to this request. She presented a diagram to illustrate congested traffic patterns in the subject area. She voiced concern for the safety of her children and others. She said that she and her husband believe that this request represents an inappropriate use for a residential zoning district. There was a brief discussion of the volume of traffic during morning and afternoon "rush" hours. Chairman Sawtelle asked if there were plans for sidewalks in this area. Mrs. Morgan said that Gilchrist is listed as one of the streets for planned sidewalk improvements. She did not know which side of the street will contain the sidewalk. Mr. Gentry said that while he appreciates the concern for the traffic situation. He did not believe that there would be a significant traffic impact from these 12 children. Mr. Michel agreed with Mr. Gentry. He also believed that parents are more cautious in looking out for children. Mr. Gentry made a motion to approve this request for a Conditional Use Permit. Mr. Michel seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (6-0) AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: A public hearing for consideration of a previously tabled amendment to the Subdivision Regulations which would allow processing of minor plats on a staff level. (90-802) Mr. Dresser made a motion to remove this item from being tabled. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which carried in a unanimous vote. (6-0) Ms. Kee presented a brief staff report which summarized the reason for the amendment and Staff's actions since the item was tabled. There was a general discussion as to whether or not the amendment was necessary. Ms. Kee said that Staff wanted the Commission to know that this Amendment was available. She said that it could be of some advantage, such as when closings are pending. Mr. Dresser made a motion to deny this amendment. Mr. Esmond seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (6-0) AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: A public hearing to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, modifying Section II, the landscaping section, with particular regard to the points system. Ms. Kee presented the Staff report. She reminded the Commission that they previously considered an ordinance amendment which would have provided a variance procedure for landscaping for schools. She stated that the P&Z recommended denial of that amendment. Kee pointed out a correction from the Commissioners' packets. She said that instead of providing an incentive, to install irrigation systems at this time, College Station may be moving towards changing its standard to require irrigation and that perhaps allowing hose bibs falls below what our standard should be. She said that more landscaping revisions will come back to P&Z in the spring and that changes to the way we deal with irrigation could be addressed at that time. She said that the amendment presented at this time, serves the following purposes: - revises the point credit given for trees (both new and existing) - allows some islands with decorative pavers Kee presented the specifics of the amendment. She said that Staff recommends Alternative No. 1 giving 200 points for new large canapoy trees. After the staff report, Sawtelle opened the public hearing. • • David Neal of CSISD came forward. He said that he had prepared to speak in favor of this amendment. However, since staff has changed the proposal relative to irrigation systems, he is in opposition to the amendment. He sated that the landscape ordinance is inflexible and unreasonable and credit should be given for irrigation systems. Mr. Colson stated that points for irrigation have never been awarded. However, he said that he is not opposed to allowing points, but the ordinance should not be changed. Mr. Dresser said that he would be reluctant to require a mandatory irrigation system and the choice should be left up to the developer. He did state, however, that he was in favor of giving more points to larger trees. Dresser made a motion to approve the changes in the Landscape Ordinance in Alternative #1. Mr. Colson seconded the motion. Mr. Michel stated that CSISD should receive points for the already installed irrigation system. Mr. Neal replied that they would have installed the irrigation system regardless of the point system. The motion assed unopposed by a vote of (5-0-1); Mr. Gentry P abstained. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Discussion of Conditional Uses and Private Lodges. Staff requested input from the Commission on the Masonic Lodge being grouped with other fraternal and private organizations. The Commission agreed unanimously that the Masonic Lodge should be considered in the group and require a C-1 zoning district. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Other business. Ms. Sawtelle expressed concern of the recycling area behind %, _~' ~~ c~,l -~-~~1 taking up too many parking spaces . Ms . Kee said L that Public Services was working on the problem and she will pass the information on to them. Ms. Sawtelle informed the Board that Mr. Pullen did follow up on the drainage problems of the Randall's site. Mrs. Morgan stated that a letter was sent to L.A. Ford informing him to stop work. • Since that time, he has begun working towards a drainage development permit with Mr. Pullen. Ms. Sawtelle appointed three other members to join her on s..v .L ., , .. the University Drive subcommittee. Members are , Dresser, Esmond, and Michel. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Mr. Dresser moved to adjourn; Mr. Colson seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed. APPROVED: /? ~~ Ch 'rman, ancy Sawtelle ATTEST: City Secretary, Connie Hooks • • PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER DATE November 15 1990 NAME ADDRESS -kk__ ~ ; 4. ~4 ' ,(~ -~ a - s. ~~~~tirf(~~ ~i~~ ~~tl ~ ~u.v'~~l..u 9 . ~.. C1.1,1 vC~i ~-~(I ~ , ~;~ ~. ~'~~J Vti'~ ~ ~? _ t~. ~V~ V'~~,,_ { , t~R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 1r. ~ _ n ~~ r ~1 } /~~. ;~ 14 /~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~j ;~ ~ `' '~ ' !~ /~ C~ . ~- . 1 ~[-~ 6:.x = G. -*_ ~ -~.~~ n_ 15. i~ 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.