HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/01/1989 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission June 1, 19$9 7.0~ P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Sas4~telle, Members Colson, Davis R• Esmond MEMBERS ABSENT: Members Dresser, Moore, R• Michel STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planner Kee, Assistant City F.nginef~r Smith, Assistant City Attorne~~ Banks, Development Services :gdministrative Secretary Williams R• Planning TeL'hIl2L'ian Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of minutes - meeting of May 18, 1989. Mr. Colson made a motion to approve the minutes. Mrs. Davis seconded the motion which carried unanimously ~4-0;. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 89-202: Final Plat - The Athletic Complex. • Mr. Smith explained that this plat covers the site of the C.S.I.S.D. stadium faci.lit~=, that it, is almost, identical to the previously approved preliminary plat of the land except for several easements which were required to cover utilities and the deletion of the drainage easement sti~hich was made following an agreement between the City and the School that it should be deleted. He referred to the presubmission conference report which was included in the packets, informed the Commission that all conditions had been met, and staff recommends approval of the plat as submitted. He then referred to a memo from City Engineer Pullen which was handed out prior to the meeting which covers a recommendation from the engineering staff to the effect that: Christine Lane should not be connected to Welsh Boulevard as a public street, and that identification of a location for a collector street to serve the area from Southwest Parkway to FM2818 should be encouraged to provide access to the neighborhood at a safer location when the need arises. Discussion followed concerning how this recommendation will affect the complex, the location of the recommended collector street, the timing of the street, with Mr. Esmond asking what the school's position on this subject is. David Brewer of the C.S.I.S.D. came forward and explained that the school believes that use of Christine Lane in the area between the administration facilities; bus barn and the athletic facility would both compromise the safe use of the drive by buses, as well. as the security of the entire complex if' the property is divided by a public street. Mr. Esmond asked if the school thinks there will be adequate circulation and • access for the school's needs as the plat is proposed and Mr. Brewer replied in the affirmative. Mr. Colson made a motion to approve the plat as submitted with presubmissic>n conference conditions. Mrs. Davis seconded the motion :ah:ich carried unanimously (4- • 0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: 89-208: Amending Plat - Harvey Road East. Assistant City Engineer Smith located the subject land and identified it as being the site of the existing Furrows Building Materials facility. He explained that this amending plat only moves the south property line of Lvt 1 five (5) feet to the south for -the convenience of the sellers/buyers of the property. He stated that the technical staff had reviewed this proposal and has deterznined that the property line shift does not affect any utilities, drainage facilities yr access to l.ho lot. Mr. Colson asked for clarification of the last statement since the lot line shift actually falls within the drainage easement. Mr. Smith stated that although the property line will move a distance of J feet, the actual easement does Ilot move, and all existing utilities, etc;. will stay exac±ly as they are. Following that clarification, Mr. Esmond made a motion to approve the plat as submitted. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which carried unanimously (4-0;. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 89-207: Final Plat - Southwood Valley Section 26 Phase One. Mr. Smith identified the area covered by the plat, stated the plat as submitted _is consistent saith the previously approved preliminary plat of the area, and confirmed that the plat reflects all conditions listed on the presubmission conference report:. • He pointed out that the construction plans referred to in the presubmission conference report have now been returned to the applicant for changes, that they have nat yet been approved, and additionally that the plat will not be forwarded to the Council for consideration until. those documents have been approved by the engineering staff. Mr. Esmond voiced concern about the access easement crossing the utility easement and Mx'. Smith stated that the access easement Baas designed in that configuration to follow a path for circulation to 2 projects planned for the land; those being a convalescent home and an apartment complex. He added that the access easement is functional as proposed and does not create a conflic±. ror a major problem. He described the easement which follows the old, existing Lone Star Gas easement which has been in this fixed locat,ivn for many years. Following that explanation, Mr. Esmond made a motion to approve the plat as submitted with presubmission conference conditions. Mrs. Davis seconded the motion ~,~~hich cax'ried unanimously (4-0;. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 89-305: Revised Master Preliminary Plat - Southwood Valley Section 30. Mrs. Kee :identified the property covered by the plat, explained the differences bettaeen the previously approved master preliminary and this revised plat as being primarily t;he proposed cul-de-sac with single family lots on each side and the location of the landscape and slope COIltz't71 easement. She referred to the presubmission conference report and stated that staff recommends approval of this • plat with the conditions listed on that report. Mrs. Kee then reminded the Commissioners that the proposed cul-de-sac is longer than P&Z MINUTES 6-t-8g Page 2 • the maximum 600 feet allowed by the subdivision regulations, and t:he3= woulc! have to take action in the farm of a variance if they approve the plat as submitted. Mr. Esmond asked about the exact size of the subdivision painting out. that the plat reflects 51.9 acres and the application states it is 39.3'? acres. It was determined after conferring with the developer, W.D.Fit.ch, that the park has been Left off this plat, so the remaining portion of the Land totals 39.3'? acres. The length of the cul--de-sac was discussed with Mrs. Davis asking for clarification. Mr. Fit%h voluntarily came fortaar•d and stated the proposed cul-de-sac is 930 feet long. Mr. Esmond said that he has no problem with the length of the proposed cul-de-sac, but he is troubled by the apparent flood plain encroachment. He read from the subdivision regulations the section which he stated was fairly strong language. Assistant City Engineer Smith stated that compliance with all regulations pertaining to Drainage Reglllatlal]S would be required, that: the floodway boundary is naf, shown on this preliminary plat, but if lots are in the fringe area of the flaadway, floor s]abs can be elevated t.a certain elevations. He added that, restrictions l:i,sted :ir. the ordinance would apply= to all lots in the subdivision. Mr. Esmond again referred t.o Section S.B. and S.I. of the subdivision regulations and stated he is still concerned with this type of proposed encroaciunent sti~hich ~~ould increase danger to health, life or property, etc. Mr. Fitch came forcaarcl again and explained Ills plans for this development and the • channel improvements he has already made in the area. He informed the Comm:issial: that the minimum elevations far any buildings on any questionable lots will be shown on the final plat, since he eaould never want to be responsible for selling any lot; t.;> anyone who might have a flooding problem. Mr. Esmond then asked Mr. Fitch ±o address the passibility of requiring sidewalks along this street and Mr. Fitch related the story of past experiences he anti the Gity have had ever this question, and said that he would prefer not. to include sidewalks along this street because his experience has been that neither mature peopleror children wall. use them and cited Rio Grande as an example. Aff:er acidi.tional discussion, Mrs. Davis made a motion to approve the revised plat as submitted with presubmission con#'erence conditions and with a variance to cl:il-de-sac l.eng±h. Mr. Galson seconded the motion. Mr. Esmond stated that because he believes t:he develaper and City staff will fallow through and make suitable changes in the flood area on the final plat, he Ila longer has the concerns voiced earlier. Motes were cast on Mrs. Davis' motion. and the motion carried unanimously (4--0;. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: Discussion of allowing fraternity/sorority houses in C-1 General Commercial zoning districts. Mrs. Kee briefly reviewed the memo she had included in the packets covering this subject, and concluded her report with the statement that. staff would recommend that fraternities and sororities remain as ~~onditiol:al uses in the districts in which they are currently allowed. • Mr. Col.san disagreed stating that he thinks locating a fraternity house next. t.o a business would have a negative impact on the businesses adjacent and additionall~,~ P&Z MINUTES 6-1-8g Page 3 • • that the spirit of conducting business in a commercial zone is completely different from conducting fraternal business, and would not be compatible. Mrs. Kee agreed, but pointed out that those things can be addressed individually on each specific application under the regulations of a conditional use permit. Mr. Colson said he would still rather see fraternities located in like areas of the City, and cited the Greek Village subdivision as the right way to develop and locate those houses. Mrs. Davis said that she believes that the conditional use prc:cess of review gives the Commission the right to say "NO", and cited the e:campl.e of the recently reviewed application for a fraternity in an R-6 zoning district. ?sir. Esmond agreed, saying that he thinks the Commission has recently used the "detrimental to the area" %:].ause allowed by ordinance in denying an application. Mr. Colson said the high traffic generated in a conmlercial area could be a safety problem and he would rather see these houses confined to high residential. areas and not be allowed in conunercial zoning districts. Mr. Esmond said he thinks the Commission has contro] through the conditional use permit process wherever fraternity or sorority houses want to locate, but he does think that type review should continue. Mrs. Sawtelle agreed that they should definitely stay as conditional uses to allow the Commission that type control. That concluded the discussion with no additional direction given t:o staff for more information. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: Other business. Mrs. Sawtelle requested that Planning and hegal staff look into the situation of noon luncheons at the University Towers, because since the meeting when this Gonuni.~aion s,tas led to believe no large groups would be allowed to reserve the restaurant for meal meetings, she has learned that: an agreement has been reached with one group which numbers approximately 100 members to have the lunch meetings in that restaurant. She said this is of great concern tc> her because the parking requirements were established based on information furnished by the applicant and the staff, and if this indeed comes to pass, the parking which was stated may t,~ell be inadequate for the facility. Assistant City Attorney Banks pointed out the parking requirements for the restaurant, Bras determined upon the square footage used by the public, even if it is only 1 day a week, so she does not see a problem, but agreed to work with Planning staff' to see if there will be a negative impact created. Mr. Colson asked to be apprised sti~hen Council makes a decision on the Welsh Street extension and Mrs. Kee agreed to keep him informed. P&Z MINUTES 6-1-8g Page 4 AGENDA ITEM N0. 9: Adjourn. There was no other business, so Mr. Colson made a motion to adjourn which Mrs. Davi:> seconded. Motion carried unanimously ;4-0). APPROVED: ATTEST: ~V ~V ~!~'~"' Cha man, ncy Sawtelle Gity Secretary, Dian~Jones • P&Z MINUTES 6-1-8g Page 5 i• I • LJ PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER DATE JUNE 1, lg8g NAME ADDRESS 2. ~.~t J` ~,~. s. , _ r ~. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ' 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. lg. 20. 21. 22. 23• 24. 25.