HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/1988 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINT?TES • CITY OF COLLEGF. STATION, TEXAS Planning and 7,oning Commis ion July 21, 1988 7:60 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: All Present. -(Moore & Davis arrived late} MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Senior Planner Kee, Assistant City Attorney Bank: R: Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Approval of minutes - meeting of July 7, 1988. Mr. Colson made a motion to apprcn~e the draft. minutes as submitted. Mr. Dresser seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 4--0-1 {Stecaart abstained;. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 88-106: A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 26.41 acre tract of land located along the west side of Rio Grande Boulevard and the north side of Rock Prairie Road from A-0 Agricultural Open to R-1 Single Family (10.54 acres) and R-4 Apartment/Low Density (15.87 acres). Applicant is W. D. Fitch. • Mr. Callaway described the request, location, physical features of the tracts and area zoning. He identified existing area land uses as developed and developing single family to the east and north; vacant Westchester Park subdivision and the Episcopal Church to the west and the Southwood Athletic Park to the sough. He informed the Commissioners that the subject property and surrouz:ding properties are reflected as low density resident;:ial ea:itl: the area across Rock Prairie Road as being reflected as parks and recreation. Mr. Callaway pointed out that the overall maximum density allowed with this request would be approximately 12.8 units per acre, which would be a combination of the R-4 sti~hich allows apartments, townhomes and convalescent homes at a maximum density of 16 units per acre, and the R-1 district which allows a maximum density of 8 single family units per acre, less the portion of the acreage in the R-1 portion which t~~ould be lost t;o streets rights-of-way, etc. He continued by painting out; that: the trams are located along major streets adequate to handle the traffic which would be generated, that R-4 zoning i_s typir_al.l_y considered to be an approgriate buffer between low density residential areas and more intense zoning districts. He explained there is an established single family resident:iril area to the east: of the subject tract across Rio C:rande, and the uses allowed in an R-4 district could create a potential for neighborhood opposition to that part of the request. Fie continued by pointing out that the single fznnily uses allowed in the R-1 portion of this request would clearly be in compliance with the plan, but staff believes that the principal. issue to be addressed in tha_s request, is the appropriateness of density and range of uses provided for in the R-4 portion of this request, in the ~ibsence of constrain±s from streets and. utilities, or conflicts with the adopted Land Ilse Plan. Mr. Dresser asked for clarification regarding development to the west and Mr. Callaway explained by referring to a drawing on the wall which was supplied by the • applicant. The public: hearing was opened. W. D. Fitch, owner and applicant. came forward and explained the proposed uses for the tracts, adding that the article which had appeared in the necaspaper. c>n Wednesday was an accurate report. He stated that the single family portion will be large, 1 acre lots, and the convalescent home is proposed to be located east of and adjacent to the church, which is an ideal. location because of the location to the established hospital, medir_al facilities and park on the south side of Rock Prairie Road. He said the plan is to develop the land parallel. and adjacent to the existing G-N tract with 1 story small efficiency apartments for retired persons, and the parcel. to the west of the R-1 to be developed for apartments. Mr. Fitch said that. he would prefer that any rezoning of the subject tracts be conditional upon the stated proposed development, but staff has informed him that the City cannot: grant conditional zoning, so he sai.ll have to take care of those restrictions himself. He spoke of proposed access being very limited, of the inclusion of reserved tracts for landscaped barriers and of ta1]. chain-link fences far security. Mr. Dresser asked about. access to the R--4 tract and Mr. Fitch explained only one entrance is planned, with no access from Rio Grande unless the Fire Marshal requires one. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Chairman Sawtelle reminded the • Commissioners that there is no allowance for conditional zoning changes so they should keep in mind that all permitted uses listed in the ordinance will be allowed. ;Mr. Moore arrived at the meeting at 7:15 p.m.}. After additional brief discussion regarding the merits of limited access to these tracts, Mr. Stewart made a motion to recommend approval of this rezoning request. Mr. Moore seconded the motion which carri~:d unanimously ;6--Q!. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 88-704: A public hearing on the question of renewing a Conditional Use Permit for a temporary location for a meeting and party facility at 805C Wellborn Road for the applicant, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. Mrs. Davis arrived at the meeting just after Chairman Sawtelle read the agenda item descript:i.on. Mrs. Kee explained this request. i.s for the renewal of a conditional use permit which coos issued ire August of 19$7 through May of 1988 for a temporary meeting and party facility for the Fhi Delta Theta fraternity at 805C. She described the tract, previous uses of the propert~T, area zoning and uses, and uses reflected on t?ie adopted Land Use Plan. She explained that the applicant requested and extension of the use permit through December on his application, but has indicated over the telephone that he would like to change the date of the request for extension to be through May of 1989. She pointed out that the uses described by the applicant appear to be the same as the previous permit, but that the number of members have increased slightly. She also referred to a ].ease the fraternity has which expires in December, and the P.R.C. report dated ?-22-87 which recommends that any extension of this permit require PR•Z Minutes 7-21-88 Page 2 additional review to include upgrading the facility to meet all ordinance requirements, and explained that ?~ecause the fraternity is not proposing an}j • changes, no P.R.C. review was made of this application/site plan. Mrs. Sawtelle asked for clarification of the lease and Mrs. Kee explained the lease expires in December, but the applicant indicated by telephone that there is an option to renew through May of 1989. Mr. Dresser asked if staff has received any complaint:, about the use of this property and Mrs. Kee stated it had not, and neithex• had it received any inquiries or comments in response to the 6 not::ifications mailed to adjacent property owners. Mr. Stewart asked what it would take to bring this property up to ordinance requirements and Mrs. Kee explained the answer would depend upon what part of the site i.s considered as part of the use, but. fully developed parking lots and quite a lot of landscaping are lacking. The public hearing c,~as opened. Chris Parker, 19Q7 Dartmouth #816 came forward, stated he is the applicant and president of this fraternity, and explained the fraternity is actively looking for a house tc: lease so the only need is for a temporary facility until a more permanent location can be found. He added that he has heard. this facility on Wellborn will be razed and the area re-developed with a strip commercial. center. Mr. Presser asked Mr. Parker if he is confident something can be located for a permanent facility and Mr. Parker said he is, but the ultimate goal is to build in Fraternity Row sti~hc:n enough funds are raised. • No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Stewart said he has no real. problem with this request, but he would rather no± have to continue issuing extensions for temporary permits without bringing the establishment up to standards. Mr. Dresser agreed, but added that he has observed this establishment a number of times since it is being used by the fraternity, and thinks the appearance has improved with this use, and it is cer±ainly more beneficial to the City to have i.t used rather than to have it. si.t empty. Mr~. Colson said he, too, caoctld prefer to havF. all facil.-ities brought up to standards, but -:f plans are to rage it, it wou]cl be a large expenditure for a short period of time. Mr. Michel said that he does not have knowledge of the discussion which took place last year at the hearing, and asked to be apprised of the consideration given to the request. at that. time. Mrs. Sawtelle read from the minutes and Mr. Michel said it. sounds to him like the motion which granted tl~e C.U.P. last year was very definite in setting prerequisites for any extension of the permit. Mr. Dresser asked staff if it had any knowledge of plans for this land and Mr. Callaway replied staff is not acyare of any plans for redevelopment. Mr. Dresser then made a motion to approve the request for a "temporary" Conditional Use Permit :for the location o:f a meeting and party facility for the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, s,~ith the permit to expire at the end of May, 1989. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which carried bye a vo±.e of b-? ;Michel and Stewart against;. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: Consideration of a request to establish a parking requirement for a new athletic facility (football stadium) for the College Station Independent School District. Request is in the name of HA/MRW Architects, represented by Holster & Associates, Inc. P€A 7, Minutes 7-21-88 Page 3 • Mrs. Kee explained the request comes as the result, of the 7.ening Ordinance not: specifying a parking requirement for football stadiums or anything similar to the stadium, but charges the Commission with t:he responsibility of setting the individuaa requirement for the use. She referred to the letter from Holster & Associates, Inc. which supplies information relative to attendance at AB:M Consolidated games and other schools. She also referred to the memo from staff which supplies additional seating requirement information gathered from other cities during a telephone-type survey, adding those requirements ranged from 1 parking space for 3 seats tc) 1 parking space for 6 seats. She also referred to a site plan on the wall which is concept.ua] only, and is to be used only to get a general idea of the uses planned and the location of the facilities to be included. Mrs. Sawtelle invited arryore from the audience forward to address this issue and Jim Holster, applicant & architect came forward to explain the request and the information supplied in his letter to the Commi.ssior.. He stated that, it appears the information from staff cvas gathered from cities much larger than College Station where opponents from both schoo]r cUUld drive to the stadium, whereas his information came from schools which have a similar situation to that in College Station where opposing teams have lengt:hy distances to travel and it is likely that more car pools will be formed, thus, the number of automobiles to be parked will be reduced. He stated the proposed 1. parking space per ? seats can a]svays be expanded in the future if it i.s determined there is a parking problem, because there will be ample available land for expansion of all facilities. Mr. Dresser pointed out that the Church of Christ parking lot, which is currently being used for parking by students during the day, is nc:t shown on the conceptual • plan and Mr. Holster stated it was left out on purpose because although that parking lot will be there, the school has no plans to development any type of agreement to use the lot. Mr. Dresser said that because it is used extensively Ilow, it would be an indication that perhaps there is not ample parking for the studenta with the existing facilities. Mr. Holster said one of the reasons why the proposed parking lots are located so close to the street, is because it is hoped they can serve br>th the school and the stadium. Mr. Moore asked what would happen if people began parking on both sides of Welsh and Mrs. Kee replied that currently there is a small area along Welsh which is signed for No Parking, but Imless the rest is signed, parking on the street will be allowed. Mr. Callaway interjected that Welsh street is probably wide enough to handle parking on both sides of the street and still have ample room i'or c>ne lane each way to be open. Mr. Dresser said he would still prefer to see file parking ]ots developed on the high school side of the street which would be more safe because students would not have to cross the street so many times during the day. Mr. Holster reminded everyone that the site plan submitted was a very preliminary conceptual plan, and does not represent exactly where all facilities wi.l] be located. Mr. Michel asked if a decision tonight would affect all future stadiums and Mrs. Kee replied that the Commission can address a specific project or any stadium in t:he motion. Mr. Michel then asked how much money was i.nvo]_ved in developing a parking lot for 1082 ;1:5) rather than 773 {1:7}. Mr. Holster said that TAMIL uses a cost, of $1400 per car, but his experience has been that a Barking lot costs approximately • $1,000 per car. David Brewer of the College Station Independent School P,ist.rirt. came forward and PR•Z Minutes 7-21-88 Page 4 stated that although some of the sr_hools have indicated a certain parking ratio • requirement, many of those lots are not paved, curbed and buttered. Mr. Dresser said that he agrees that spending money for a parking ]ot which will be used only 5 times a year i.s not desirable, but he wanted everyone to recognize a potential hazard which may be created by on-street parkin};. While Sa~ti~telle and Stewart indicated agreement, they both said they believe this is a starting point which would be expanded as the need arises. Mr. Moore said that if the stadium capacity is increased, the ratio will still have to be maintained. Mr. Stewart made a mo~t.i.on t;o app.rove the request to set parking requirements for this specific football stadium at a ratio of 1 parking space per 7 seats. Mrs. Davis seconded the motion which carried unanimously (7--0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: Other business. Mr. Callaway requested that the Commission consider a time and date for the annual tour of Gity facilities. A Friday in the first part of October was chosen as a target for staff to work toward. Mr. Gallaway then announced that the Council has set August 4+.:h at 4 P.M. for the workshop to discuss the Commission's draft of the Goals 8: Objectives. He reminded the Commission that August 4th is also the date of the next regular meeting at: 7:00 P. M. Mrs. Sawtelle announced she would be unable to attend either of the meetings on August 4th, so Mr. Stewart would be acting chairman. • Mr. Dresser asked about the Northgate Merchant's meeting and Mr. Callaway said he had not yet had a date set for the Commission to attend, but he would follow up on that soon, and :in the meantime, the Council. has passed the amendment t.o the G-NG district. regulations as recommended by the Gotnml.sston. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: Adjourn. Mr. Michel made a moti_vn to adjourn. Mr. Stewart seconded the motion which carried unanimously ;7-0;. APPROVED: Vice Chairman, Steven Stewart ATTEST: City--Secretary,-Dian-Jones -- r1 ~J P&7. Minutes 7--21-88 page i• NAME 1 . ~/~~i? , ~ , ~ ,ir r . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER DATE July 21, 1988 J ' _~ . _.~~ c, ~ ,