HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/04/1988 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission February 4, 19$$ 7:OQ P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: AGENDA ITEM N0. 1988. All present (Brochu, Stecaart, Wendler, Sawt.elle, Dresser, Colson & Moore; None Director of Planning Callaway, Cit3= Engineer Pullen and Planning Technician Volk 1: Approval of minutes - meeting of January 21, Chairman Brochu informed the Gommissianers that the Minutes which were to be considered were the updated, revised version handed out prior to the meeting. He explained this version reflects changes made by Mr. Gardner prior to the meeting. After asking for clarification, Mr. Colson made a motion to approve the minutes as revised by Mr. Gardner. Mr. Wendler seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 6--0-1 (Dresser abstained). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear visitors. • There were no visitors. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 88-201: Final Plat - resubdivision plat of Lot 1 Block A The Regency Village subdivision. Mr. Callaway located the tracts and identified them as being the site of a proposed project which has already been apgroved by the P.R.C. He explained that this resubdivision plat which divides a large tract into 2 tracts is being done for the purposes of accommodating lenders of different sections of that proposed project. He continued hi.s explanation by referring to the Presubmission Conference report and pointing out that the owners have elected to submit an "As Built" plat which will have easements to cover the utilities as they actually exist after those utilities have been installed. Staff recommends approval of this plat as submitted. Mr. Dresser asked for clarification and Mr. Callac~:ay explained that the owners will submit a blanket easement covering the entire project until such time that the utilities are actually installed, then a survey will. be made of those utilities as they actually exist on the ground, and a plat reflecting easements to cover those utilities will. be prepared and submitted following the survey, but before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued bJ= the City for the project. Mr. Dresser asked what the details labeled A8:B reflect, and Mr. Callaway replied those details show the property corners as found by the survey made for the preparation of this plat. Mr. Wendler made a motion to approve this plat: as submitted. Mr. Stewart seconded the motion which carried unanimously (7-O). • AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: Continued discussion of revisions to Plan 2000. • Mr. Brochu handed out copies of a memo from Mr. Calla~ti~ay to the Mayor which follows a meeting he and Mr. Callaway had regarding a proposed joint workshop with the Council, and which also covers topics to be included on the agenda far that workshop when a schedule is worked out. He explained that although Mr. Gardner has requested a meeting to sol:i.cit "public input" now, :it is his opinion that since 2 out of the 3 planned phases of an update have been prepared without public input, preparation of a preliminary document should proceed along those lines, and public input will be solicited when that document is completed. He clarified by stating that he thinks the draft of the completed phases should now be taken to the Council at a workshop in order for the Commission to get direction from Council as to what steps to take next; that is what changes to make, and cahen or if to solicit public input. He reminded the Commissioners that the PB:Z Commission is in a position to react to Council's direction, and he would like to have a clearly defined agenda with objectives to be reached if and when a joint workshop is held. Mr. Dresser asked what type of discussion is planned regarding "growth policy", since it was his understanding that the Commission previously agreed that City size caould not be addressed in the Plan. Mr. Gallaway replied that "growth policy" is an area which has been identified by the Council as an area of concern, and he would like to use this workshop to get clarification. Mr. Dresser stated that it was his understanding that agreement was reached to delete this area from the Plan. Mr. Callaway said that he thinks there are different interpretations of this phrase, and he would asked for clarification at the workshop. Mr. Dresser went on to say that he thinks the City can make choices as to where future growth should occur, that is to • the east and west or to the south, and certainly he cti~ould like to see that subject addressed, but that he does not think it can be covered adequately in only 1 workshop. Mr. Brochu interjected that questions could be raised at the workshop as to how to treat the subject. Mr. Dresser replied that in asking Council's input without a thorough analysis being prepared by staff of possible alternatives, or at least sufficient information to be considered, might not be what the Commission wants to do. Mr. Callaway said that growth policy issues can be discussed at the workshop, with taz•get results being identification of areas to be addressed or studied later. Mr. Brochu said that since the Council has voiced concerns, perhaps they can identify what they want for staff or this Commission to address in the Plan. Mr. Dresser said that he would be willing to go to a workshop to discuss or identify target areas, but. when the time comes to address "growth policies" he would suggest that the Commission should prepare specific questions to direct answers to it's questions, and at the same time pez•haps get some direction from the Council. Mr. Moore said that one of the questions should be hoca much of the City's integrity and character will be given up in order to promote industz-ialization. Mr. Brochu said that is an examgle of how rezoning/zoning policies overlap with land use and growth policy or direction. Mr. Moore then said that the form of objectives as they have been revised may not be the instrument which will get people excited, and he would suggest that a statement. be prepared regarding exactly what this specific Commission has added to or taken away from the approved Plan 2000. Mr. Brochu said that in his opinion this Comm ssion has made no dramatic changes to the approved Plan, but rather has cleaned • up the language and style. He said that he does not. think a summary of this would be very interesting or exciting, reminding everyone that the purpose of the revieca of the Plan is just. that - a review, which will not necessarily result i.n changes. Mr. P&Z Minutes 2-4-88 Page 2 Brochu reminded the Commissioners that t;he purpose of this particular workshop with • the Council will be to establish priorities and get direction before taking anything tc~ the public. He explained that the PR•Z Commission is only an advisory board and the Council makes the final decisions as to whether to approve or reject what is presented. He concluded by st:ati.ng that he will go forward with his plans to meet with the Mayor to try to set up a date and time for a joint workshop. Mr. Dresser asked if staff is planning to add the methods of implementation back to the goals and objectives, as they had previously. Mr. Callaway explained those methods of implementation were never a part of Plan 2QQ0 in the past, but in fact had be compiled by the Planning staff as an aid to the Commissioners. He went on to point out that staff also compiled a document referred to as "policies" which were a part of the approved Plan, although never organised in one section but rather had been scattered throughout the narrative of the document. He said staff will bring that document back for iciformation and review, but reminded the Commission that some of those policies had been determined to be too restrictive, and some were just restated goals and objectives. AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: Other business. Mr. Brochu asked about a specific sign along University Drive and Mr. Gallaway replied that the sign in question is probably a legal sign as he recalls some recommendations had already been made by staff regarding that sign, but added that he would check into it and verify compliance with the ordinance. Mr. Stewart asked for an update regarding the gravel parking lot at the Aldersgate Church. Mr. Callaway replied that: he has not had contact ~•:ith that church since a • representative had visited his office, picked up an application, and indicated he caould soon be submitting an application for a Conditional Use Permit for that lot. He went on to say that if he has not had contact with the Church again by the next deadline (2;12}, he would try to get in touch with them. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: Adjourn. Mr. Wendler made a motion to adjourn unanimously ;7-0}. Mr. Colson seconded the motion which carried APPROVED: Chairman, David Brochu ATTEST: City Secretar~r, Dian Jones PR;.7. Minutes 2-4--~38 Page 3 • PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER DATE February 4, 1g88 NAME ADDRESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. n U • 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.