HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/17/1987 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionyINi_?`I'FS
Planning and 7on:ing Comm:iss:ion
September 17, 1987
7:QO P.M.
STAFF PRESENT: Director o:f Planniing Callaway, City Engineer
Pullen, ZOTllllg Official Kee, Assistant City
Attorney Banks and Ylanning Technician Volk
AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of minutes - meeting of September 3,
Mr. Wendler made a motion t.o approve t:he m:i.nl.~t.es. Mr•s. Sawt:el].e seconded the motion
which carried unanimously (7-0}.
AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear visitors.
No one spoke.
AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 87-106: A public hearing on the question of
rezoning Lot 2B Block 2 Courtyard Apartments subdivision from C-N
Neighborhood Business to C-3 Planned Commercial. Applicant is
Tenneco Retail Service Co.
Mr. Cal.aaway identified the subject :;ite, existing area land uses and zoning, rand
described the physical features of the tract. He stated that: although the area is
reflected as high clens:it:y residential on the land use plan, -it. has continued to
deve.:lop commercially.
Mr. Callaway st.at:ecl that staff has determined that, this request does not provide for
a substantial change in zoning intensity, and the requested zoning is comps-Itibl.e with
adjacent, zoning districts and uses. He explained that the C-3 district is designed
to provide locations for commercial sites that are too small for the range of uses
permitted :in the C-1 dist.r:ict, and :in fact, C-3 was i.dent;ified as an alternat.:i-ve to
the C--N clistri.ct when that zoning was requested/established in 1985.
He inf'or•mecl the Commission that staff finds no objections to th:is reque~;t., and that.
the adjacent lot to the west was rezoned to G-3 by the Council on August. 13, 1..987.
Lon:ing h:ist.ory on the tract, was discussed w:it:h Mr. Callaway informing the Colmnission
that the tract was originally zoned R-6, then A-P, then C-N in 1985. Mr. Dresser
asked MI°. Callaway :i:f !Ie would dF:scr:i.be the business at. this ]ocat.ion as a low
traffic generator and Mr. Callaway said he would be unable to describe it that way.
The public hearing was opened. Herman Gibson of t:he Tenneco Retail Service Company
came forward and stated that the primary purpose of this request is t.o enable the
company t.o }lave a freestanding sign, but went on to st.at.e that. he bel:ieuc~s t:hf~re
would be side benefits to that sign in that Tenneco plans to build more stores in t:hc~
area, and add:it::ional advert:i.sing tlu°ough signage will increase sa]c~s, therc~fc>re,
increase sales taxes received.
Mr°. Brochu asked if' Tenneco had rE~quest:ed the C--N zoning on this lot. in 198 ~ ~~nd he
• replied it had not, and had only purchased the lot in early 1.986.
No once else spoke. The publ:i<~ heari.ng was closed.
Mr. BI'OC11Ll asked Mr. Dresser if this would exemplify the "domino" theory and Mr.
Dresser replied that, it definite:ly would. Mr. Dresser went on t:o state that this
request is being done in lieu of changing the ordinance, and although he is not
opposing th-i s request s:inre the adjacent. ] ot: was very recently rezoned to C- 3 I'or• i.hc:
same reason, he wanted to point out that he does not think the uses permitted in C-3
districts adequately cover t:he uses of this store.
Mr. Brochu disagreed with Mr. Dresser's oplnlon regarding uses in C-3 districts,
adding that C-3 uses include ret:ail sales and service, and that is actu~illy wh<xt thi:;
store is.
Mr•. Wendlc:r made a motion to approve, this request. Mrs. Sawt:elle seconded the mot.:ion
which carried unanimously (7-0).
AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 87-210: Final Plat - Woodcreek Block C Lot 1.
Mr. Callaway identified the subject tract of land, informed the Comtttissioners that a
Yresubm:iss:ion Conference. been held t:o rev:iew the proposal, afterwhich staff
recommended approval of the plat as shown.
Mr. llresser asked how the txt:il:ity easements were established and Mr. Callaway
• explained the utilities are already there and easements are shown on the plat to
cover the existing easements.
Mr. Wendler made a motion to approve t:he plat as proposedt. Mrs. Sawtelle seconded
the motion which carried unanimously (7-0).
AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: Consideration of a request to establish a
parking requirement for an outdoor amusement center (go-cart
track}. Request is in the name of Jerry Schenk.
Mr. Callaway explained that the Toning Ordinance requires that the Commission must
establish. parking requirements for uses not specified in the ordinance, and staff has
received a request far determination <-,f parking requirements for a go--cart track. He
st~rtc~d that. a specific :>t.e plan .has not. been received, but Mr. Jerry Schenk has met.
with staff to review a conceptual plan, and has requested a determination on the
spec:if:ic number of parking spacr~s; t.o be rc~quirecl before submitt: ing his ~xctual
Mr. Callaway referred t:o Mr. Schenk's request. wlxich was included in the pac:lcet:s, and
then to a survey of other Texas cities which was prepared by Toning personnel,
point. ing out, that; the results of t:hat. slarvey indicate ghat. no city cant:actc_~d hacl
specific requirements for this type of use, and most place the use under the general.
category o:f commerciai amusement; while 2 rides surveyed have parking requiremc~nLs
established by the Commission.
Mr. Jerry Schenk was :invit.r~d forward t:o address the Commission, anct ~rfter briefly
• outlining his plans, Mr. Dresser stated that he believes the proposed 15 spaces for 8
go--carts will be sufficient.. Mr. Schenk staged he .is lim:it:ing the number of cart.: in
use at one time to 8 for safety reasons. Mr. Dresser asked if he might own more
P&Z M_inutc-.s 9-~17--87 Page 2
but would not, bf-~ renting more than 8 for ri~;e at. one time and Mr. Schenk stated that.
is correct.
• Mr. Dresser asked. where any overflow l,trrk:ing would take place and Mr. P,rochu state
he, too, has that question, clarifying that he i.s Irot overly concerned with possibl-e
Duel°f]ow parking for t:he use of the gc>-carts the>.mselves, but, he does have concern
regarding the customers for the other ar_,tivities which will be taking place as stated
in t:hc: buildings. Mr. Schenk stated ghat: the entire tract he w:i.ll be leasing is only
1.61 acres, and there would not be room for much of anything else besides i:he track
and the small buildings he i.s proposing, and :if hc: ever wanted to expand, he would
either have to move to a larger location or ]-ease more property here.
Mr. Brochu asked. how much site work will be done and Mr. Schenk replied that very
little will be done since he will have a dirt. track which will primarily run with the
lay of the land, and he plans to save thc~ 3 1.irgc• oak trees on the tract, and add
addiLi.onal landscaping.
Mr. Broc:hu said. that he really has no problem with t.h:is spec;ifie request, but, he
would not be comfortable with establishing policy for any future go--cart tracks. Mr.
Dresser agreed, stating that, he :i :; comfortahl e w:i t:h al l cxri ng 15 parking spaces for a
maximwu of 8 go-carts (in use), but if more go-carts a.re put into use at one time, i_t
would be in viol at.i.on.
Mr. Wendler made a motion to approve the parking as requested by Jerry Schenk :For
this particular project, that is, 15 parking spaces for a maximum of ~ go-carts to be'
in use at. one t.i.me, and :Further, thai. this :is a one-time ~rpproval for this spE~cif is
use. Mrs. Sawtelle seconded the motion. hlr. Moore wanted the motion to include a
• limitat;io:n of the size of the tract and all other Commissioners disagreed. Votes
were cast on the motion as stated by Mr. Werxller, and carried unanimously (7-0).
AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: Continuation of Review of Goals, Objectives
and Development Policies.
Mr. Col~;on made a brief preserrtat:ion o:f the subcomm:itt.ee report he and Mr. Moore had
prepared on "Commerci-al & Industrial Development". He stated Lhey are advising
de:.leti.on of crbjE:ct.ive #4 ("Encourage t;he development. of recreational and
entertainment facilities to sati-sfy the needs of the citizenry and visitors"}, policy
#8 (The City recogn:izc~s changing markets for varying hou,;ing types") and policy #H
The City will. continue to acquire and develop a system of parks in a<.cordance wiih
the Parks and Recreation Plan;. He stated they think that, objective #4 policy #tl
should be deleted because they do not belong in the Conmcercial. &. Industrial
lleve l opment. sect.:ion, and policy #8 should be dc~:let.ed because the City i s not. i n the
development business. After brief discussion, it was decided that those 2 policies
and 1 objective should be deleted.
Discussion of language used irr both the existing Plan and the proposed revisions
followed with Mr. Wendler questioning the wisdom of continuing to use tyre terminr~logy
"high tech" park when referring to the large area to the south which was annexed :For
that purpose, but which has no development at all except for the Greenleaf Hospital.
Discussion followed, with a consensus reached that policy #2 should read, "thc~ City
supports the development of the College Station Economic Development Foundation
park". Proposed policy #5 was rF:vised t:o read, "Heavy :industries will be encouraged
to locate and develop i-n suitable areas".
• Mr. Dresser stat.ecl that; a_lt,hough Mr. Mcx>re and Mr. Colson didn't. suggest any ch~jnges
to policy #7, he has a problem with it: because the City really does not have any
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aesthetic control over any type development.. A]l agreed that. policy #7 should simply
be deleted rather than revised.
• Mr. Colson said that. he has a problem w:it.h policy #10 as :it. refers t.o developers
dedicating cash instead of land to satisfy neighborhood. park needs. Mr. Callaway
informed the Commissioners t;hat the C:i t y has a mandatory parkl r-nd ded:i cat.:i on
ordinance in effect and which is being enforced now which provides for land or cash.
After brief c:l.i.scuss:ion, t:he Cornm:issioners agreed that. policy #.10 should be deleted
since it is a fact.
Erad .results of this discussion were that, the Goal should read, "Sound economic
development through diversification"; that objective #1 should not be changed; #2 &
#3 t.o be reworded as suggested and #4 should be deleted. Additional results were
that policy #1 should remain as written in existing plan; #2 should be reworded to
delete "high tech research" park; #3, #4, #5 to be reworded as suggested; #6 t.o
remain unchanged; #7, #8, #~3 and #10 to be deleted.
Discussion began on the "utilities" sect.:ion of goals and objectives, but. a:Ct:er only a
brief time, it became evident. that more study should be done on this section before
proposals were made to the Commission for discussion.
AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: Other business.
Mr. Callaway stated he would :include an :item cm the agenda for October 1 to cover
discussion of what type of presentation would be made to the Northgate Association at
t,.he meeting on October 19. Mr. Brochu said at least. 2 Commissioners should at.t.end
that meeting and Mr. Dresser volunteered to attend.
• Mr. Callaway then informed. the Commission that work is now underway by the consult:i.nff
firms chosen for the Wolf Pen Creek design project, and a steering conuni.ttee would
soon be appointed by Council, which will pr°obably :include at. least 1 Commissioner.
Mrs. Banks referred to information provided by the Legal Department. covering new
legislatiorr of the "Open Meetings Act", and added that any questions should be
referred to the Legal Department;.
Mrs. Volk mentioned a new P.R.C. schedule which she distributed before the meei.:int~.
AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: Adjourn.
Mr. Wendlc~r- made a motion to adjourn. Mrs. Sawtelle seconded the motion which
carried unanimously (7-0).
Chairman, David Brochu
City Ser_retary, Dian .zones
P&1 M inut:es y--17- 87 Page 4
• DATE September 17, 1987
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