HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/18/1985 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission July 18, 1985 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman MacGilvray, Members Brochu, Dresser, Wendler & Paulson MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Kaiser and Member Stallings STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, Assistant City fingineer Smith, Assistant City Attorney Clar and Planning Technician Volk AGBNDA ITBM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes - aeeting of July 2, 1985. Mr. Brochu made a motion to approve the minutes as presented; Mr. Paulson seconded the motion to approve which carried unanimously (5-0). AGBNDA ITBM N0. Z: Hear visitors. No one spoke. • AGBNDA ITBM N0. 3: 85-114: A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lots 5 ~ 7 Block 1 Cooner subdivision (109 ~ 113 Cooner) frog A-P Adainistrative-Professional and 8-5 Medina Density 8esidential to C-1 General Coaaercial. Applicant is Nancy Crouch. .7 Mr. Callaway located the subject lots, identified area zoning and land uses, pointed out this request is in compliance with the adopted Land Use Plan, adding that staff recommends approval of this request contingent upon a replat of these lots with the larger commercial area to the west which would allow these lots to develop as a part of a larger commercial area, or approval of C-3 Planned Commercial zoning for these tracts. Mr. Dresser asked if the lot in between these lots is under different ownership and Mr. Callaway replied that it is, but it should be included in the recommended replat of the area. Mr. Paulson asked how many owners would be involved in the replatted area and Mr. Callaway replied that there are 4 separate owners. Mr. Wendler asked if the R-5 lot to the east is a part of this request, and Mr. Callaway replied that it is not, but if this request is approved probably a zone change request would come up on that lot later, adding that staff would not recommend retention of R-5 zoning on that lot. Mr. Brochu pointed out the engineering report regarding this request indicates Cooner Street may not have adequate capacity for C-1 traffic and Mr. Mayo replied that there is a distinct possibility that Cooner Street may have to be improved to a 70 foot R.O.W. from Texas Avenue to Jane Street, which would make it a commercial street. Mr. Wendler asked if there would be a light at Texas and Cooner and Mr. Mayo stated a light there would have to be justified to the Highway Department, and usually lights are installed on highways after problems arise. Mr. Dresser asked what the Comprehensive Plan shows for Cooner. Street, and Mr. Callaway replied it is shown as 1 P&Z Minutes • a commercial street to Jane Street only. 7-18-85 The public hearing was opened. Nancy Crouch, applicant and owner of the lots came forward and stated that although she has not been approached with any definite offers or plans, she has been approached with a speculative plan of developing her lots with the other commercial lots in the area to form a small commercial development. She said this rezoning would also help clean up some of the "spot zoning" which has taken place in that area. Mr. Paulson asked her if she had any objections to the contingency recommended by staff regarding the replatting of this land, and she replied that she does not. After further conversation regarding the possible length of time the lots would be put to use by the current owners, the ownership of the lot in between these lots, and the possibility of increased property values, no one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Mr. MacGilvray stated he is bothered by the contingency action which involves people who are not represented and Mr. Mayo replied that is not out of line, and cited an example of a tract of land between Millers Lane and Morgans Lane on which the same thing was done and the outcome has been quite favorable. Mr. Wendler made a motion to approve this request to rezone lots 5 & 7 to C-1 General Commercial contingent upon receipt of a replat of the area which would allow this area to be developed as a single, larger area. Mr. Dresser seconded the motion which carried unanimously (5-0). AGBKDA ITEM N0. 4: 85-115: A public hearins on the question of • resoning a 2.33 acre tract of land located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Holleaan Drive ~ Mellborn Boad, frog 8-5 Mediua Density 8esidential to C-1 General Commercial. Applicant is Toakat+a, Ltd. Mr. Callaway explained the request, located the tract of land, pointed out area zoning and existing land uses in the area, adding that this area is reflected as high density residential on the land use plan. He stated that the current zoning is in compliance with both the land use plan and development policies, that this tract falls short of the recommended depth of 400 feet for commercial development, and that a request for C-3 zoning on this tract was denied by Council on March 8, 1984, but that this type location (the intersection of thoroughfares) is appropriate for commercial development. He went on to state that staff recommends denial of this request because it does not comply with the land use plan and the current zoning does, that no buffer has been provided between the proposed C-1 tract and the existing residential area, that other areas along Wellborn Road have been identified as more appropriate locations for C-1 zoning and that the currently zoned C-N area to the south (across Holleman) provides an area for neighborhood/convenience goods and services. Mr. Paulson asked the projected date for Holleman to cross Wellborn and Mr. Mayo replied that the City is still waiting on action from the railroad. Mr. Dresser asked about a recent plat or site plan for a tract at the intersection of Southwest Parkway and Wellborn and Mr. Mayo replied that a plat had recently been reviewed, with Mr. Callaway clarifying by adding that the rezoning of that tract was contingent upon receipt of a plat and the plat has since been forthcoming and • approved. Mr. Mayo added that one further staff concern is the large amount of undeveloped C-1 land in the area, adding that it is unwise to continually rezone property to commercial when there is a large amount of commercial land available. 2 P&Z Minutes 7-18-85 • The public hearing was opened and Don Jones, applicant, 201 W. Loop 2818 came forward, distributed information to the Co~issoners (copy included in Minutes book) and addressed staff concerns step-by-step, beginning by stating the Land Use Plan on the wall in the Council chambers differs from the one distributed in the Comprehensive Plan. He added that pages 33 and 101 of the Comprehensive Plan show this tract as suitable for commercial use, thus there seems to be a conflict between the Land Use Plans and the actual Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Mayo interjected that the suitability maps Mr. Jones refers to show various ways land could be developed. Mr. Jones agreed, reiterating the Plan shows this land could be suitable for commercial development. He pointed out that this property was zoned R-5 in approximately 1978 and the Land Uae Plan was developed in 1980, therefore contends that the Plan is reactive rather than proactive, as it left existing zoning as it was. He then stated that when staff states there are more appropriate areas for commercial development, he believes staff is making an arbitrary judgment, and that instead, market for the property should be the determining factor, adding that this tract at the signalized intersection of two busy thoroughfares is abetter site for commercial development than any of the other commercially zoned tracts along Wellborn, as traffic from the developed residential property will be funneled along this property, and the traffic which goes through this intersection will already be decelerated due to the signalization which is planned (as it will not be along Southwest Parkway and Wellborn Road). He stated that the currently zoned C-N area will probably not be sufficient to serve this area when it is fully developed, and referred to the high traffic counts furnished by the City's Bngineering Department for this intersection. He addressed staff's concern for the lack of a buffer, stating that the inclusion of a • buffer is not mandated in the Zoning Ordinance, but that it has developed as a matter of policy over the years. He concluded by citing examples of commercial tracts which offer no buffering between them and existing residentially developed areas. Mr. Dresser stated he has concerns as to whether rezoning this land to commercial would be of benefit to the City, pointing out that there are a number of residences on Wellborn Road which could probably be bought and changed to commercial, adding that he is distressed that the City has already rezoned land to commercial which intrudes on established residential development. George Ball, 1307 Haines came forward to speak in favor of this request and read a statement entitled "Commercial Development" which he thought comes from the Comprehensive Plan and indicates that the City will encourage the development of esthetic commercial development appropriate to the economy of the City. He stated that the use of this property would not duplicate the services in the C-N tracts, that the City has been inconsistent in its requirement that commercial property must be 400 feet in depth and because this property is on a corner of two arterials, it should be considered for commercial zoning, as this particular location would not be conducive to residential development. He stated that ordinance requires a 6 foot screen fence between commercial and residential development, and that fence could be considered the necessary "buffer". No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Mr. Brochu stated that the proponents of the request had made some valid points, but he does not believe the City wants to develop a commercial strip area all the way to the high school even • though this particular tract might be better suited for commercial development than some land already zoned for commercial development. Mr. Paulson said he agrees that this tract is in a better location than some of the other commercial land, 3 P&Z Minutes 7-18-85 • particularly since Southwest Parkway will probably never be cut through, adding that he is in favor of this request as he would like to see additional tax base established for he City. He then asked Mr. Dresser the difference in traffic accidents at cross intersections vs. T-intersections and Mr. Dresser replied that there are virtually no differences. Mr. MacGilvray said that although this tract was zoned for residential development in 1978 and has not been developed, and perhaps the Comprehensive Plan is reactive rather than proactive, the real question being considered tonight is should this Commission bow to market demands or should it follow the already adopted Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Paulson said there has been a major change since the Comprehensive Plan was prepared in that Holleman had not then been planned as a through street, and Southwest Parkway had been planned to be cut through, and now just the reverse is happening. Mr. Mayo said plans had been for both streets to go through and then restated his opinion that there is already a surplus of commercially zoned property in the City which has not yet been developed. George Ball spoke from the floor stating that the amount of undeveloped commercially zoned land is not the question, but rather that commercial development will take place where need demands, and there is a demand for that on this tract of land. Mr. Mayo stated that the undeveloped commercially zoned land has been virtually condemned for any other development due to the price of the land. Mr. Paulson reminded the Commission that the real question being considered tonight is whether or not this tract is suitable for C-1 zoning, and he believes it is because it is located at a major intersection where signalization is planned. Mr. Dresser asked Mr. Jones how he would provide for a buffer between this tract and the adjacent residential development and he replied that no buffer is being planned as there is no mandate for one. Mr. Dresser asked staff if other things besides • development is ever used for a buffer and Mr. Callaway replied that sometimes trees, creeks, etc. have been used, and although providing a buffer is not a requirement, it has been an established policy, but sometimes it has not been possible to follow the policy. Mr. MacGilvray said that although this seems to be commercial property, he hates to intrude on an existing established residential area. Mr. Paulson stated that he does not think the houses between this tract and Fish Richards will even be re-built as residences once they deteriorate to the point of having to be replaced. Mr. Dresser asked Mr. Mayo if he thinks the land along Wellborn Road will develop as commercial and Mr. Mayo replied that the Comprehensive Plan advises the City to avoid strip commercial development. Mr. Dresser then made a motion to deny this request to rezone this 2.33 acre tract. Mr. MacGilvray seconded the motion. Mr. Dresser said the character of the area has changed because of development on the west side of Wellborn, and if the City continues to change zoning, more areas will change; and regarding traffic, he said the City would probably be better off to discourage turning movement at this location, but added that he agrees that this is probably a very prime commercial area as far as marketing is concerned. Mr. Paulson said turning movement at this location is better than turning movement at Southwest Parkway & Wellborn. Votes were cast and the motion to deny carried 4-1 with Mr. Paulson voting against the motion. AGBNDA ITBM N0. 5: 85-308: A public hearing to Preliainary 8esubdivision Plat of Lot 16A Lakeview • subdivision located at the southeast corner of the of Morgan Lane and State HighMay 6. consider a Acres intersection 4 P&Z Minutes 7-18-85 • Mr. Mayo located the land and explained the plat, adding that access easements have been required, that all presubmisaion conference conditions have been met and staff recommends approval. He added that this property as well as the property across Morgans Lane is zoned C-1, and Morgans Lane will become a commercial street in the future with additional right-of-way being required. The public hearing was opened. Larry Wells, agent for the applicant and owner came forward to answer any questons. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Mr. Paulson made a motion to approve this plat; Mr. Brochu seconded the motion which carried unanimously (5-0}. AGBNDA ITBM N0. 6: 85-309: A public hearing to consider a Preliainary Plat of Nexton Place subdivision located northwest of and adjacent to the Richards Addition subdivision. Mr. Mayo explained the plat, located the land, explained the current zoning, adding that all presubmission conditions have been met and referred to the note on the plat regarding maintenance of the landscaped area between the fence and the existing residences, adding also that the developer agreed at the time of rezoning this land to move the building line 60 feet behind the fence, thus making the additional land and the fence a buffer. The public hearing was opened. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. • Mr. Wendler made a motion to approve this plat with Mr. Dresser seconding. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). AGBNDA ITBM N0. 7: 85-708: A public hearing on the questioa of granting a Conditional IIse Persit for a sign at the St. Thoaas Aquinas Church at 8101 Bast Bypass. Mr. Callaway explained that the current sign ordinance requires that the P&Z review and approve any proposed sign on a project which has been granted a conditional use permit, adding that the proposed sign location is only 1 foot off the property line, and staff would recommend that it should follow ordinance requirements which would locate it at least 10 feet off the property line. The public hearing was opened. Jim Holster, architect for the project came forward stating that the applicant had believed he was in compliance and would comply with ordinance requirements, but would prefer to leave it as close to the entrance as possible for visibility, since it is not a tall sign. Mr. Callaway explained that the new ordinance provides for the use of directional signs at entrance/exit ways, adding that perhaps that use would be helpful to the church. Mr. MacGilvray pointed out that a taller sign would be allowed due to the size of the tract. Mr. Callaway agreed, but Mr. Holster stated he did not think the applicant wanted a sign much taller, adding that the sign will be lit. No one else spoke. Public hearing was closed. Mr. Callaway recommended that the Commission base its decisions on the sign ordinance, pointing out the applicant • would have great latitude as to height. Mr. Wendler made a motion to approve the sign with the mandate that it follow ordinance requirements being located at least 10 feet behind the property line. Mr. Dresser seconded the motion. Height was 5 i• P&Z Minutes 7-18-85 discussed with Mr. Wendler amending his motion to allow the sign to be raised to a "reasonable" height, following ordinance regulations, to allow visibility from the street. Mr. Dresser seconded the amendment. Votes were cast on the amended motion, and the amended motion carried unanimously (5-0). AaBNDA ITBM N0. 8: 85-214: Final Plat - Belaont Place. Mr. Mayo located the land, indicating that it is zoned C-2, and is shown on this final plat identical to that portion of the approved Master Preliminary Plat, therefore staff recommends approval as shown. Mr. Paulson made a motion to approve this plat with Mr. Brochu seconding the motion. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). AQBNDA ITBM N0. 9: Other business. Mr. Callaway reminded the Commissioners of the Joint Workshop covering the proposed draft zoning ordinance being held on Wednesday, July 24th at 4:00 P.M. There was no other business. AGfBNDA ITBM K0. 10: Ad3ourn. Mr. Wendler made a motion to adjourn; Mr. Paulson seconded; motion carried unanimously (5-0). APPROVfiD i• • Chairman, onald Kaiser ATTEST: ---------------------------- Dian Jones, City Secretary -.. 1 • n Vsry High Suitability ~ High Suitabilty . `~~' ~ Normal Suitabilky ~y ~ ` _r T "'~/ ~~ w Low Sukability (~ f ~z:>: ~. a ~ ~/ ~ ~. y:l: k :~ '.: -- 1 i L ~+~~ \ +S ~ K ,,,~ ~ PLATE 15 ~ l~ ~ J u ~ ~ ~ COMMERCIAL .~, ; ~ ., '' r`'y ~ ~ SUITABILITY r ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ PLAN 2000 ~ ~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By 2000 there will be a projected population of 71,000 and about 27,000 households. This will provide $675 million in total buying income for College Station. Total retail sales will range from $375 million to $475 million (in 1975 dollars), depending upon the strength of College Station as a retail center. It is expected that the amount will be about 400 million. In current dollars, this amount of retail sales will require 4.7 million square feet of retail space. This is an additional 3.1 million square feet or an additional 155,900 square feet per year. In land area, this amount of retail development will require another 275 to 350 acres, depending upon the type of retail development. Services and Office Space This sector of the commercial economy is projected to grow wi i n t e a e of Texas at a higher rate during the next decade (Texas 2000 Commission, Texas Past and Future, 1981). At the current rate of growth, as measured by employment, total office demand would increase to 2.0 million square feet by the year 2000. At a rate of 9.0 percent annually, 2.4 million square feet would be needed. With these projected parameters of growth, the total land are needed would range from 185 to 220 acres of office development. This would add an additional 127 to 162 acres of new office development. Hotel/Motel: A conservative projection for this sector of commercial devel- opment is the utilization of population growth as the indicator for total demand. This yields 1.2 million square feet of hotel/motel facilities or an additional 754,000 square feet. This would add an additional 4 or 5 large facilities. This will require about 30 to 40 acres of additional sites. .s ~ ~ - ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ,~ . 101 ~~ -~i ~.~ ' ~I - , 'y kl IM~r'tl VY]wl CfF .~I F: ~ ~ !\ VYtY ]1 • M!. ..' 1 . .v. ~.\' -F. •[ ?IrOYA4fIN ! 1tS I~p l ... ._ h, Y IR7~-_ _.__. ._._ __~__.s~~.. \I ! . _- • ~~' /., '~ r . • • 1{ r•C. ~~ 1 . 4` ~ ' ~ - .y.. _ ' r' •~~ nll.r.ln~a:m' fc~.: sr. io q. Y'N4 NAM<{ Cl1K j /,~~ ~~~ i111Z!.RO KTt11K~ 1 i K ,7 f - +a._.~-r THIS AREA (OUTLINED IN BLUE) „~',,,, WItL CONTRIBUTE A POPULATION "' ~ I ~ ' , ` ; TR~~NOL1 jC kcS A` f.C h ~ I ;F ~; OF 5,475 WHEN DEVELOPED AS IT ~ c~ _ ~ I_ - - IS PRESENTLY ZONED. ; VItLg6E '" ` ~Q. .- i.-- - -- - •~•AAYMOND 'GORZYCKI ----_,( ~- I / f..,_ •, ~. •~ ~ ~ ~' (`~ ~~ rf • ~, ~ . .. ...~J • •'/ Y .t_ •~ J iii/y 11~~0 M/f rti.r ~ ~' ~ ti ~ ~ . -Y.F. *^•.4 € 7i ,I ~~~ ..`or rno .'o F 7bo i ~1'•i f u~ ~~` , M • • .` o + ~~ ~F V• .fi .I ~ ,~ Fr _ _. ~•'T •1 • ~• CrJN11~1 1 ~ r. - ~ ,~. _ / Lem t s~ ~, m s 11 2 ~, ~ n ~ ~ ~ CST ~,' I.LM lF fi ~ 1. ti r`I _--_ _. __ _ _---- JADES G FIUTLER C/ o a«rc afr a- e/ U _ ~•~ °. •~, ~ m -- _ - st s, K. JAN G BUTLER f; LY. f;P B ~~ MUf 4M K. •II s t'1 ~l ,, ,« I PI `ey ` f''y sir.: ' +~ ni » _ aneuTLeR w a f • f~. 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PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION i~ i~ GUEST REGISTER 2. 3. 4. ~ v~ 1 ~~' W y k DATE July 18, 1985 ADDRESS ,? ~ / c....~ Low ~~' l g ~' , ~ , ~. ~ P ~ i. s . 2 ~n 9• 10. 12. 13. 14, 15. ib. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23• • 24. 25- NAME *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) Date of Neeting / O 0 Commission Agenda Item No. I Name Q%'u'~~° _ ~~~~~"~-~ .~.~/- / Address 700 Q-'J~~,~~-Yyt_~.~~~' ~ ~s.,,~ House No. Street' C ty IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of rganlzatton: r ` n `' Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Commission will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. •