HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/19/1984 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission July 19, 1984 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hansen, Members Brochu, MacGilvray, Martyn, Kaiser, Stallings and Tongco MEMBERS ABSEP~T: None STAFF PRESENT: Assistant Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. 1: Approval of Minutes - meeting of July 5, 1984 Mrs. Tongco requested changes under Agenda Item No. 8, indicating that she had requested a meeting of the Community Appearance Committee to discuss a project along Bee Creek, rather than having been asked to serve on the Committee. With that change, Mr. MacGilvray made a motion to approve the minutes; Mrs. Tongco seconded the motion, • which carried 6-0-1 (Kaiser abstained). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors No one spoke. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 84-713: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for a reli sous education and worship com lex on a tract located a roximatel 3000 feet east of the intersection of Texas Avenue and F M 2 1 Application is in the name of Second Baptist Church. Mr. Callaway located the tract of land, explained plans for the widening and extension of Dartmouth and 2818 (Millers Lane) in the future and also explained this Conditional Use Permit request is for the purpose of determining whether the Commission would approve the location of a church facility on the tract prior to the purchase of the land, and that the applicant is aware that this Commission will also have to grant site plan approval at a later date before any building can be done. He also explained that if the Commission approves this request tonight, staff recommends that a condition of approval would be that development would be limited until either the Dartmouth extension or the 2818 extension is complete, as the existing access to this tract is not adequate. Mr. MacGilvray asked staff if this request might not be premature, but Mr. Callaway replied that if the limi- tation recommended by staff is included in the approval as a condition and if the applicant is made aware that this Commission also has final site plan approval prior to issuance of a building permit, the problems which might arise from this early request would be covered. Mr. Hansen asked if an additional public hearing would be held in the future, and Mr. Callaway replied that it would be held at the time the Commission reviews the site plan as ordinance requires. The public hearing was opened. • PAZ 7-19-84 Page 2 Antone Slafka, 131 Millers Lane, came forward and asked the distance from this tract to the Lakeview Acres Subdivision. Mr. Callaway explained that this land is adjacent to the subdivision. Mr. Slafka stated then that his land is adjacent to this tract. Mr. Kaiser asked staff to point out exact zoning in the area, and Mr. Callaway complied. Mr. Slafka asked if granting this permit tonight would make that tract a commercial zone. Mr. Martyn explained that the tract would remain a residential zone and that certain things, such as churches and schools, are issued conditional use permits which can be issued in any zoning district, but the land does not change zoning district, and the permit which is issued only applies to a particular project. Discussion followed concerning the probable width of Millers Lane (2818) when the extension is made, with Mrs. Tangco pointing out that staff has indicated that the exact location of either Millers Lane or Dartmouth has not been determined. Mr. Slafka asked if a church is considered a commercial project. Mr. Martyn again explained that certain things, such as churches and schools, are allowed by ordinance in any zoning district if a Conditional Use Permit is approved, but the zoning of the land does not change with the issuance of a permit, and if the project is not built for which the use permit was approved, the land stays the same. In this case, the land is zoned for residential use, and should this church decide not to build this project, only residential projects could 6e built there. Mr. Kaiser asked Mr. Slafka what he thought of the request for a church next to his land. Mr. Slafka stated that he believes it is a fine idea if the roads are extended and widened, but as the roads exist now, any additional traffic would be impossible, Clint Bertrand, 120 Millers Lane, came forward stating he is more in favor of this request • than he is against it, adding that this is a very good site for a church if there are adequate streets developed. He added that probably in the future he would open Morgans Lane to this site also. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Martyn asked the applicant (Pastor Bob Owens came forward as a representative) exactly what was planned on this 7+ acres. Mr. Owens explained that the request for a Conditions l Use Permit has been made to determine if this Commission would rule favourably for establishment of a church in this location before the church actually buys this land. He said that the church is aware that before the site plan is approved, this Commission will have to hold an additional public hearing at which time a ruling will be made on the actual site plan. He stated that he cannot give a grand total of the square footage planned, as exact drawings have not been made, but he would estimate that the first building which would be used for worship would be in the neighborhood of 2000 square feet, with the second building which would be used for Sunday school and Bible classes also in the neighborhood of 2000 square feet. He also indicated that any further expansions would take place as needs demand them. Mr. Martyn asked the number of members in this congregation, and Mr. Owens indicated that It now ranges from 75 to 100 persons. Mr. Martyn stated that two 2000 square-foot buildings do not seem like much on a 7-acre tract, and he is concerned that future expansions might well cover the entire tract, which would be an undesireably large facility in a residential neighborhood. Mr. Owens stated that the buildings as outlined on the drawing on the wall are not to scale, as those figures have not yet been determined, but rather represent the general location of the parking tot, the buildings and the recreational area they hope to include. Mr. Martyn asked if he (Mr. Owens) would think it unreasonable for this Commission to want to see some kind of plan for development • of the land prior to granting approval of this request. Mr. Owens repeated that right now the church is only interested in finding out if this land can be used for a church, and there are no specific plans developed as yet to be presented to this Commission. Mr. MacGilvray asked what would happen if this Conditional Use Permit is approved tonight and some of the land is later sold. Mr. Callaway explained that site plans are not being PAZ 7-19-84 Page 3 • considered tonight, so even if this request for a Conditional Use Permit for land use is granted tonight, there are no guarantees that the Commission will approve a site plan in the future. He went on to explain that should someone purchase part of the property, they have not purchased the right to build a church, as that permit stays with the applicant. Mr. MacGilvray asked if a religious school is being planned, and Mr. Owens replied that it is not, that only some Bible classes and Sunday school classes are planned. Mr. Kaiser asked what would be the impact on the church's plan to purchase the land if this Commission were to grant approval of a Conditional Use Permit on only 4 acres of the land. Mr. Owens replied that they want to buy the entire 7 acres as their dreams include having room for recreational facilities (perhaps a volleyball court, etc.,) and they will come back later for any additional permits for specific uses. Mr. MacGilvray asked if partial approval could even be considered, and Mr. Callaway replied that it can, but not at this meeting because specific boundary lines cannot be drawn. He then explained again that the site plan will have to come back to this Commission for approval as required by Ordinance. Mr. Marlyn stated he fears a project as large as this could be may over-impact this area, and approval of this request may even give this applicant false hope as the Commission could determine the development is too large at site plan review, but that generally he would disagree with setting any specific number of acres tonight. Mr. Hansen pointed out that this congregation is relatively small and that raising the required amount of money for building will take a certain amount of time, and also reminded the Commissioners that the PAZ will have final approval of the project at site plan review. He added that the City would be more favourable to this type of use on a large tract than • it would to a large facility on a small tract. Mr. Brochu added that 2 major streets intersecting at this location would lessen the impact of a large facility should the tract be fully developed in the future. Mr. Kaiser asked Mr. Callaway to point out specific projects in the area, and Mr. Callaway complied. Discussion regarding location of the flood plain followed, with Mr. Pullen refusing to give specific answers to questions, indicating that would require additional information which is not available to him at this meeting. Mrs. Tongco pointed out that a church in this area would serve as a buffer be- tween a major intersection and area residences. Mr. MacGilvray stated he would really rather have more information regarding possible development. Mr. Brochu explained that all this applicant is requesting. is for this Commission to say whether or not it is O.K. for a church to be at this location, Mr, Kaiser stated that approval of this request would be almost like rezoning this land fora church to use all 7 acres, and he is concerned because he does not know what future development will be along these streets. He added that setting this type of precedent concerns him. Mr. MacGilvray pointed out that the area residents are not only not opposed to this request, but in fact are in favor of it. Mr. Brochu asked what negative impact a church would have on the area, and Mr. Kaiser said that the amount of traffic generated could be a problem, adding that approval of a church at this location might even preclude residential development in the area. Mr. Brochu said that if this church fell through and the land was not developed fora church facility, it would revert back to residential zoning and that type of development would be required. Mrs. Stallings made a motion to approve this request fora Conditional Use Permit subject to development of adequate access and site plan approval prior to any building. Mr. MacGilvray seconded the motion which carried 5-2 (Kaiser h Martyn). • PAZ 7-19-84 Page 4 • Mr. Kaiser explained that he voted against the motion because this Commission has not received fwll information regarding access to the tract, and because he believes this is setting a precedent of land use without complete information. Mr. Martyn stated that he voted against the motion because he believes this Commission , lacks specific information necessary to make adequate judgement of this request. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: Other Business. Mr. MacGilvray asked about the ordinance regarding zoning in the Northgate area, and Mr. Callaway replied that Mr. Mayo is working on a draft which he hopes to present to this Commission some time in August and that the Zoning Board of Adjustment had just requested a workshop which was recently held to explain what is being planned. Mr. Brochu asked if there was still going to be a workshop regarding the development of The Parks which included this Commission and the developers, and Mr. Callaway replied that he did not know, but the Commission would be notified of plans. Mrs. Tongco stated she would not be in attendance at the August 2nd meeting and then requested that someone cover for her at the August 22nd P.R.C. Mr. Martyn made a motion to adjourn with Mr. MacGilvray seconding. Motion carried unanimously. • ATTEST: Dian Jones, City Secretary APPROVED: -~,~`~ • ~ `% City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840-2499 July 19, 1984 Mr. A.B. Syptak Sypcon Construction Box 4717 Bryan, TX 77805 Corporation RE: 32.2 Acre Tract Abutting Proposed Dartmouth and Holleman Street=Extensions. ~`~[_' CJ Dear Mr. Syptak•. As per our discussions .concerning the right-of-way~cquisi- tions necessary .for the extension of Dartt~outh and Holl an Streets, it is our understanding that the Sypcon Construction Corporation will convey the right-of-way.-:for these ..proposed .streets at :the pre-construction value as determined by Jim Meads. It is my understanding that you wish to have this tract rezoned . ~ `At"':this time the commercial zoning is ,appropriate for the area as the Jett tract has been rezoned commercial and administrative-professional.' This zoning, however, cannot be `guaranteed as land use conditions 'and councils change. However, ;I see no such problems arising under the present circumstances. I would request that you file a rezoning application with `the Planning staff in order to initiate the re-zoning. The `;application will be considered by the Planning and Zoning -Commission and the City Council. Further, the Legal Department will prepare the necessary right-of-way documents for the conveyance . Thank you for your assistance on this matter. Yours truly, ~~~~~ North B. Wardell NBB:jls PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER DATE NAME ADDRESS 3 • ~ ~ G.G 4. ~ ~R / 33 rte, ~ ~Ey Lp.~e- C S, -~ ~r f 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16: 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.