HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/1983 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission• MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission July 21, 1983 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS ATTENDING: Chairman Hill Members Ke11y, Hansen, Bailey, Miller ~ Kaiser MEMBERS ABSENT: Marlyn STAFF ATTENDING: Director of Planning Mayo, Asst Director of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Asst Zoning Official Dupies and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM Np. 1: Approval of Minutes - meeting of July 7, 1983 Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes with Mr. Bailey seconding. Motion carried unanimously (6-0), AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 83-705: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional • Use Permit for additional classroom faci lities to the existing facility at 701 Anderson Street. Application is In the name of Grace Bible Church. r ~ U Mr. Callaway explained the request and referred to the provided site plan and land uses in the area. He indicated staff recommends approval of this request. Public hearing was opened. No one spoke. Public hearing was closed, Mr, Callaway referred to a letter handed out in support of the granting of this permit from Metro Properties Management, Inc. Mr, Miller asked what a "portable building" is, and the Chair asked Bob Reese, a repre- sentative of the applicant to explain, and he did. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve the request with P.R.C. recommendations; Mr. Miller seconded. Motion carried unanimously (6-0) . AGENDA ITEM Np. 4: 83-7p6: A ub1ic hearin on the uestion of rantin a Conditional Use Permit for a drop-in child care center in Suite 2 1 D of the Parkway Square Shopping Center. Application is in the name of Don Armstrong/Play-N-Care, Inc. Mr. Callaway explained the location and size of the proposed facilities, and stated staff recommends approval, Mr. Kelly asked about parking, and Mr. Callaway said this business is in a large shopping center, so is required to have 1 space per 200 sq. ft., and this is available in the shopping center parking lot. Public hearing was opened. Joe Daisa, 1607 Austin, manager of Parkway Plaza Shopping Center came forward as a representative of the applicant, and further explained that this shopping center has even more spaces than is required by Ordinance. Mr. Hill asked about availability of parking directly in front of this space and Mr. Daisa said there were about 25 spaces on that wing of the center, but Mr. Kelly said he believed there are only 3 spaces directly in front of the proposed facility. Don Armstrong, the applicant, spoke from the audience to offer up the maximum number of children to be accommodated, the maximum hours these children could stay at the center and speculated each car would be parked in front of the facility only a couple of PAZ Minutes 7-21-83 Page 2 • minutes to drop off or pick up each child. Mr. Hill and Mr. Kelly continued to express concern for the safety of children perhaps crossing in front of cars driving through the center. Mr. Bailey spoke up to point out that although this is of concern, he wanted it also noted that this is a different kind of child care facility than any the Commission has reviewed before. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Mr. Miller again spoke of pedestrian traffic from parking spaces to the facility, and Mr. Kaiser likened this business fio any other business which caters to children, and stated that parents usually accompany children. Mr. Hansen agreed, stating this should be treated like any other retail business in a shopping center. Mr. Bailey clarified his position by reiterating that for this type of center,a parent will have to accompany a child to the center, and not simply be "dropped off", to cross traffic patterns alone. Mr. Hill asked if there is a possibility of stripping several spaces directly in front of the center and designating them as a loading zone, and Mr. Hansen disagreed with this pro- posal, stating that in his opinion, a zone like that in this shopping center could cause a problem. Mr. Hill asked staff if they had any special measures of protection for handicapped persons or children in a shopping center, and staff advised that they knew of none. Mr. Ke11y stated that it is his belief that there should be some way of identi- fying that this area will be used as a drop-off area for children, and reiterated that he is not opposed to this business, then made a motion to approve this request with Mr. Kaiser seconding the motion. Mr. Bailey explained that the Commission has expressed concern for the safety of children, and the applicant and public should be aware of this concern. Mr. Hill explained that no additional requirements have been made in this motion to approve the request. Votes were cast and the motion to approve carried 4-2 with Mr. Miller ~ Mr. Hi11 casting dissenting votes. • AGENDA ITEM N0, 5: 83-111: A public hearing on the question of rezonin two tracts of land totallin 9.33 acres located on the east side of Texas Avenue north of and ad'acent to the Lakeview Acres subdivision a proximatel 500 feet north of the intersection of Texas Avenue and Millers Lane from General Commercial District C-1 and Sin le Family Residential District R-1 to General Commercial District C-1. Application is in the name of i. Q. Development, Inc. Mr. Callaway explained, located the area on an aerial photo, and pointed out other zoning and land uses in the area. He referred to the proposed Comprehensive Plan zoning map, explaining fihat some of the land is proposed to be C-1 and some to be medium density residential. He stated that staff recommends that approximately half of the land in question (to a depth of 76$ ft. from Texas Avenue and aligning with other C-1 land in the area) be rezoned to C-1, with the balance of the land fio be rezoned to A-P or some type of apartment type zoning. He said that A-P might be a better choice because access to the tract will 6e through the proposed C-1 area, and flood plain restrictions over a large portion of the firact will hamper development. He further stated that A-P zoning would be better due to the proximity of this tract to the existing City warehouse to the north, piscussion followed concerning the depth of the existing C-1 land, access and the flood plain location. The public hearing was opened. William Glatts, 1409 LemonTree came forward and identified himself as a representative of the applicant, and stated the parking would be located in the flood plain area, and further explained how development of this tract (s proposed. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Mr. Kelly asked the City Engineer if this tract would only be granted one curb cut and Mr. Pullen answered this is probably the case. Mr. Mayo pointed out that staff has hopes for additional access from Millers Lane as development occurs in the future. Mr. Miller spoke of a study In which he was involved covering this area, the result of which was • a recommendation made that this area be developed as low density residential, and that he would have to agree with staff's recommendation that if changes to that are made, it should be to A-P or some type of medium density residential development. Mr. Kaiser asked P&Z Minutes 7-21-83 page 3 how much property is in a specific area and Mr. Mayo came forward to measure it • on the aerial photo and said it would encompass approximately 4~ acres. Mr. Bailey made a motion to recommend that the tract from Texas Avenue east for a distance of 768 ft. be rezoned to C-1 General Commercial and the remainder of the subject tracts to be zoned A-P Administrative-Professional. Mr. Miller seconded this motion and explained that the C-1 tract would be level with the existing C-1 tract south of Millers Lane. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 83-112: A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lots 12&13 Block T Section II located on the northwest corner of Unlversit Drive and Spring Loop from Apartments Low Density District R- to Neighborhood Commercial District C-N. Application is in the name of Mac Randolph. Mr. Bailey was excused for a few minutes. Mr. Callaway explained the current zoning and land uses in the area, stating that the requested C-N zoning is comps- ' tible with both, and staff has no problem with the request, however staff does want fio point .out that there is a great deal of available commercially zoned land in this area. Mr. Bailey returned. The public hearing was opened. J. W. Wood, re- presentative of the applicant came forward and explained that all existing C-1 zoned land in this area is being developed or has plans for development, and further that .convenience stores are not located in shopping centers because the "convenience" is lost. He pointed out that these two lots are in an area developed with many duplexes and fourplexes, and would give many people in this neighbor- hood pedestrian access to a convenience store. No one else spoke; public hearing was closed. Mr. Miller questioned access to these lots and Mr. Callaway pointed out the City Engineer's comments that access would be taken from Spring Loop only. Mr. Pullen said that staff would encourage the access point available approximately • 200 ft. back from University Drive, which would coordinate well with another street which comes out at approximately the same area. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve this rezoning request and Mr. Hansen seconded. Mr. Kaiser asked about the lack of need for additional commercial zoning in the area and requested that staff make further comments. Mr. Hill said that staff could make the comments, but that Mr. Wood already pointed out that no one wanted to put a convenience store in a shopping center. Mr. Callaway explained that staff is not necessarily against this request, but wanted everyone to be aware that a convenience store can, by Ordinance regulations, be located in a shopping cenfier. He further pointed out that this proposed location would be very convenient to certain areas in University Park. Votes were cast and the motion to recommend approval carried unanimously (6-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 83-222: Final Plat - Harvey Road East Subdivision Mr. Mayo explained the request, located the land on a map and explained current zoning in the area, He further stated that staff recommends approval of this plat as shown. Mr. Bailey asked if discussion on the preliminary plat had covered the corner lot, and Mr. Mayo pointed out that discussion had been concerning access to that lot and indicated that the access easement has been extended so access could be taken from it to lots i, 2 ~ 3. Mr, Pullen pointed out that a nofie has been included on this Final Plat covering the flood plain because in this particular instance, through a develop- ment permit, the flood plain is in the process of being changed. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve the Final .Plat with Mr. Kelly seconding. Motion carried unanimous- 1 y (6-0) . • AGENDA ITEM Np, 8: 83-308: Preliminary Plat - Courtland (ETJ) Mr, Mayo explained that this subdivision is located adjacent to doah Subdivision which is also in the ETJ, and both are part of tlon to the south of the City Limits which is soon to come up. the approved Shenan- the planned annexa- Staff recommends PAZ Minutes 7-21-83 page 4 • approval of this plat, but the county commissioner has indicated concern with the present condition of Barron Road and any further development there. Mr. Mayo pointed out that when expansion of the City takes place, Barron Road is planned to be a major thoroughfare. Mr. Hill asked if the County has expressed any concern for R.O.W. of roads being acquired and Mr. Mayo said again that the staff feels that Barron Road will be a major road and the developers have indicated that these subdivisions will be built to City standards, and there should be enough room for the necessary R.O.W. Mr. Bailey asked why there is not a connecting street between the 2 subdivisions, and Mr. Mayo explained that plans proposed should provide ample circulation without a direct connection. Mr. Kelly asked how the PAZ Commission could require that Barron Rd. be upgraded to meet City standards from these subdivisions to Texas Avenue, and Mr. Mayo replied that he did not know, and would have to ask the City Attorney. Mr. Kelly said he wanted staff to check that and for it to be resolved prior to filing the Final Plat. Mr. Kelly made a motion to approve this preliminary plat with the stipulation that plans be included for the developers to upgrade Barron Rd, from these subdivisions to Texas Avenue if this is legally possible prior to filing of the Final Plat. Mr. Miller seconded the motion which carried 5-1 with Mr. Bailey voting in opposition due to the lack of circulation between the subdivisions. AGENDA ITEM NO. g: 83-426.: Parkin Lot Plan - Southwest Crossin Office Buildin located on the south side of Southwest Parkway in Southwest Crossin Phase III Subdivision Mr. Hansen asked to be excused from the Commission for this agenda item. Mr. Mayo ex- plained the plan and stated that all P.R.C. recommendations have been met, therefore, staff recommends approval. Mr. Miller made a motion to approve with Mr. Kaiser seconding. Motion carried 5-0-1 with Mr. Hansen abstaining, AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: $3-427: Parking Lot Plan - Tacos Al Carbon at 509 Universit Dr. • Mr. Mayo stated that staff has no recommendation for this item because the owner of the restaurant in question did not bring in a revised, proposed site plan as requested. He further explained that the question of presentation of a revised plan arose because staff had noticed an addition which had been made to this business without benefit of site plan approval, therefore staff notified the owner that he had made an addition without site plan approval (which is necessary) and also without benefit of a building permit (which is also necessary). Mr. Mayo further explained that there are several problems with the site which were not on the original approved site plan, one of which is the fact that parking has been taking place in front of the business, and the City Engineer has express- ed concern with the necessity of cars backing onto University Drive, thus creating a traffic hazard as well as a violation of ordinances. Mr. Bailey moved with Mr. Hansen seconding, to table this item until a site plan is presented. After discussion, Mr. Bailey and Mr. Hansen withdrew their motion and second. After further discussion of possible alleged violations on the property, Mr. Kelly made a motion to notify the City Council that staff and the City Attorney have been directed by the Planning and Zoning Commission to take enforcement actions against any and all violations at the business sifie at 509 University Drive. Mr. Kaiser seconded this motion which passed unanimously (6-0) . AGENDA ITEM NO, 11: Other Business Mr, Miller announced a meeting of the landscape committee and Mr. Bailey announced a presentation of the Northgate committee report to Council. Mr. Bailey made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Miller seconding. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). • APPROVED: David B. Hill, Chairman ~~o~ ~~ ,h ~. l~ l ~ r `~. ~~ .~° i -'~` f~AvJi r~ ;~~~~ ~~'~ ~ -~ ~~.- ..,, ~,,~ ~. ,~, ~~.~. ~R~ ~ ~ j ~1 ~'~'~i9 t~-J