HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/1983 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES
Planning and Zoning Commission
December 15, 1983
7:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hi11, Members Kelly, Martyn, Bailey, Miller ~ Kaiser
STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, City Engineer Pullen and Planning Technician
Vo 1 k
AGENDA ITEM N0, l: Approval of Minutes - December 1, 1983
Mr. Martyn made a motion to approve the minutes with Mr. Kelly seconding. Motion carried
5-0-1 (Batley abstained).
AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors
No one spoke.
AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 83-211: Final Plat - Vacatin ~ Resubdivision of Lot 1 Block 1 and
Block 2 of Brentwood Section Four 3.95 acres
Mr. Mayo explained that this resubdivlsion plat has met all Presubmission Conference re-
commendations, and that staff recommends approval of the plat as shown. Mr. Martyn asked
the purpose of this replat and Mr. Mayo explained that is has been done to take out a lot
line. Mr. Bailey made a motion to recommend approval of this plat as shown with Presub-
• mission Conference recommendations. Mr. Martyn seconded. Motion carried unanimously (6-0).
AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: 83-245: Final Plat - Vacating ~ Resubdivision of Lots 1,2,3,5R ~ 6
Block Two F.S. Kapchinskl Subdivision
Mr. Mayo explained that the purpose of this replat is to vacate several lots and create
2 large lots for some type of retail shops, and that staff recommends approval as shown.
Mr. Kelly asked if the Clty Engineer had received the information requested at the Presub-
mission Conference and Mr. Pullen replied that he had. Mr. Kelly made a motion to recom-
mend approval of this plat as shown with Presubmission Conference recommendations. Mr.
Bailey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously (6-0).
AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 83-246: Final Plat - R.O.W. dedication Plat Brazoswood Drive (Part
of Glenhaven Estates Subdivision
Mr. Mayo explained the purpose of this plat is to indicate parkland and right-of-way for
a street, and further that this plat is in accordance with the Master Preliminary Plat of
Glenhaven which has been approved; and that staff recommends approval as shown. Mr. Kelly
made a motion to approve this plat as shown with Mr. Bailey seconding. Motion carried
unanimously (6-0).
AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 83-247: Final Plat - Timber Ridge Addition 2nd Installment (10.97 acres) I
Mr. Mayo explained that this
that the required electrical
• shown. Mr. Martyn mentioned
but Mr. Mayo explained those
have been solved. General d
final plat is in compliance with the approved Preliminary Plat,
easements have been handled and staff recommends approval as
the Preliminary Plat and recalled there had been some problems,
problems had concerned the required electrical easements, and
iscussion followed concerning previous owners of this land,
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with Mr. Bailey making a motion to approve this plat and Mr. Martyn seconding the motion.
• Motion carried unanimously (6-0).
AGENDA ITEM N0. 7: 83-315: Preliminar Plat - Reconsideration of Re enc S uare (12/1/83
denied by PAZ; 12/ / 3 approved by City Council
Mr. Mayo explained the reason the Commission had denied this plat was due to Planning
Department interpretation of the front lot depths and that before the plat went to Council,
the legal staff had handed down a different interpretation which resulted in the Council
approving the plat. He indicated that staff is now in the process of preparing a new
ordinance which. would clarify this type of problem, and staff now recommends approval due
to the interpretation given by the legal department which indicates the lots in question
are In compliance. Discussion followed concerning a drainage easement and Mr. Mayo said
the tot in question stftl allows a build-able area. Mr. Martyn asked Mr. Pullen if he could
answer the question concerning the easement, and Mr. Pullen said that he could not. Mr.
Mayo pointed out that the lot is excessively deep. Mr. Hill then asked for a written memo
from the legal department in the near future to explain the interpretation given. Mr.
Bailey asked that a representative from the legal staff to be present in the future to
explain this type of question. Mr. Miller then made a motion to approve the plat as shown.
Mr. Kelly asked about the drainage channel, and wondered if it is bridgeable and still leave
room to build ahouse. Mr. Pullen answered that it is and it would. Mr. Kelly then se-
conded the motion to approve which carried by a vote of 4-2 with Martyn ~ Hill voting
The Commission as a whole requested a written opinion from the Legal Department prior to
approval of a Final Plat on this land.
• AGENDA ITEM N0. 8• 83-316: Master Preliminary Plat - Nantucket (595.85 acres in the ETJ)
Mr. Mayo briefly explained this plat stating that all Presubmission Conference require-
ments had been met and that staff recommends approval of the plat as shown. Mr. Martyn asked
about streets being built to ETJ standards, and expressed belief that this is in the newly
annexed area and. now within the City Limits. Mr. Mayo explained that this subdivision is
not in the City Limits, but is within the ETJ, and he knows
of no immediate plans for annexation. Mr. Martyn asked if streets built to ETJ or County
standards could cause a problem for the City if the subdivision is annexed, and Mr. Mayo
referred the question to Mr. Pullen. Mr. Bailey pointed out that if the subdivision is sub-
standard, it would not have to be annexed. Mr. Hill pointed out that construction standards
are not a part of the platting process, Mr. Martyn said he is still bothered. Mr. Kelly
said the County would have to approve the plat, and the County has made some changes in
standards recently. Mr. Miller asked about the depth of Reserve Tract 2 from Nantucket to
the lake, and Mr. Mayo explained that the area is still in excess of 300 feet at its nar-
rowest part. Mr. Batley made a motion to approve with Presubmission Conference require-
ments, Mr. Ke11y seconded. Motion carried unanimously (6-0).
AGENDA ITEM N0. 9: 83-317..: Preliminary Plat - Glenhaven Estates - Phase III (2.401 acres)
Mr. Mayo explained that all changes requested in the Presubmission Conference report have
not yet been made, but further explained that the applicant is willing to make them before
the Final Plat; therefore, staff recommends approval with Presubmission Conference recom-
mendations. Mr. Bailey requested that a vicinity map is included on the Final Plat. Mr.
Miller spoke of information to be included on a Final Plat, and asked that a careful check
• is made before bringing the Final before the Commission for approval. Mr. Mayo explained
that the Planning Department compares the Final Plat to the Preliminary Plat and all reports
to make sure the Final is in compliance with the Preliminary, but the Commission could
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request that all of this information is shown in the future if it desires. Mr. Bailey
• made a motion to approve this plat with Presubmission Conference recommendations with
Mr. Kelly seconding. Motion carried unanimously (6-0),
AGENDA ITEM N0. 10: 83-517: Site Plan Permit - Sturbridge Condominiums - Lot lA Blk C
Eastmark Phase Ii
Mr. Mayo located this plan on a map, pointing out that the project is at the edge of the
floodplaln and there have been many difficulties in site development to overcome. He
explained that all of the PRC recommendations have been met with exception of item #6
which has been handled by a note on the plan concerning emergency vehicle access, and
further that the Fire Marshal has not had a chance to review this plan. He further indi-
Gated that staff has no problem with the note if the Commission doesn't. Mr. Miller asked
about the landscaping plan, and requested clarification. Mr. Mayo explained that there
is much native vegetation along the creek. Mr. Kenelpp, the architect of the project came
forward to explain that the tally shown on the plan of shrubs and trees is incorrect,
and said that there are actually 7 crape myrtles and 25 trees planned, as well as grass
to be planted in the easements. He also said that most of the site would remain largely
undisturbed. Mr. Hill said that he is assuming that there is going to be jasmine and
honeysuckle everywhere there is not a tree or a building and Mr. Keneipp explained that
there will be honeysuckle around the entrance, the dumpster and the circular parking area,
and the rest of the project will have seeded Bermuda grass, Mr. Miller asked that a note
to that effect is included on the plan. Mr. Hill requested a minimum number of jasmine
and honeysuckle to be indicated and Mr. Keniepp responded that there would be approximate-
ly 100 one-gallon plants around the circular drive. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve
the site plan with PRC recommendations and the inclusion of 25 post oak trees, 7 crape
• myrtle shrubs and the groundcover around the circular drive to be a minimum of 100 one-
gallon jasmine and honeysuckle plants with the balance of the site to be seeded with
Bermuda grass. Mr. Martyn. seconded the motion which carried 5-1 (Kaiser against).
AGENDA ITEM N0. 11: Other Business
Mr. Miller said the Commission has been advised by the Legal Department to be very speci-
fic in making the motions themselves, as the discussion which takes place prior to the
actual motion has nothing to do with governing projects.
Mr. Hill asked what happens if a plat is approved, and later the City finds it needs addi-
tional easements. Mr. Mayo explained that most of the time, easements are added by Separ-
ate Instrument, and the plats do not come back to the Commission or Council for approval.
Mr. Martyn mentioned that a large number of 11ve oak trees had been planted on 2 rather
large residential lots along Southwest Parkway and Glade Streets, and that most of these
trees have died. Discussion followed, and it was finally determined that this was done on
private property. Mr. Kaiser asked 1f that property was platted, and Mr. Mayo explain-
ed that part is platted, but not all of it is.
Mr. Hi11 mentioned the "Golden Triangle" report and further that there is a proposed site
plan which may soon be considered, and wondered if this report could be made again to
bring all new commissioners up to date. Mr. Bailey said that some time in the past a
committee had recommended that the land on which there is a proposed site plan pending,
be rezoned to restdential, and Mr. Mayo said this would be an untimely thing to do now, but
that should this proposed project not materialize, he would recommend that the land get
• rezoned to residential. Mr. Kaiser and Mr. Hill both requested that the report concerning
the "Golden Triangle" be presented again to the Commission when this proposed project comes
before the Commission for review.
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Mr. Miller made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Martyn seconding. Motion to adjourn carried
-~, i.~nanimously (6-0) .
David B. Hilt, Chairman
Dian Jones, City Secretary
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