HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/22/1983 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Planning and Zoning Commission August 22, 1983 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: All Present MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF ATTENDING: Director of Planning Mayo, City Engineer Pullen, Zoning Official Kee, Asst Zoning Official Dupies, City Attorney Denton and Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. l: Approval of Minutes - meeting of August 4, 1983 Mr. Bailey referred to Agenda Item #3 and said that he had made a motion to recommend approval of the rezoning request from R-1 to R-1A which died for lack of a second, and with that addition, he made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Miller seconded the motion which passed unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2: Hear Visitors No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0, 3: Gity Attorney to explain recommendations to be considered in prepara- tion of flyer for public information concerning Planning ~ Zoning Commission meetings. City Attorney Lowell Penton came forward to explain that since he originally prepared the information for the pamphlet, he had decided that some minor changes should be made in the last paragraph, and presented those changes. Mr. Hill said that he would like to see a definition and an example of a procedural complaint which would help clarify the statement. Mr. Denton advised the Commission that the applicant is not entitled to join in or to dis- cuss every issue the Commission raises and gave examples. Mr. Hansen asked if this would not be punishing the applicant in the case of an erroneous decision or information, but Mr. Denton pointed out that people who hear absolute misstatements usually make their demands heard. He also informed the Commission that the main point to keep in mind is the veracity of facts, which is different from a disagreement of opinion. Mr. Bailey asked how this would affect non applicants or interested parties. Mr. Denton advised that the general public has no constitutional rights if they are not the applicant, owner or developer of a project; but whether or not a person is heard is up to the discretion of the Chairman. Mr. Hill said that he be]ieves the PRC report should contain some kind of statement concerning a summary of ail unresolved matters, and puts the applicant on notice that he will have an opportunity to bring up these matters in writing if desired. Mr. Denton agreed, and then pointed out that "due process" includes the notification and the opportunity to be heard, and further stated that at least as important as what the applicant is entitled to and gets, is what he feels. He should have the feel 'tng that whatever the outcome, he has been treated fairly, and the Commission should try to extend the same fairness to all. Mr. Kaiser complimented all who compiled the pamphlet and stated that it is important to keep in mind the objectives of the Commission which includes being a responsive body of citizens who hear from the cit- izenry when they ought to be heard; and further that the Commission should encourage citizens tp speak, but only of factual matters and not to be repetitive. He also indicated he would like to have a clarification of the rights of individuals in legislative and administrative instances. Mr. Martyn said that the aim of this pamphlet is to let people know when they can or cannot speak. Mr. Hill suggested that a special heading on the first paragraph might PAZ Minutes 8-22-83 page 2 be in order. Mr. Denton asked if the Commission would like to see a list of items pointing • out just when the public can or cannot speak. Mr. Kaiser said he thinks that would be bene- ficial. Mr. Denton said that he thinks it is important that the Chairman explains the aims of the Commission verbally before each meeting as not everyone will read the pamphlet. Mr. Hill requested that staff and Mr. Denton work out a revised pamphlet to bring before the Commission at the next meeting. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 83-114: A public hearin on the question of rezonin part of Lot 16, Lakeview Acres located on the east side of Texas Avenue appx 300 ft south of Mor an's Lane, from Single Family Residential District R-1 to Administrative-Professional District A-P. ApplicatPon is in the name of Mike Lane, Dr. & Mrs. E. Treadway. Mr. Mayo explained the request and located the land on a map. He stated that staff recom- mends approval as this rezoning would be in compliance with both the Comprehensive Plan and a small Land Use Plan which has been approved by the PAZ and the Council, and because A-P zoning is a good buffer between heavier commercial development found at the intersec- tion and the residential area to the south. Mr. Bailey asked how deep the recommended change at an earlier meeting had been and Mr. Mayo explained. Mr. Hill asked what is shown on the current zoning map for this area and Mr. Mayo said he assumed it is shown as R-1. Mr. Hill then asked how this would affect the taxes on the land, and Mr. Mayo replied that he did not know, that the City has a major zoning plan, but the taxing authority can tax at other stan- dards. Mr. Hill suggested that an up-to-date zoning map be sent to Mr. Winn's office. Mr. Kelly asked if there are any residences abutting this land, and Mr. Mayo replied there is one residence, and from the number of vehicles outside this residence, he would guess it is a rental house. The public hearing was opened, but qo one spoke, so the public hearing was closed. Mr. Bailey made a motion to recommend approval of this request and Mr. Miller seconded the motion, which carried unanimously (7-O). AGENDA ITEM N0. 5: 83-435: Parkin Lot Pian - Professional Office Building located on part of Lot 1 Lakeview Acres. Mr. Mayo explained the plan which would be developed on the land referred to in the last item on the agenda. Mr, Mayo then referred to item #5 on the PRC report concerning land- scaping notes, and questioned whether all the trees shown on the site plan will be there at the time of inspection for a C.O. Also, the row of parking on the north side is shown with 20 ft. deep spaces and will cause a conflict with the corner and should be shortened to 18 ft. with an overhang. Upon resolving these problems staff would recommend approval. Mr. Hill asked for an explanation from someone who had attended the PRC review and Mr. Martyn indicated he had been in attendance and it had been pointed out, as the report indicates, that additional landscaping information was a condition for the recommendation of approval. Mr. Miller indicated that he did not think the PAZ Commission should have to review indivi- dual details of site plans and that he believes that there are enough problems with this pro- ject to warrant looking at it again. Mr. Hill asked if the type of landscaping the Commis- sion desires was brought up at the PRC review and Mr. Mayo replied that during discussion more information was requested and notes have been added, but size of the trees, and the type of groundcover or shrubbery are still not shown, and staff has concern as to whether the notes which have been added are adequate. He stated that if this plan is approved as shown, City inspectors will basically look for everything shown on the plan. Mr. Miller said he is concerned with the lack of trees in islands as required by Ordinance and whether op not the existing post oak trees will survive the construction process. He would like a landscaping plan to be shown on this project because the Commission should not • plan any projects, but should only review for approval, therefore he would make a motion to table this item, and informally recommend that a landscaping plan be developed by the appli- cant. Mr. Martyn seconded the motion to table until a satisfactory landscaping plan is P&Z Minutes 8-22-83 Page 3 submitted, Further discussion followed concerning the width of the curb cut and whether emergency vehicles could make the turns and Mr. Martyn pointed out that the Fire Department • had representatives at the review. Then Mr. Martyn read aloud item #5 on the PRC report which states: "Include landscaping notes which indicate type and size of trees and shrubs, both existing and proposed, as well as type and application of groundcover". Votes were cast and the motion to table carried unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 6: 83-707: A public hearing on the question of a conditional use permit for the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church located on the east side of Highway 6 East By- pass appx. 3000 ft, south of Ra(ntree Drive. Application is in the name of St. Thomas Aquinas Church. • . • Mr. Kaiser excused himself from this item. Mr. Mayo explained the site plan and located it on a map, pointing out adjacent land uses. He reported that staff recommends approval with PRC recommendations, and all recommendations have been shown on this revised plan, except the groundcover, and requested that a more exact description be included on the note. Mr. Bailey asked about the number and location of the fire plugs and Mr. Kelly located them on the plan. Mr. Miller asked about the phases, and how the timing was being planned. Mr. Mayo said he did not know, but that staff would propose the Commission approve the entire project tonight. Mr. Miller pointed out that every tree shown on an .approved plan would be required to be there. The public hearing was opened. Jim Holster of Holster >; Rogers, 7607 East Mark Suite 200 came forward and addressed the Commission concerning the driveway, stating that the applicant requests consideration to treat the driveway from the end of the fire lane to the rectory as a private drive and eliminate the curbing. He advised that the landscape architect has not drawn up complete plans to date, and the landscaping shown on the plan presented is minimal and reflects only landscaping as required by Ordinance. He further stated that the pasture land which is not touched by construction will not be touched but that reseeding will be done on the part which is affected by the construction process, and further that no landscaping is planned on the phase II parking lot until that lot is constructed. Mr. Hill pointed out that the actual landscaping must be very similar to this plan and Mr. Holster said he understands that, and that there will be trees along the drive and in each Island at the completion of phase I. Mr. Miller said that he thinks the plan as shown is good, that the staff needs fio know what to look for when inspecting prior to a C.O., and he would expect to look at a general area and see a tree at an approximate location as shown on this plan. Mr. Holster said he would like to add a note referring to "future pro- posed landscaping" in all but the parking lot for phase I, and Mr. Hill said he should have shown a phased landscaping plan if that's what he proposes. Mr. Miller asked if the applicant understands that if this plan is approved, he would be responsible for having the trees along the drive and Mr, Holster said that approximately one-half the required number of trees for this project will be along the drive. Mr. Miller suggested at least one per 30 ft. as Ordinance requires, and Mr. Holster said that is approx- imately what he has along the drive. Mr. Hill spoke of the lack of landscaping along the Frontage Road. Mr. Martyn said that he didn't want to approve a plan now and then in 3-4 years see something inappropriate, and wondered if this plan could be approved now with a note saying that other phases will have new landscaping plans. Mr. Hill asked the appli- cant what he wanted for a C.O. Mr. Holster said that Phase II is under design now and would have very little change from this plan, so will not be quite as arbitrary as Mr. Martyn fears. He said the interior courtyard will be in phase II, and asked that the trees conti- guqus fio phase II parking lot be allowed to be planted after construction of phase I1. The public hearing was closed and Mr. Miller made a motion to approve this plan and conditional use permit with a note that the landscaping in and contiguous to phase II is to be included in phase It before the C.O. is issued, plus the addition of a note indicating that ground- PAZ Minutes 8-22-83 page 4 cover everywhere will be seeded Bermuda, Mr, Bailey seconded the motion which carried • unanimously (6-0)•with-Mr. Kaiser having-been excused. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7. 83 228: Final Plat Lord's Acres Mr. Kaiser returned to the Commission. Mr. Mayo pointed out that this land is the site of the approved Conditional Use Permit on the last item, that there had been no formal presubmission conference, but that staff had reviewed the plat on an individual basis, and recommends approval as shown. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve with Mr. Hansen seconding. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). Mr. Holster asked to be recognized again, and Mr, Hill agreed. Then Mr. Holster asked about the curbing on the conditional use permit he had referred to in the earlier request, and Mr. Miller made a motion to reconsider the motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit in Agenda Item No. 6. Mr. Bailey seconded this motion. Mr. Miller then made a motion to amend the motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit as stated previously, and in addition, to include a note to delete the curbing on the drive from the end of the curbing marked as "fire lane" to the rectory so it can be treated as a private driveway. Mr. Bailey seconded this motion which carried unanimously (6-0) with Mr. Kaiser again not taking part in this consideration, AGENDA ITEM N0. 8: 83-224: Final Plat - Vacating & Resubdivision of Lot 4 Block 4 South- east College Park. Mr. Mayo explained this replat and stated staff recommends approval as shown. Mr. Miller questioned the 2 long, narrow lots being created, and Mr. Mayo said that as staff under- stands, there will only be 2 houses facing Winding Road on these lots. Mr. Hansen made a • motion to approve with Mr. Kelly seconding. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0, ~: 83-225: Final Plat - Replat of Parkway Plaza Phase 6 Mr. Mayo explained the replat and the reasons it is being made and stated that staff recom- mends approval as shown. Mr, Miller made a motion to approve with Mr. Hansen seconding. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0, 10: 83-436: Parking Lot Plan - Revised for the Brazos Square Shopping Center Mr. Mayo explained that this is a revised parking lot plan for the plat which was just approved, and then referred to the note in the PRC report concerning dumpsters which has not been addressed on this plan. John Olsen asked to be heard from the audience and the chairman agreed, Mr, Olsen came forward and identified himself as a representative of the applicant and stated that the owner had made the decision to buy the dumpsters for the entire shopping center and make agreements with the tenants to use common dumpsters. Mr. Hill asked what type of groundcover was being planned, and Mr. Olsen said sprigged St. Augustine is planned. Mr. Miller then made a motion to approve with PRC recommendations plus the additional note that groundcover will be sprigged St. Augustine. Mr. Kelly second- ed the motion which carried unanimously (7-0), AGENDA ITiM N0. il: 83-227: Final Plat - Resubdivision of Lots 3 ~ 4 Block 1 Bernadine Estates • Mr. Mayo explained that this replat simply realigns the side lot lines, and staff recom- mends approval. Mr. Marlyn asked if both lots are owned by one person, and Mr. Mayo said he believes that is the case. Mr, Bailey made a motion to approve with Mr. Hansen second- ing the motion which carried unanimously (7-0). PAZ Minutes 8-22-83 page 5 AGENDA ITEM N0. 12: 83-229: Final Plat - Regency South - Resubdivision of Lot 35 Block 16 • Southwood Valley Section III. Mr. Mayo explained that this replat represents an "as built" plat of a PUD, and the changes are minor from the approved plat, therefore staff recommends approval. Mr. Miller made a motion to approve the replat with Mr. Kelly seconding. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 13: 83-310: Preliminar Plat - Walden Pond Townhomes located between FM 2 1 and the extension of Southwest Parkway west of Holleman Mr. Mayo explained the Presubmission Conference recommendations had all been met and staff recommends approval as shown. He pointed out that items 2~3 on the report will be taken care of before construction begins and the City Engineer has control over that as he will not sign the Final Plat until recommendations are satisfactorily met. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve the plat with Mr. Hansen seconding. Motion carried unanimously (7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 14: 83-311: Preliminary Piat - One Lincoln Place located on the south side of University Drive Mr. Mayo explained the plat and located the land on a map. He stated that staff has no problem with this plat, other than it would request that the access easements be designated as "private access easements". Discussion followed concerning access to Lot 2 from Lincoln, the plans for the extension of Lincoln, the reasons for the inclusion of Item #4 on the staff report being that the street had been shown as a public street on the original plat. Adequacy of the proposed 30 ft. drive was discussed, and Mr. Miller stated he believes a wider street is called for and Mr. Martyn said he would prefer that this be a public street. • Mr. Pullen said he had no problem with the width if it is a private easement. Mr. Mayo said in his opinion, this 30 ft. private access easement would be minimal for the proposed residential project, and a 40 ft, width would probably be better. Mr. Pullen pointed out that a private traffic study had been done for these developers and taking into account the A-P zoning and the residential zoning, a minimum street width of 30 ft. would be suffi- cient. Mr. Mayo then pointed out that a 30 ft. private drive is more efficient than a public 28 ft. street, because it would be a firs lane with no parking. Mr. Bailey made a motion to approve with Presub fission recommendations with the deletion of item #4 and the addition of a note that acc ss easements shall be private. Motion seconded by Mr. Miller and carried by a vote o 6-1 with Mr. Martyn voting against it. Mr. Kaiser requested presentation of more information, including the pros and cons of pri- vate access easements 30 ft, in width when the Final Plat is considered. AGENDA ITEM N0. 15: 83-512: Site Plan Permit - Cedar Creek Condominiums located in One Lincoln Place. Mr. Mayo explained the site plan + stated there are some problems with this revised plan and then listed them as being: (1)density is indicated at 16.1 dwelling units per acre and maximum allowed by Ordinance in R-4 zoning is 16.0 d.u./acre; (2)clarification needed con- cerning the 6" wised curbing where parking adjoins the sidewalk, (3)fire hydrants are not shown, although there is a note about them, (4)buildings #4 & #6 are too close if a stair- way is included, as a stairway cannot extend into the clear space required by Ordinance and (5)dumpster locations as shown are questionable and appear to be in the driveway, and sug- gests that the applicant work out a plan with the Director of Public Services and let the • Planning Department see the results; he further stated that perhaps the use of screens could help delineate the location of the pads to the garbage people. Mr, Martyn made a motion to approve this plan with the addition of a note to include dir- PAZ Minutes 8-22-83 page 6 ectional screens for dumpsters, the addition of showing fire hydrants on the plan as ap- • proved by the Fire Department, the reduction of the number of units to meet Ordinance requirements or the rezoning of additional land to accommodate the number of units shown. This motion was withdrawn after discussion concerning problems with overdevelopment of land and the lack of fire hydrants. John Olsen, representative of the developer and employee of Jerry Bishop ~ Associates came forward at the request of the chairman and said that a water line plan has been developed and approved by the Fire Marshall and the fire hydrants had inadvertently been left off this plan. Jack Doble of San Antonio and one of the developers came forward at the invi- tation of the chairman and stated they are willing to delete one unit from building #11, to meet ordinance requirements. Mr. Martyn then made a motion to approve this site plan with a note that 1 unit will be deleted from Building #11, fire hydrants as approved by the Flre Department are to be shown on the plan, directional screens must be included around dumpsters and a 15 ft. minimum clear space will be maintained between all buildings and stairways. Mr. Kelly seconded and the motion carried unanimously (7-0). • AGENDA ITFM N0. 16: 83-434: Parking Lot Plan - Philip Blackburn, Inc Office Buildin in Ashford Square. Mr. Hansen was excused from the Commission. Mr. Mayo explained the applicant has been granted a blanket variance from the ZBA regarding rear setbacks, allowing zero lot line construction, and further pointed out an unfinished note concerning water drainage and asked for clarification. He also pointed out that the entire driveway must be built as part of this project, and wanted the applicant to understand that this is a requirement. Mr. Mayo also stated that staff has requested an overall plan of Ashford Square as each project is approved or built, and the applicant has not provided this plan. He recommended that Mr. Blackburn be invited to address the Commission regarding the private drives in this subdivision which the City normally requires to be curbed, but are not so planned in this subdivision. He went on to state that all projects thus far approved had been approved with curbs, but the developers really do not want to include curbing, but rather have planned to use an inverted crown on the streets which do not use curbing. Mr. Blackburn was invited forward to explain and he stated that curbing has not been included, but rather a system of inverted crowns on streets to accommodate drainage has been developed as a re- sult of a study which will allow planned, engineered metering of water from the project. Mr. Mayo explained that staff has no objections to this as a sort of test case in Planned Unit Commercial Developments to see how it will work. The City Engineer agreed that he has no problem with this plan. Mr. Miller asked about the unfinished note concerning drainage, and Mr. Blackburn said the draftsman had inadvertently left the note incomplete, and he would see that it was completed. Mr. H111 asked Mr. Mayo to amend items numbered 12 ~ 19 on the PRC report, and he did to reflect: #12: "a 6" raised curb is required around all edges of all parts of all parking areas; private access easements will not be curbed; and #19: "drainage must be handled between the street edge and the curbing at the edge of the parking easement. Please indi- cate how this is to be done on the site plan." Mr. Miller said that trees should be l~" caliper to comply with Ordinance. Mr. Kaiser requested a map showing the development of an entire area, not just Ashford Square, and then referred to a Master Drainage Plan. Mr. Pul- len explained the developer has prepared a Master Drainage Plan for the entire Ashford Square only, Mr. Bailey then made a motion to approve the plan with PRC recommendations as amended by staff and sfiated above, plus the inclusion of a note requiring trees to comply with ordinance. Mr. Kelly seconded. Motion carried unanimously (6-0).(Hansen abstained) PAZ Minutes 8-22-83 page 7 AGENDA ITEM N0. 17: 83-511• Slte Plan Permit - Woodway Village Section Two (4-plexes) • Mr. Mayo explained that islands are only 8.75 ft. in width, and ordinance suggests 9 ft. width, that parking easements as recommended on PRC item #4 should be shown on the plan, that in regard to PRC #6, only 3 plants are shown and staff does not know if they will be effective screening. Mr. Bailey spoke of sight distance triangle, Mr. Hill spoke of type of groundcover and amount of shading from buildings and trees, Mr. Miller said that no sizes of landscaping items had been shown. The chairman then invited the applicant forward to answer some questions and Lloyd Graham, a representative of the builder came forward to offer to make the groundcover solid sod St. Augustine, to make the trees and shrubs the minimum size required by ordinance. Mr. Martyn suggested that 2 gallon bucket sized shrubs would be acceptable with trees being a minimum 1~" caliper. Mr. Martyn then made a motion to approve the plan with the note as designated above concerning shrubs, trees and solid sod St. Augustine. Mr. Hansen seconded the motion which carried 6-1 with Mr. Kaiser voting against because he disagreed with Commission designating sizes of shrubs. AGENDA ITEM N0. 18• 83-431• Reconsideration of a Parking Lot Plan - BrazosBanc Savings Association of Texas ro osed ATM buildin located on-the Exxon Service Station site at the corner of Texas Avenue ~ Millers Lane. Tabled at August 19 3 meeting . This Item wifihdrawn at the request of applicant and remains on the table until g-1-83. AGENDA ITEM N0. 19: Other Business Discussion followed concerning what PRC reviews should cover, including the written state- ment concerning how the applicant can make his wishes known to the Commission on items which • are not normally heard in public hearings. Mr. Kaiser reiterated his request for surround- ing land uses to be included on vicinity maps, plus the inclusion of location of adjacent buildings and zoning in the area. Mr. Miller reported the Lanscaping Committee would meet on Tuesday at 4:00 P.M., and had thus far progressed to a point of having a form of a plan, and hopefully would have a completed plan to the PAZ by the end of September. Mr. Bailey asked about the Northgate Committee meeting and Mr. Mayo reported that the last one had included input from citizens in the City, several new faces were in attendance, and that response had been fairly positive regarding seeing that something gets done in the area. Mr. Martyn asked the Landscaping Committee to consider type of groundcover treatment (solid sod in small areas) and disagreed with Mr. Kaiser's statement regarding designation of size of shrubbery by the Commission. Mr. Miller said the committee is looking at both these items. Mr. Hansen asked when the City Attorney would have a revised statement ready for the pamphlet and Mr. Hill said hopefully it would be ready by the next regular meeting. Mr. Hill asked about the Slgn Ordinance Committee, and Mr. Mayo said he had not heard anything for awhile. Mr. Kelly made a motion to adjourn with Mr. Hansen seconding. Motion carried unanimously (7-0) . ATTEST: • Dian Jones, City Secretary PLANNING AND ZONING CpMMISSION i i• GUEST REGISTER DATE ,~ NAME ADDRESS f,. ~1 -~ 2. ~~+ /'cJ 3 • it/,~' ~. 8. 9. 10. 11. -~-~~ c~v~o c c. ~..- c. s ...,. , ff ~ ~,..-., f 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1 ~ . _. 18. ~. 19. 20. 21. 22. - 23. 24. 25 --~ -, .__ , _, __- _ __ .--_