HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/06/1982 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS • Planning and Zoning Commission May 6, 1982 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioners Behling, Kelly, Fleming, Bailey, Hall Miller; also Council Liaison Ringer and Mayor Halter MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Mayo, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, Asst. Planning Director Callaway, Planning Assistant Longley, Zoning Official Kee, Traffic Engineer Black, Planning Technician Volk AGENDA ITEM N0. l: Approval of Minutes meeting of April 15, 1982 Commissioner Kelly made a motion that the minutes be approved. Bailey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously (Hall absent; Miller abstaining). At this time Chairman Behling turned the meeting over to Mayor Halter who presented a plaque of appreciation to Jim Gardner, an outgoing P&Z Commissioner. Mayor Halter then administered the oath of office to the incoming members of • the Commission: Roy Kelly, Gerald Miller and Murl Bailey. AGENDA ITEM N0.2. Hear Visitors No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 3: 82-117: A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 9.0 acre tract located on the north side of Krenek Lane approximately 2,000 feet east of Texas Avenue, from R-3 to R-3 Townhouse/Rowhouse to allow recent amendments to be applied to this tract. Callaway explained the rezoning request. Chairman Behling opened the public meeting. No one spoke. Public meeting was closed. Commissioner Bailey made a motion to approve the request to rezone; Fleming seconded the motion. Motion carried, with Chairman Behling and Commissioner Hall abstaining. AGENDA ITEM N0. 4: 82-118: A public hearin on the uestion of rezonin Lot 2A, Block Southwood Valle.-l0A at the corner of Rio Grande and Balcones from vacant R-3 Townhouse/Rowhouse to R- Apartments Low Density. The application is in the name of Tony Jones. Callaway explained the request. Chairman Behling opened the public meeting. Tony Jones spoke as a proponent of the request, and reaffirmed that this project was designed under the R-3 zoning which allows 14 units per acre, and that this project will have 10 units per acre, but R-3 zoning also calls for platting lots a minimum of 20x100, and R-4 page 2 PAZ Minutes 5-6-82 gives the vehicle to do the same project without platting the lots. This pro- ject is planned to have 27 units on the entire acreage and R-4 zoning could have • 39-4o units. This type zoning eliminates platting lots, and the units can still be sold as condos, if desired. No other proponents wished to speak, so Chairman Behling called for Opponents to the request. Mr. Brian Wazzel, a neighbor to the proposed project questioned what would keep Mr. Jones from selling this project to someone who would put in apartments of higher density than currently proposed in this project. Chairman Behling explained the project as proposed and pointed out that it had been approved by the PRC, and that PAZ only recommends and City Council approves or disapproves. He also indicated that there is no guarantee that after approval of a particular project that Mr. Jones would not sell the land and someone else come in. Mr. Wazzel indicated that he was not opposed to this project as it stands, but would like some guarantee that this is what would be going next door to him. Mr. Jones then indicated that if something would happen, and that if this pro- ject did. not go on as planned, he would request rezoning back to R-3, and then pledged his word to this. He further explained that the proposed individual units would cross property lines if zoning stayed R-3 and that R-4 did not require platting of lots. He also indicated that as much of the heavily wooded area in the project would be saved as was possible. No one else spoke. Public meeting was closed. • Commissioner Bailey asked if this type of request could go to Zoning Board of Adjustments if PAZ refused to recommend it at this time. Callaway indicated that the ZBA could vary lot sizes and setbacks, but he did not think it could change lot requirements. Bailey indicated he believed something needed to be done to the Ordinance to keep this type of rezoning/rezoning again from being done. Commissioner Kelly made a motion to pass the request. Hall seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. At this time Chairman Behling interrupted the agenda, and asked Mayor Halter to continue with his presentations. Mayor Halter invited Ann Hazen to come forward, and he presented the plaque of appreciation to her for her services as Commissioner on PAZ in the past. AGENDA ITEM #5: 82-119: A ublic hearin on the uestion of rezonin Lot 12, Block B of College Heights Subdivision 303 E. University Drive from A-P Administrative-Professional to Planned. Commercial to be used for a washeteria. The application is in the name of William T. Aycock. Callaway explained the request and gave the background of the existing metal building. Commissioner Hall questioned traffic problems, and Callaway indicated the possi- bility of slightly higher traffic counts, depending upon what type of business • to be put in. Hall asked if this type of rezoning would allow a 7-11 type busi- ness, and Callaway indicated in the affirmative. Hall indicated that certainly this type of store would cause a considerable increase in traffic count. Public meeting was opened, and proponents were invited to speak. page 3 PAZ Minutes 5-6-82 Bill Aycock, owner of the property in question came forward and indicated that the existing metal building needed to have something done to it because it • is an eyesore for the City, and he wanted to take off the metal siding and reconstruct the building, using the framing and foundation and rebuild a build- ing to be used as a washeteria. Commissioner Kelly asked if there was ample parking and Mr. Aycock indicated that most business at a washeteria was at night and on weekends, and that~:the parking spaces for the adjacent office building would be available during those hours if there were an overflow from available parking for the washeteria. Commissioner Hall asked if there was not an alleyway between the 2 buildings, and Mr. Aycock indicated there is, but it had been practically abandoned by the City, and he had been given permission to pave one-half of it at an earlier date. Opponents to the request were invited to speak. No one spoke. The public meeting was closed. Commissioner Miller expressed doubts about a washeteria in this area, and then asked how far back the existing metal building sat from University Drive, and whether Mr. Aycock had any intention of parking in front of the building. Aycock indicated there was already a curb cut which he planned to enlarge and use, and he planned to have parking in the grassy area along the drive. Commissioner Kelly questioned the available required amount of parking in re- lation to the size of the building. Mr. Aycock indicated the lot to be 137.6 by 65, and Kelly said that he was not questioning that, at which time Behling read from the Ordinance concerning the types of businesses allowed in C-3 zoning, Mr. Aycock said the building was 60x26 and that he planned to add 3-4 ft. on the back. Mr. Kelly then indicated that the size of the building • would govern exactly how many parking spaces would be required, no matter what time the patrons arrived. Chairman Behling indicated that relief might be arrived at by joining both properties together and then Commissioner Hall pointed out that the Commission had ruled against that in the past. Callaway instructed that the previous ruling would not affect this ruling, and Mayo confirmed this stating that the previous ruling had been made because the adjoining properties were owned by 2 different owners with two different operations, both wanting to use the same space at the same times. P1ayo further indicated that staff would not have a problem with Mr. Aycock using parking for both businesses, as long as he had ample required parking for both businesses combined. Mr. Kelly then asked if Mr. Aycock had any idea regarding the number of machines he planned to put in the building. He responded there would be approximately 34 washers and 17 dryers. Chairman Behling then pointed out that rezoning was what the Commission was considering rather than the type of business, and that the decision should be based upon whether or not this location was a good place for C-3 zoning. Commissioner Hall then asked if Mr. Aycock owned Lot 11 to which Mr. Aycock replied in the negative, and added that George Green owns it, and that is was currently zoned A-P, but that there is a little rental residence on it and that Mr. Green had indicated to him that he had no objection to rezoning the lot in question. Commissioner Bailey made a motion to recommend denial of the request. Commis- . sinner Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-2, with Kelly ~ Behling voting against the motion to deny. P&Z Minutes 5-6-82 page 4 _AGENDA ITEM #6: 82-703: A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for a daycare center to be located at 800 & 802 Autumn . Circle, Lots 1 & 2, Block C, University Park Subdivision ,Phase I. The request for Use Permit is in the name of Somana Corporation, Don Farek, V-P, and Syed Naqi and Syed Hyder. Callaway explained and. then indicated that staff would like to have some clarification of the general type of landscaping to be provided, and also explained that the Fire Marshall would have final approval concerning fire protection. The public meeting was opened and Proponents were invited to speak. Syed Naqi spoke and indicated that landscaping would consist of lawn and low shrubs done with the advi a of a professional landscaper. He then advised that he had an alternate plan which was actually preferable to the plan the Commission had before them, and Chairman Behling invited him to present this new plan at this time. Syed Naqi did present the alternate plan, and was asked about the turning radius of the driveway, to which he replied that 6-7 cars could line up in the driveway. The Commission asked if perhaps this request should go back to PRC and Mayo and Kelly indicated this was not necessary and that the Commission could rule on this right now. Mayo further indicated that the City Engineer could help with any problems encountered with the new. driveway. Opponents were invited to speak. No one spoke. The public meeting was closed. Commissioner Miller indicated he believed the dropoff arrangement for children on this alternate plan was better than the first one. • Commissioner Kelly made a motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit with the conditions that the City Engineer rule on the curb cut, and that staff (Planning) requirements and Ordinance rules governing landscaping and setbacks be met. Commissioner Fleming seconded the motion. Hall indicated it was his belief that the Commission was becoming inconsistent with the requirements it demanded, and that he wanted a better drawing. Motion carried to approve the Conditional. Use Permit 5-1, with Hall voting nay. AGENDA ITEM #7: 82-521: Consideration of a request fora site plan permit for the construction of an a artment ro'ect to be located on the corner of the intersection of Rio Grande and Balcones Lot 2A Block 46 Southwood Valley 10-A . Mayo presented the request. Commissioner Miller asked about curb cuts in relationship to curb cuts across the street. Mayo indicated that this street is primarily residential, and that curb cuts would have no impact in this case. Commissioner Bailey asked about fire hydrants, and Tony Jones pointed out the additional hydrants, which had been planned. Commissioner Ke lly made a motion to approve the request. Commissioner Bailey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #8: 82-411: .Consideration of a parking lot plan for the E-Z Travel Motel Addition and Restaurant located at the southeast corner of • Holleman Drive and Texas Avenue. Mayo explained the plan and the Ordinance covering signs and stated that the site plan would be considered one building plot and that only one sign for this entire plot would be allowed. Commissioner Behling indicated there is PAZ Minutes 5-6-82 page ample parking even if the restaurant were sold in the future, so this would present no problem. Commissioner Hall questioned the sign problem, and Mayo cited the ruling that had been made concerning one building plot, no matter how many businesses on that plot, and then gave examples of this ruling (Manor East Inn, Kroger Shopping Center, Post Oak Mall). Commissioner Kelly made a motion to approve the plan with the stipulation that PRC recommendations be followed. At this time, Tony Moschella asked to be recognized, and spoke from the floor indicating that he worked with E-Z Travel Motels and that they are currently in the process of subdividing the motel from the restaurant, and that there would be 2 different owners, and that each would want his own sign for his business. Commissioner Kelly then withdrew his motion. Moschella indicated that the curb cuts as shown on the parking lot plan would remain, but management would put up signs indicating "exit with right turn only" and entrance signs. Mr. Ash indicated that a boulevard entrance would accomplish the same thing, and furthermore was what the PRC had recom- mended. He further indicated that there would be no way to control traffic with the two smaller curb cuts, and that the direction indicators on the signs could not be enforced. Chairman Behling then related that he had made a trial run from the south to north on Texas Avenue and that it was very difficult to see the first entrance in time to make the turn into it. • After much discussion about curb cuts and signs, Commissioner Miller asked again about the curb cuts. Commissioner Kelly recommended leaving the decision concerning curb cuts up to the engineers and developers. City Engineer Ash asked for clarification as to the preference of the Commission. Chairman Behling indicated that it be treated as a new site plan due to the numerous changes proposed, and the P&Z should not necessarily consider the existing curb cuts, but rather treat this as a new site plan and total circulation of the site should be considered. Commissioner Hall made a motion for approval of this plan if the conditions of the PRC were met, with exception of Item #15 on that memo, which should read "Sign for the motel will be the existing sign which will be brought into con- formance with current ordinances, and the sign for the restaurant will be letters on an attached wall of the restaurant, and no separate free-standing sign for the restaurant will be allowed." Commissioner Bailey seconded the motion. Motion carried with Chairman Behling voting nay because of the exist- ing curb cuts on Texas Avenue. AGENDA ITEM #9~ 82-413: Consideration of a parking lot plan for the Randolph Office Buildin which is located at 700 Universit Drive (corner of Universit Drive .and Tarrow Street . Mayo explained the site plan and pointed out that this revised site plan ans- wered all the recommendations of the PRC, and therefore staff recommended approval. Chairman Behling pointed out that the curb cut would represent joint access and that there is access easement that goes back across the Randolph • property to the rear of the site, which will be a common driveway not only for this site, but also for future development of that area. Commissioner Kelly made a motion to approve the plan with Commissioner Bailey seconding. Motion carried unanimously. page 6 PAZ Minutes 5-6-82 AGENDA ITEM #10• 82-414• Consideration of a parking lot plan for a shopping center on 15 00 acres of Morgan Rector League in Brazos County of Brazos Com- . monwealth No. 1, Limited, b Leon W. Stansey and wife Grace Brown Stanse west of Post .Oak Mall on Hwy. 30 . Mayo explained the plan and pointed out that staff did not like the intersection created by parking areas as shown on the plat, because it was too close to High- way 30. He indicated on the plan where the curbs should be extended sa that the intersections created on the parking lot were farther away from the high- way. The lanes in front of the stores should have been designated as fire lanes. He further explained the problem of drainage and access between this mall and the Post Oak Mall, and how these problems were to be worked out bet- ween the 2 malls, and that the City may have to intervene to solve these pro- blems. There is also a problem in the way .the Kiosk sits on this plan, and staff recommends that if this site plan is approved, one condition should be that when the Kiosk becomes a reality another site plan should be presented for staff approval, (this concerning the location of the Kiosk). He further pointed out that there are a total of 34 end islands with only 8 of them landscaped, and the Commission should consider this landscaping plan when making its recommenda- tion. Commissioners Bailey and Hall both indicated they wanted more landscaping in this. proposed shopping center. Commissioner Bailey made a motion to table this project. Commissioner Kelly seconded the motion to table. Motion carried unanimously to table this project. Mayo indicated then that he would contact the developer about the problems and perhaps even reschedule a PRC. • Commissioner Hall asked if the Commission had any control over the names of malls, and indicated there were too many "Post Oaks" and they were becoming confusing. J.W.Wood asked to speak from the floor about landscaping and indicated that he would be very concerned if the Commission did not recommend to the developer that more landscaping was necessary. AGENDA ITEM #11• 82-227' A final plat - University Park Phase I, Lots 2 ~ Block B, Section 1. Mayo explained the plat, and pointed out that all recommended changes had been made. Commissioner Kelly made a motion to approve the plat. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #12• 82-226• A final plat - Eastmark Subdivision - Phase II. Mayo explained the plat and indicated there may be possible problems with Lot 8, Blk G (Kalanchoe Court). He said that it would appear that this lot was somewhat less than 100 feet in depth, but that he would check on this. He then indicated staff had no other problems with the plat and recommended approval. Chairman Behling expressed a wish that "Reserved for Future Development" be put on Lot 1, Block D, Block B and Block C. Commissioner Bailey wanted to deny access to Southwest Parkway and Dartmouth. page PAZ Minutes 5-6-82 Commissioner Bailey made a motion to approve the plat with the added notes (above). Commissioner Kelly seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #13: 82-600: Consideration of Dis-annexation of 6.012 acres in- cluding the northwest corner of Highway 60 and Highway 2 18. Request is in the name of Ralph Bobbitt. Mayo explained the request and discussion followed as to location of this land, the problems Mr. Bobbitt had with the County Health Department. The City Attorney of the City of College Station has notified Mr. Bobbitt that he needs to bring his property up to standards or else to ask the City for Dis- annexation. This property has been in the City for a number of years, and has never received City Services, and at the present time there are no plans to expand Water and Sewer Services to that area. Commissioner Bailey suggested to look at the rest of the area between this land and the farthest point to water and sewer services for possible dis- annexation. Mayo indicated that this should be studied completely before being done. Commissioner Kelly made a motion to recommend approval of this dis-annexation request. Commissioner Bailey seconded the motion, and suggested a look at the area on the west side of Bypass 2818 and north of Hiway 60 for possible disannexation. Motion carried 4-2, with Behling and Hall voting no. AGENDA ITEM N0. 14: 82-803: Abandonment form for Plat: Consideration of • Vacation of East Gate Square Blocks 1 & 2. Mayo explained the plat to be abandoned, and indicated that the developer plan- ned to submit a new plat with future plans. Chairman Behling asked about a city street he thought should appear on the plat. Mayo indicated that there is a right-of-way for a street which appears on a later plat, and that this had been done only to insure a lefthand turn into the plat, and that this right-of-way would also be abandoned. Chairman Behling indicated that in order for anything to be done on this land in the future, it would have to be replatted. Commissioner Bailey made a motion to approve the abandonment request. Com- missioner Hall seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM #15: Other Business Mayo explained that the Summary Report which each Commissioner had was actually an annual report for 3 years (1979, 1980, ~ 1981). He then highlighted some of the information. Chairman Behling complimented the staff on its job, and requested that an Annual Report be available in April in the future to coin- cide with the term of office of the P&Z Commissioners. Mayo also announced that staff had received a Preliminary Report of the Com- prehensive Plan for the City of College Station, and reminded the Commission that there was a workshop with the consultants on May 11, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Behling announced that there would be an additional workshop/tour for • new Commission members, and would include a short meeting with the City Attorney on May 18, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. which would convene in the parking lot at City Hall. Commissioner Hall asked about what progress had been made concerning cleaning up around the water tower. Councilman Ringer indicated that he had talked with the City Manager about it and had been informed that most of the problems were PAZ Minutes 5-6-82 page were caused by the contractor who is doing work at the substation on 2818. Mayo was asked to check on this. • Commissioner Kelly reminded Chairman Behling that an assistant chairman should be appointed and Mr. Behling replied that he would take this up at the next meeting. AGENDA ITEM #16: Adjournment. Commissioner Bailey made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVED: ATTEST: V v~ Ch irman • Secretary •