HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/15/1981 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES City of College Station, Texas Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting • January 15, 1981 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Maher; Commissioners Behling, Livingston, Gardner, Hazen, Sears, Watson; City Council Liaison Tony Jones; Mayor Halter. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Mayo, City Engineer Ash, Planning Assistant Longley MEMBERS ABSENT: None Mayor Halter gave the oath of office to Commission Livingston. Chariman Maher welcomed Commissioner Livingston to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Maher advised that Item No. 7 would be moved up and considered prior to Item No. 2. AGENDA ITEM N0. 1 -- Approval. of minutes - meeting of December 18, 1980. Commissioner Hazen asked that her statement in the last paragraph on page 4 be changed to read, "...that the developer would build an unsightly facility." • Commissioner Gardner asked that his statement in the next to last paragraph on page 4 should read, "Commissioner Gardner suggested that the odds were that the City would not turn dow the industriy's zoning or site plan afetr the media had already welcomed them to town." Commissioner Watson moved that the minutes be approved as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hazen and approved. with Commissioner Livingston abstaining. AGENDA ITEM N0. 2 -- Hear visitors. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7 -- Final plat - Post Oak Mall. Mr. Mayo advised that the plat would have to be sheet as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. itional electrical easements were needed and th, mall developers for these. He recommended that ditions that it be redrawn on the smaller sheet added as required by the City. redrawn to fit on a 24 x 36 inch He also pointed out that some add- ~t the City was negotiating with the the plat be approved with the con- and that electrical easements be Commissioner .Watson moved that the plat be approved and that it be redrawn to fit the 24 x 36 inch sheet and that electr.e~l easments would be added as necessary. • The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and unanimously approved. MINUTES Page 2 Planning and Zoning Commission January 15, 1981 7:00 P.M. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 3 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning three tracts of land north of University Drive and east of Tarrow Street and Fed Mart Drive as follows. TRACT A: 9.085 acres from District R-1 to District A-P. TRACT B: 23.474 acres from District R-1 to District R-5. TRACT C: 33.406 .acres from District R-1 to District C-1. The application is in the name of J.W. Wood, Trustee. Mr. Mayo explained the requested rezoning and made the following recommendations: 1. Concentrate the C-1 area near the University Drive-Fed Mart Drive intersection. 2. Slightly expand the existing commercial area at University Drive and the East Bypass. 3. Develop the remaining frontage along University Drive as apartments, twonhouses, and/or single family. 4. Rezone the five lots in the Fed Mart Addition along Fed Mart Drive to C-l. The public hearing was opened. Mr. J.W. Wood, applicant said that he had no real objection to the staff recom- mendations and that he would like to work with Mr. Mayo on an agreement. He ex- plained that a creek easement had dicated the dividing line between the requested R-5 area and the C-1 area and that about 1/3 of the remaining R-1 land was in the flood plain. He asked that, if the proposed zoning was not granted, that the Com- mission consider R-4 of R-5 along with A-P along the frontage of University Drive. • He suggested that, rather than taking action on this proposal, the Commission give him some indication of what type of zoning plan might be approved. Commissioner Behling said that he thought the configuration of the proposed~~C-1 area was acceptable. Mr. Mayo explained. that the proposed request would put commercial development on the north side of University Drive from Fed-Mart to the East Bypass and that this concept should be avoided. He also pointed out that there was already a sufficient amount of vacant C-l property, either existing or proposed, in the area. Commissioner Watson asked if the creek would be a major constraint to commercial development if the C-1 area were to be concentrated as suggested by Mr. Mayo. Mr. Mayo said that the .creek would present some problems,. but that two commercial projects were under construction along a creek passing under University Drive to the west of the subject tracts. Mr. Wood said that the creek would not present a major problem to development. Commissioner Gardner pointed out that the back portion of the proposed C-1 area was involved in the flood plain:,, and thus development would take place only in a strip along University Drive. He suggested that the staff's proposal was more acceptable to him: • Mr. Warren Kilpatrik, Forest Drive, spoke in opposition to the request. He said that he felt the residents of Post Oak Forest could accept the staff proposal, but they would object to commercial zoning being placed directly opposite the inter- section of Forest Drive and University Drive. Dr. Anna Marie Elmquist, Forest Drive, spoke in opposition to the request. She MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting January 15, 1981 7:00 P.M. Page 3 • said that the traffic on University Drive a left turn from Forest Drive onto University hard now, and that additional C-1 development would only make the traffic worse. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Gardner asked what the options of the Commission were. Chairman Maher ruled that the Commission would vote only on the request as presented by Mr. Wood. Commissioner Watson moved that the request be tabled to allow Mr. Wood to work out a revised zoning plan with the City staff, and that when the item was to be reconsidered,-the interested property owners would be notified. The moiton was seconded by Commissioner Sears. Chairman Maher said that he did not think the City staff should have to spend , their time designing projects for applicants. He suggested that the Commission should either approve or deny the application as submitted. The motion to table the item was approved by the following vote: For: Commissioners Livingston, Behling, Sears, Watson Opposed: Chairman Maher; Commissioners Gardner, Hazen. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 4 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning two tracts located west of and adjacent to F.M. 158 as follows: TRACT A: 1.186 acres from A-0 to C-2 TRACT B: 3.433 acres from A-0 to R-1 The application is in the name of Mrs. Joyce Bell. Mr. Mayo showed. the location of the property and explained that Mr. Bell had operated his welding business on Tract A for about 12 years and that, now that the land was in the City limits, it would have to be zoned C-2 before Mr. Bell could build an addition to the facility. He pointed out that the addition would allow for indoor storage of materials now stored outside, so the addition would improve the appear- ance of the site. He recommended that the rezoning be approved. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Milton Bell said that his proposed addition would be a 40 foot by 100 foot building. He added that he wanted the R-1 zoning on Tract B so that he could add a garage to his house. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Watson moved that the Commission recommend. approval of the request. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hazen and unanimously approved. • MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission January 15, 1981 7:00 P.M. Page 4 • AGENDA ITEM NO. 5 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lots 5 and 6, Block 9 of the Boyett Addition from R-6 to C-1. The request being in the name of the Christian Science Societv. Mr. Mayo explained that the only reason given by the applicant for the requested change was so that a higher price could be asked for the property when it was sold. He pointed out that very little off-street parking could be provided on the site and that many C-1 uses would require a variance to the Zoning Ordinance's parking requirements. He suggested that A-P zoning might be considered so that the exist- ing building could be converted into a small office building. The public hearing .was opened. Mr. Ed Hodney of the Christian Science Society's Executive Board spoke and explan- ed that they felt the C-1 zoning around them had set a trend for the area. He also said that the society might. have trouble selling the building to a doctor or a lawyer. Chairman Maher asked if they would consider A-P zoning. Mr. Hodney said that he would have to discuss this with the other members of the Executive Board. Ms. Susan Ferreri explained that the three lots in back of the lots in question were also for sale, and that if all five lots could be sold together, the result- ing property would have enough room for parking. • Commissioner Gardner suggested that small office use in this area was not likely. He added that, if the zoning to C-1 were approved, the area would be no worse off. Mr. Bruce Fisher, pastor of the A&M Presbyterian Church spoke in opposition to the request. He said that his church could live with a small office type use but that the area was already being taken over by entertainment establishments. Mr. James Ruben, a resident of First Street, said that he owned a house across from the subject tract and that he was opposed to the request. He said that he would not object to an office use that operated from 8 to 5. Mr. Will Worley, a member of the A&M Presbyterian Church said that the church's mem- bership had voted to oppose the request. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Gardner moved that the Commission recommend approval of the request. The moiton failed for lack of a second. Commissioner Watson moved that the Commission recommend denial of the request with the understanding that the Commission would grant permission for the applicant to reapply for A-P zoning without having to wait the 180 days as required by the Zoning Ordinance. ~~ a i • The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hazen and approved with Commissioners Behling and Gardner voting in opposition. MINUTES Page 5 Planning and Zoning Commission January 15, 1981. 7:00 P.M. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 6 -- A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for a day care center at Rio Grande and Balcones. The application is in the name of Lero Homes. Mr. Mayo explained that all changes recommended by the staff had been made and he recommended approval of the request. Chariman Maher asked. how the building could be used if it were sold in the future. Mr. Mayo said that it could only be used for an R-5 use meeting all of that zone's requirements because this was how the land was zoned. The public hearing was opened. No one spoke The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Sears moved that the permit be granted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gardner and approved with Commissioner Behling abstaining. AGENDA ITEM N0. 8 -- Considerati®n°of a Parking Plan for an addition to an existing office building. located at University and Tarrow Street. • Mr. Mayo advised that the changes recommended by the P.R.C. had been made. Commissioner Hazen suggested .that the dumpster location be changed so that it would not be visible to the neighborhood to the west. Mr. Mayo explained that there was no other suitable location on the~property,.at the present time. He said that when the tract to the east of the site developed, the parking lot would be enlarged and the dumpster could be moved. He suggested that the existing location could be screened from three sides so that it could only be seen from directly in front of the dumpster. Mr. Ash pointed out that the only thing directly across from the dumpster was the City`s ground-water storage tank. Commissioner. Gardner moped that the plan be approved with the provision that satis- factory screening of the dumpster be provided. The motion was seconded. by Commissioner Sears and approved with Commissioner Hazen voting against. _AGENDA ITEM N0..9 -- A parking lot plan for an office warehouse facility to be lo- cated on Lots 1,2, and 3; Block_22, Southwood Valley Section 4-B. Mr. Mayo said that the changes recommended by the P.R.C. had been made and he recommended approval. • MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission January 15, 1981 7:00 P.M. • C Page 6 Mr. Ash asked that the Commission include in their motion that the drainage along the back of the property be handled to his satisfaction. Mr. Harry Bostik, project architect, said that. there was now a wood fence between the proposed building and the area to the west. He said that the proposed building would be similar in appearance and use to the existing buildings in the area. Commissioner Behling moved that the plan be approved with the provrision that the City Engineer approve of the drainage plan on the back of the tract. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sears and unanimously approved. AGENDA ITEM N0. 10 -- Consideration of a Site Plan Permit for a four - Alex apartment project to be located at the intersection of Welsh Blvd. and Southwest Parkway. Mr. Mayo showed the proposed plan and pointed out the changes that had been made as a result of the P.R.C. meeting. Commissioner Hazen suggested that the units along Welsh would encourage cars to park on the street. She asked if Welsh would. be signed for no parking. Mr. Ash said that this might become necessary but that Welch was wide enough to allow for some on street parking. Mr. Don Martell explained his proposed concept for the project. Commissioner Sears said that he felt this was one of the best four-plex plans he had seen and he_moved thatthe plan be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson and unanimously approved. A(,F.T~TT~A TTF.M N(1 _ 1 1 -- llthar hiici nacc _ Chairman Maher said that he was concerned that some businesses in the Southwood Valley area were being use for purposes other than they had been permitted for. He said that he was referring to buildings that had been permitted for office and warehouse use and were now being used either entirely for warehousing or were also being used for retail sales. Mr. Mayo said that this was an enforcement problem and that he would look into the situation with the City Attorney. Commissioner Behling asked what the schedule for Plan .•.2000 now was. The Commission decided to hold a workshop on Plan 2000 at 3:30 P.M. on Monday, February 2. The Commission decided that, as a minumum, their study on Plan 2000 should be con- cluded in March and that Council public hearings should be held in April. Mr. Mayo told the Commission that he had been asked by a developer whether or not a washeteria could be allowed in an A-P zone. He pointed out that the A-P zone MINUTES Page 7 Planning and Zoning Commission January 15,.1981 7:00 P.M. • allowed "other personal service shops" and this might include coin-operated laundries. He pointed out that he has studyed ordinances. from several other cities and that they did not include washaterias in their A-P type zones. He recommended this use be limited to the C-N or C-1 zones. The Commission had no objection to this recommendation. Chairman Maher asked what was being done on the C-3 zone ordinance. Mr. Mayo said that the City Attorney was still working on legal questions con- cerning the ordinance. AGNEDA ITEM NO. 12 -- Ad'ourn. Commissioner Sears moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. • Approved ~.,~ Chairman Attest Secretary •