HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/03/1978 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting August 3, 1978 7:00 P.M. • MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Stover; Commissioners Watson, Mathewson, Burke, Jones; City Planner Mayo; Community Development Planner Callaway; Planning Assistant Longley; Graduate Design Engineer Fees; Acting Council Liaison Boughton MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners Etter, Sweeney VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes - meeting of July 20, 1978. Commissioner Jones moved that the minutes be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson and failed by the following vote: FOR -- Chairman Stover; Commissioners Jones, Watson AGAINST --- Nt~ne ABSTAINING --- Commissioner Mathewson ABSENT --- Commissioner Burke Commissioner Mathewson suggested that approval of the minutes be delayed until Commissioner Burke arrived. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. • No one spoke. Agenda Item No. 3 -- A public hearing on the question of granting a Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a new church building for the College Hills Missionary Baptist Church located at 706 Churchill Street. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Mayo made the following points: 1. The parking spaces were only 18 feet deep. 2. The driveways should be 24 feet wide rather than 22 feet. 3. Spaces ont he south corner of the site would be difficult to get in and out of. 4. The parking area should be paved, curbed and guttered. Mr. Tommy Preston noted that since Churchill Street was not paved, there would be no way the curb of their parking lot could match the grade of the street and that this would cause the parking lot to hold water. He also stated that the new fondation would be 8 unches higher than the existing slab to improve the drainage on the site. Mr. Preston stated that the existing slab would have to be moved in order to change the parking area and that they had not had any problems parking as shown on the proposed plan. Mr. A. G. Searcy spoke in favor of the plan as proposed. • Mr. J. T. Wells spoke in favor of the plan. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Preston stated that the church intended to pave, curb and gutter the parking • MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission August 3, 1978 7:00 P.M. area as soon as Churchill Street was paved. Page 2 Commissioner Mathewson moved that the use permit be granted with the requirement that the parking area be paved, curbed and guttered within 2 years following the paving of Churchill Street. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones. Commissioner Mathewson modified his motion to state that when Churchill Street was paved, the church would submit to the Building Official a revised parking plan. Commissioner Jones accepted the modification. Chairman Stover noted that the parking lot's paving should be 2 feet from the property line and that the 2 year period would start at the date of acceptance by the City of the paving of Churchill Street. The modified motion was approved with Chairman Stover voting against. Ordinance No. 850 to arac ha a minimum of ten Chairman Stover explained the purpose of the proposed amendment. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Mayo stated that, in his opinion, 10 foot spaces would work well, but considering increased land and construction costs, this might be an unnecessary increase. He noted that most of the existing parking spaces in town were 9 feet wide and seemed to function fairly well. Commissioner Jones noted that standard garage doors were only 8 feet wide. Chairman Stover pointed out that the problem was not being able to get in and out of the space, rather it was one of being able to open the car's door when in the space. Mr. Mayo noted that the access problems in parking lots was a function of the width of the driving line more than the width of the parking stall. Mr. Tommy Preston spoke in opposition to the proposed change. Mr. Bobby Horton stated that the trend seemed to be toward smaller cars. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Mathewson noted that, under site plan review, the Commission could require 10 foot spaces where necessary. Commissioner Burke suggested that leaving the size requirement at 9 feet could help the cause of energy conservation by encouraging the continued purchase of smaller, more energy efficient cars. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the ordinance not be passed because the Commission could require a 10 foot space when necessary. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 August 3, 1978 7:00 P.M. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke. • Commissioner Mathewson modified his motion to state that the Planning Department Policy Statement should make it clear that the 9 foot space is a minimum requirement and greater size may be required by the Commission. Commissioner Burke accepted the modification. Commissioner Watson suggested that this type of policy would leave the developer unclear as to what would be required of him. He also noted that the cost of additional requirements on developers and businessmen would be passed on to consumers. The motion was approved with Commissioner Watson voting against. Agenda Ttem No. 5 -- Reconsideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for the construction of an educational buildinl~ for the Second Baptist Church located at 708 Eisenhower Street. Commissioner Watson moved that the item be removed from the table. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke and unanimously approved. Reverend Bob Owens read a letter from T.T.I. giving the church the right to use their parking sapces on Sundays and at nights. • Mr. Owens also read a lease from 707 to the church for 5 spaces in the new phase of the complex. After a lengthy discussion, Commissioner Jones moved that the use permit be granted with the acceptance of the letter from T.T.I. and the lease from 707 Texas as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson. The motion failed by the following vote: FOR --- Commissioners Jones, Watson AGAINST --- Chairman Stover; Commissioners Burke, Mathewson Commissioner Burke suggested that she would be in favor of the permit if some parking were provided on the site for staff members. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the permit be granted under the following conditions: 1. That a minimum of 2 parking spaces be provided on the church site -- need not be paved until Eisenhower Street is paved, curbed and guttered. 2. That congregation parking be handled so as not to become a fire, safety, or health hazard. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson • Commissioner Mathewson stated that the intent of his motion was to require the church to make an effort to provide off-street parking in a safe, efficient manner. The motion was approved with Chairman Stover opposed. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission August 3, 1978 7:00 P.M. Page 4 Agenda Item No. 6 -- Reconsideration of a request for a Site Plan Permit for an • apartment project to be located on the south side of Cooner Street between Nimitz and Eisenhower Streets. The application is in the name of Weldon B. Bomar. Commissioner Watson moved that the item be removed from the table. The motion was unanimously approved. Mr. Mayo explained that this, and the surrounding property was under consideration for rezoning to an R-4 zone. Weldon Bomar stated that he had complied with the requirements of the Commission by reducing the density of the project and providing total off-street parking. He stated that the proposed units were small in size to encourage a smaller number of students to live in the individual units. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the site plan permit be granted with trash pick-up location as approved by City Staff, and that the Commission recommend Council approval of the density of 27 units per acre. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson. Commissioner Mathewson stated that his motion was based on two points: 1. The owner has complied with the requests ~nf the Commission. 2. The small size of the units would attract a lower number of residents than a larger project. • The motion was approved with Commissioner Burke opposed. Commissioner Burke stated that she felt the density of the project was still too high for the area. __ Agenda Teem No t 7 .,-. Consideration of a, f in$1 plat Greek. V3-IIage Cou~,issoner Mathewson moved that the plat .be approved with the requirement of a note on the plat stating that Lots l ~- 6; Stock 1 are for sorority house. use only.. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Burke,. Mr.. Mayo explained that such. a note could cause difficulty ~Eor the. owners and the City in the future The~cnoton failed by the following vote: For: Mathewson, Jones Against: Stover, Watson Absta~'~n.ilig; Burke Commissioner Mathewson moved that the plat be a,ppraved and that the minutes show that the plat, as presented, intended that Lots 1 ~ 6 be for sorority house use.. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson and approved with Commissioner Burke abstaining.. Commissioner Mathewson moved that a use permit be granted for sorority houses to the owners of Lots 1 ~ 6. Mr. Mayo explained that such a permit would expire in only six months. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 5 August 3, 1978 7:00 P.M. Commissioner Mathewson withdrew his motion. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Reconsideration of a final plat - Southwood Valley 10-A. Mr. Mayo explained that the replat would provide a site for a fire substation and that the plat had been approved by City Council. Commissioner Burke moved that the plat be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson and unanimousley approved. Agenda Item No. 9 -~ Reconsideration of a final plat - Quail Run Estates Phase 2. The item was withdrawn by the applicant. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Other business. Commissioner Mathewson asked what the status of the amendment to the Flood Hazard Ordinance was. Mr. Mayo stated that it was still under consideration by City Council and the City Engineer. Commissioner Mathewson stated that he would try to arrange a lecture and slide presentation on flood hydrology for interested members of the Commission and City Council. Commissioner Burke moved that the minutes of the meeting of July 20, 1978 be approved as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Watson and approved with Commissioner Mathewson abstaining. Agenda Item No. 11 -- Adjourn.. Commissioner Watson moved that the meeting be adjourned.. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jones and unanimousley approved. Is